Question for Iraq war supporters

You do if you cite lib talking points....
Did I defend his assertions? I don't remember actually doing that. I remember saying I remember the riots, and pointed out that there were enough anti-American Muslims to make up 10s of thousands.

your memory is selectively faulty.... but nonetheless...

we should consider the billion plus muslims on the planet our de facto enemies because a minuscule number of them hate us?

and all you need to do now is find one place where I have "cited" lib talking points. I'll wait.
I didn't say you did. I said IF you did.

And since you didn't pull a quote of me supporting the premise you said I did, I'll rest my case, and share with you the sage advice I offered to Jillian.

Try actually reading what's written, instead of inserting your own bias about those who don't agree with you..and subsequently, bastardizing what is actually said.
Maineman questions the idea that "we should consider the billion plus muslims on the planet our de facto enemies because a minuscule number of them hate us".

According to the Gallup Polls, that "miniscule number" is about 80 million.

Maineman's comment reminds me of the scene in The Godfather, where Salluzo says to the Godlather ... "... if to you one million dollars is 'just finance' ... te salud!!"

But the point is: Of course we should not consider the one billion enemies. But what about the 80 million?
Maineman questions the idea that "we should consider the billion plus muslims on the planet our de facto enemies because a minuscule number of them hate us".

According to the Gallup Polls, that "miniscule number" is about 80 million.

Maineman's comment reminds me of the scene in The Godfather, where Salluzo says to the Godlather ... "... if to you one million dollars is 'just finance' ... te salud!!"

But the point is: Of course we should not consider the one billion enemies. But what about the 80 million?

stateless terrorists, to which the response should never be: invade, conquer and occupy an arab nation-state, especially one that has no substantive connection with the stateless terrorists that seek do do us harm.
Maineman questions the idea that "we should consider the billion plus muslims on the planet our de facto enemies because a minuscule number of them hate us".

According to the Gallup Polls, that "miniscule number" is about 80 million.

Maineman's comment reminds me of the scene in The Godfather, where Salluzo says to the Godlather ... "... if to you one million dollars is 'just finance' ... te salud!!"

But the point is: Of course we should not consider the one billion enemies. But what about the 80 million?

Let's take your statistic at face value.

What does it mean that they "hate" us?

3.9 billion people on this planet hate your president. It doesn't mean they want to assasinate him or kill him.

I seriously doubt 80 million muslims are contemplating invading north america, or climbing into the cockpit of an aircraft to fly into the Sears tower.
Let's take your statistic at face value.

What does it mean that they "hate" us?

3.9 billion people on this planet hate your president. It doesn't mean they want to assasinate him or kill him.

I seriously doubt 80 million muslims are contemplating invading north america, or climbing into the cockpit of an aircraft to fly into the Sears tower.

bingo...and I CERTAINLY don't think that invading, conquering, and occupying a country that had ZIPPO to do with the attacks on us is an appropriate response to 9/11, especially considering the fact that the masterminds of the attacks against us remain at large!
bingo...and I CERTAINLY don't think that invading, conquering, and occupying a country that had ZIPPO to do with the attacks on us is an appropriate response to 9/11, especially considering the fact that the masterminds of the attacks against us remain at large!

Iraq under Saddam had zero to do with attacks on the US? What fanatasy world have you been living in?

Saddam tried to have a President assassinated , he routinely fired on US and British Aircraft and he was shopping around for an international terrorist organization to attack us.

He was a direct threat to his neighbors and would have been back to his usual business as soon as his buddies France, Russia and China got sanctions lifted. His neighbors provide most of the oil to our European and Japanese allies. In other words he was a direct threat to US interests.
Iraq under Saddam had zero to do with attacks on the US? What fanatasy world have you been living in?

Saddam tried to have a President assassinated , he routinely fired on US and British Aircraft and he was shopping around for an international terrorist organization to attack us.

He was a direct threat to his neighbors and would have been back to his usual business as soon as his buddies France, Russia and China got sanctions lifted. His neighbors provide most of the oil to our European and Japanese allies. In other words he was a direct threat to US interests.

*CIA/Senate Bipartisan Report on Iraq Intelligence, September 2006:

-Conclusion 5: Postwar information indicates that Saddam Hussein attempted, unsuccessfully, to locate and capture al-Zarqawi and that the regime did not have a relationship with, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi

-Conclusion 1: "Postwar findings indicate that Saddam Hussein was distrustful of al-Qa'ida and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from al-Qa'ida to provide material or operational support."

-Conclusion 4: "Postwar findings support the April 2002 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) assessment that there was no credible reporting on al-Qa'ida training at Salman Pak or anywhere else in Iraq. There have been no credible reports since the war that Iraq trained al-Qa'ida operatives at Salman Pak to conduct or support transnational terrorist operations."

-Conclusion 6: Prewar interactions between Saddam Hussein's government and al-Qaeda affiliate group Ansar al-Islam were attempts by Saddam to spy on the group rather than to support or work with them.. "Postwar information reveals that Baghdad viewed Ansar al-Islam as a threat to the regime and that the IIS attempted to collect intelligence on the group."
*CIA/Senate Bipartisan Report on Iraq Intelligence, September 2006:

-Conclusion 5: Postwar information indicates that Saddam Hussein attempted, unsuccessfully, to locate and capture al-Zarqawi and that the regime did not have a relationship with, harbor, or turn a blind eye toward Zarqawi

-Conclusion 1: "Postwar findings indicate that Saddam Hussein was distrustful of al-Qa'ida and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from al-Qa'ida to provide material or operational support."

-Conclusion 4: "Postwar findings support the April 2002 Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) assessment that there was no credible reporting on al-Qa'ida training at Salman Pak or anywhere else in Iraq. There have been no credible reports since the war that Iraq trained al-Qa'ida operatives at Salman Pak to conduct or support transnational terrorist operations."

-Conclusion 6: Prewar interactions between Saddam Hussein's government and al-Qaeda affiliate group Ansar al-Islam were attempts by Saddam to spy on the group rather than to support or work with them.. "Postwar information reveals that Baghdad viewed Ansar al-Islam as a threat to the regime and that the IIS attempted to collect intelligence on the group." par for the course with Liberal lying loons.
Iraq under Saddam had zero to do with attacks on the US? What fanatasy world have you been living in?

Saddam tried to have a President assassinated , he routinely fired on US and British Aircraft and he was shopping around for an international terrorist organization to attack us.

He was a direct threat to his neighbors and would have been back to his usual business as soon as his buddies France, Russia and China got sanctions lifted. His neighbors provide most of the oil to our European and Japanese allies. In other words he was a direct threat to US interests.

are you suggesting that Saddam had anything to do with 9/11?

or are you, instead, suggesting that an unsuccessful attempt at having a FORMER president assassinated is just cause for shock and awe and the invasion, conquest, and occupation of a sovereign nation?

Our own secretary of state clearly and unambiguously stated months BEFORE 9/11 that Saddam was no longer a threat to even his neighbors, let alone US.
are you suggesting that Saddam had anything to do with 9/11?

or are you, instead, suggesting that an unsuccessful attempt at having a FORMER president assassinated is just cause for shock and awe and the invasion, conquest, and occupation of a sovereign nation?

Our own secretary of state clearly and unambiguously stated months BEFORE 9/11 that Saddam was no longer a threat to even his neighbors, let alone US.

Same old tired bullshit from you. The Invasion had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein having anything to do with 9/11. Further my post does not even mention it. Just the usual leftiod attempt to divert and misdirect.

The Justification for war is listed and available to anyone that cares to read it. It has been posted here more than once. Now, on que demand I link to it once again, in the hopes I won't so you can pretend it is not so.
Same old tired bullshit from you. The Invasion had nothing to do with Saddam Hussein having anything to do with 9/11. Further my post does not even mention it. Just the usual leftiod attempt to divert and misdirect.

The Justification for war is listed and available to anyone that cares to read it. It has been posted here more than once. Now, on que demand I link to it once again, in the hopes I won't so you can pretend it is not so.

you did say:

Iraq under Saddam had zero to do with attacks on the US? What fanatasy world have you been living in? Or, are you talking about his ineffective attempts to shoot down our aircraft flying over his territory? He never once came close to damaging any of our CAP...they routinely took out his radar and antiquated AA sites whenever he tried. Hardly what I would call "an ATTACK ON the United States".

and I know full well what the "everything but the kitchen sink" use of force resolution listed as "justification". I am suggesting that in MY humble opinion, that was legal bullshit... and that, IMHO, placing that grabbag of UN sanction violations and other non-critical issues ABOVE the war against Islamic extremism was, and continues to be the absolute worst foreign policy debacle in our nation's history.
you did say:

Iraq under Saddam had zero to do with attacks on the US? What fanatasy world have you been living in? Or, are you talking about his ineffective attempts to shoot down our aircraft flying over his territory? He never once came close to damaging any of our CAP...they routinely took out his radar and antiquated AA sites whenever he tried. Hardly what I would call "an ATTACK ON the United States".

and I know full well what the "everything but the kitchen sink" use of force resolution listed as "justification". I am suggesting that in MY humble opinion, that was legal bullshit... and that, IMHO, placing that grabbag of UN sanction violations and other non-critical issues ABOVE the war against Islamic extremism was, and continues to be the absolute worst foreign policy debacle in our nation's history.

And I will reference you to your own words in my signature as to opinions. Isn't it amazing when someone you disagree with has an opinion they are liars and you demand proof of some kind.

There was never a link made between Iraq and 9/11. In fact all you will find is the repeated statement there was NO link. Yet you try to derail everything by pretending there was.
And I will reference you to your own words in my signature as to opinions. Isn't it amazing when someone you disagree with has an opinion they are liars and you demand proof of some kind.

There was never a link made between Iraq and 9/11. In fact all you will find is the repeated statement there was NO link. Yet you try to derail everything by pretending there was.

my quote, which you use out of context, was in regard to YOUR opinion about a question that had already been adjudicated by the Supreme Court.

Not only would YOUR opinion be worth nothing, so would the opinion of every appellate court justice....but keep using it out of context all you like.

So when Cheney said, "In reference to 9/11", and then went on to discuss the meeting between Atta and Iraqi security agents.... there was no connection made? just how fucking thick ARE you????? :rofl:
my quote, which you use out of context, was in regard to YOUR opinion about a question that had already been adjudicated by the Supreme Court.

Not only would YOUR opinion be worth nothing, so would the opinion of every appellate court justice....but keep using it out of context all you like.

So when Cheney said, "In reference to 9/11", and then went on to discuss the meeting between Atta and Iraqi security agents.... there was no connection made? just how fucking thick ARE you????? :rofl:

* September 14, 2003:

Vice President Dick Cheney: With respect to 9/11, of course, we’ve had the story that’s been public out there. The Czechs alleged that Mohamed Atta, the lead attacker, met in Prague with a senior Iraqi intelligence official five months before the attack, but we’ve never been able to develop anymore of that yet either in terms of confirming it or discrediting it. We just don’t know.

Yeah...just how fuckin' thick are you, MM....Your reading comp. really sux....

The CZECHS ALLEGE....understand that? THE CZECHS...

WE (the US) have never been able to develop anymore of that yet either in terms of confirming it or discrediting it...

do you need that explained to you..? WE JUST DON"T about this? mostly four letter words..even YOU must be able to grasp the meaning ....WE JUST DON'T KNOW....

there was no connection made? Correct....there was NEVER any connection made by the VP...NEVER!
* September 14, 2003:

Vice President Dick Cheney: With respect to 9/11, of course, we’ve had the story that’s been public out there. The Czechs alleged that Mohamed Atta, the lead attacker, met in Prague with a senior Iraqi intelligence official five months before the attack, but we’ve never been able to develop anymore of that yet either in terms of confirming it or discrediting it. We just don’t know.

Yeah...just how fuckin' thick are you, MM....Your reading comp. really sux....

The CZECHS ALLEGE....understand that? THE CZECHS...

WE (the US) have never been able to develop anymore of that yet either in terms of confirming it or discrediting it...

do you need that explained to you..? WE JUST DON"T about this? mostly four letter words..even YOU must be able to grasp the meaning ....WE JUST DON'T KNOW....

there was no connection made? Correct....there was NEVER any connection made by the VP...NEVER!

MM: I dunno.... with respect to fucking babies, I have read where a guy named Dixie alleged that Alpha1 has been fucking babies since he was in high school....but we really can't CONFIRM that. Dixie claims he's got pretty solid evidence - photgraphs and blood stained clown suits and all... we can't confirm it...but it has been alleged that he did.

How many times do I have to say that before people get the idea regarding your particular perverse sexual proclivities? And are you really going to say that, in the paragraph I just wrote, I did not make a "connection" between you and fucking babies????? really????
MM: I dunno.... with respect to fucking babies, I have read where a guy named Dixie alleged that Alpha1 has been fucking babies since he was in high school....but we really can't CONFIRM that. Dixie claims he's got pretty solid evidence - photgraphs and blood stained clown suits and all... we can't confirm it...but it has been alleged that he did.

How many times do I have to say that before people get the idea regarding your particular perverse sexual proclivities? And are you really going to say that, in the paragraph I just wrote, I did not make a "connection" between you and fucking babies????? really????

Usual cheap personal attacks by you when your so full of shit and shown to be ignorant on an issue. Usual Liberal tactic, try and divert the topic and lead away from the failed lies presented.
Usual cheap personal attacks by you when your so full of shit and shown to be ignorant on an issue. Usual Liberal tactic, try and divert the topic and lead away from the failed lies presented.

just answer the question: do you think that I connected him to baby fucking or not?

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