Question For Conservatives.Hillary's Small Rally Crowds.How Come We Never See Them?

Isn't it about time we threw in the towel?
If with the internet and some conservative media we cannot get these voting fools to see the folly in their elected officials and all of their crimes and lies and cover ups by them and the media --- if they cannot admit they have been had by now, they will never change.

No matter what is done or said, Hildebeest is going to be our next president. (vomit)

I give up. I pray and try to be good. I no longer believe anything will change at the higher levels of authority, and so I have kind of stopped caring.

Hillary is unstoppable. You should give up.

Yes, someone with a 55% disapproval rating is "unstoppable." You're not just a Democrat, you're a partisan hack

Okay, who’s going to stop her? your messiah Trump?


What a ditsy twit. You didn't say she'll win because Trump sucks, which is possible, you called her "unstoppable." Trump is going to have to do better, but her negatives are deeply ingrained. Far more than his which shot up because of the primaries. Will he fix it? Don't know. But no one but a partisan hack would call someone with a 55% unfavorable rating "unstoppable."
Oh shut the fuck up.

If you’re one of 3 cars that can mathematically win the Sprint cup in NASCAR going into the last race at homestead and the other two crash…can you call the 3rd car “unstoppable” as long as they don’t die? Of course you can.

If you’d put down you cup of bitterness just for a moment, you may notice this is a 3 car race. One has no chance; one with orange hair is imploding more and more each week and one raised about $26 million dollars in May if I recall. And that was with her 55% disapproval rating. So shove the up your sore ass.

Another reason you can go fuck yourself.

Senate Control in 2014 Increasingly Looks Like a Tossup -

There's a lot to unpack in the post but what it comes down to is a prediction by Nate Silver that the GOP will control the senate after the 2014 election.

I think he's right.

The GOP should retake the Senate in 2014.

The GOP should do very well in 2014 and re-take the Senate. If they do not, they should consider disbanding.

If so, very bad move.

Politico is reporting that a half dozen "insiders" are confirming that a bad loss in NH will result in a shake up of staff and strategy.

This is a very Bad idea this early for Secretary Clinton; which probably means she will do it.


it hasn't happened yet. and these unnamed "insiders" really aren't a source.

Granted. If it was Beirbart or any number of other rags, I'd discount it. Politico...six sources; knowing her penchant for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and saying stuff she needn't say (ala "I didn't inhale)...I think they are strongly considering it. I hope it doesn't happen.

I think she may be thinking about how she didn't do it in 08 and what happened as a result. Someone needs to tell the Secretary that Bernie is not a buzzsaw and that when he doesn't have 6 months to campaign and get his message will be much different. When they start having contests every other week and multiple times a month, Bernie's "army" will fade and she will have momentum and the nomination sewn up in short order.

She was running such a great campaign too. Its a shame if/when it happens.

The above was in a thread that I started by the way…
So is the one below:
Ms. Clinton is not a Shoo-in for the 2016 Nomination

Funny how i’m supposedly a Democrat after all that:

As long as you call me a democrat, Trump will be your messiah

I'm not calling you a Democrat, you are. And Hillary is "unstoppable" and she "is not a Shoo-in?" How do you reconcile that again?

And your analogy is wrong, it's not the last lap. They haven't even started the race yet, they only ran the heats. No one of the 55% that disapprove of Hillary are going to change their mind. She's a long time establishment DC insider, everyone knows her. Trumps negatives are far less deep. I am not saying he will change them, but he can, far, far more than Hillary can. I already made that point, you whiffed on it ...
One has no chance; one with orange hair is imploding more and more each week and one raised about $26 million dollars in May if I recall. And that was with her 55% disapproval rating. So shove the up your sore ass.

Democrats need Hillary to win so raising money isn't difficult by any stretch.
Trump is the best your party can offer. Think about that one for a minute.

False. We could have offered better. Much, much better. But there's no accounting for stupid.

I know. The republicans went for the stupidest candidate possible. It's what they wanted. I guess they wanted someone just as stupid and hateful as them.

Trump is the "stupidest candidate possible?" You're the stupidest voter possible. One thing the guy clearly is not is "stupid." You kool-aid swillers are real pieces of work

Which republican could be a worse choice for the RNC presidential candidate?

Jeb Bush. The election would be over now. Trump is a wild card.

And not being the sharpest spoon in the shed, you moved the goal posts. I said Trump is clearly not stupid. Whether he's a bad candidate or not, he's clearly not stupid
:desk: :cheers2: :nono: Especially in her last boring speech about how to fix the economy that her President screwed up. And who are these people cheering her on, even after she lies to them? Has anyone ever actually seen these crowds? Yes, maybe the paid actors and baffoons that stand behind her and told not to pick their noses while Hillary is speaking.
Something just isn't right. When Hillary speaks before her crowds of 200, she sounds like a robot that works for Burger King, and at the same time, just makes up stuff about Donald Trump. Just like with Polls. No one can possibly believe that about 55/56% of all potential voters have the same IQ as a Titmouse.
:omg: :shock:
Isn't it about time we threw in the towel?
If with the internet and some conservative media we cannot get these voting fools to see the folly in their elected officials and all of their crimes and lies and cover ups by them and the media --- if they cannot admit they have been had by now, they will never change.

No matter what is done or said, Hildebeest is going to be our next president. (vomit)

I give up. I pray and try to be good. I no longer believe anything will change at the higher levels of authority, and so I have kind of stopped caring.

Hillary is unstoppable. You should give up.

Yes, someone with a 55% disapproval rating is "unstoppable." You're not just a Democrat, you're a partisan hack

Trump is the best your party can offer. Think about that one for a minute.
The party didn't pick him, stop and think, period. The doom and gloom is funny on both sides. The economy will likely be the deciding factor for many and he is leading in that area. Most people don't believe more of the same shit will yield different results. And he's only down 5 or 6 points AND Hillary has had little to no bad advertising yet while Trump has had the kitchen sink thrown at him.

Are you trying to say all those people who voted for him aren't republicans? More republicans voted for him than any of the others, because they wanted crazy. That's how it works.
Isn't it about time we threw in the towel?
If with the internet and some conservative media we cannot get these voting fools to see the folly in their elected officials and all of their crimes and lies and cover ups by them and the media --- if they cannot admit they have been had by now, they will never change.

No matter what is done or said, Hildebeest is going to be our next president. (vomit)

I give up. I pray and try to be good. I no longer believe anything will change at the higher levels of authority, and so I have kind of stopped caring.

Hillary is unstoppable. You should give up.

Yes, someone with a 55% disapproval rating is "unstoppable." You're not just a Democrat, you're a partisan hack

Trump is the best your party can offer. Think about that one for a minute.
The party didn't pick him, stop and think, period. The doom and gloom is funny on both sides. The economy will likely be the deciding factor for many and he is leading in that area. Most people don't believe more of the same shit will yield different results. And he's only down 5 or 6 points AND Hillary has had little to no bad advertising yet while Trump has had the kitchen sink thrown at him.

Are you trying to say all those people who voted for him aren't republicans? More republicans voted for him than any of the others, because they wanted crazy. That's how it works.

Crazy is believing an establishment DC insider owned by Wall Street is going to reform our financial system ...
What? Are you trying to say it's democrats fault that you stupid republicans chose an idiot? Here's a hint. Republicans chose Trump. Democrats have their own nominating process, and don't effect yours.


I said it was foolish to allow large blue states to have so much influence. No need to put words into my mouth.

I guess you lost me. How did whether a state is blue, or red, or bright orange like your nominee have anything to do with your primaries? They were REPUBLICAN primaries voted in by REPUBLICANS.
Trump is the best your party can offer. Think about that one for a minute.

False. We could have offered better. Much, much better. But there's no accounting for stupid.

I know. The republicans went for the stupidest candidate possible. It's what they wanted. I guess they wanted someone just as stupid and hateful as them.

Trump is the "stupidest candidate possible?" You're the stupidest voter possible. One thing the guy clearly is not is "stupid." You kool-aid swillers are real pieces of work

Which republican could be a worse choice for the RNC presidential candidate?

Jeb Bush. The election would be over now. Trump is a wild card.

And not being the sharpest spoon in the shed, you moved the goal posts. I said Trump is clearly not stupid. Whether he's a bad candidate or not, he's clearly not stupid

If he thinks the way he is behaving will win the presidency, he's stupid.
Hillary is unstoppable. You should give up.

Yes, someone with a 55% disapproval rating is "unstoppable." You're not just a Democrat, you're a partisan hack

Trump is the best your party can offer. Think about that one for a minute.
The party didn't pick him, stop and think, period. The doom and gloom is funny on both sides. The economy will likely be the deciding factor for many and he is leading in that area. Most people don't believe more of the same shit will yield different results. And he's only down 5 or 6 points AND Hillary has had little to no bad advertising yet while Trump has had the kitchen sink thrown at him.

Are you trying to say all those people who voted for him aren't republicans? More republicans voted for him than any of the others, because they wanted crazy. That's how it works.

Crazy is believing an establishment DC insider owned by Wall Street is going to reform our financial system ...

Trying to change the subject? We were talking about the stupid republicans wanting a stupid candidate. He got the most votes. He is what most Republicans wanted.
Hillary is unstoppable. You should give up.

Yes, someone with a 55% disapproval rating is "unstoppable." You're not just a Democrat, you're a partisan hack

Okay, who’s going to stop her? your messiah Trump?


What a ditsy twit. You didn't say she'll win because Trump sucks, which is possible, you called her "unstoppable." Trump is going to have to do better, but her negatives are deeply ingrained. Far more than his which shot up because of the primaries. Will he fix it? Don't know. But no one but a partisan hack would call someone with a 55% unfavorable rating "unstoppable."
Oh shut the fuck up.

If you’re one of 3 cars that can mathematically win the Sprint cup in NASCAR going into the last race at homestead and the other two crash…can you call the 3rd car “unstoppable” as long as they don’t die? Of course you can.

If you’d put down you cup of bitterness just for a moment, you may notice this is a 3 car race. One has no chance; one with orange hair is imploding more and more each week and one raised about $26 million dollars in May if I recall. And that was with her 55% disapproval rating. So shove the up your sore ass.

Another reason you can go fuck yourself.

Senate Control in 2014 Increasingly Looks Like a Tossup -

There's a lot to unpack in the post but what it comes down to is a prediction by Nate Silver that the GOP will control the senate after the 2014 election.

I think he's right.

The GOP should retake the Senate in 2014.

The GOP should do very well in 2014 and re-take the Senate. If they do not, they should consider disbanding.

If so, very bad move.

Politico is reporting that a half dozen "insiders" are confirming that a bad loss in NH will result in a shake up of staff and strategy.

This is a very Bad idea this early for Secretary Clinton; which probably means she will do it.


it hasn't happened yet. and these unnamed "insiders" really aren't a source.

Granted. If it was Beirbart or any number of other rags, I'd discount it. Politico...six sources; knowing her penchant for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and saying stuff she needn't say (ala "I didn't inhale)...I think they are strongly considering it. I hope it doesn't happen.

I think she may be thinking about how she didn't do it in 08 and what happened as a result. Someone needs to tell the Secretary that Bernie is not a buzzsaw and that when he doesn't have 6 months to campaign and get his message will be much different. When they start having contests every other week and multiple times a month, Bernie's "army" will fade and she will have momentum and the nomination sewn up in short order.

She was running such a great campaign too. Its a shame if/when it happens.

The above was in a thread that I started by the way…
So is the one below:
Ms. Clinton is not a Shoo-in for the 2016 Nomination

Funny how i’m supposedly a Democrat after all that:

As long as you call me a democrat, Trump will be your messiah

I’m not calling you a Democrat, you are.
Evidence points to the contrary but don’t let facts stand in your way.

And Hillary is "unstoppable" and she "is not a Shoo-in?" How do you reconcile that again?
I know you wouldn’t want to read anything that would disturb your love of all things Trump but I wrote that in 2013. Hillary successfully pivoted into being more mainstream by running a tight, disciplined campaign.

And your analogy is wrong, it's not the last lap. They haven’t even started the race yet, they only ran the heats.
You’re cute when you think you know something. The race started the Cruz bowed out to your messiah. And Hillary has lapped the field and is already defining Trump as unfit for service and not trustworthy. Both are sticking to him like glue.

No one of the 55% that disapprove of Hillary are going to change their mind.
You don’t say. Wow…thanks Captain Obvious. She doesn’t need them.

She's a long time establishment DC insider, everyone knows her. Trumps negatives are far less deep.
As soon as your messiah walks back one scandal, he starts another one. I hope he bought you some really strong kneepads.

I am not saying he will change them, but he can, far, far more than Hillary can. I already made that point, you whiffed on it ...

Hillary is cruising. She’ll have mis-steps along the way and your messiah will have some good days but it’s over. Deep down, you know it and you’re incredibly bitter about it.
What? Are you trying to say it's democrats fault that you stupid republicans chose an idiot? Here's a hint. Republicans chose Trump. Democrats have their own nominating process, and don't effect yours.


I said it was foolish to allow large blue states to have so much influence. No need to put words into my mouth.

Large blue states have more people

What is foolish is allowing small red states to have so much power
What? Are you trying to say it's democrats fault that you stupid republicans chose an idiot? Here's a hint. Republicans chose Trump. Democrats have their own nominating process, and don't effect yours.


I said it was foolish to allow large blue states to have so much influence. No need to put words into my mouth.

I guess you lost me. How did whether a state is blue, or red, or bright orange like your nominee have anything to do with your primaries? They were REPUBLICAN primaries voted in by REPUBLICANS.

Trump did the best in States with open primaries. Grasp the obvious ...
False. We could have offered better. Much, much better. But there's no accounting for stupid.

I know. The republicans went for the stupidest candidate possible. It's what they wanted. I guess they wanted someone just as stupid and hateful as them.

Trump is the "stupidest candidate possible?" You're the stupidest voter possible. One thing the guy clearly is not is "stupid." You kool-aid swillers are real pieces of work

Which republican could be a worse choice for the RNC presidential candidate?

Jeb Bush. The election would be over now. Trump is a wild card.

And not being the sharpest spoon in the shed, you moved the goal posts. I said Trump is clearly not stupid. Whether he's a bad candidate or not, he's clearly not stupid

If he thinks the way he is behaving will win the presidency, he's stupid.

Yet he's neck and neck and the race hasn't started
What? Are you trying to say it's democrats fault that you stupid republicans chose an idiot? Here's a hint. Republicans chose Trump. Democrats have their own nominating process, and don't effect yours.


I said it was foolish to allow large blue states to have so much influence. No need to put words into my mouth.

I guess you lost me. How did whether a state is blue, or red, or bright orange like your nominee have anything to do with your primaries? They were REPUBLICAN primaries voted in by REPUBLICANS.

Trump did the best in States with open primaries. Grasp the obvious ...

Gotta prop up your messiah at every turn…
Yes, someone with a 55% disapproval rating is "unstoppable." You're not just a Democrat, you're a partisan hack

Trump is the best your party can offer. Think about that one for a minute.
The party didn't pick him, stop and think, period. The doom and gloom is funny on both sides. The economy will likely be the deciding factor for many and he is leading in that area. Most people don't believe more of the same shit will yield different results. And he's only down 5 or 6 points AND Hillary has had little to no bad advertising yet while Trump has had the kitchen sink thrown at him.

Are you trying to say all those people who voted for him aren't republicans? More republicans voted for him than any of the others, because they wanted crazy. That's how it works.

Crazy is believing an establishment DC insider owned by Wall Street is going to reform our financial system ...

Trying to change the subject? We were talking about the stupid republicans wanting a stupid candidate. He got the most votes. He is what most Republicans wanted.

And crazy is what most Democrats wanted. You don't see how that pertains to the discussion? Of course you don't ...
Trump is the best your party can offer. Think about that one for a minute.

False. We could have offered better. Much, much better. But there's no accounting for stupid.

I know. The republicans went for the stupidest candidate possible. It's what they wanted. I guess they wanted someone just as stupid and hateful as them.

Trump is the "stupidest candidate possible?" You're the stupidest voter possible. One thing the guy clearly is not is "stupid." You kool-aid swillers are real pieces of work

Which republican could be a worse choice for the RNC presidential candidate?

Jeb Bush. The election would be over now. Trump is a wild card.

And not being the sharpest spoon in the shed, you moved the goal posts. I said Trump is clearly not stupid. Whether he's a bad candidate or not, he's clearly not stupid

Jeb couldn't even get his own party. His name is toxic. What on earth make you think he wouldn't be a major fail in the general? Lol

Trump is ignorant and insane? Stupid? He's arrogant. That makes him stupid.
Last edited:
Trump is the best your party can offer. Think about that one for a minute.
The party didn't pick him, stop and think, period. The doom and gloom is funny on both sides. The economy will likely be the deciding factor for many and he is leading in that area. Most people don't believe more of the same shit will yield different results. And he's only down 5 or 6 points AND Hillary has had little to no bad advertising yet while Trump has had the kitchen sink thrown at him.

Are you trying to say all those people who voted for him aren't republicans? More republicans voted for him than any of the others, because they wanted crazy. That's how it works.

Crazy is believing an establishment DC insider owned by Wall Street is going to reform our financial system ...

Trying to change the subject? We were talking about the stupid republicans wanting a stupid candidate. He got the most votes. He is what most Republicans wanted.

And crazy is what most Democrats wanted. You don't see how that pertains to the discussion? Of course you don't ...

Dems are happy to have your crazy candidate. But you idiots voted for him. He's your problem now.
What? Are you trying to say it's democrats fault that you stupid republicans chose an idiot? Here's a hint. Republicans chose Trump. Democrats have their own nominating process, and don't effect yours.


I said it was foolish to allow large blue states to have so much influence. No need to put words into my mouth.

I guess you lost me. How did whether a state is blue, or red, or bright orange like your nominee have anything to do with your primaries? They were REPUBLICAN primaries voted in by REPUBLICANS.

Trump did the best in States with open primaries. Grasp the obvious ...
Exactly....Operation Chaos Pt II was a wonderous thing to behold. :D
Trump is the best your party can offer. Think about that one for a minute.
The party didn't pick him, stop and think, period. The doom and gloom is funny on both sides. The economy will likely be the deciding factor for many and he is leading in that area. Most people don't believe more of the same shit will yield different results. And he's only down 5 or 6 points AND Hillary has had little to no bad advertising yet while Trump has had the kitchen sink thrown at him.

Are you trying to say all those people who voted for him aren't republicans? More republicans voted for him than any of the others, because they wanted crazy. That's how it works.

Crazy is believing an establishment DC insider owned by Wall Street is going to reform our financial system ...

Trying to change the subject? We were talking about the stupid republicans wanting a stupid candidate. He got the most votes. He is what most Republicans wanted.

And crazy is what most Democrats wanted. You don't see how that pertains to the discussion? Of course you don't ...

Yes, Hillary is what the Democrats wanted. 15 million voters, Presidents Obama, Clinton and Carter, Vice Presidents Biden and Gore, Democratic leaders in both the House and Senate...all support her candidacy

Trump got Sarah Palin to support him
Yes, someone with a 55% disapproval rating is "unstoppable." You're not just a Democrat, you're a partisan hack

Okay, who’s going to stop her? your messiah Trump?


What a ditsy twit. You didn't say she'll win because Trump sucks, which is possible, you called her "unstoppable." Trump is going to have to do better, but her negatives are deeply ingrained. Far more than his which shot up because of the primaries. Will he fix it? Don't know. But no one but a partisan hack would call someone with a 55% unfavorable rating "unstoppable."
Oh shut the fuck up.

If you’re one of 3 cars that can mathematically win the Sprint cup in NASCAR going into the last race at homestead and the other two crash…can you call the 3rd car “unstoppable” as long as they don’t die? Of course you can.

If you’d put down you cup of bitterness just for a moment, you may notice this is a 3 car race. One has no chance; one with orange hair is imploding more and more each week and one raised about $26 million dollars in May if I recall. And that was with her 55% disapproval rating. So shove the up your sore ass.

Another reason you can go fuck yourself.

Senate Control in 2014 Increasingly Looks Like a Tossup -

There's a lot to unpack in the post but what it comes down to is a prediction by Nate Silver that the GOP will control the senate after the 2014 election.

I think he's right.

The GOP should retake the Senate in 2014.

The GOP should do very well in 2014 and re-take the Senate. If they do not, they should consider disbanding.

If so, very bad move.

Politico is reporting that a half dozen "insiders" are confirming that a bad loss in NH will result in a shake up of staff and strategy.

This is a very Bad idea this early for Secretary Clinton; which probably means she will do it.


it hasn't happened yet. and these unnamed "insiders" really aren't a source.

Granted. If it was Beirbart or any number of other rags, I'd discount it. Politico...six sources; knowing her penchant for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory and saying stuff she needn't say (ala "I didn't inhale)...I think they are strongly considering it. I hope it doesn't happen.

I think she may be thinking about how she didn't do it in 08 and what happened as a result. Someone needs to tell the Secretary that Bernie is not a buzzsaw and that when he doesn't have 6 months to campaign and get his message will be much different. When they start having contests every other week and multiple times a month, Bernie's "army" will fade and she will have momentum and the nomination sewn up in short order.

She was running such a great campaign too. Its a shame if/when it happens.

The above was in a thread that I started by the way…
So is the one below:
Ms. Clinton is not a Shoo-in for the 2016 Nomination

Funny how i’m supposedly a Democrat after all that:

As long as you call me a democrat, Trump will be your messiah

I’m not calling you a Democrat, you are.
Evidence points to the contrary but don’t let facts stand in your way.

And Hillary is "unstoppable" and she "is not a Shoo-in?" How do you reconcile that again?
I know you wouldn’t want to read anything that would disturb your love of all things Trump but I wrote that in 2013. Hillary successfully pivoted into being more mainstream by running a tight, disciplined campaign.

And your analogy is wrong, it's not the last lap. They haven’t even started the race yet, they only ran the heats.
You’re cute when you think you know something. The race started the Cruz bowed out to your messiah. And Hillary has lapped the field and is already defining Trump as unfit for service and not trustworthy. Both are sticking to him like glue.

No one of the 55% that disapprove of Hillary are going to change their mind.
You don’t say. Wow…thanks Captain Obvious. She doesn’t need them.

She's a long time establishment DC insider, everyone knows her. Trumps negatives are far less deep.
As soon as your messiah walks back one scandal, he starts another one. I hope he bought you some really strong kneepads.

I am not saying he will change them, but he can, far, far more than Hillary can. I already made that point, you whiffed on it ...

Hillary is cruising. She’ll have mis-steps along the way and your messiah will have some good days but it’s over. Deep down, you know it and you’re incredibly bitter about it.

The race hasn't started, neither candidate has been nominated by their party. But quibble over that or not, clearly your view they are in the last lap is ridiculous. And again you ignore that the candidate with the "tight, disciplined campaign" has a deeply entrenched 55% negative rating while Trump clearly has the opportunity to change his rating significantly. Most fall voters are only going so far by the media reporting of Trump.

I do find the tight, disciplined campaign to be comical, you really think Fido has done that? :lmao: What a partisan Democrat hack ...
What? Are you trying to say it's democrats fault that you stupid republicans chose an idiot? Here's a hint. Republicans chose Trump. Democrats have their own nominating process, and don't effect yours.


I said it was foolish to allow large blue states to have so much influence. No need to put words into my mouth.

I guess you lost me. How did whether a state is blue, or red, or bright orange like your nominee have anything to do with your primaries? They were REPUBLICAN primaries voted in by REPUBLICANS.

Trump did the best in States with open primaries. Grasp the obvious ...

Gotta prop up your messiah at every turn…

How is saying Democrats voted for Trump propping him up? Wouldn't I want to claim Republicans wanted him to do that? Didn't think that one through, did you, dearest?


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