Question For The Gun Haters

How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

So instead he rolls up with a Timothy McCaigh special in the back of a UHaul and blows the whole place to Kingdom Come.

That would be just so much better.

Wow, tell you what, you go rent a van from Uhaul, go to the feed store and buy all those components, go to your favorite Coop and fill all those.......What do you mean you can't and you are now in a very small room with lots of cops asking uncomfortable questions for the next 24 hours of sleep deprivation.
You can steal all of that shit.

Try it and get a rude awakening when you end up with every level of Law Enforcement putting YOU on the top of their list. You had better use it fast, like in a few hours because that is all the time you will have if even that much. Some still try and none get it done.
n easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case? ca
The mental case's AR jammed.

How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

How many people would have died if bad drivers hadn't been given the keys to a car?

What's your point?
the car comparison is ridiculous
cars are used so much more than guns--you cannot even calculate it
cars much safer than guns
cars continuously redesigned for survival--guns to kill
for cars, you need:
written exam
driving test
eye test
license plate/license/renewal every so many years
16 years old
very idiotic comparison --humans need cars for many things--we do not need guns
If ONLY we were as careful about handing out guns as we are about giving people the right to drive.
We let 16 year old idiots drive
You have to be an adult to buy a rife and 21 to buy a handgun
We can live without guns.

Cars... not so much.
humans could not live without cars---no food for some
how would you get all the food needed to them?
get to the doctor if you are dying? hurt? sick?

So I guess humans didn't exist until after cars were invented
you people are so full of shit
those humans GREW UP without cars---feeding off the land
without cars/trucks:
no ac/heating
no phones
no MODERN sewage systems
no modern water supply
etc etc etc
humans today need all of that--without it:
and getting to the doctor will not be easy
please tell me how the food will get to the people?

Hey you're the idiot that said human can't live without cars and history proves you wrong since humans have lived without cars longer that they have with cars

Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it
YOU FUCKING MORON! How humans survived thousands of years ago has ZERO to do with what the world is today.
Take all the cars/trucks away from the millions who depend on driving to work/delivering goods everyday and watch the entire economy fail within days.
No cars/trucks-------no food. Those who keep the water supply flowing need cars/trucks. No cars/trucks--------no water supply for everyone.

You don't even know why your knickers are in a twist do you?

I never once said anything about getting rid of cars

All I did was point out that saying humans can't survive if there were no cars is not only incorrect but also stupid
humans could not live without cars---no food for some
how would you get all the food needed to them?
get to the doctor if you are dying? hurt? sick?

So I guess humans didn't exist until after cars were invented
you people are so full of shit
those humans GREW UP without cars---feeding off the land
without cars/trucks:
no ac/heating
no phones
no MODERN sewage systems
no modern water supply
etc etc etc
humans today need all of that--without it:
and getting to the doctor will not be easy
please tell me how the food will get to the people?

Hey you're the idiot that said human can't live without cars and history proves you wrong since humans have lived without cars longer that they have with cars

Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it
YOU FUCKING MORON! How humans survived thousands of years ago has ZERO to do with what the world is today.
Take all the cars/trucks away from the millions who depend on driving to work/delivering goods everyday and watch the entire economy fail within days.
No cars/trucks-------no food. Those who keep the water supply flowing need cars/trucks. No cars/trucks--------no water supply for everyone.

You don't even know why your knickers are in a twist do you?

I never once said anything about getting rid of cars

All I did was point out that saying humans can't survive if there were no cars is not only incorrect but also stupid
Tell that to the millions of people living in apartments.
If every car in NYC was removed how long do you think it would be before millions of people in the city would be starving to death?
"Hello? I'd like to get a cab to go to the grocery store. What the fuck do you mean there are no longer any taxis in the city!?"
So I guess humans didn't exist until after cars were invented
you people are so full of shit
those humans GREW UP without cars---feeding off the land
without cars/trucks:
no ac/heating
no phones
no MODERN sewage systems
no modern water supply
etc etc etc
humans today need all of that--without it:
and getting to the doctor will not be easy
please tell me how the food will get to the people?

Hey you're the idiot that said human can't live without cars and history proves you wrong since humans have lived without cars longer that they have with cars

Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it
YOU FUCKING MORON! How humans survived thousands of years ago has ZERO to do with what the world is today.
Take all the cars/trucks away from the millions who depend on driving to work/delivering goods everyday and watch the entire economy fail within days.
No cars/trucks-------no food. Those who keep the water supply flowing need cars/trucks. No cars/trucks--------no water supply for everyone.

You don't even know why your knickers are in a twist do you?

I never once said anything about getting rid of cars

All I did was point out that saying humans can't survive if there were no cars is not only incorrect but also stupid
Tell that to the millions of people living in apartments.
If every car in NYC was removed how long do you think it would be before millions of people in the city would be starving to death?
"Hello? I'd like to get a cab to go to the grocery store. What the fuck do you mean there are no longer any taxis in the city!?"

Hey Shitforbrains

I never said anything about getting rid of all cars

WHen you figure out why your panties are in a twist get back to me
So I guess humans didn't exist until after cars were invented
you people are so full of shit
those humans GREW UP without cars---feeding off the land
without cars/trucks:
no ac/heating
no phones
no MODERN sewage systems
no modern water supply
etc etc etc
humans today need all of that--without it:
and getting to the doctor will not be easy
please tell me how the food will get to the people?

Hey you're the idiot that said human can't live without cars and history proves you wrong since humans have lived without cars longer that they have with cars

Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it
YOU FUCKING MORON! How humans survived thousands of years ago has ZERO to do with what the world is today.
Take all the cars/trucks away from the millions who depend on driving to work/delivering goods everyday and watch the entire economy fail within days.
No cars/trucks-------no food. Those who keep the water supply flowing need cars/trucks. No cars/trucks--------no water supply for everyone.

You don't even know why your knickers are in a twist do you?

I never once said anything about getting rid of cars

All I did was point out that saying humans can't survive if there were no cars is not only incorrect but also stupid
Tell that to the millions of people living in apartments.
If every car in NYC was removed how long do you think it would be before millions of people in the city would be starving to death?
"Hello? I'd like to get a cab to go to the grocery store. What the fuck do you mean there are no longer any taxis in the city!?"

Easy answer. One that MOST people in places like NYC already do. MOST already use bicycles, walk and public transportation. You really don't want to know the cost of parking a private car in NYC.

Besides, the small business shopping stores are alive and well in many inner cities within walking distance so you really don't need to drive to get your food every day. Suburbia USA is one thing but the Apartment Dwellers has a different lifestyle since you used that as an example.

Suburbia, USA would have to respond by having their small shopping stores locate closer to where people live. Mom and Pop stores would become vogue once again.

BTW, for the first time in History, Norway has more electric car sales than fossil fuel car sales. In 10 years, it's predicted that there will be almost zero fossil fuel car sales. By 2030, fossil fuel cars will be banned. Then the trucks will be next Already, Norway is better than carbon neutral and almost all their electricity comes from power other than fossil fuels or Nuclear. They leveled their last coal plant last week. They use Solar, Wind and Hydro (both Dam and Ocean) for almost all their power. Yes, it's a small country but it's also a very rich country. Their public transportation is one of the best in the world in the form of electric buses, electric trains, electric cabs, etc.. It's what can happen when a country Nationalizes something. I know, this sounds terrible to the ears of an American but I know of at least one city in Texas quickly headed in that direction and it's a Republican ran mayor. A City can do it, a town can do it. Many States can do it with provisions. The Western States will have to have a lot of provisions but it can be done. And it will cost the citizen less to operate their vehicles. Maybe it will get many of the western states off their dead asses on getting decent long distance public ground transportation.

Let's look at the trip from Grand Junction to Denver Co.. It's about 240 road miles. It takes about 5 hours by car. It takes about 8 hours by train. When you fly, you spend about an hour on the ground in GJ, another 30 minutes on the plane before takeoff, on the other end, it takes another 30 minutes before you land, another 30 minutes in the Terminal for a total of 3 1/2 hours. By the time you get out of the terminal and to your destination, the car is actually as fast. Then there is the Bus, don't go there.

The point is, what would happen if you owned an electric car that had a 400 mile range. Not something out of science fiction anymore. Because you will be using more amps over the mountain, you are going to need that extra range to make the 240 miles. Now, let's put a decent Electric Bus in operation without all the petty little stops that Greyhound does today. They stop at almost every rock on the side of the road. Have them stop at medium and large towns only. The point being is, you only lose about 30 minutes taking either your electric car (you can do that now) or taking an electric bus (that are on the market today). And in the wintertime, the train is essentially stopped on heavy snow days until they can get the tracks cleared. And on those same days, the Air Traffic is suspended.

All this is available now but it's going to take a rethink by America. It's going to take a major PR compaign to get it going. Yes, it will be fought tooth and nail. That's why it only works if it's Nationalized and that is what the New Green Deal really is. It's not going to stop the flights from Denver to LA since that is beyond anything the alternate transportations can accomplish but it's going to affect the short hauls like the under 300 mile ones or the local ones.

The US squanders Power left and right and we don't utilize the nature power generation nearly as much as we should. In fact, we only touch on it. For instance, Every inlet can be adapted to generate wave power to a small degree. Norway has done this without disrupting the shipping, recreational and commercial fishing. How many coal fired plants go away at that point for almost free electric power. The tide comes in, you get power. The tide goes out you get power. If a wave comes in you get power, ect.. And we waste that energy each and every day. We can learn from little tiny Norway.

And, NO, we don't lose the cars and and the trucks. They just run on a different kind of power. I am an old Motorhead and don't look forward to that day but it's coming. Like it not, it has to come. Or parts of Florida and the rest of the East Coast had better learn to build their houses on stilts.
I think maybe you should think about what you post before you post it.
Imagine how much more difficult life would be if you didn't have access to a car.
We don't have a decent mass-transit system, so getting around would be very difficult.
You'd have to walk everywhere.
Ever wonder why people are living longer than back 300 years ago?
No, probably not.
The life expectancy was only about 40 years back then.
Now it's in the 70s.
I wonder what makes that all possible?

He said people cannot exist without cars

The fact of the matter is they can and have for longer than cars have been around

And cars do not extend life expectancy you can thank medicine for that and antibiotics especially
How do you expect a drug that is created on the West Coast to end up on the East Coast without transportation? Most goods are shipped over our highways. We can't fly enough of it to fill the need. So getting rid of trucks and cars will send this country back to the days of the old West. Today you can drive from one end of the country to the other in a matter of days. Now you want to make it take a year.

People can survive without cars as history has shown us.
You are a serious dumbass.
You want people just to survive....not thrive.
Your ideology belongs in the 16th century.
Move to another to Europe and screw another country up.

If you can't see how ridiculous the statement is that people cannot survive without cars actually is that's your problem.

And FYI I never mentioned getting rid of cars once.
Then why did you say people have survived without cars.
Well that's what AOC put in her plan. Getting rid of cars, air-travel, HVAC systems.
What people like AOC are doing is pushing a plan that will destroy our economy and kill hundreds of thousands of people if it's implemented.
n easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case? ca
The mental case's AR jammed.

How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

How many people would have died if bad drivers hadn't been given the keys to a car?

What's your point?
the car comparison is ridiculous
cars are used so much more than guns--you cannot even calculate it
cars much safer than guns
cars continuously redesigned for survival--guns to kill
for cars, you need:
written exam
driving test
eye test
license plate/license/renewal every so many years
16 years old
very idiotic comparison --humans need cars for many things--we do not need guns
If ONLY we were as careful about handing out guns as we are about giving people the right to drive.
We let 16 year old idiots drive
You have to be an adult to buy a rife and 21 to buy a handgun
I thought many kids shoot and go hunting???!!!
so you are WRONG
humans could not live without cars---no food for some
how would you get all the food needed to them?
get to the doctor if you are dying? hurt? sick?

So I guess humans didn't exist until after cars were invented
you people are so full of shit
those humans GREW UP without cars---feeding off the land
without cars/trucks:
no ac/heating
no phones
no MODERN sewage systems
no modern water supply
etc etc etc
humans today need all of that--without it:
and getting to the doctor will not be easy
please tell me how the food will get to the people?

Hey you're the idiot that said human can't live without cars and history proves you wrong since humans have lived without cars longer that they have with cars

Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it
I think maybe you should think about what you post before you post it.
Imagine how much more difficult life would be if you didn't have access to a car.
We don't have a decent mass-transit system, so getting around would be very difficult.
You'd have to walk everywhere.
Ever wonder why people are living longer than back 300 years ago?
No, probably not.
The life expectancy was only about 40 years back then.
Now it's in the 70s.
I wonder what makes that all possible?

He said people cannot exist without cars

The fact of the matter is they can and have for longer than cars have been around

And cars do not extend life expectancy you can thank medicine for that and antibiotics especially
so godamn stupid
let's see how long you go without a car
stop being stupid--you KNOW humans need vehicles --plain and simple
we know FOR SURE, humans do not need guns to survive

so stupid--comparing cars and guns --so idiotic
guns designed for one thing --to KILL--cars for transportation
n easy question: How many more innocent worshipers would the mental case have shot iof an off dity BSA agent didn't have a gun to shoot back at the mental case? ca
The mental case's AR jammed.

How many people would have been shot if a mental case didn't have a gun and they didn't have AR's available to civilians.

How many people would have died if bad drivers hadn't been given the keys to a car?

What's your point?
the car comparison is ridiculous
cars are used so much more than guns--you cannot even calculate it
cars much safer than guns
cars continuously redesigned for survival--guns to kill
for cars, you need:
written exam
driving test
eye test
license plate/license/renewal every so many years
16 years old
very idiotic comparison --humans need cars for many things--we do not need guns
If ONLY we were as careful about handing out guns as we are about giving people the right to drive.
....we have to go through hoops/etc to drive something designed for transportation--but not for something designed to KILL= this is how idiotic it is

...their argument is not for common sense--but someone 200 years ago wrote something--so that takes precedence over common sense
humans could not live without cars---no food for some
how would you get all the food needed to them?
get to the doctor if you are dying? hurt? sick?

So I guess humans didn't exist until after cars were invented
you people are so full of shit
those humans GREW UP without cars---feeding off the land
without cars/trucks:
no ac/heating
no phones
no MODERN sewage systems
no modern water supply
etc etc etc
humans today need all of that--without it:
and getting to the doctor will not be easy
please tell me how the food will get to the people?

Hey you're the idiot that said human can't live without cars and history proves you wrong since humans have lived without cars longer that they have with cars

Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it
I think maybe you should think about what you post before you post it.
Imagine how much more difficult life would be if you didn't have access to a car.
We don't have a decent mass-transit system, so getting around would be very difficult.
You'd have to walk everywhere.
Ever wonder why people are living longer than back 300 years ago?
No, probably not.
The life expectancy was only about 40 years back then.
Now it's in the 70s.
I wonder what makes that all possible?

He said people cannot exist without cars

The fact of the matter is they can and have for longer than cars have been around

And cars do not extend life expectancy you can thank medicine for that and antibiotics especially
this is 2019---not 1850
He said people cannot exist without cars

The fact of the matter is they can and have for longer than cars have been around

And cars do not extend life expectancy you can thank medicine for that and antibiotics especially
How do you expect a drug that is created on the West Coast to end up on the East Coast without transportation? Most goods are shipped over our highways. We can't fly enough of it to fill the need. So getting rid of trucks and cars will send this country back to the days of the old West. Today you can drive from one end of the country to the other in a matter of days. Now you want to make it take a year.

People can survive without cars as history has shown us.
You are a serious dumbass.
You want people just to survive....not thrive.
Your ideology belongs in the 16th century.
Move to another to Europe and screw another country up.

If you can't see how ridiculous the statement is that people cannot survive without cars actually is that's your problem.

And FYI I never mentioned getting rid of cars once.
Then why did you say people have survived without cars.
Well that's what AOC put in her plan. Getting rid of cars, air-travel, HVAC systems.
What people like AOC are doing is pushing a plan that will destroy our economy and kill hundreds of thousands of people if it's implemented.

Wow, get rid of MOST fossil fueled cars. We are in the process of doing that now. It's already being done with Buses and Trucks will be next. As for short haul air traffic, High Speed Rail is just as fast when you figure in all the unnecessary time you spend actually getting there in an Aircraft. I used the difference of an electric car or bus going for 240 miles from Grand Junction, Colorado at 4 hours versus going by air for 3 1/2 hours. Is that 30 minutes really worth it when you figure the cost of the drive for the electric car at about 10 bucks or the electric bus at 58 bucks versus 149 for the Aircraft? Trust me, the scenery is much nicer closer to the ground.
He said people cannot exist without cars

The fact of the matter is they can and have for longer than cars have been around

And cars do not extend life expectancy you can thank medicine for that and antibiotics especially
How do you expect a drug that is created on the West Coast to end up on the East Coast without transportation? Most goods are shipped over our highways. We can't fly enough of it to fill the need. So getting rid of trucks and cars will send this country back to the days of the old West. Today you can drive from one end of the country to the other in a matter of days. Now you want to make it take a year.

People can survive without cars as history has shown us.
You are a serious dumbass.
You want people just to survive....not thrive.
Your ideology belongs in the 16th century.
Move to another to Europe and screw another country up.

If you can't see how ridiculous the statement is that people cannot survive without cars actually is that's your problem.

And FYI I never mentioned getting rid of cars once.
Then why did you say people have survived without cars.
Well that's what AOC put in her plan. Getting rid of cars, air-travel, HVAC systems.
What people like AOC are doing is pushing a plan that will destroy our economy and kill hundreds of thousands of people if it's implemented.
Because they have.
Humans have lived without cars longer than they have lived with cars

That is what's called a fact and saying that humans cannot survive without cars is incorrect.
So I guess humans didn't exist until after cars were invented
you people are so full of shit
those humans GREW UP without cars---feeding off the land
without cars/trucks:
no ac/heating
no phones
no MODERN sewage systems
no modern water supply
etc etc etc
humans today need all of that--without it:
and getting to the doctor will not be easy
please tell me how the food will get to the people?

Hey you're the idiot that said human can't live without cars and history proves you wrong since humans have lived without cars longer that they have with cars

Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it
I think maybe you should think about what you post before you post it.
Imagine how much more difficult life would be if you didn't have access to a car.
We don't have a decent mass-transit system, so getting around would be very difficult.
You'd have to walk everywhere.
Ever wonder why people are living longer than back 300 years ago?
No, probably not.
The life expectancy was only about 40 years back then.
Now it's in the 70s.
I wonder what makes that all possible?

He said people cannot exist without cars

The fact of the matter is they can and have for longer than cars have been around

And cars do not extend life expectancy you can thank medicine for that and antibiotics especially
so godamn stupid
let's see how long you go without a car
stop being stupid--you KNOW humans need vehicles --plain and simple
we know FOR SURE, humans do not need guns to survive

so stupid--comparing cars and guns --so idiotic
guns designed for one thing --to KILL--cars for transportation

I lived with out a car for years when I lived in a city.

And now you move the goal posts from cars to vehicles because you know that the human race will not go extinct if there were no cars

And I didn't compare guns to cars you did.
So I guess humans didn't exist until after cars were invented
you people are so full of shit
those humans GREW UP without cars---feeding off the land
without cars/trucks:
no ac/heating
no phones
no MODERN sewage systems
no modern water supply
etc etc etc
humans today need all of that--without it:
and getting to the doctor will not be easy
please tell me how the food will get to the people?

Hey you're the idiot that said human can't live without cars and history proves you wrong since humans have lived without cars longer that they have with cars

Maybe you should think about what you say before you say it
I think maybe you should think about what you post before you post it.
Imagine how much more difficult life would be if you didn't have access to a car.
We don't have a decent mass-transit system, so getting around would be very difficult.
You'd have to walk everywhere.
Ever wonder why people are living longer than back 300 years ago?
No, probably not.
The life expectancy was only about 40 years back then.
Now it's in the 70s.
I wonder what makes that all possible?

He said people cannot exist without cars

The fact of the matter is they can and have for longer than cars have been around

And cars do not extend life expectancy you can thank medicine for that and antibiotics especially
this is 2019---not 1850

SO what?

You will not die if you don't have a car
People gather across from the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte after a shooting at the school on Tuesday. Two people died and another four were wounded, three critically, after a shooting at the University of North Carolina's Charlotte campus on Tuesday.10 hours ago
2 Dead And 4 Injured In Shooting At University Of North Carolina - NPR

And how is anyone else who legally and responsibly owns and uses firearms responsible for that crime?
People gather across from the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte after a shooting at the school on Tuesday. Two people died and another four were wounded, three critically, after a shooting at the University of North Carolina's Charlotte campus on Tuesday.10 hours ago
2 Dead And 4 Injured In Shooting At University Of North Carolina - NPR

And how is anyone else who legally and responsibly owns and uses firearms responsible for that crime?
Perhaps truly responsible people don't choose to own and use devices designed to take life as quickly and efficiently as possible.
People gather across from the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte after a shooting at the school on Tuesday. Two people died and another four were wounded, three critically, after a shooting at the University of North Carolina's Charlotte campus on Tuesday.10 hours ago
2 Dead And 4 Injured In Shooting At University Of North Carolina - NPR

And how is anyone else who legally and responsibly owns and uses firearms responsible for that crime?
Perhaps truly responsible people don't choose to own and use devices designed to take life as quickly and efficiently as possible.

So you don't own anything that can be used to as a weapon?

I also own substances that are poisonous and the hundreds of kids die from every year. Am I responsible for that too?

I own bottles of alcohol. Am I responsible for all the lives ruined by alcoholism?
People gather across from the campus of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte after a shooting at the school on Tuesday. Two people died and another four were wounded, three critically, after a shooting at the University of North Carolina's Charlotte campus on Tuesday.10 hours ago
2 Dead And 4 Injured In Shooting At University Of North Carolina - NPR

And how is anyone else who legally and responsibly owns and uses firearms responsible for that crime?
Perhaps truly responsible people don't choose to own and use devices designed to take life as quickly and efficiently as possible.

So you don't own anything that can be used to as a weapon?

I also own substances that are poisonous and the hundreds of kids die from every year. Am I responsible for that too?

I own bottles of alcohol. Am I responsible for all the lives ruined by alcoholism?
Guns were invented and designed for only one purpose. To kill. Why do you want them?

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