Question for Trump supporters: Would this be okay with you?

If you are right...(an enormous IF you must know), women must be weak minded to vote for Cankles because some Americans refer to her as a bitch and Cankles.
Thanks for another reason to chuckle.

No...but there isn't a woman out there who has paid a dimes worth of attention to the GOP primaries that cannot see Trump referring to HRC as any of the words mentioned about

If we follow your logic (well not really logical of course) then all the nasty names said of Trump, by your beloved establishment, means he is a winner. Yes?

It's cloudy in your mind; isn't it? On one hand, you have a universal standard (women) and on the other, you have a nuanced group of the GOP...

I'm not sure there are a bunch of establishment types using such vulgarity. Even if they are....consider 2 things:

Women make up 55% of the voters this time out. Why would you go out of your way to alienate them except unless you do not know better.

Those in the "establishment" who are anti-trump thus far are the cannot alienate yourself from yourself, can you? In other words, if I'm Princess Frebus or whatever lawn jockey you got to run the GOP, and I call him an "asshole", I don't think I'm going to drive Democrats to vote for him based on that.
You lost me now...

You posted that RWNJ's calling Cankles Cankles and a bitch, means women will vote for her.

Did I miss something there?

Here is what I said:

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

I also said that every female voter who has watched the GOP antics can fully picture Donald Trump calling HRC, Megan Kelly, or any other woman any of the names you normally use and much, much worse.

It won't get the single largest block of voters in the GOP camp but intelligence isn't the "party of stupid's" strong suit.
Beside the illogical belief that you speak for ALL women, I find your position entirely illogical.

Trump did not call Hillary Cankles, but you think ALL women know he will.

I am sorry but you are out where the buses don't run.

Yeah, and I bet you really believe that the Bible is his favorite book....

I don't speak for all women but more and more women are shunning marriage to make it on their own, more women hold college degrees than men graduating these days, etc...

And even if you do not like Ms. Clinton's politics, you can still feel the sting when someone calls her such a vulgar name as you throw around. This is what made the Sandra Fluke incident so beneficial politically to the left;

And here you are repeating the same mistake and supporting the new TEA Party Messiah who is a poster child for parroting the baser instincts of his supporters.
You misunderstand, which is often.

I do not call Cankles names because she is a woman. I call her vulgar names because she is a stinking lying corrupt tool of the 1% politician. I often call all pols vulgar names. Has nothing to do with gender, but leftists are all about gender...and race...and sexuality...and class...and....
Thanks for another reason to chuckle.

No...but there isn't a woman out there who has paid a dimes worth of attention to the GOP primaries that cannot see Trump referring to HRC as any of the words mentioned about

It's cloudy in your mind; isn't it? On one hand, you have a universal standard (women) and on the other, you have a nuanced group of the GOP...

I'm not sure there are a bunch of establishment types using such vulgarity. Even if they are....consider 2 things:

Women make up 55% of the voters this time out. Why would you go out of your way to alienate them except unless you do not know better.

Those in the "establishment" who are anti-trump thus far are the cannot alienate yourself from yourself, can you? In other words, if I'm Princess Frebus or whatever lawn jockey you got to run the GOP, and I call him an "asshole", I don't think I'm going to drive Democrats to vote for him based on that.
You lost me now...

You posted that RWNJ's calling Cankles Cankles and a bitch, means women will vote for her.

Did I miss something there?

Here is what I said:

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

I also said that every female voter who has watched the GOP antics can fully picture Donald Trump calling HRC, Megan Kelly, or any other woman any of the names you normally use and much, much worse.

It won't get the single largest block of voters in the GOP camp but intelligence isn't the "party of stupid's" strong suit.
Beside the illogical belief that you speak for ALL women, I find your position entirely illogical.

Trump did not call Hillary Cankles, but you think ALL women know he will.

I am sorry but you are out where the buses don't run.

Yeah, and I bet you really believe that the Bible is his favorite book....

I don't speak for all women but more and more women are shunning marriage to make it on their own, more women hold college degrees than men graduating these days, etc...

And even if you do not like Ms. Clinton's politics, you can still feel the sting when someone calls her such a vulgar name as you throw around. This is what made the Sandra Fluke incident so beneficial politically to the left;

And here you are repeating the same mistake and supporting the new TEA Party Messiah who is a poster child for parroting the baser instincts of his supporters.
You misunderstand, which is often.

I do not call Cankles names because she is a women. I call her vulgar names because she is a stinking lying corrupt tool of the 1% politician. I often call all pols vulgar names. Has nothing to do with gender, but leftists are all about gender...and race...and sexuality...and class...and....

Damn. That was so much better than mine!

From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes.

Also, Trump's supporters have made it pretty clear that they've had it with the GOP and really don't care what it thinks about Trump. Okay.

So here's my question: Would you mind if the "establishment" ran and backed a more moderate Republican, like a Romney or a Ryan or a Rubio, and ran them third party?
Thanks for another reason to chuckle.

No...but there isn't a woman out there who has paid a dimes worth of attention to the GOP primaries that cannot see Trump referring to HRC as any of the words mentioned about

It's cloudy in your mind; isn't it? On one hand, you have a universal standard (women) and on the other, you have a nuanced group of the GOP...

I'm not sure there are a bunch of establishment types using such vulgarity. Even if they are....consider 2 things:

Women make up 55% of the voters this time out. Why would you go out of your way to alienate them except unless you do not know better.

Those in the "establishment" who are anti-trump thus far are the cannot alienate yourself from yourself, can you? In other words, if I'm Princess Frebus or whatever lawn jockey you got to run the GOP, and I call him an "asshole", I don't think I'm going to drive Democrats to vote for him based on that.
You lost me now...

You posted that RWNJ's calling Cankles Cankles and a bitch, means women will vote for her.

Did I miss something there?

Here is what I said:

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

I also said that every female voter who has watched the GOP antics can fully picture Donald Trump calling HRC, Megan Kelly, or any other woman any of the names you normally use and much, much worse.

It won't get the single largest block of voters in the GOP camp but intelligence isn't the "party of stupid's" strong suit.
Beside the illogical belief that you speak for ALL women, I find your position entirely illogical.

Trump did not call Hillary Cankles, but you think ALL women know he will.

I am sorry but you are out where the buses don't run.

Yeah, and I bet you really believe that the Bible is his favorite book....

I don't speak for all women but more and more women are shunning marriage to make it on their own, more women hold college degrees than men graduating these days, etc...

And even if you do not like Ms. Clinton's politics, you can still feel the sting when someone calls her such a vulgar name as you throw around. This is what made the Sandra Fluke incident so beneficial politically to the left;

And here you are repeating the same mistake and supporting the new TEA Party Messiah who is a poster child for parroting the baser instincts of his supporters.
You misunderstand, which is often.

I do not call Cankles names because she is a woman. I call her vulgar names because she is a stinking lying corrupt tool of the 1% politician. I often call all pols vulgar names. Has nothing to do with gender, but leftists are all about gender...and race...and sexuality...and class...and....

And you called her "bitch" why exactly? See, you can't even keep your own BS straight!!!
Yeah, and Trump ain't Reagan.

That's for sure/

Given the sorts of people he pals around with, I don't even want to contemplate what he might dredge up and think would be great for the Supreme Court. Keep in mind, Bill and Hillary are both lawyers, and his sister is a freaking judge. I shudder to think.

Bill is a disbarred lawyer for criminal acts. Hillary is a life long criminal. Anyone she selects will necessarily be corrupt.

Mostly though, the democrats have an agenda to end the bill of rights. Hillary will further that agenda. Trump is not tied to it.
You actually believed those new republicans were going to kill healthcare. That's just nuts.

So Comrade Bullshit, you're saying that before Obama's Fascistcare there was no healthcare in this nation, and should Fascistcare be repealed there will be no healthcare are all?

I have a question, if one of you Communists slipped up and told the truth about something, would you be expelled from the party?
Here is what I said:

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

I also said that every female voter who has watched the GOP antics can fully picture Donald Trump calling HRC, Megan Kelly, or any other woman any of the names you normally use and much, much worse.

It won't get the single largest block of voters in the GOP camp but intelligence isn't the "party of stupid's" strong suit.

Have you ever actually met a woman, in real life?

I'm doubting it.
From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes.

Also, Trump's supporters have made it pretty clear that they've had it with the GOP and really don't care what it thinks about Trump. Okay.

So here's my question: Would you mind if the "establishment" ran and backed a more moderate Republican, like a Romney or a Ryan or a Rubio, and ran them third party?

Interesting idea. What the "anti-establishment" cons don't understand is that without the party money, infrastructure, and legions of lawyers, the DNC will make mincemeat of them in the general election. Maybe the Old Guard wants to show the insurgents who's the dog and who's the bear once and for all. They detest Trump for being a fraud.....a liberal in wolf's clothing. And despite the "pledge", they'll work behind the scenes with the Dems to destroy him...and it will work. And we'll get Hillary's foreign policy, single-payer healthcare, two maybe three leftist Supremes and of course our firearms manufacturers sued out of existence. That's the stakes Trump're supporting a nightmare scenario of epic consequence.
And you called her "bitch" why exactly? See, you can't even keep your own BS straight!!!

My wife refers to her as "that cvnt." Not a term I had ever heard my wife use until Hillary came around. BUT America hates Hillary, and for good reason, she is a life long criminal. Corruption defines every aspect of her being. She is a liar, a thief, she takes bribes and engages in simony.

And those are her good traits.

From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes.

Also, Trump's supporters have made it pretty clear that they've had it with the GOP and really don't care what it thinks about Trump. Okay.

So here's my question: Would you mind if the "establishment" ran and backed a more moderate Republican, like a Romney or a Ryan or a Rubio, and ran them third party?

Interesting idea. What the "anti-establishment" cons don't understand is that without the party money, infrastructure, and legions of lawyers, the DNC will make mincemeat of them in the general election. Maybe the Old Guard wants to show the insurgents who's the dog and who's the bear once and for all. They detest Trump for being a fraud.....a liberal in wolf's clothing. And despite the "pledge", they'll work behind the scenes with the Dems to destroy him...and it will work. And we'll get Hillary's foreign policy, single-payer healthcare, two maybe three leftist Supremes and of course our firearms manufacturers sued out of existence. That's the stakes Trump're supporting a nightmare scenario of epic consequence.
I don't know how he wins without full party support. The party has a pretty big freakin' decision coming up.
You actually believed those new republicans were going to kill healthcare. That's just nuts.

So Comrade Bullshit, you're saying that before Obama's Fascistcare there was no healthcare in this nation, and should Fascistcare be repealed there will be no healthcare are all?

I have a question, if one of you Communists slipped up and told the truth about something, would you be expelled from the party?
I'm not aware of any fascistcare program, and I didn't say any of that other stuff you're rambeling on about.. Perhaps it was the voices in your head that said it.
You lost me now...

You posted that RWNJ's calling Cankles Cankles and a bitch, means women will vote for her.

Did I miss something there?

Here is what I said:

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

I also said that every female voter who has watched the GOP antics can fully picture Donald Trump calling HRC, Megan Kelly, or any other woman any of the names you normally use and much, much worse.

It won't get the single largest block of voters in the GOP camp but intelligence isn't the "party of stupid's" strong suit.
Beside the illogical belief that you speak for ALL women, I find your position entirely illogical.

Trump did not call Hillary Cankles, but you think ALL women know he will.

I am sorry but you are out where the buses don't run.

Yeah, and I bet you really believe that the Bible is his favorite book....

I don't speak for all women but more and more women are shunning marriage to make it on their own, more women hold college degrees than men graduating these days, etc...

And even if you do not like Ms. Clinton's politics, you can still feel the sting when someone calls her such a vulgar name as you throw around. This is what made the Sandra Fluke incident so beneficial politically to the left;

And here you are repeating the same mistake and supporting the new TEA Party Messiah who is a poster child for parroting the baser instincts of his supporters.
You misunderstand, which is often.

I do not call Cankles names because she is a woman. I call her vulgar names because she is a stinking lying corrupt tool of the 1% politician. I often call all pols vulgar names. Has nothing to do with gender, but leftists are all about gender...and race...and sexuality...and class...and....

And you called her "bitch" why exactly? See, you can't even keep your own BS straight!!!
Because exactly she is a bitch.
They're shitting bricks. It's beginning to look like they'd rather lose the general than back Trump. So outside of just bending over and taking it, this would be their only option.

I don't get it. Trump is saying exactly the same things that right wingers have been saying for years. I would think they should love having Trump for the nominee.
Trump is not a conservative.

With all his talk about banning Muslims and building a wall, he's not a liberal. He's all yours. The GOP built him. He's all yours.
He's never been a conservative. He's making noises, but no one believes he's going to actually govern that way.

Whatever he is, he's yours. His supporters seem to believe he intends to do what he says.
And if he wins the election, he's your president too.
Thanks for another reason to chuckle.

No...but there isn't a woman out there who has paid a dimes worth of attention to the GOP primaries that cannot see Trump referring to HRC as any of the words mentioned about

It's cloudy in your mind; isn't it? On one hand, you have a universal standard (women) and on the other, you have a nuanced group of the GOP...

I'm not sure there are a bunch of establishment types using such vulgarity. Even if they are....consider 2 things:

Women make up 55% of the voters this time out. Why would you go out of your way to alienate them except unless you do not know better.

Those in the "establishment" who are anti-trump thus far are the cannot alienate yourself from yourself, can you? In other words, if I'm Princess Frebus or whatever lawn jockey you got to run the GOP, and I call him an "asshole", I don't think I'm going to drive Democrats to vote for him based on that.
You lost me now...

You posted that RWNJ's calling Cankles Cankles and a bitch, means women will vote for her.

Did I miss something there?

Here is what I said:

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

I also said that every female voter who has watched the GOP antics can fully picture Donald Trump calling HRC, Megan Kelly, or any other woman any of the names you normally use and much, much worse.

It won't get the single largest block of voters in the GOP camp but intelligence isn't the "party of stupid's" strong suit.
Beside the illogical belief that you speak for ALL women, I find your position entirely illogical.

Trump did not call Hillary Cankles, but you think ALL women know he will.

I am sorry but you are out where the buses don't run.

Yeah, and I bet you really believe that the Bible is his favorite book....

I don't speak for all women but more and more women are shunning marriage to make it on their own, more women hold college degrees than men graduating these days, etc...

And even if you do not like Ms. Clinton's politics, you can still feel the sting when someone calls her such a vulgar name as you throw around. This is what made the Sandra Fluke incident so beneficial politically to the left;

And here you are repeating the same mistake and supporting the new TEA Party Messiah who is a poster child for parroting the baser instincts of his supporters.
You misunderstand, which is often.

I do not call Cankles names because she is a woman. I call her vulgar names because she is a stinking lying corrupt tool of the 1% politician. I often call all pols vulgar names. Has nothing to do with gender, but leftists are all about gender...and race...and sexuality...and class...and....
You don't need to defend yourself to the left. This is their M.O. If they criticize Condi Rice, it's because of her "policies". If they criticize Ben Carson, it's because of his "policies". If they criticize Sarah Palin, it's because of her "policies". But if YOU criticize Obama, it's because you hate black people. If YOU criticize Hillary, it's because you hate women. If YOU want a secure border, it's because YOU'RE a racist. See how it works? 2 different sets of rules with liberals.
I'm not aware of any fascistcare program,

Sort of like you're not aware when you shit yourself?

and I didn't say any of that other stuff you're rambeling on about.. Perhaps it was the voices in your head that said it.

Retard Bullshit said:
You actually believed those new republicans were going to kill healthcare.
I don't get it. Trump is saying exactly the same things that right wingers have been saying for years. I would think they should love having Trump for the nominee.
Trump is not a conservative.

With all his talk about banning Muslims and building a wall, he's not a liberal. He's all yours. The GOP built him. He's all yours.
He's never been a conservative. He's making noises, but no one believes he's going to actually govern that way.

Whatever he is, he's yours. His supporters seem to believe he intends to do what he says.
And if he wins the election, he's your president too.

If he were to win, he would be my president. Fortunately, that has less than a snowball's chance in hell.
Trump may be a blowhard not unlike Obama or the rest of the political class. However, the fact that the D and R establishment and the MSM hate and fear him so much, makes me like him. Not a particularly good reason to vote for him, but WTF!!! We have been saddled with career pols for decades, might as well try something else.

It would be the same logic to claim you've been "saddled" with poor returns in the Market because you're not filthy rich like some others who have played the market. Then turning around and putting your savings on a horse in the 3rd race at Santa Anita, "might as well try something else."

Because populist demagogues around the world have a great history of governing effectively and leaving their country in a better place afterwards.


Millions of Americans care about Cankle's emails and Benghazi. Stop believing the lies of the MSM...I know won't happen. You will believe whatever the MSM tells you...

As she racks up victory after victory and regularly leads all GOP contenders in head-to-head match ups, I see your point.

You don't like me calling the bitch Cankles...what have you and your friends on the Left called W and other Rs? Why is it always a one way street with you leftists? Do you fail to see the hypocrisy?
Yeah I know...Ds are good and Rs are bad. Fuck that...they are ALL BAD.

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

In fact, I'm sure you can do better than those two words...please show us the whole repertoire.
If you are right...(an enormous IF you must know), women must be weak minded to vote for Cankles because some Americans refer to her as a bitch and Cankles.
Thanks for another reason to chuckle.

No...but there isn't a woman out there who has paid a dimes worth of attention to the GOP primaries that cannot see Trump referring to HRC as any of the words mentioned about

If we follow your logic (well not really logical of course) then all the nasty names said of Trump, by your beloved establishment, means he is a winner. Yes?

It's cloudy in your mind; isn't it? On one hand, you have a universal standard (women) and on the other, you have a nuanced group of the GOP...

I'm not sure there are a bunch of establishment types using such vulgarity. Even if they are....consider 2 things:

Women make up 55% of the voters this time out. Why would you go out of your way to alienate them except unless you do not know better.

Those in the "establishment" who are anti-trump thus far are the cannot alienate yourself from yourself, can you? In other words, if I'm Princess Frebus or whatever lawn jockey you got to run the GOP, and I call him an "asshole", I don't think I'm going to drive Democrats to vote for him based on that.
You lost me now...

You posted that RWNJ's calling Cankles Cankles and a bitch, means women will vote for her.

Did I miss something there?

Here is what I said:

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

I also said that every female voter who has watched the GOP antics can fully picture Donald Trump calling HRC, Megan Kelly, or any other woman any of the names you normally use and much, much worse.

It won't get the single largest block of voters in the GOP camp but intelligence isn't the "party of stupid's" strong suit.

Growing up in the 70's I had to suffer Women's Lib. They told us how women don't need men to support them. They are just as good as men if not better. They don't want to be looked at any other way than equals.

Now women are offended if Trump calls a woman a name? Now we need different standards?
Trump may be a blowhard not unlike Obama or the rest of the political class. However, the fact that the D and R establishment and the MSM hate and fear him so much, makes me like him. Not a particularly good reason to vote for him, but WTF!!! We have been saddled with career pols for decades, might as well try something else.

It would be the same logic to claim you've been "saddled" with poor returns in the Market because you're not filthy rich like some others who have played the market. Then turning around and putting your savings on a horse in the 3rd race at Santa Anita, "might as well try something else."
I suppose you are right...but when the nation is imploding, one must take chances.

You are betting on the horse that everyone else is...the horse (cankles is actually a jackass in more ways than one) that will not win, but you think is a safe bet.

Imploding? So you have left the nation I take it? I mean...why remain on a ship you think is sinking?
Democrats have won 5 of the last 6 popular votes and the EV contest 4 out of the last 6 times. Trump and Cruz have almost no cross-over appeal to ethnic minorities or independents and people with two working neurons will be turned off by a group calling a woman "cankles". HRC's election to President is as close to a sure bet as we have seen.

PS: Nobody cares about Benghazi or e-mails.
Millions of Americans care about Cankle's emails and Benghazi. Stop believing the lies of the MSM...I know won't happen. You will believe whatever the MSM tells you...

As she racks up victory after victory and regularly leads all GOP contenders in head-to-head match ups, I see your point.

You don't like me calling the bitch Cankles...what have you and your friends on the Left called W and other Rs? Why is it always a one way street with you leftists? Do you fail to see the hypocrisy?

Yeah I know...Ds are good and Rs are bad. Fuck that...they are ALL BAD.

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

In fact, I'm sure you can do better than those two words...please show us the whole repertoire.

Yeah, war on women. Buy your own birth control. That's a real war.

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