Question for Trump supporters: Would this be okay with you?

Oh, we "get" the Trump "phenomena". Why do you think we have so little respect for it?

The fact that you people can't tell the difference between "politically incorrect" and "repulsively offensive and trashy" is just the tip of the iceberg, Captain Titanic.

That you don't get that Politically Correct is the problem and Trump is the solution is the whole of the Arctic ice pack.

Right, sweetie. Because I'm such a model of politically correct newspeak and so terribly afraid of ever saying anything that might offend someone. I'm practically teaching a Gender Studies class at Berkeley, over here. :eusa_hand:

The only thing Trump is a "solution" to is civilized, mature intelligence, but you'll excuse me if I didn't consider that a problem.

Maybe you aren't.

Our leadership is.

And all the real solutions, that this nation needs, like Deporting the Illegals, have been made Taboo, and are NOT going to get done by any of the rest of the pack.

None of them.

Who's "our"? I don't claim the freaking GOP leadership, and haven't for a long time.

Be that as it may, the antidote to political correctness is NOT to spout off like a drunk with Tourette's Syndrome.

I have serious doubts about Trump "deporting" much of anyone. His personal practice on the subject doesn't lend itself to confidence in his rhetoric. Cruz, on the other hand, advocates extensions on the same sort of plan which Arizona has implemented to good effect, doing the things that a state can't do by itself.

Anything from Ted on reducing LEGAL immigration? Because that is just as much of the problem as illegal, if not more so.

And whether you "claim" them or not, they are in charge of the Party Machine whether we like it or not.

Believe me, I'm aware of that. i joined the Tea Party movement when it began because I have a long history of criticizing the Republican leadership as not having a complete set of cojones amongst the lot of them.

And I thought it was very compelling what Dana Loesch, founder of the Tea Party movement, had to say about Donald Trump. She basically said, "If I had known that everything I worked for, everything I went through, would culminate in the grassroots electing Donald Trump, I wouldn't have bothered." It was heartbreaking.
In one regard, though, Trump is a uniter. Disgust and loathing for him are damned near the only thing that conservatives, independents, AND liberals have been able to agree on for as long as I can remember.

And yet the polls show him in striking distance of HIllary.

Almost as though there is a huge portion of the nation that you don't know and have never heard from nor even considered....

Which polls would that be? Rasmussen, which has Hillary over Trump, 41 to 36? Fox, which has 47 to 42 in favor of Hillary? Quinnipiac, which shows Trump as the only GOP candidate who doesn't beat Hillary head-to-head? Vegas bookmakers, who show the betting odds on Hillary are 64%?

Oh, wait, I'm sorry. We automatically discount any polling system that doesn't give the right answer as "biased" and "tools of the establishment". So the only polls that are valid are the ones that give Trump what he wants to hear . . . whoever those polls are.

Yes. That sounds like striking distance to me.

And imo, his message is the one most likely to appeal to people on the other side of the party line.

I seem to remember another candidate who thought he could flip the bird to the conservative base and build a winning campaign on Democrats abandoning their own candidate to support him. Let me think, who was that? Oh, yeah. John McCain.

Good luck with that.

Unlike McCain Trump has both a serious plan to attract benefit the interests of those voters and no hesitation to play rough and dirty.

Can I just take a moment to admire the deep maturity of your "He started it!" reasoning?


And then consider that firing back in the heat of the moment is better than being a doormat.

Like normal for Republicans.

No, actually, I don't consider either to be particularly useful.

Well, we Republicans have tried being doormats and that has not worked.

I'm up for trying the other thing, you know, fighting back.

And there's no middle ground between doormat and white trash? The only way to "fight back" and to bluster and bully like an episode of "Jerry Springer"?

You show me someone who are taken that "middle" route and had it work, I will consider it.

Until then, welcome to the Future.

Most people are successful by being civilized adults. Show me someone outside of reality TV and daytime talk shows who's been successful by acting like they just left the trailer park yesterday.
Please elaborate
he supports forced use of ethanol even though it's been shown to be worse than just gas

OK. Is that the total difference?
If you want more information on how many of your policies trump supports, look it up yourself.

Not my policies. I'm well aware of where we differ or agree. I'm just wondering why the GOP is so hostile to him when he is only saying what they have advocated for a long time.
so you don't push for ethanol?

was that before or after you learned trump supported it

That was when it was made clear that producing ethanol used about as much energy as it produced. We need to develop more efficient energy sources, and subsidizing that development is a good idea. However, every effort won't be successful, and when they aren't, we need to pull back at least some on the less productive ones..
If they did that wouldn't that be like saying there is no Republican party? and voters really do not count?
They're shitting bricks. It's beginning to look like they'd rather lose the general than back Trump. So outside of just bending over and taking it, this would be their only option.

I don't get it. Trump is saying exactly the same things that right wingers have been saying for years. I would think they should love having Trump for the nominee.
Trump is not a conservative.

With all his talk about banning Muslims and building a wall, he's not a liberal. He's all yours. The GOP built him. He's all yours.
He was in an heated exchange with John McCain that McCain started and he insulted McCain BACK.
You don't understand the rules, Correll. They can attack Trump but Trump is NOT allowed to attack them back.

So this is the new meme: Trump was just standing there, mute, like an innocent little lamb, when the big bad mean people came along and attacked him and he had no choice but to respond. :cuckoo:

John McCain was quite rude to him, as far as I know, completely without personal provocation.

You are the one out of touch with reality.

John McCain criticized a person running for the nomination from McCain's party. His words were intemperate - his words often are - but they were more insulting to the Trumpettes than they were to Trump himself.

Furthermore, some specific points that should be addressed about that.

1) It's hypocritical for any supporter of Trump to be incensed by someone else being "rude".

2) If Donald Trump is going to get his panties in a ruffle about people criticizing him, then running for President is not the best place for him, let alone actually BEING President.

3) There is no "personal provocation" needed for someone to criticize a Presidential candidate, or anyone in politics. And McCain's remark wasn't personal to Trump at all; Trump made it personal, and well beyond simply "rude", when he felt the proper response was to mock McCain's war record. No one in the state of Arizona holds a candle to me on hating McCain politically, and finding him distasteful personally, but there's simply no excusing or justifying denigration of a POW.

1. I regret that Public Discourse has reached the point where the only thing that is working to punch though the Wall of Lies of the PC Media, is the aggressive tactics of Trump. But it has.

2. I disagree. We are in a world were politeness is often mistaken as weakness, and civility and respect is rarely if ever returned. It may very well be better to teach people that slights will be answered.

3. As McCain was not making a valid "criticism" but simply insulting Trump's supporters, I, as one of those supporters. am glad that he insulted McCain back.
McCain thinks because he was captured he can say or do anything he wants and should be exempt from criticism. Trump was perfectly justified in punching back at the failed candidate for his insults and the Trump haters are now suddenly offended and sympathetic to same guy they attacked relentlessly in 2008 and with much greater vitriol than Trump handed out.
The difference is when they attacked McCain in 2008, he had not attacked them first but that was ok because it was THEM doing it and not Trump. All the fake indignation they're displaying now over Trump insulting the poor POW is the height of hypocrisy.

And then consider that firing back in the heat of the moment is better than being a doormat.

Like normal for Republicans.

No, actually, I don't consider either to be particularly useful.

Well, we Republicans have tried being doormats and that has not worked.

I'm up for trying the other thing, you know, fighting back.

And there's no middle ground between doormat and white trash? The only way to "fight back" and to bluster and bully like an episode of "Jerry Springer"?

You show me someone who are taken that "middle" route and had it work, I will consider it.

Until then, welcome to the Future.

Most people are successful by being civilized adults. Show me someone outside of reality TV and daytime talk shows who's been successful by acting like they just left the trailer park yesterday.

Most people aren't targeted by the media the way the GOP is.

Ronald Reagan did pretty well. But he left the mechanism of PC unchallenged. He was Teflon, but he did nothing to save others from the Left's vile machine and it has been destroying people and stopping serious debate on the issues for far too long.
You don't understand the rules, Correll. They can attack Trump but Trump is NOT allowed to attack them back.

So this is the new meme: Trump was just standing there, mute, like an innocent little lamb, when the big bad mean people came along and attacked him and he had no choice but to respond. :cuckoo:

John McCain was quite rude to him, as far as I know, completely without personal provocation.

You are the one out of touch with reality.

John McCain criticized a person running for the nomination from McCain's party. His words were intemperate - his words often are - but they were more insulting to the Trumpettes than they were to Trump himself.

Furthermore, some specific points that should be addressed about that.

1) It's hypocritical for any supporter of Trump to be incensed by someone else being "rude".

2) If Donald Trump is going to get his panties in a ruffle about people criticizing him, then running for President is not the best place for him, let alone actually BEING President.

3) There is no "personal provocation" needed for someone to criticize a Presidential candidate, or anyone in politics. And McCain's remark wasn't personal to Trump at all; Trump made it personal, and well beyond simply "rude", when he felt the proper response was to mock McCain's war record. No one in the state of Arizona holds a candle to me on hating McCain politically, and finding him distasteful personally, but there's simply no excusing or justifying denigration of a POW.

1. I regret that Public Discourse has reached the point where the only thing that is working to punch though the Wall of Lies of the PC Media, is the aggressive tactics of Trump. But it has.

2. I disagree. We are in a world were politeness is often mistaken as weakness, and civility and respect is rarely if ever returned. It may very well be better to teach people that slights will be answered.

3. As McCain was not making a valid "criticism" but simply insulting Trump's supporters, I, as one of those supporters. am glad that he insulted McCain back.
McCain thinks because he was captured he can say or do anything he wants and should be exempt from criticism. Trump was perfectly justified in punching back at the failed candidate for his insults and the Trump haters are now suddenly offended and sympathetic to same guy they attacked relentlessly in 2008 and with much greater vitriol than Trump handed out.
The difference is when they attacked McCain in 2008, he had not attacked them first but that was ok because it was THEM doing it and not Trump. All the fake indignation they're displaying now over Trump insulting the poor POW is the height of hypocrisy.

I don't know if McCain feels that way. I know he dished it out and he got it back.

And yes, they were happy to dog pile McCain when he was a real threat to them.
No, actually, I don't consider either to be particularly useful.

Well, we Republicans have tried being doormats and that has not worked.

I'm up for trying the other thing, you know, fighting back.

And there's no middle ground between doormat and white trash? The only way to "fight back" and to bluster and bully like an episode of "Jerry Springer"?

You show me someone who are taken that "middle" route and had it work, I will consider it.

Until then, welcome to the Future.

Most people are successful by being civilized adults. Show me someone outside of reality TV and daytime talk shows who's been successful by acting like they just left the trailer park yesterday.

Most people aren't targeted by the media the way the GOP is.

Ronald Reagan did pretty well. But he left the mechanism of PC unchallenged. He was Teflon, but he did nothing to save others from the Left's vile machine and it has been destroying people and stopping serious debate on the issues for far too long.

No argument on the media. But as I tell my children, your behavior should be dictated by what's right and wrong, not by what other people choose to do.

Ronald Reagan didn't do anything about "saving others from PC" because, just possibly, he was the kind of man who thought they should be capable of saving themselves. Ronald Reagan was never the sort of person who thought others were stupid, helpless victims who needed someone else to fight every battle in life for them, and certainly not via the power of government.

I said this earlier, I think in another thread: the American people are the most powerful force on Earth. Not the President, not Congress, not the Supreme Court, not even the IRS. We are. All of those entities derive 100% of their power from us, through our consent to be governed. But all too often, we'd rather whine about our helplessness and victimhood and wring our hands, waiting for a knight in shining armor to save us than shake off our apathy, withhold our consent, and demand better. And usually, what we get instead of a knight in shining armor is an asshat in tinfoil.
Well, we Republicans have tried being doormats and that has not worked.

I'm up for trying the other thing, you know, fighting back.

And there's no middle ground between doormat and white trash? The only way to "fight back" and to bluster and bully like an episode of "Jerry Springer"?

You show me someone who are taken that "middle" route and had it work, I will consider it.

Until then, welcome to the Future.

Most people are successful by being civilized adults. Show me someone outside of reality TV and daytime talk shows who's been successful by acting like they just left the trailer park yesterday.

Most people aren't targeted by the media the way the GOP is.

Ronald Reagan did pretty well. But he left the mechanism of PC unchallenged. He was Teflon, but he did nothing to save others from the Left's vile machine and it has been destroying people and stopping serious debate on the issues for far too long.

No argument on the media. But as I tell my children, your behavior should be dictated by what's right and wrong, not by what other people choose to do.

Ronald Reagan didn't do anything about "saving others from PC" because, just possibly, he was the kind of man who thought they should be capable of saving themselves. Ronald Reagan was never the sort of person who thought others were stupid, helpless victims who needed someone else to fight every battle in life for them, and certainly not via the power of government.

I said this earlier, I think in another thread: the American people are the most powerful force on Earth. Not the President, not Congress, not the Supreme Court, not even the IRS. We are. All of those entities derive 100% of their power from us, through our consent to be governed. But all too often, we'd rather whine about our helplessness and victimhood and wring our hands, waiting for a knight in shining armor to save us than shake off our apathy, withhold our consent, and demand better. And usually, what we get instead of a knight in shining armor is an asshat in tinfoil.

Most of the real problems in this country can not be seriously discussed because of Political COrrectness.

The "power" of the America people to do so much, such as control their own borders, has been successfully hampered.
And there's no middle ground between doormat and white trash? The only way to "fight back" and to bluster and bully like an episode of "Jerry Springer"?

You show me someone who are taken that "middle" route and had it work, I will consider it.

Until then, welcome to the Future.

Most people are successful by being civilized adults. Show me someone outside of reality TV and daytime talk shows who's been successful by acting like they just left the trailer park yesterday.

Most people aren't targeted by the media the way the GOP is.

Ronald Reagan did pretty well. But he left the mechanism of PC unchallenged. He was Teflon, but he did nothing to save others from the Left's vile machine and it has been destroying people and stopping serious debate on the issues for far too long.

No argument on the media. But as I tell my children, your behavior should be dictated by what's right and wrong, not by what other people choose to do.

Ronald Reagan didn't do anything about "saving others from PC" because, just possibly, he was the kind of man who thought they should be capable of saving themselves. Ronald Reagan was never the sort of person who thought others were stupid, helpless victims who needed someone else to fight every battle in life for them, and certainly not via the power of government.

I said this earlier, I think in another thread: the American people are the most powerful force on Earth. Not the President, not Congress, not the Supreme Court, not even the IRS. We are. All of those entities derive 100% of their power from us, through our consent to be governed. But all too often, we'd rather whine about our helplessness and victimhood and wring our hands, waiting for a knight in shining armor to save us than shake off our apathy, withhold our consent, and demand better. And usually, what we get instead of a knight in shining armor is an asshat in tinfoil.

Most of the real problems in this country can not be seriously discussed because of Political COrrectness.

The "power" of the America people to do so much, such as control their own borders, has been successfully hampered.

They "cannot"? Or they just ARE not? Personally, I discuss 'em all the damned time, as do many others.

The main thing hampering the American people's ability to control its borders and other things is the people's manifest unwillingness to USE its power. We do not - yet - live in a country where our government can make us helpless without our own complicity. Hell, the Trumpettes themselves should be proof of that. The Republican Party is a multimillion-dollar private corporation that has been one of the two major powers in the US government since the War Between the States, and a gaggle of screaming, infuriated rednecks has them shitting their frillies and on the brink of extinction.
You show me someone who are taken that "middle" route and had it work, I will consider it.

Until then, welcome to the Future.

Most people are successful by being civilized adults. Show me someone outside of reality TV and daytime talk shows who's been successful by acting like they just left the trailer park yesterday.

Most people aren't targeted by the media the way the GOP is.

Ronald Reagan did pretty well. But he left the mechanism of PC unchallenged. He was Teflon, but he did nothing to save others from the Left's vile machine and it has been destroying people and stopping serious debate on the issues for far too long.

No argument on the media. But as I tell my children, your behavior should be dictated by what's right and wrong, not by what other people choose to do.

Ronald Reagan didn't do anything about "saving others from PC" because, just possibly, he was the kind of man who thought they should be capable of saving themselves. Ronald Reagan was never the sort of person who thought others were stupid, helpless victims who needed someone else to fight every battle in life for them, and certainly not via the power of government.

I said this earlier, I think in another thread: the American people are the most powerful force on Earth. Not the President, not Congress, not the Supreme Court, not even the IRS. We are. All of those entities derive 100% of their power from us, through our consent to be governed. But all too often, we'd rather whine about our helplessness and victimhood and wring our hands, waiting for a knight in shining armor to save us than shake off our apathy, withhold our consent, and demand better. And usually, what we get instead of a knight in shining armor is an asshat in tinfoil.

Most of the real problems in this country can not be seriously discussed because of Political COrrectness.

The "power" of the America people to do so much, such as control their own borders, has been successfully hampered.

They "cannot"? Or they just ARE not? Personally, I discuss 'em all the damned time, as do many others.

The main thing hampering the American people's ability to control its borders and other things is the people's manifest unwillingness to USE its power. We do not - yet - live in a country where our government can make us helpless without our own complicity. Hell, the Trumpettes themselves should be proof of that. The Republican Party is a multimillion-dollar private corporation that has been one of the two major powers in the US government since the War Between the States, and a gaggle of screaming, infuriated rednecks has them shitting their frillies and on the brink of extinction.

Do you really?

Because every time I see these issues breached, the discussion is buried under a pile of screaming hysterical libs.

Who are you talking to that actually responds in a meaningful way?
Most people are successful by being civilized adults. Show me someone outside of reality TV and daytime talk shows who's been successful by acting like they just left the trailer park yesterday.

Most people aren't targeted by the media the way the GOP is.

Ronald Reagan did pretty well. But he left the mechanism of PC unchallenged. He was Teflon, but he did nothing to save others from the Left's vile machine and it has been destroying people and stopping serious debate on the issues for far too long.

No argument on the media. But as I tell my children, your behavior should be dictated by what's right and wrong, not by what other people choose to do.

Ronald Reagan didn't do anything about "saving others from PC" because, just possibly, he was the kind of man who thought they should be capable of saving themselves. Ronald Reagan was never the sort of person who thought others were stupid, helpless victims who needed someone else to fight every battle in life for them, and certainly not via the power of government.

I said this earlier, I think in another thread: the American people are the most powerful force on Earth. Not the President, not Congress, not the Supreme Court, not even the IRS. We are. All of those entities derive 100% of their power from us, through our consent to be governed. But all too often, we'd rather whine about our helplessness and victimhood and wring our hands, waiting for a knight in shining armor to save us than shake off our apathy, withhold our consent, and demand better. And usually, what we get instead of a knight in shining armor is an asshat in tinfoil.

Most of the real problems in this country can not be seriously discussed because of Political COrrectness.

The "power" of the America people to do so much, such as control their own borders, has been successfully hampered.

They "cannot"? Or they just ARE not? Personally, I discuss 'em all the damned time, as do many others.

The main thing hampering the American people's ability to control its borders and other things is the people's manifest unwillingness to USE its power. We do not - yet - live in a country where our government can make us helpless without our own complicity. Hell, the Trumpettes themselves should be proof of that. The Republican Party is a multimillion-dollar private corporation that has been one of the two major powers in the US government since the War Between the States, and a gaggle of screaming, infuriated rednecks has them shitting their frillies and on the brink of extinction.

Do you really?

Because every time I see these issues breached, the discussion is buried under a pile of screaming hysterical libs.

Who are you talking to that actually responds in a meaningful way?

If you were thinking it was possible to "fix" the world such that there would never be an opposition, with varying levels of screaming hysteria, then I hate to puncture your illusion, but it ain't gonna happen.

And as it happens, on the topic of Donald Trump, YOU are my opposition, and we seem to be communicating meaningfully at the moment.
If they did that wouldn't that be like saying there is no Republican party? and voters really do not count?
They're shitting bricks. It's beginning to look like they'd rather lose the general than back Trump. So outside of just bending over and taking it, this would be their only option.

I don't get it. Trump is saying exactly the same things that right wingers have been saying for years. I would think they should love having Trump for the nominee.
Trump is not a conservative.

With all his talk about banning Muslims and building a wall, he's not a liberal. He's all yours. The GOP built him. He's all yours.
He's never been a conservative. He's making noises, but no one believes he's going to actually govern that way.
If they did that wouldn't that be like saying there is no Republican party? and voters really do not count?
They're shitting bricks. It's beginning to look like they'd rather lose the general than back Trump. So outside of just bending over and taking it, this would be their only option..
I don't get it. Trump is saying exactly the same things that right wingers have been saying for years. I would think they should love having Trump for the nominee.
Trump is not a conservative.
With all his talk about banning Muslims and building a wall, he's not a liberal. He's all yours. The GOP built him. He's all yours.
He's never been a conservative. He's making noises, but no one believes he's going to actually govern that way.
I think anyone who really thinks they know what this guy would do in any given situation is kidding themselves.

He's gonna do and/or say whatever it takes to get him through that moment. Who knows what that is.
They're shitting bricks. It's beginning to look like they'd rather lose the general than back Trump. So outside of just bending over and taking it, this would be their only option..
I don't get it. Trump is saying exactly the same things that right wingers have been saying for years. I would think they should love having Trump for the nominee.
Trump is not a conservative.
With all his talk about banning Muslims and building a wall, he's not a liberal. He's all yours. The GOP built him. He's all yours.
He's never been a conservative. He's making noises, but no one believes he's going to actually govern that way.
I think anyone who really thinks they know what this guy would do in any given situation is kidding themselves.

He's gonna do and/or say whatever it takes to get him through that moment.
Hence my confidence that he is no conservative, because conservatives usually have some strength in their convictions.
I don't get it. Trump is saying exactly the same things that right wingers have been saying for years. I would think they should love having Trump for the nominee.
Trump is not a conservative.
With all his talk about banning Muslims and building a wall, he's not a liberal. He's all yours. The GOP built him. He's all yours.
He's never been a conservative. He's making noises, but no one believes he's going to actually govern that way.
I think anyone who really thinks they know what this guy would do in any given situation is kidding themselves.

He's gonna do and/or say whatever it takes to get him through that moment.
Hence my confidence that he is no conservative, because conservatives usually have some strength in their convictions.
I'd agree with that, whether I agree with them on an issue or not.

I just don't see that here.
Trump is not a conservative.
With all his talk about banning Muslims and building a wall, he's not a liberal. He's all yours. The GOP built him. He's all yours.
He's never been a conservative. He's making noises, but no one believes he's going to actually govern that way.
I think anyone who really thinks they know what this guy would do in any given situation is kidding themselves.

He's gonna do and/or say whatever it takes to get him through that moment.
Hence my confidence that he is no conservative, because conservatives usually have some strength in their convictions.
I'd agree with that, whether I agree with them on an issue or not.

I just don't see that here.
I also say it because Trump is not a politician, and hasn't thought out his positions on many issues. He's just shooting from the lip, trusting in his bluster and intimidation to shut up any opposition. I really don't think he expected to get this far and drastically underestimated the discontent with politics as usual out there.
Most people aren't targeted by the media the way the GOP is.

Ronald Reagan did pretty well. But he left the mechanism of PC unchallenged. He was Teflon, but he did nothing to save others from the Left's vile machine and it has been destroying people and stopping serious debate on the issues for far too long.

No argument on the media. But as I tell my children, your behavior should be dictated by what's right and wrong, not by what other people choose to do.

Ronald Reagan didn't do anything about "saving others from PC" because, just possibly, he was the kind of man who thought they should be capable of saving themselves. Ronald Reagan was never the sort of person who thought others were stupid, helpless victims who needed someone else to fight every battle in life for them, and certainly not via the power of government.

I said this earlier, I think in another thread: the American people are the most powerful force on Earth. Not the President, not Congress, not the Supreme Court, not even the IRS. We are. All of those entities derive 100% of their power from us, through our consent to be governed. But all too often, we'd rather whine about our helplessness and victimhood and wring our hands, waiting for a knight in shining armor to save us than shake off our apathy, withhold our consent, and demand better. And usually, what we get instead of a knight in shining armor is an asshat in tinfoil.

Most of the real problems in this country can not be seriously discussed because of Political COrrectness.

The "power" of the America people to do so much, such as control their own borders, has been successfully hampered.

They "cannot"? Or they just ARE not? Personally, I discuss 'em all the damned time, as do many others.

The main thing hampering the American people's ability to control its borders and other things is the people's manifest unwillingness to USE its power. We do not - yet - live in a country where our government can make us helpless without our own complicity. Hell, the Trumpettes themselves should be proof of that. The Republican Party is a multimillion-dollar private corporation that has been one of the two major powers in the US government since the War Between the States, and a gaggle of screaming, infuriated rednecks has them shitting their frillies and on the brink of extinction.

Do you really?

Because every time I see these issues breached, the discussion is buried under a pile of screaming hysterical libs.

Who are you talking to that actually responds in a meaningful way?

If you were thinking it was possible to "fix" the world such that there would never be an opposition, with varying levels of screaming hysteria, then I hate to puncture your illusion, but it ain't gonna happen.

And as it happens, on the topic of Donald Trump, YOU are my opposition, and we seem to be communicating meaningfully at the moment.

A fair point, re: there will always be some hysterical libs.

But a world where the Conventional Wisdom and the GOP leadership did not agree with them, does not seem to be too much to hope for.

And yes, we disagree very strongly on the issues, and yet manage to stay on topic.

So it can be done.
From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes.

Also, Trump's supporters have made it pretty clear that they've had it with the GOP and really don't care what it thinks about Trump. Okay.

So here's my question: Would you mind if the "establishment" ran and backed a more moderate Republican, like a Romney or a Ryan or a Rubio, and ran them third party?

It ensures Hillary will win. If that is what the Rove camp wants, why not be honest and switch parties openly?

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