Question for the So-Called fake unbiased Independents

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017

These people constantly claim, "both parties are bad"
then they claim to be totally unbiased and non- partisan.

Yea Right. Most are undercover republicans that are too ashamed to admit loyalty to the GOP.

This is a question for the supposed independents with regards to our massive deficit problem.

Any unbiased non-partisan person can look and see that Ronald Reagan started the era of Big Debt and Deficits.

1) Reagan turned America from a net creditor to a net debtor by a lot. Reagan had massive spending and tax cuts and massive deficits for his era. Massive massive deficits. He was the first president to really let the deficit fly to unsustainable levels when not in war.

2) GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and surplus, he then went on to copy the Reagan plan of massive spending bills and massive tax cuts that blew up our balanced budget and failed miserably. Bush destroyed our balanced budget and it was a turning point for America's finances as the balanced budget was destroyed.

3) Trump inherited a $587B/ yr deficit from Obama. He then went on to copy Reagan and Bush and passed massive multi-year multi-trillion dollar spending bills that we are still paying for right now. He doubled the deficit pre-covid, then tripled it post covid. Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, a record. He also had the most massive FED fake money creation ever, and begged the FED for even more fake money and stimulus.

How can anybody say that the dems are this bad?? The dems are not even remotely close to this bad. Not even close. Obama had big deficits in the beggining of his presidency because he inherited the Bush Blow Up. The ACA caused debt, but the massive Bush crash was the main reason for Obama's deficits and at the end of his presidency they were down to $587B/yr. then Trump blew that up. Clinton had balanced budgets and passed the 1993 omnibus deficit reduction act and vetoed GOP budgets that were not balanced. Biden has lowered the massive Trump deficit from $3+T to $1.3T.

I need one of the so-called fake independents to explain to me how it is even remotely possible to claim both parties are equally bad, when it is so obvious the Republicans are much much worse, by a large margin??

This is for Independents only, not Trumpers who can not admit to the rock solid facts I just posted.

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These people constantly claim, "both parties are bad"
then they claim to be totally unbiased and non- partisan.

Yea Right. Most are undercover republicans that are too ashamed to admit loyalty to the GOP.

This is a question for the supposed independents with regards to our massive deficit problem.

Any unbiased non-partisan person can look and see that Ronald Reagan started the era of Big Debt and Deficits.

1) Reagan turned America from a net creditor to a net debtor by a lot. Reagan had massive spending and tax cuts and massive deficits for his era. Massive massive deficits. He was the first president to really let the deficit fly to unsustainable levels when not in war.

2) GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and surplus, he then went on to copy the Reagan plan of massive spending bills and massive tax cuts that blew up our balanced budget and failed miserably. Bush destroyed our balanced budget and it was a turning point for America's finances as the balanced budget was destroyed.

3) Trump inherited a $587B/ yr deficit from Obama. He then went on to copy Reagan and Bush and passed massive multi-year multi-trillion dollar spending bills that we are still paying for right now. He doubled the deficit pre-covid, then tripled it post covid. Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, a record. He also had the most massive FED fake money creation ever, and begged the FED for even more fake money and stimulus.

How can anybody say that the dems are this bad?? The dems are not even remotely close to this bad. Not even close. Obama had big deficits in the beggining of his presidency because he inherited the Bush Blow Up. The ACA caused debt, but the massive Bush crash was the main reason for Obama's deficits and at the end of his presidency they were down to $587B/yr. then Trump blew that up. Clinton had balanced budgets and passed the 1993 omnibus deficit reduction act and vetoed GOP budgets that were not balanced. Biden has lowered the massive Trump deficit from $3+T to $1.3T.

I need one of the so-called fake independents to explain to me how it is even remotely possible to claim both parties are equally bad, when it is so obvious the Republicans are much much worse, by a lot??

Independents vote mostly for Democratic candidates, so I do not know where you got this "both sides are right" idea.

These people constantly claim, "both parties are bad"
then they claim to be totally unbiased and non- partisan.

Who is "they"?

Yea Right. Most are undercover republicans that are too ashamed to admit loyalty to the GOP.

This is a question for the supposed independents with regards to our massive deficit problem.

Any unbiased non-partisan person can look and see that Ronald Reagan started the era of Big Debt and Deficits.

Most people admit to that.

1) Reagan turned America from a net creditor to a net debtor by a lot. Reagan had massive spending and tax cuts and massive deficits for his era. Massive massive deficits. He was the first president to really let the deficit fly to unsustainable levels when not in war.

2) GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and surplus, he then went on to copy the Reagan plan of massive spending bills and massive tax cuts that blew up our balanced budget and failed miserably. Bush destroyed our balanced budget and it was a turning point for America's finances as the balanced budget was destroyed.

3) Trump inherited a $587B/ yr deficit from Obama. He then went on to copy Reagan and Bush and passed massive multi-year multi-trillion dollar spending bills that we are still paying for right now. He doubled the deficit pre-covid, then tripled it post covid. Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, a record. He also had the most massive FED fake money creation ever, and begged the FED for even more fake money and stimulus.

How can anybody say that the dems are this bad?? The dems are not even remotely close to this bad. Not even close. Obama had big deficits in the beggining of his presidency because he inherited the Bush Blow Up. The ACA caused debt, but the massive Bush crash was the main reason for Obama's deficits and at the end of his presidency they were down to $587B/yr. then Trump blew that up. Clinton had balanced budgets and passed the 1993 omnibus deficit reduction act and vetoed GOP budgets that were not balanced. Biden has lowered the massive Trump deficit from $3+T to $1.3T.

I need one of the so-called fake independents to explain to me how it is even remotely possible to claim both parties are equally bad, when it is so obvious the Republicans are much much worse, by a large margin??

"This bad" is not a valid alternative.

These people constantly claim, "both parties are bad"
then they claim to be totally unbiased and non- partisan.

Yea Right. Most are undercover republicans that are too ashamed to admit loyalty to the GOP.

This is a question for the supposed independents with regards to our massive deficit problem.

Any unbiased non-partisan person can look and see that Ronald Reagan started the era of Big Debt and Deficits.

1) Reagan turned America from a net creditor to a net debtor by a lot. Reagan had massive spending and tax cuts and massive deficits for his era. Massive massive deficits. He was the first president to really let the deficit fly to unsustainable levels when not in war.
False. The USA has held debt ever since 1776 when it borrowed money to fund the Revolutionary War. Reagan's plan was an astounding success for the economy and led to a boom era in most sectors, and boosted federal tax receipts massively. The massive boost in federal tax receipts caused the socialists to get greedy and they ended up spending the returns on phoney, frivolous, and wasteful projects. Most of the excess tax income went to fund the Democratic/Socialistic/Big Government party itself instead of being used to pay down the debt, as Reagan had envisioned. I was there and listened to the news all the time, so don't even try to bullshit me about these facts.

2) GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and surplus, he then went on to copy the Reagan plan of massive spending bills and massive tax cuts that blew up our balanced budget and failed miserably. Bush destroyed our balanced budget and it was a turning point for America's finances as the balanced budget was destroyed.

I agree about GW Bush, the campaign promise was "no new taxes". Well-intentioned, but he didn't fully grasp Reagan's plans to monitor the trickle-down theory (which worked very well, as demonstrated by the increased tax revenue), and instead went insane and followed the socialist agenda of spending wildly.

3) Trump inherited a $587B/ yr deficit from Obama. He then went on to copy Reagan and Bush and passed massive multi-year multi-trillion dollar spending bills that we are still paying for right now. He doubled the deficit pre-covid, then tripled it post covid. Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, a record. He also had the most massive FED fake money creation ever, and begged the FED for even more fake money and stimulus.
Another falsehood. Years 2 and 3 of the Trump administration saw a small, but measurable, decrease in national debt, much of which was achieved by simply negotiating better terms. The pandemic was forced into being by the swamp. The majority of the evidence shows that there would not have even been a pandemic if people had followed the science and NOT worn those face coverings. Everything else that ensued was purely driven by people with profit motives (Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Media, Big Insurance companies, Big health care networks...)

How can anybody say that the dems are this bad?? The dems are not even remotely close to this bad. Not even close. Obama had big deficits in the beggining of his presidency because he inherited the Bush Blow Up. The ACA caused debt, but the massive Bush crash was the main reason for Obama's deficits and at the end of his presidency they were down to $587B/yr. then Trump blew that up.

The Dems would be better off waking up and rejecting the "Progressive" socialism they seem to be embracing. All wars which the United States of America has fought over its history were fought to stop the spread of socialism (and it modern namesake 'communism'). Every. Single. War.

Do not even DARE tell me that those men who fought and died to defend our freedoms did it just so the same evil could crop up and enslave our people again.

Do Not Even Dare.

For a better understanding of the national debt and how it has grown please look at this (apparently) factual website:

Disclaimer: What I see on the website agrees with my memory. There are two problems: 1) the website may show *you* something else because that's the way Big Tech works with individualized AI driven content, and 2) It may have small factual errors...I do not have all the information stored somewhere where I can compare their numbers.
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False. The USA has held debt ever since 1776 when it borrowed money to fund the Revolutionary War. Reagan's plan was an astounding success for the economy and led to a boom era in most sectors, and boosted federal tax receipts massively. The massive boost in federal tax receipts caused the socialists to get greedy and they ended up spending the returns on phoney, frivolous, and wasteful projects. Most of the excess tax income went to fund the Democratic/Socialistic/Big Government party itself instead of being used to pay down the debt, as Reagan had envisioned. I was there and listened to the news all the time, so don't even try to bullshit me about these facts.

I agree about GW Bush, the campaign promise was "no new taxes". Well-intentioned, but he didn't fully grasp Reagan's plans to monitor the trickle-down theory (which worked very well, as demonstrated by the increased tax revenue), and instead went insane and followed the socialist agenda of spending wildly.

Another falsehood. Years 2 and 3 of the Trump administration saw a small, but measurable, decrease in national debt, much of which was achieved by simply negotiating better terms. The pandemic was forced into being by the swamp. The majority of the evidence shows that there would not have even been a pandemic if people had followed the science and NOT worn those face coverings. Everything else that ensued was purely driven by people with profit motives (Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Media, Big Insurance companies, Big health care networks...)

The Dems would be better off waking up and rejecting the "Progressive" socialism they seem to be embracing. All wars which the United States of America has fought over its history were fought to stop the spread of socialism (and it modern namesake 'communism'). Every. Single. War.

Do not even DARE tell me that those men who fought and died to defend our freedoms did it just so the same evil could crop up and enslave our people again.

Do Not Even Dare.

For a better understanding of the national debt and how it has grown please look at this (apparently) factual website:

Disclaimer: What I see on the website agrees with my memory. There are two problems: 1) the website may show *you* something else because that's the way Big Tech works with individualized AI driven content, and 2) It may have small factual errors...I do not have all the information stored somewhere where I can compare their numbers.
Wow you are a total wacko void of fact.

Reagan had mega massive spending on crap that he wanted and massive increases in military spending. Lie #1
Bush 1 said no new taxes, you are confusing bushes so clearly you are clueless to reality.
Trump ramped up deficits massively every year of his presidency he never remotely had decreases in deficits. You are fake news and lies.
Your post is a joke full of lies.

Go do some homework, you are completely void of fact, typical of the republicans.

These people constantly claim, "both parties are bad"
then they claim to be totally unbiased and non- partisan.

Yea Right. Most are undercover republicans that are too ashamed to admit loyalty to the GOP.

This is a question for the supposed independents with regards to our massive deficit problem.

Any unbiased non-partisan person can look and see that Ronald Reagan started the era of Big Debt and Deficits.

1) Reagan turned America from a net creditor to a net debtor by a lot. Reagan had massive spending and tax cuts and massive deficits for his era. Massive massive deficits. He was the first president to really let the deficit fly to unsustainable levels when not in war.

2) GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and surplus, he then went on to copy the Reagan plan of massive spending bills and massive tax cuts that blew up our balanced budget and failed miserably. Bush destroyed our balanced budget and it was a turning point for America's finances as the balanced budget was destroyed.

3) Trump inherited a $587B/ yr deficit from Obama. He then went on to copy Reagan and Bush and passed massive multi-year multi-trillion dollar spending bills that we are still paying for right now. He doubled the deficit pre-covid, then tripled it post covid. Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, a record. He also had the most massive FED fake money creation ever, and begged the FED for even more fake money and stimulus.

How can anybody say that the dems are this bad?? The dems are not even remotely close to this bad. Not even close. Obama had big deficits in the beggining of his presidency because he inherited the Bush Blow Up. The ACA caused debt, but the massive Bush crash was the main reason for Obama's deficits and at the end of his presidency they were down to $587B/yr. then Trump blew that up. Clinton had balanced budgets and passed the 1993 omnibus deficit reduction act and vetoed GOP budgets that were not balanced. Biden has lowered the massive Trump deficit from $3+T to $1.3T.

I need one of the so-called fake independents to explain to me how it is even remotely possible to claim both parties are equally bad, when it is so obvious the Republicans are much much worse, by a large margin??


These people constantly claim, "both parties are bad"
then they claim to be totally unbiased and non- partisan.

Yea Right. Most are undercover republicans that are too ashamed to admit loyalty to the GOP.

This is a question for the supposed independents with regards to our massive deficit problem.

Any unbiased non-partisan person can look and see that Ronald Reagan started the era of Big Debt and Deficits.

1) Reagan turned America from a net creditor to a net debtor by a lot. Reagan had massive spending and tax cuts and massive deficits for his era. Massive massive deficits. He was the first president to really let the deficit fly to unsustainable levels when not in war.

2) GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and surplus, he then went on to copy the Reagan plan of massive spending bills and massive tax cuts that blew up our balanced budget and failed miserably. Bush destroyed our balanced budget and it was a turning point for America's finances as the balanced budget was destroyed.

3) Trump inherited a $587B/ yr deficit from Obama. He then went on to copy Reagan and Bush and passed massive multi-year multi-trillion dollar spending bills that we are still paying for right now. He doubled the deficit pre-covid, then tripled it post covid. Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, a record. He also had the most massive FED fake money creation ever, and begged the FED for even more fake money and stimulus.

How can anybody say that the dems are this bad?? The dems are not even remotely close to this bad. Not even close. Obama had big deficits in the beggining of his presidency because he inherited the Bush Blow Up. The ACA caused debt, but the massive Bush crash was the main reason for Obama's deficits and at the end of his presidency they were down to $587B/yr. then Trump blew that up. Clinton had balanced budgets and passed the 1993 omnibus deficit reduction act and vetoed GOP budgets that were not balanced. Biden has lowered the massive Trump deficit from $3+T to $1.3T.

I need one of the so-called fake independents to explain to me how it is even remotely possible to claim both parties are equally bad, when it is so obvious the Republicans are much much worse, by a large margin??

The Democrat party is now ten fold times worse and rising.... simply because your a member.

These people constantly claim, "both parties are bad"
then they claim to be totally unbiased and non- partisan.

Yea Right. Most are undercover republicans that are too ashamed to admit loyalty to the GOP.

This is a question for the supposed independents with regards to our massive deficit problem.

Any unbiased non-partisan person can look and see that Ronald Reagan started the era of Big Debt and Deficits.

1) Reagan turned America from a net creditor to a net debtor by a lot. Reagan had massive spending and tax cuts and massive deficits for his era. Massive massive deficits. He was the first president to really let the deficit fly to unsustainable levels when not in war.

2) GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and surplus, he then went on to copy the Reagan plan of massive spending bills and massive tax cuts that blew up our balanced budget and failed miserably. Bush destroyed our balanced budget and it was a turning point for America's finances as the balanced budget was destroyed.

3) Trump inherited a $587B/ yr deficit from Obama. He then went on to copy Reagan and Bush and passed massive multi-year multi-trillion dollar spending bills that we are still paying for right now. He doubled the deficit pre-covid, then tripled it post covid. Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, a record. He also had the most massive FED fake money creation ever, and begged the FED for even more fake money and stimulus.

How can anybody say that the dems are this bad?? The dems are not even remotely close to this bad. Not even close. Obama had big deficits in the beggining of his presidency because he inherited the Bush Blow Up. The ACA caused debt, but the massive Bush crash was the main reason for Obama's deficits and at the end of his presidency they were down to $587B/yr. then Trump blew that up. Clinton had balanced budgets and passed the 1993 omnibus deficit reduction act and vetoed GOP budgets that were not balanced. Biden has lowered the massive Trump deficit from $3+T to $1.3T.

I need one of the so-called fake independents to explain to me how it is even remotely possible to claim both parties are equally bad, when it is so obvious the Republicans are much much worse, by a large margin??

Sorry. The first two biggest spenders were Demwits:

Top 5 Presidents Who Contributed to the Debt by Percentage​

Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)​

President Roosevelt added the largest percentage increase to the national debt. Although he only added $236 billion, this was an increase of about 1,048% from the $22.5 billion debt level left by President Herbert Hoover before him. The Great Depression and the New Deal contributed to FDR's yearly deficits, but the biggest cost was World War II—it added $186.3 billion to the debt between 1942 and 1945.2

Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)​

President Wilson was the second-largest contributor to the debt, percentage-wise. He added about $21 billion, which was a 723% increase over the $2.9 billion debt of his predecessor. World War I contributed to the deficits that raised the national debt.2

Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)​

President Reagan increased the debt by $1.86 trillion, or by 186%. Reagan's supply-side economics didn't grow the economy enough to offset the lost revenue from its tax cuts. Reagan also increased the defense budget by 35%.2

George W. Bush (2001-2009)​

President Bush added $5.85 trillion to the national debt. That's a 101% increase, putting him in fourth. Bush launched the War on Terror in response to the 9/11 attacks, which led to multi-trillion-dollar spending on the War in Afghanistan and the War in Iraq. Bush also dealt with the 2001 recession and the 2008 financial crisis.2

Barack Obama (2009-2017)​

Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most in dollar terms ($8.6 trillion) and was fifth by percentage at 74%. Obama fought the Great Recession with an $831 billion economic stimulus package and added $858 billion through tax cuts. Even though the fiscal year 2009 budget was set by President Bush, Obama added to it with the Economic Stimulus Act in 2009.23

But I've said it before and I'll say it again. The GOP and the Demwits are in bed together and both love to spend America into oblivion.
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Wow you are a total wacko void of fact.

Reagan had mega massive spending on crap that he wanted and massive increases in military spending. Lie #1
Bush 1 said no new taxes, you are confusing bushes so clearly you are clueless to reality.
Trump ramped up deficits massively every year of his presidency he never remotely had decreases in deficits. You are fake news and lies.
Your post is a joke full of lies.

Go do some homework, you are completely void of fact, typical of the republicans.

You omitted your hero O who ran up 8 trillion in debt. Liberal hack.
Not brainwashed Trump supporters who can;t admit to the facts in the OP

If you can't admit the facts in the OP, don't respond.

Lets fact check Bidens claim here. You do know the guy lies a lot dont ya?
or are you the last one to know?

Sorry. The first two biggest spenders were Demwits:

Top 5 Presidents Who Contributed to the Debt by Percentage​

Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)​

President Roosevelt added the largest percentage increase to the national debt. Although he only added $236 billion, this was an increase of about 1,048% from the $22.5 billion debt level left by President Herbert Hoover before him. The Great Depression and the New Deal contributed to FDR's yearly deficits, but the biggest cost was World War II—it added $186.3 billion to the debt between 1942 and 1945.2

Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921)​

President Wilson was the second-largest contributor to the debt, percentage-wise. He added about $21 billion, which was a 723% increase over the $2.9 billion debt of his predecessor. World War I contributed to the deficits that raised the national debt.2

Ronald Reagan (1981-1989)​

President Reagan increased the debt by $1.86 trillion, or by 186%. Reagan's supply-side economics didn't grow the economy enough to offset the lost revenue from its tax cuts. Reagan also increased the defense budget by 35%.2

George W. Bush (2001-2009)​

President Bush added $5.85 trillion to the national debt. That's a 101% increase, putting him in fourth. Bush launched the War on Terror in response to the 9/11 attacks, which led to multi-trillion-dollar spending on the War in Afghanistan and the War in Iraq. Bush also dealt with the 2001 recession and the 2008 financial crisis.2

Barack Obama (2009-2017)​

Under President Obama, the national debt grew the most in dollar terms ($8.6 trillion) and was fifth by percentage at 74%. Obama fought the Great Recession with an $831 billion economic stimulus package and added $858 billion through tax cuts. Even though the fiscal year 2009 budget was set by President Bush, Obama added to it with the Economic Stimulus Act in 2009.23

But I've said it before and I'll say it again. The GOP and the Demwits are in bed together and both love to spend America into oblivion.

first prize for best damn post on this thread.:yes_text12:you win hands down checkmating the wankers ass humiliating him.

mr pinochios nose is growing miles across the country now as he gets his ass taken to the cleaners by you while you OWN him.:auiqs.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

The ONLY thing he got right in there in his babble was the part on Reagan,too bad he has no interest in pesky facts that FDR and wilson were even bigger traiters to Americans than Regan was,

this banker child always cowardly runs off with his tail between his legs when taken to school that while true Reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of the economy and America,each president from BOTH parties expanded his corruption and worsened the economy all the way up to obama

this is what banker does when given facts that Bush and obama are the best of pals :scared1:


pc does the same thing when you give her facts that Obama expanded the corruption of her hero bush,she embarrasses the GOP party same as he embarrasses the demonrat party.
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first prize for best damn post on this thread.:yes_text12:you win hands down checkmating the wankers ass humiliating him.

mr pinochios nose is growing miles across the country now as he gets his ass taken to the cleaners by you while you OWN him.:auiqs.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:

The ONLY thing he got right in there in his babble was the part on Reagan,too bad he has no interest in pesky facts that FDR and wilson were even bigger traiters to Americans than Regan was,

this banker child always cowardly runs off with his tail between his legs when taken to school that while true Reagan got the ball rolling for the destruction of the economy and America,each president from BOTH parties expanded his corruption and worsened the economy all the way up to obama

this is what banker does when given facts that Bush and obama are the best of pals :scared1:


pc does the same thing when you give her facts that Obama expanded the corruption of her hero bush,she embarrasses the GOP party same as he embarrasses the demonrat party.
Yeah. Where did he, she, it go? (I never know what "pronouns" to use these days).

These people constantly claim, "both parties are bad"
then they claim to be totally unbiased and non- partisan.

Yea Right. Most are undercover republicans that are too ashamed to admit loyalty to the GOP.

This is a question for the supposed independents with regards to our massive deficit problem.

Any unbiased non-partisan person can look and see that Ronald Reagan started the era of Big Debt and Deficits.

1) Reagan turned America from a net creditor to a net debtor by a lot. Reagan had massive spending and tax cuts and massive deficits for his era. Massive massive deficits. He was the first president to really let the deficit fly to unsustainable levels when not in war.

2) GW Bush inherited a balanced budget and surplus, he then went on to copy the Reagan plan of massive spending bills and massive tax cuts that blew up our balanced budget and failed miserably. Bush destroyed our balanced budget and it was a turning point for America's finances as the balanced budget was destroyed.

3) Trump inherited a $587B/ yr deficit from Obama. He then went on to copy Reagan and Bush and passed massive multi-year multi-trillion dollar spending bills that we are still paying for right now. He doubled the deficit pre-covid, then tripled it post covid. Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in just 4 years, a record. He also had the most massive FED fake money creation ever, and begged the FED for even more fake money and stimulus.

How can anybody say that the dems are this bad?? The dems are not even remotely close to this bad. Not even close. Obama had big deficits in the beggining of his presidency because he inherited the Bush Blow Up. The ACA caused debt, but the massive Bush crash was the main reason for Obama's deficits and at the end of his presidency they were down to $587B/yr. then Trump blew that up. Clinton had balanced budgets and passed the 1993 omnibus deficit reduction act and vetoed GOP budgets that were not balanced. Biden has lowered the massive Trump deficit from $3+T to $1.3T.

I need one of the so-called fake independents to explain to me how it is even remotely possible to claim both parties are equally bad, when it is so obvious the Republicans are much much worse, by a large margin??

This is for Independents only, not Trumpers who can not admit to the rock solid facts I just posted.

Being independent doesn't mean that a person is unbiased or neutral or noncommittal. It doesn't mean that the person doesn't have strong opinions on the issues. Those are misconceptions that I see often here. I can list differences I have with each party on virtually every issue.

It just means that our views on the issues -- or individual parts of issues, for that matter -- don't neatly coincide with those of either "major" party. It also means that we see major flaws in both parties, and are not interested in signing on to the whole package.

I see it all day, every day here: Members of each tribe unwilling to give the slightest inch, unwilling to admit even the tiniest of flaws. Personally, I think that's either intellectual dishonesty or delusion at work, and it's a reminder of why I want nothing to do with either group.

Both ends tell me: "It's all 100% their fault. The other guys". Bullshit.
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I guess the retard of a OP never heard tell of a right-leaning Independent.....One that usually votes gop nationally (Senate/POTUS) or state wide (Governor, LT Gov, AG) but does not wish to vote for them locally.

I haven't voted for for my 6th district congress critter in about 12 years. I just leave that whole space blank. I don't vote for lawyers or dems.

I pretty much only vote for slow growth Independents in local elections since everyone the gop fields is just looking to bring in more transplants through build-outs that either line their own pockets or those of their lawyer/developer backers.

LOL....The local gop HQ is great.....They put up signs and shit to remind me as I pass by who not to vote for locally.

I suspect it's much the same with a left-leaning Independent.
your problem with this thread banker is ANYONE who disagrees with your bullshit is a maga are way to biased to do a thread like this....
answer the question

I laid out clear concise and irrefutable facts on the deficit.

Can you admit that the GOP are much worse and caused this deficit or not?
answer the question

I laid out clear concise and irrefutable facts on the deficit.

Can you admit that the GOP are much worse and caused this deficit or not?
for me they both added to it,i dont give a shit who is worse,right now we have some of the most incompetent politicians on both sides this country has ever seen....unlike you banker i dont back the less corrupt party like you do....corruption is corruption and unless we as a people are willing to tell these assholes in DC that they all suck nothing is going to change....but as long as you fucking party die hards run your parties and dont give a flying fuck about the corruption and incompetence in your party things will just keep getting worse....
Yeah. Where did he, she, it go? (I never know what "pronouns" to use these days).
Indeed,that is how this child operates,anytime he is getting a major ass beating,he deflects by always making another thread the same day.:auiqs.jpg:

Yeah he has a habit of when he is suffering a major ass beating he flees his threads he starts and then deflects by starting another one that same day,ever notice that.?:auiqs.jpg:@ActionJackson

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