Question for those who defend Climate change/ global warming

Nice posting of a Press Release, how about linking to the actual source.

Matthew will not link because its impossible, all we are allowed to see is the Press Release, you must have Trust, you must have Faith, you must be a BELIEVER, accept the Press Release as the Word of God!!!!!!!!

And I wonder where all that data comes from to go back 11,000 years. LOL! The ignorant on here is just fascinating right?
Nice posting of a Press Release, how about linking to the actual source.

Matthew will not link because its impossible, all we are allowed to see is the Press Release, you must have Trust, you must have Faith, you must be a BELIEVER, accept the Press Release as the Word of God!!!!!!!!

And I wonder where all that data comes from to go back 11,000 years. LOL! The ignorant on here is just fascinating right?
Actually, I think it came from cores of Arctic ice and petrified wood as well as geological traces.
Sorry, the climate change caused by man theory has been repudiated thoroughly. It has now been whittled down to a mantra with little scientific standing.

'Climategate' scientist speaks out : Nature News
The facts are that most of what the climate scientist stated are indeed false because their data was inaccurate. They based models off of incomplete data and made assumptions. Assumptions that made asses out of them!
Nice posting of a Press Release, how about linking to the actual source.

Matthew will not link because its impossible, all we are allowed to see is the Press Release, you must have Trust, you must have Faith, you must be a BELIEVER, accept the Press Release as the Word of God!!!!!!!!

And I wonder where all that data comes from to go back 11,000 years. LOL! The ignorant on here is just fascinating right?
Actually, I think it came from cores of Arctic ice and petrified wood as well as geological traces.

BTW, the rings from trees cut down show a much different story. Go read about it.
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Posing ANY kind of question to the climate crusaders will ALWAYS get an answer and it will ALWAYS stick to the established narrative.


Because getting people to believe in climate change is a huge part of the progressive agenda going waaaaaaaay back to the early 90's. When the radical progressives meet, they speak about it openly as was exposed by a US congressman in the early 90's who covertly attended a meeting >>>>

AGENDA: Grinding America Down (Full Movie) FREE to watch for a limited time! on Vimeo

You cant establish a NWO without controlling the energy or the health of the population. Get ahold of those things = power forever. Study the disaster in the EU related to green destroys economies. For every green job gained, many more are is part of the agenda and easily researched.

The AGW warmists will always morph no matter what the climate is doing.......warming up......cooling down........more snow.......less snow.........more glacier expansion........less glacier expansion..........more hurricanes........less hurricanes............more tornado's.........less tornado's. No matter what.......they will have an answer. It is the brilliance of the whole is foolproof.

Most Americans have no clue ( but are far more asute in201 as compared to 2006)........I suggest interested parties to do your own research HERE >>>

You will not find this information anywhere in newspapers or on TV as those entities are all in on the agenda.

Global warming is a hoax and always has been a hoax.
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And I wonder where all that data comes from to go back 11,000 years. LOL! The ignorant on here is just fascinating right?
Actually, I think it came from cores of Arctic ice and petrified wood as well as geological traces.

BTW, the rings from trees cut down show a much different story. Go read about it.

The link that matthew provided doesn't say a lot about THIS study.. Looks like the only NEW twist is that they merged the Marcott and Mann data into one graph..

The conclusions stink of course.. Because the only VALID statement that can be made is that

Modern INSTANTANEOUS temperatures MIGHT exceed the historical LONG TERM AVERAGES..

Averages that in the Marcott data are as long as 400 and 500 years before you'd see any "spikes"... There can be no conclusions from those studies that "it's never been warmer".. That's dishonest and false if you understand the limitations of the data preparation..
Are you suggesting that Marcott said anything different? Do not your numbers regarding what is and is not visible in Marcott's data come from Marcott? Where the F do you get off calling the man dishonest?
Simply because they're conservative anti-science fucks that live to attack anything that doesn't send this country back to the 18th century.

They're kind of like radical islam. Scary but true.

In what’s maybe the most comprehensive global temperature reconstruction study to date, scientists at Oregon State University and Harvard University found that the planet today is warmer than it has been during 70 to 80 percent of the time over the last 11,300 years.
Read more at Global temperatures reaching 11,000 years peak

For the year 2100, nearly every climate model evaluated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shows that temperatures will exceed the warmest temperatures during that 11,300-year period known as the Holocene, no matter the greenhouse gas emissions scenario. Now, that’s something to ponder.

This makes sense when you think about the suns forcing being the driver of our climate. NORMAL.

Nice posting of a Press Release, how about linking to the actual source.

Matthew will not link because its impossible, all we are allowed to see is the Press Release, you must have Trust, you must have Faith, you must be a BELIEVER, accept the Press Release as the Word of God!!!!!!!!

Read more at Global temperatures reaching 11,000 years peak

I did you small brained piece of dog crap. :mad:
Are you suggesting that Marcott said anything different? Do not your numbers regarding what is and is not visible in Marcott's data come from Marcott? Where the F do you get off calling the man dishonest?

We were just through that yesterday.. You fucking moron.. MARCOTT says the data only represents 400 or 500 year averages..
Anyone that interprets the Marcott proxies as proving that yearly temps today are higher than any ancient yearly averages is dishonest... That's why I rephrased the conclusion to agree with what he SAID --- his data shows..

NOBODY knows what YEARLY ancient average temps were... They only know CENTURY averages at best..

You really want to rumble dontcha?? Must be mad about the whole AGW deal circling the drain......
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Consider 500 years at a time it does make sense as the Milankovitch cycles are the main forcing for our worlds temperature. Ice age between 115k to 12k and warming to 5k...Since that time we been going down slowly.

What Marcott and every single proxy graph of global temperature show between 12k and 1k is the same thing. Warming out of the ice age, Holocene max and then a slow cooling.

The roman, medieval and little ice ages all lasted 300-600 years. Your point is that this graph only has the ability to see periods of 500 years.
I will try to keep this clean and respectful, and I suggest that others who may join in on this thread do the same.

My question is. Do you do anything for the environment to help prevent what you say is happening to the earth?
If you do what is it that you do?

I'll start even though I don't believe in the theory of man made global warming.

I recycle
I make sure those plastic strap that hold those six packs together are cut.
I do not littler such as throw trash from my truck
I'll walk to places if it's within 10 miles and I have the time.
I use energy efficient bulbs
I use non pesticides in my garden, I make my own.
I do more but this is just a start.

i recycle for profit

have thought about selling carbon credits
Nice posting of a Press Release, how about linking to the actual source.

Matthew will not link because its impossible, all we are allowed to see is the Press Release, you must have Trust, you must have Faith, you must be a BELIEVER, accept the Press Release as the Word of God!!!!!!!!

And I wonder where all that data comes from to go back 11,000 years. LOL! The ignorant on here is just fascinating right?


In what’s maybe the most comprehensive global temperature reconstruction study to date, scientists at Oregon State University and Harvard University found that the planet today is warmer than it has been during 70 to 80 percent of the time over the last 11,300 years.
Read more at Global temperatures reaching 11,000 years peak

For the year 2100, nearly every climate model evaluated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) shows that temperatures will exceed the warmest temperatures during that 11,300-year period known as the Holocene, no matter the greenhouse gas emissions scenario. Now, that’s something to ponder.

This makes sense when you think about the suns forcing being the driver of our climate. NORMAL.

Nice posting of a Press Release, how about linking to the actual source.

Matthew will not link because its impossible, all we are allowed to see is the Press Release, you must have Trust, you must have Faith, you must be a BELIEVER, accept the Press Release as the Word of God!!!!!!!!

Read more at Global temperatures reaching 11,000 years peak

I did you small brained piece of dog crap. :mad:

Like I said, link to the study, I see one of you linked to the abstract which is actually a press release of the introduction. Nice work, that link leads to a site where you can buy the study.

neither Matthew or Abraham will ever link to the actual study or read the actual study, they could buy the study they support blindly, will they, no.

Put your money where your mouth is and actually produce one study, you link and post the marketing propaganda, the press releases, you post the obfuscation under the guise as news, but you never post a study.
Nice posting of a Press Release, how about linking to the actual source.

Matthew will not link because its impossible, all we are allowed to see is the Press Release, you must have Trust, you must have Faith, you must be a BELIEVER, accept the Press Release as the Word of God!!!!!!!!

And I wonder where all that data comes from to go back 11,000 years. LOL! The ignorant on here is just fascinating right?

Nice posting of a Press Release, how about linking to the actual source.

Matthew will not link because its impossible, all we are allowed to see is the Press Release, you must have Trust, you must have Faith, you must be a BELIEVER, accept the Press Release as the Word of God!!!!!!!!

Read more at Global temperatures reaching 11,000 years peak

I did you small brained piece of dog crap. :mad:

Like I said, link to the study, I see one of you linked to the abstract which is actually a press release of the introduction. Nice work, that link leads to a site where you can buy the study.

neither Matthew or Abraham will ever link to the actual study or read the actual study, they could buy the study they support blindly, will they, no.

Put your money where your mouth is and actually produce one study, you link and post the marketing propaganda, the press releases, you post the obfuscation under the guise as news, but you never post a study.

OK. You are ignorant and apperently never attended science classes at the university level. Science journals cost money to publish. So if you are not a member and subscriber to the journal, you have to pay for the article. It is called capitalism. Upset you much?
Abstracts are free.. Or access to University libraries.
From what was posted there is not a CLUE as to what is new in this study..
The roman, medieval and little ice ages all lasted 300-600 years. Your point is that this graph only has the ability to see periods of 500 years.

Again.. INDIVIDUAL proxy studies taken by themselves have a much better chance at finding events on the scale of 100 or 400 yrs.. That's why looking at them as "hints" to ancient regional climates is a better idea than attempting a silly GLOBAL average.
Does Marcott anywhere claim that his data show anything that could not be seen given the resolution values he identifies?
And do you think any of that really makes a differance if we create a world that cannot feed the humans on it because of the emissions of GHGs? And what you believe has squat to do with reality. Reality is the evidence coming in from the satellites observing the glaciers and Arctic and Anarctic Ice Caps. Reality is the figures presented by Swiss Re and Munich Re that show the increasing amount of losses from increasing numbers of extreme weather events.

What does your post have to do with the thread?

I asked what do you do?

You're dealing with a Cult. What did you expect, rationality?
Does Marcott anywhere claim that his data show anything that could not be seen given the resolution values he identifies?

he was part and parcel of the media tour that splashed erroneous headlines on the public. at anytime he could have correctled the misrepresentation but he did not. he waited until he was forced to by the skeptics, and unfortunately the media was no longer interested in a stale story.

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