Question for those who defend Climate change/ global warming

I live a modest life, not using using my vehicle much, keeping the heat low, turning off lights etc.

Of course I'd do all that and more even if there is no global warming issue.

This lifestyle is called BEING A REAL CONSERVATIVE

Thank you
However global warming issues? OK if you think so.
Here is a skeptic and their stance:

While I have a skeptical view of certain climate issues, I consider myself “green” in many ways, and I promote the idea of energy savings and alternate energy generation. Unlike many who just talk about it, I’ve put a 10KW solar array on my home, a second one on my new home this past summer of 2012.

I also drive an electric car for my daily around town routine, but now mostly in the summer due to the battery technology not performing well in the winter. See my second electric car, which is an upgrade from the glorified golf cart in the link above, below.

I encourage others to do the same when it comes to efficient use of energy and energy conservation. For example, I recently installed energy saving LED lighting in my home, reducing power consumption for my largest lighting use from 325watts to 60 watts.

About | Watts Up With That?
But you do your best to persuade your fellow citizens and their government to do nothing about GHG emissions.
Big Rebel North Carolina 1775, why do you walk long distances?
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Meathead, why didn't it go the way of the Dodo bird in the early 1940s, when it actually cooled, for decades? And, as long as you've got all the answers, why DID it cool in the early 1940s
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Meathead, why didn't it go the way of the Dodo bird in the early 1940s, when it actually cooled, for decades? And, as long as you've got all the answers, why DID it cool in the early 1940s

It had NOTHING to do with CO2 concentrations in the atmos at that point..
That we KNOW...

I missed the spot where I said it did.

Must have been all the particulates from war munitions... Dontcha think?

All these climate tools your long list of AGW science heroes have generated dont help explain that? That's a shame. We obviously need better climate scientists..
My position is that climate dynamics then and now may be similar and it certainly broadens what can be included under "normal climate variation". Those of you (and you know who you are) who want to say this hiatus spells the end of global warming, are just fooling yourselves if you don't look at that period and consider the why and the wherefore.
It had NOTHING to do with CO2 concentrations in the atmos at that point..
That we KNOW...

I missed the spot where I said it did.

Must have been all the particulates from war munitions... Dontcha think?

All these climate tools your long list of AGW science heroes have generated dont help explain that? That's a shame. We obviously need better climate scientists..

I had given some thought to particulates from explosives, but the amounts don't come anywhere close to sufficient. Trenberth, one of your favorites, has hypothesized that the same changes in tropical circulation that appear to be driving the current energy shift into the deep ocean may well have taken place then as well. That heat reservoir could have driven the rapid heating that took place beginning in 1979 when that hiatus came to an end.

I would have guessed that you'd suggest a delayed solar causation. No?
My position is that climate dynamics then and now may be similar and it certainly broadens what can be included under "normal climate variation". Those of you (and you know who you are) who want to say this hiatus spells the end of global warming, are just fooling yourselves if you don't look at that period and consider the why and the wherefore.

Oh I suspect theyll be more warming. Nothing like the apocalypse youre hoping for. That is if the HANSEN-MANN solar minimum doesnt kick in for the next few cycles...

Im already petitioning the Solar dudes to use that fitting name.
Meathead, why didn't it go the way of the Dodo bird in the early 1940s, when it actually cooled, for decades? And, as long as you've got all the answers, why DID it cool in the early 1940s
Nobody really understands, except that the earth climate has never been static. Things warm up and cool down. Ice ages come and go. That is the way of things. Mankind's influence on either warming or cooling cannot be proven given the variables. This has once again been proven correct, despite the "political" science.

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