Question for Republicans: How do you expect to recover from Trump?

As I've said 1000x times, Democrats and liberals are champions of projection and false narratives. A few great examples:

They had their asses handed to them by the Republicans, so they created a Russian narrative out of butt-hurt, only to discover it's the Democrats who are guilty of collusion with the Russions, and for far worse reasons.

So what does the common liberal do? Ah shucks, "the Republicans are fucked."

Tell you what, if I were Democrat and/or liberal I'd go into hiding and do a gut-check. Their narratives are shit and same for their party.
The Republicans chose to destroy themselves, from their love affair with Big Business to their love affair with phony "Christians" They chose to get into bed with these people. Shame on them.


They refuse to accept that a person is a Christian for bullshit reasons,

but consider it bigotry, if someone defines gender by a person's actual biology.
A person is a Christian only if s/he chooses to follow the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth. Read the Sermon on the Mount. You may choose to follow dobson, jeffress, graham, robertson, but they have nothing to do with Christianity.
Still don't know what this lady is screaming about. I hope it's about trump's threats to use nuclear weapons on north korea.
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?

Wow. RW, it's so nice of you to be concerned for the welfare of your enemies that you hate....

Wait a minute, that's not like you at all.

YOu just want us to turn on each other because you know that you can't even defend your policies based on their merits. to win that way.

I've always said,

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Haven't you noticed that it is the 'conservatives" who turn tail and run? Sandra Fluke wants to testify in front of Congress. Supporters of Planned Parenthood want to deliver petitions. Folks who might lose their medical coverage need to talk to their representative in Congress. All the "conservatives" ever do is lock the doors to their offices, dive for the back seat of their limos. Anything to get away from the people and to have to defend their policies. Run, run, run away.
Haven't you noticed that it is the 'conservatives" who turn tail and run? Sandra Fluke wants to testify in front of Congress. Supporters of Planned Parenthood want to deliver petitions. Folks who might lose their medical coverage need to talk to their representative in Congress. All the "conservatives" ever do is lock the doors to their offices, dive for the back seat of their limos. Anything to get away from the people and to have to defend their policies. Run, run, run away.
No doubt that they've got YU programmed. Sheeeesh! :rolleyes:
The Republicans chose to destroy themselves, from their love affair with Big Business to their love affair with phony "Christians" They chose to get into bed with these people. Shame on them.


They refuse to accept that a person is a Christian for bullshit reasons,

but consider it bigotry, if someone defines gender by a person's actual biology.
A person is a Christian only if s/he chooses to follow the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth. Read the Sermon on the Mount. You may choose to follow dobson, jeffress, graham, robertson, but they have nothing to do with Christianity.
Still don't know what this lady is screaming about. I hope it's about trump's threats to use nuclear weapons on north korea.

NO, a person is a GOOD Christian if he or she follows the teachings of Jesus.

A person who self identifies as a Christian should normally have their self identification respected and not attacked on pathetically partisan grounds.

Your comfort with dismissing the Faith of millions of people, on political grounds, is you being a bad person.
Question for Republicans: How do you expect to recover from Trump?


meanwhile the DNC is broke

and under FEC investigations


better look in your own mirror

Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?

Wow. RW, it's so nice of you to be concerned for the welfare of your enemies that you hate....

Wait a minute, that's not like you at all.

YOu just want us to turn on each other because you know that you can't even defend your policies based on their merits. to win that way.

I've always said,

Liberals: All the intellectual honesty of a crack whore.

Haven't you noticed that it is the 'conservatives" who turn tail and run? Sandra Fluke wants to testify in front of Congress. Supporters of Planned Parenthood want to deliver petitions. Folks who might lose their medical coverage need to talk to their representative in Congress. All the "conservatives" ever do is lock the doors to their offices, dive for the back seat of their limos. Anything to get away from the people and to have to defend their policies. Run, run, run away.

No I have not seen that.

I've seen liberals afraid of hearing truth they can't refute, using violence and authority to ban speech they don't want to hear.

RW, does not want to help the republicans. HE has written on his desire for a Defacto One Party State with Dems in absolute control.

I've discussed it with him often and at length.
Trump is destroying your party

He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?


Trump is not destroying the GOP. Even if he doesn't drain the swamp, the worst that will happen is that it will remain the same. If he does drain the GOP of the baddies like Flake, it will be better. There's no scenario that is bad for the GOP.

We will not lose the House and we may not lose the Senate. You people are paying attention to polls again.

No matter what happens, There isn't much I can do about it.
No I have not seen that.
You d
So you didn't see Sandra Fluke trying to testify on the subject of why birth control is important to female people? You didn't see Paul Ryan locking his office door and calling security when the American people tried deliver 89,000 petitions to him, in boxes, peaceful people, on behalf of Planned Parenthood and the work it does (yes, I was a beneficiary so long ago of the work that PP does for the betterment of American society). You haven't seen people who were elected to Congress running out of Town Hall meetings when an American whom they purport to represent in Congress tries toquestion him/her as to their medical insurance or their taxes, or their drinking water.
I am so tired of these cowards. This is my take-away. People calling themselves ""conservatives" are cowards who cannot stand up in public an d explain their ideas.
No I have not seen that.
You d
So you didn't see Sandra Fluke trying to testify on the subject of why birth control is important to female people? You didn't see Paul Ryan locking his office door and calling security when the American people tried deliver 89,000 petitions to him, in boxes, peaceful people, on behalf of Planned Parenthood and the work it does (yes, I was a beneficiary so long ago of the work that PP does for the betterment of American society). You haven't seen people who were elected to Congress running out of Town Hall meetings when an American whom they purport to represent in Congress tries toquestion him/her as to their medical insurance or their taxes, or their drinking water.
I am so tired of these cowards. This is my take-away. People calling themselves ""conservatives" are cowards who cannot stand up in public an d explain their ideas.

Well ... I am a conservative ... Sorry if you don't understand what that means.
As far as I am concerned ... Smaller government and less federal government intrusion in our lives is exactly what I stand for.

If you would like to suggest that anything you have to offer is the result of more governmental intervention ... You can tell me, but it will be waste of time on your part.
It doesn't mean I don't have my own opinions about birth control, abortion, gay marriage etc. ... And what those things may mean to anyone.

Because I am actually a conservative ... None of those things are any of the federal government's business.
As a conservative ... I reserve the power of The People to The People ... Not the government.

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Trump is not destroying the GOP. Even if he doesn't drain the swamp, the worst that will happen is that it will remain the same. If he does drain the GOP of the baddies like Flake, it will be better. There's no scenario that is bad for the GOP.

We will not lose the House and we may not lose the Senate. You people are paying attention to polls again.

No matter what happens, There isn't much I can do about it.

If the Republican constituents figure out what the Republicans are doing ... That could be a bad scenario.

The Republican controlled House Ways and Means Committee is working on legislation that further limits the allowable deffered contributions to 401k's.
They plan on adding it as part of the tax reform plan ... And it changes the limit from $18,000 to $2,400 annually.
That's not even tax breaks for the rich ... That's screwing the working class and their ability to recognize more savings opportunities and secure their long term goals.

Unfortunately ... The Democrats damn sure aren't an alternative to that ... They would love to have the money as well.

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Haven't you noticed that it is the 'conservatives" who turn tail and run? Sandra Fluke wants to testify in front of Congress. Supporters of Planned Parenthood want to deliver petitions. Folks who might lose their medical coverage need to talk to their representative in Congress. All the "conservatives" ever do is lock the doors to their offices, dive for the back seat of their limos. Anything to get away from the people and to have to defend their policies. Run, run, run away.
No doubt that they've got YU programmed. Sheeeesh! :rolleyes:
I did not vote for these people and I did not make them into the cowards that they have proven themselves to be. I was not "programmed" by anyone. You were. Probably by some trash like jeffress, frankie graham, dobson maybe. Get some monkey like trump or pence or ryan or one of the other "Christian" sex pigs to come out and talk.

Trump is not destroying the GOP. Even if he doesn't drain the swamp, the worst that will happen is that it will remain the same. If he does drain the GOP of the baddies like Flake, it will be better. There's no scenario that is bad for the GOP.

We will not lose the House and we may not lose the Senate. You people are paying attention to polls again.

No matter what happens, There isn't much I can do about it.

If the Republican constituents figure out what the Republicans are doing ... That could be a bad scenario.

The Republican controlled House Ways and Means Committee is working on legislation that further limits the allowable deffered contributions to 401k's.
They plan on adding it as part of the tax reform plan ... And it changes the limit from $18,000 to $2,400 annually.
That's not even tax breaks for the rich ... That's screwing the working class and their ability to recognize more savings opportunities and secure their long term goals.

Unfortunately ... The Democrats damn sure aren't an alternative to that ... They would love to have the money as well.


That bill still has to pass the Senate.
That bill still has to pass the Senate.

Whether it passes or not ... It is what they are putting in the bill.
They may use it to negotiate in committee ... But I would fire(or do my best to get him primary'd out) my representative if he even suggested it ... :thup:

That bill still has to pass the Senate.

Whether it passes or not ... It is what they are putting in the bill.
They may use it to negotiate in committee ... But I would fire(or do my best to get him primary'd out) my representative if he even suggested it ... :thup:


My point was that it's too soon to worry about it. It's likely to be changed or voted down.
He may cost you the House and Senate

What do you plan to do about it?

Funny. Given the Democratic platform has given rise to Trump in the first place, and why Republicanism is the dominant political ideology right now.

Now you're giving lectures on electoral politics? What are you going to say next? That the electoral college isn't in the Constitution?


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