Question for Trump supporters: Would this be okay with you?

From what I'm hearing, the GOP establishment is trying to downplay the possibility of a brokered convention. Surely they know it would cause a huge revolt within their own party. And regardless, there's nothing they can do if he gets the required votes.

Also, Trump's supporters have made it pretty clear that they've had it with the GOP and really don't care what it thinks about Trump. Okay.

So here's my question: Would you mind if the "establishment" ran and backed a more moderate Republican, like a Romney or a Ryan or a Rubio, and ran them third party?

If Trump goes to the convention with 1237+ delegates he will be the nominee. If he goes with the most delegates but less than 1237 and he is not the nominee. I will not vote for whatever person they nominate.
I don't get it. Trump is saying exactly the same things that right wingers have been saying for years. I would think they should love having Trump for the nominee.

No he isn't.

Trump is saying "Build the wall". Not "comprehensive immigration reform" like the GOPe- but specifically "BUILD THE WALL".
He is pushing for "Smart trade" - not "Free trade". He's the only candidate that has the guts to admit that the USA has made lousy, one sided trade deals that have cost a lot of Americans jobs.
He is pushing for tax reform- yes a lot of GOP candidates talk about this, but he is very specific and he addresses corporate inversions as well.
He's the only GOP candidate that talks about fixing the VA by allowing Vets to go to ANY HOSPITAL.
He admits that we fucked up by going into Iraq- No other GOP candidates have the balls to admit this fact. That alone makes him far superior to any of the others
He's not in the pockets of the donor class or big business.


I'm not questioning how he differs from other candidates. I'm asking how he differs from what right wingers and right wing radio has been saying for years. They have advocated each and every one of the things you listed at one time or the other.

Thanks for the clarification

I can't speak for them, but I imagine that some of conservatives that oppose Trump are blinded by the same empty promises that got us to where we are today. They are still drinking the GOPe Kool-Aid.

Very few conservatives will admit that "W" was a terrible POTUS. Even fewer will acknowledge that invading Iraq was a grave mistake. The so called "conservatives" that we've elected are, generally speaking, milquetoasts who refuse to do the job they were elected to do. That is why Trump is doing so well.

Personally, I want a non-politician. Someone who can afford to run a campaign with his own money. Someone who is not in the back pocket of lobbyists and the donor class. Trump is the only candidate that fits the bill. He will not be bought by anyone.

It's your party, and you can vote for anyone you want, but next time, you might want to consider if it is even possible for them to do all the things they promise. The last batch you elected promised you so much crazy shit, knowing it wouldn't happen. Trump fits that pattern too.

Oh, you mean like free college?

Quit being so myopic. Pick a debate......any debate, and do a Google search on that debate with the words Fact Check.

What you'll find is that saying things that may not be true or not possible to put into motion is very typical during debates---not just Trump. Either the Congress will stop him, the Senate will stop him, the cost is way off, there is a Constitutional issue, it's already against the law, or a number of other things.

What we do find out however is the mindset of the candidate.

You actually believed those new republicans were going to kill healthcare. That's just nuts.
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

People don't vote for radio hosts they vote for candidates. Trump is a candidate and it pisses you off.
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

People don't vote for radio hosts they vote for candidates. Trump is a candidate and it pisses you off.

Thanks for pointing out that obvious fact, but I wasn't discussing the other candidates. Only Trump and his alignment with right wing radio, As for as being pissed off about Trump running, nothing could please me more.
Trump may be a blowhard not unlike Obama or the rest of the political class. However, the fact that the D and R establishment and the MSM hate and fear him so much, makes me like him. Not a particularly good reason to vote for him, but WTF!!! We have been saddled with career pols for decades, might as well try something else.
Trump may be a blowhard not unlike Obama or the rest of the political class. However, the fact that the D and R establishment and the MSM hate and fear him so much, makes me like him. Not a particularly good reason to vote for him, but WTF!!! We have been saddled with career pols for decades, might as well try something else.

It would be the same logic to claim you've been "saddled" with poor returns in the Market because you're not filthy rich like some others who have played the market. Then turning around and putting your savings on a horse in the 3rd race at Santa Anita, "might as well try something else."
Trump may be a blowhard not unlike Obama or the rest of the political class. However, the fact that the D and R establishment and the MSM hate and fear him so much, makes me like him. Not a particularly good reason to vote for him, but WTF!!! We have been saddled with career pols for decades, might as well try something else.

It would be the same logic to claim you've been "saddled" with poor returns in the Market because you're not filthy rich like some others who have played the market. Then turning around and putting your savings on a horse in the 3rd race at Santa Anita, "might as well try something else."
I suppose you are right...but when the nation is imploding, one must take chances.

You are betting on the horse that everyone else is...the horse (cankles is actually a jackass in more ways than one) that will not win, but you think is a safe bet.
Trump may be a blowhard not unlike Obama or the rest of the political class. However, the fact that the D and R establishment and the MSM hate and fear him so much, makes me like him. Not a particularly good reason to vote for him, but WTF!!! We have been saddled with career pols for decades, might as well try something else.

It would be the same logic to claim you've been "saddled" with poor returns in the Market because you're not filthy rich like some others who have played the market. Then turning around and putting your savings on a horse in the 3rd race at Santa Anita, "might as well try something else."
I suppose you are right...but when the nation is imploding, one must take chances.

You are betting on the horse that everyone else is...the horse (cankles is actually a jackass in more ways than one) that will not win, but you think is a safe bet.

Imploding? So you have left the nation I take it? I mean...why remain on a ship you think is sinking?
Democrats have won 5 of the last 6 popular votes and the EV contest 4 out of the last 6 times. Trump and Cruz have almost no cross-over appeal to ethnic minorities or independents and people with two working neurons will be turned off by a group calling a woman "cankles". HRC's election to President is as close to a sure bet as we have seen.

PS: Nobody cares about Benghazi or e-mails.
Trump may be a blowhard not unlike Obama or the rest of the political class. However, the fact that the D and R establishment and the MSM hate and fear him so much, makes me like him. Not a particularly good reason to vote for him, but WTF!!! We have been saddled with career pols for decades, might as well try something else.

It would be the same logic to claim you've been "saddled" with poor returns in the Market because you're not filthy rich like some others who have played the market. Then turning around and putting your savings on a horse in the 3rd race at Santa Anita, "might as well try something else."
I suppose you are right...but when the nation is imploding, one must take chances.

You are betting on the horse that everyone else is...the horse (cankles is actually a jackass in more ways than one) that will not win, but you think is a safe bet.

Imploding? So you have left the nation I take it? I mean...why remain on a ship you think is sinking?
Democrats have won 5 of the last 6 popular votes and the EV contest 4 out of the last 6 times. Trump and Cruz have almost no cross-over appeal to ethnic minorities or independents and people with two working neurons will be turned off by a group calling a woman "cankles". HRC's election to President is as close to a sure bet as we have seen.

PS: Nobody cares about Benghazi or e-mails.
Millions of Americans care about Cankle's emails and Benghazi. Stop believing the lies of the MSM...I know won't happen. You will believe whatever the MSM tells you...

You don't like me calling the bitch Cankles...what have you and your friends on the Left called W and other Rs? Why is it always a one way street with you leftists? Do you fail to see the hypocrisy?

Yeah I know...Ds are good and Rs are bad. Fuck that...they are ALL BAD.
Trump may be a blowhard not unlike Obama or the rest of the political class. However, the fact that the D and R establishment and the MSM hate and fear him so much, makes me like him. Not a particularly good reason to vote for him, but WTF!!! We have been saddled with career pols for decades, might as well try something else.

It would be the same logic to claim you've been "saddled" with poor returns in the Market because you're not filthy rich like some others who have played the market. Then turning around and putting your savings on a horse in the 3rd race at Santa Anita, "might as well try something else."
I suppose you are right...but when the nation is imploding, one must take chances.

You are betting on the horse that everyone else is...the horse (cankles is actually a jackass in more ways than one) that will not win, but you think is a safe bet.

Imploding? So you have left the nation I take it? I mean...why remain on a ship you think is sinking?
Democrats have won 5 of the last 6 popular votes and the EV contest 4 out of the last 6 times. Trump and Cruz have almost no cross-over appeal to ethnic minorities or independents and people with two working neurons will be turned off by a group calling a woman "cankles". HRC's election to President is as close to a sure bet as we have seen.

PS: Nobody cares about Benghazi or e-mails.
Millions of Americans care about Cankle's emails and Benghazi. Stop believing the lies of the MSM...I know won't happen. You will believe whatever the MSM tells you...

As she racks up victory after victory and regularly leads all GOP contenders in head-to-head match ups, I see your point.

You don't like me calling the bitch Cankles...what have you and your friends on the Left called W and other Rs? Why is it always a one way street with you leftists? Do you fail to see the hypocrisy?

Yeah I know...Ds are good and Rs are bad. Fuck that...they are ALL BAD.

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

In fact, I'm sure you can do better than those two words...please show us the whole repertoire.
Trump represents the anger and frustration Americans are feeling from GOP betrayals and that attitude of "You'll just have to take it because you've got nowhere else to go". It seems that the GOP is willing to give the election to the Democrats to prevent Trump from getting elected and ruining their gravy train club in Washington but hard working Americans who once trusted the GOP are equally as willing to leave the party. Why stay when both parties have become one in the same?

Isn't it funny how you never see the Democrats do anything like this? I don't think the DNC was crazy about DumBama either, until they seen how popular he was getting, and then (unlike the Republicans) they jumped on the bandwagon.

The establishment is pissed, but fails to understand that it's because of them that there is a Trump in the first place. Instead of blaming themselves for the creation they made, they get mad at Trump.

I've asked several times, but haven't received a strait answer yet. How is what Trump says much different from what right wing radio has been saying for years?

People don't vote for radio hosts they vote for candidates. Trump is a candidate and it pisses you off.

Thanks for pointing out that obvious fact, but I wasn't discussing the other candidates. Only Trump and his alignment with right wing radio, As for as being pissed off about Trump running, nothing could please me more.

Neither was I. I specifically mentioned Trump. Maybe you missed it.
Trump may be a blowhard not unlike Obama or the rest of the political class. However, the fact that the D and R establishment and the MSM hate and fear him so much, makes me like him. Not a particularly good reason to vote for him, but WTF!!! We have been saddled with career pols for decades, might as well try something else.

It would be the same logic to claim you've been "saddled" with poor returns in the Market because you're not filthy rich like some others who have played the market. Then turning around and putting your savings on a horse in the 3rd race at Santa Anita, "might as well try something else."
I suppose you are right...but when the nation is imploding, one must take chances.

You are betting on the horse that everyone else is...the horse (cankles is actually a jackass in more ways than one) that will not win, but you think is a safe bet.

Imploding? So you have left the nation I take it? I mean...why remain on a ship you think is sinking?
Democrats have won 5 of the last 6 popular votes and the EV contest 4 out of the last 6 times. Trump and Cruz have almost no cross-over appeal to ethnic minorities or independents and people with two working neurons will be turned off by a group calling a woman "cankles". HRC's election to President is as close to a sure bet as we have seen.

PS: Nobody cares about Benghazi or e-mails.
Millions of Americans care about Cankle's emails and Benghazi. Stop believing the lies of the MSM...I know won't happen. You will believe whatever the MSM tells you...

As she racks up victory after victory and regularly leads all GOP contenders in head-to-head match ups, I see your point.

You don't like me calling the bitch Cankles...what have you and your friends on the Left called W and other Rs? Why is it always a one way street with you leftists? Do you fail to see the hypocrisy?
Yeah I know...Ds are good and Rs are bad. Fuck that...they are ALL BAD.

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

In fact, I'm sure you can do better than those two words...please show us the whole repertoire.
If you are right...(an enormous IF you must know), women must be weak minded to vote for Cankles because some Americans refer to her as a bitch and Cankles.

If we follow your logic (well not really logical of course) then all the nasty names said of Trump, by your beloved establishment, means he is a winner. Yes?
I don't listen to right wing radio, I only know Trump doesn't always agree and support the direction republicans have made in the past, such as Iraq. Trump is not afraid to say where the republicans went wrong. Because he is so vocal about that in being his own voice, politicians from among the establishment are saying he is not a worthy candidate to represent the party.

"Establishment" Republican politicians say he's not a worthy politician because he calls POWs losers, mocks a handicapped reporters, says a woman can't be elected because she's ugly, ruminates that he'd like to punch someone in the face, calls Mexicans rapists and drug mules, says a woman isn't doing her job because she's menstruating, states that he wants to ban an entire religion from entering the country including Americans of that religion, traffics in bizarre conspiracy theories, brings up Hillary's bathroom habits, threaten people who criticize him, threaten the Speaker of the House if he doesn't co-operate with you, call critics "losers," take several days before condemning the KKK, pretend you don't know David Duke, tells companies to go fuck themselves, talk about his manhood on stage, and so on.

I remember Obama being rather devisive, with Americans "holding onto their guns and religion", while cops were believed to be "acting stupidly" before apologizing at a beer summit. What has this divider-in-chief ever said or done to bring both parties, different classes, those of opposing views together? There is no amount of "reaching out" that Obama has done that wasn't to be used as a center stage platform to exploit his own political agenda. Was this president at all capable of attending a funeral simply to show support, even for those he may not agree with?
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It would be the same logic to claim you've been "saddled" with poor returns in the Market because you're not filthy rich like some others who have played the market. Then turning around and putting your savings on a horse in the 3rd race at Santa Anita, "might as well try something else."
I suppose you are right...but when the nation is imploding, one must take chances.

You are betting on the horse that everyone else is...the horse (cankles is actually a jackass in more ways than one) that will not win, but you think is a safe bet.

Imploding? So you have left the nation I take it? I mean...why remain on a ship you think is sinking?
Democrats have won 5 of the last 6 popular votes and the EV contest 4 out of the last 6 times. Trump and Cruz have almost no cross-over appeal to ethnic minorities or independents and people with two working neurons will be turned off by a group calling a woman "cankles". HRC's election to President is as close to a sure bet as we have seen.

PS: Nobody cares about Benghazi or e-mails.
Millions of Americans care about Cankle's emails and Benghazi. Stop believing the lies of the MSM...I know won't happen. You will believe whatever the MSM tells you...

As she racks up victory after victory and regularly leads all GOP contenders in head-to-head match ups, I see your point.

You don't like me calling the bitch Cankles...what have you and your friends on the Left called W and other Rs? Why is it always a one way street with you leftists? Do you fail to see the hypocrisy?
Yeah I know...Ds are good and Rs are bad. Fuck that...they are ALL BAD.

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

In fact, I'm sure you can do better than those two words...please show us the whole repertoire.
If you are right...(an enormous IF you must know), women must be weak minded to vote for Cankles because some Americans refer to her as a bitch and Cankles.
Thanks for another reason to chuckle.

No...but there isn't a woman out there who has paid a dimes worth of attention to the GOP primaries that cannot see Trump referring to HRC as any of the words mentioned about

If we follow your logic (well not really logical of course) then all the nasty names said of Trump, by your beloved establishment, means he is a winner. Yes?

It's cloudy in your mind; isn't it? On one hand, you have a universal standard (women) and on the other, you have a nuanced group of the GOP...

I'm not sure there are a bunch of establishment types using such vulgarity. Even if they are....consider 2 things:

Women make up 55% of the voters this time out. Why would you go out of your way to alienate them except unless you do not know better.

Those in the "establishment" who are anti-trump thus far are the cannot alienate yourself from yourself, can you? In other words, if I'm Princess Frebus or whatever lawn jockey you got to run the GOP, and I call him an "asshole", I don't think I'm going to drive Democrats to vote for him based on that.
I suppose you are right...but when the nation is imploding, one must take chances.

You are betting on the horse that everyone else is...the horse (cankles is actually a jackass in more ways than one) that will not win, but you think is a safe bet.

Imploding? So you have left the nation I take it? I mean...why remain on a ship you think is sinking?
Democrats have won 5 of the last 6 popular votes and the EV contest 4 out of the last 6 times. Trump and Cruz have almost no cross-over appeal to ethnic minorities or independents and people with two working neurons will be turned off by a group calling a woman "cankles". HRC's election to President is as close to a sure bet as we have seen.

PS: Nobody cares about Benghazi or e-mails.
Millions of Americans care about Cankle's emails and Benghazi. Stop believing the lies of the MSM...I know won't happen. You will believe whatever the MSM tells you...

As she racks up victory after victory and regularly leads all GOP contenders in head-to-head match ups, I see your point.

You don't like me calling the bitch Cankles...what have you and your friends on the Left called W and other Rs? Why is it always a one way street with you leftists? Do you fail to see the hypocrisy?
Yeah I know...Ds are good and Rs are bad. Fuck that...they are ALL BAD.

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

In fact, I'm sure you can do better than those two words...please show us the whole repertoire.
If you are right...(an enormous IF you must know), women must be weak minded to vote for Cankles because some Americans refer to her as a bitch and Cankles.
Thanks for another reason to chuckle.

No...but there isn't a woman out there who has paid a dimes worth of attention to the GOP primaries that cannot see Trump referring to HRC as any of the words mentioned about

If we follow your logic (well not really logical of course) then all the nasty names said of Trump, by your beloved establishment, means he is a winner. Yes?

It's cloudy in your mind; isn't it? On one hand, you have a universal standard (women) and on the other, you have a nuanced group of the GOP...

I'm not sure there are a bunch of establishment types using such vulgarity. Even if they are....consider 2 things:

Women make up 55% of the voters this time out. Why would you go out of your way to alienate them except unless you do not know better.

Those in the "establishment" who are anti-trump thus far are the cannot alienate yourself from yourself, can you? In other words, if I'm Princess Frebus or whatever lawn jockey you got to run the GOP, and I call him an "asshole", I don't think I'm going to drive Democrats to vote for him based on that.
You lost me now...

You posted that RWNJ's calling Cankles Cankles and a bitch, means women will vote for her.

Did I miss something there?
Imploding? So you have left the nation I take it? I mean...why remain on a ship you think is sinking?
Democrats have won 5 of the last 6 popular votes and the EV contest 4 out of the last 6 times. Trump and Cruz have almost no cross-over appeal to ethnic minorities or independents and people with two working neurons will be turned off by a group calling a woman "cankles". HRC's election to President is as close to a sure bet as we have seen.

PS: Nobody cares about Benghazi or e-mails.
Millions of Americans care about Cankle's emails and Benghazi. Stop believing the lies of the MSM...I know won't happen. You will believe whatever the MSM tells you...

As she racks up victory after victory and regularly leads all GOP contenders in head-to-head match ups, I see your point.

You don't like me calling the bitch Cankles...what have you and your friends on the Left called W and other Rs? Why is it always a one way street with you leftists? Do you fail to see the hypocrisy?
Yeah I know...Ds are good and Rs are bad. Fuck that...they are ALL BAD.

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

In fact, I'm sure you can do better than those two words...please show us the whole repertoire.
If you are right...(an enormous IF you must know), women must be weak minded to vote for Cankles because some Americans refer to her as a bitch and Cankles.
Thanks for another reason to chuckle.

No...but there isn't a woman out there who has paid a dimes worth of attention to the GOP primaries that cannot see Trump referring to HRC as any of the words mentioned about

If we follow your logic (well not really logical of course) then all the nasty names said of Trump, by your beloved establishment, means he is a winner. Yes?

It's cloudy in your mind; isn't it? On one hand, you have a universal standard (women) and on the other, you have a nuanced group of the GOP...

I'm not sure there are a bunch of establishment types using such vulgarity. Even if they are....consider 2 things:

Women make up 55% of the voters this time out. Why would you go out of your way to alienate them except unless you do not know better.

Those in the "establishment" who are anti-trump thus far are the cannot alienate yourself from yourself, can you? In other words, if I'm Princess Frebus or whatever lawn jockey you got to run the GOP, and I call him an "asshole", I don't think I'm going to drive Democrats to vote for him based on that.
You lost me now...

You posted that RWNJ's calling Cankles Cankles and a bitch, means women will vote for her.

Did I miss something there?

Here is what I said:

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

I also said that every female voter who has watched the GOP antics can fully picture Donald Trump calling HRC, Megan Kelly, or any other woman any of the names you normally use and much, much worse.

It won't get the single largest block of voters in the GOP camp but intelligence isn't the "party of stupid's" strong suit.
Millions of Americans care about Cankle's emails and Benghazi. Stop believing the lies of the MSM...I know won't happen. You will believe whatever the MSM tells you...

As she racks up victory after victory and regularly leads all GOP contenders in head-to-head match ups, I see your point.

You don't like me calling the bitch Cankles...what have you and your friends on the Left called W and other Rs? Why is it always a one way street with you leftists? Do you fail to see the hypocrisy?
Yeah I know...Ds are good and Rs are bad. Fuck that...they are ALL BAD.

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

In fact, I'm sure you can do better than those two words...please show us the whole repertoire.
If you are right...(an enormous IF you must know), women must be weak minded to vote for Cankles because some Americans refer to her as a bitch and Cankles.
Thanks for another reason to chuckle.

No...but there isn't a woman out there who has paid a dimes worth of attention to the GOP primaries that cannot see Trump referring to HRC as any of the words mentioned about

If we follow your logic (well not really logical of course) then all the nasty names said of Trump, by your beloved establishment, means he is a winner. Yes?

It's cloudy in your mind; isn't it? On one hand, you have a universal standard (women) and on the other, you have a nuanced group of the GOP...

I'm not sure there are a bunch of establishment types using such vulgarity. Even if they are....consider 2 things:

Women make up 55% of the voters this time out. Why would you go out of your way to alienate them except unless you do not know better.

Those in the "establishment" who are anti-trump thus far are the cannot alienate yourself from yourself, can you? In other words, if I'm Princess Frebus or whatever lawn jockey you got to run the GOP, and I call him an "asshole", I don't think I'm going to drive Democrats to vote for him based on that.
You lost me now...

You posted that RWNJ's calling Cankles Cankles and a bitch, means women will vote for her.

Did I miss something there?

Here is what I said:

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

I also said that every female voter who has watched the GOP antics can fully picture Donald Trump calling HRC, Megan Kelly, or any other woman any of the names you normally use and much, much worse.

It won't get the single largest block of voters in the GOP camp but intelligence isn't the "party of stupid's" strong suit.
Beside the illogical belief that you speak for ALL women, I find your position entirely illogical.

Trump did not call Hillary Cankles, but you think ALL women know he will.

I am sorry but you are out where the buses don't run.
trump seems to be enjoying the show....making his supporters raise their right hand and pledge alliance to this point even he is mocking his followers for being the fools they are

No, he's not.

Why are you lying so much?
As she racks up victory after victory and regularly leads all GOP contenders in head-to-head match ups, I see your point.

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

In fact, I'm sure you can do better than those two words...please show us the whole repertoire.
If you are right...(an enormous IF you must know), women must be weak minded to vote for Cankles because some Americans refer to her as a bitch and Cankles.
Thanks for another reason to chuckle.

No...but there isn't a woman out there who has paid a dimes worth of attention to the GOP primaries that cannot see Trump referring to HRC as any of the words mentioned about

If we follow your logic (well not really logical of course) then all the nasty names said of Trump, by your beloved establishment, means he is a winner. Yes?

It's cloudy in your mind; isn't it? On one hand, you have a universal standard (women) and on the other, you have a nuanced group of the GOP...

I'm not sure there are a bunch of establishment types using such vulgarity. Even if they are....consider 2 things:

Women make up 55% of the voters this time out. Why would you go out of your way to alienate them except unless you do not know better.

Those in the "establishment" who are anti-trump thus far are the cannot alienate yourself from yourself, can you? In other words, if I'm Princess Frebus or whatever lawn jockey you got to run the GOP, and I call him an "asshole", I don't think I'm going to drive Democrats to vote for him based on that.
You lost me now...

You posted that RWNJ's calling Cankles Cankles and a bitch, means women will vote for her.

Did I miss something there?

Here is what I said:

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

I also said that every female voter who has watched the GOP antics can fully picture Donald Trump calling HRC, Megan Kelly, or any other woman any of the names you normally use and much, much worse.

It won't get the single largest block of voters in the GOP camp but intelligence isn't the "party of stupid's" strong suit.
Beside the illogical belief that you speak for ALL women, I find your position entirely illogical.

Trump did not call Hillary Cankles, but you think ALL women know he will.

I am sorry but you are out where the buses don't run.

Yeah, and I bet you really believe that the Bible is his favorite book....

I don't speak for all women but more and more women are shunning marriage to make it on their own, more women hold college degrees than men graduating these days, etc...

And even if you do not like Ms. Clinton's politics, you can still feel the sting when someone calls her such a vulgar name as you throw around. This is what made the Sandra Fluke incident so beneficial politically to the left;

And here you are repeating the same mistake and supporting the new TEA Party Messiah who is a poster child for parroting the baser instincts of his supporters.
If you are right...(an enormous IF you must know), women must be weak minded to vote for Cankles because some Americans refer to her as a bitch and Cankles.
Thanks for another reason to chuckle.

No...but there isn't a woman out there who has paid a dimes worth of attention to the GOP primaries that cannot see Trump referring to HRC as any of the words mentioned about

If we follow your logic (well not really logical of course) then all the nasty names said of Trump, by your beloved establishment, means he is a winner. Yes?

It's cloudy in your mind; isn't it? On one hand, you have a universal standard (women) and on the other, you have a nuanced group of the GOP...

I'm not sure there are a bunch of establishment types using such vulgarity. Even if they are....consider 2 things:

Women make up 55% of the voters this time out. Why would you go out of your way to alienate them except unless you do not know better.

Those in the "establishment" who are anti-trump thus far are the cannot alienate yourself from yourself, can you? In other words, if I'm Princess Frebus or whatever lawn jockey you got to run the GOP, and I call him an "asshole", I don't think I'm going to drive Democrats to vote for him based on that.
You lost me now...

You posted that RWNJ's calling Cankles Cankles and a bitch, means women will vote for her.

Did I miss something there?

Here is what I said:

Uh no, I love when a RWNJ calls a woman "candles" or "bitch" as you also did. Please, by all means, keep it up. It drives women away from your fledgling party and reminds us that the GOP war on women is still well underway.

I also said that every female voter who has watched the GOP antics can fully picture Donald Trump calling HRC, Megan Kelly, or any other woman any of the names you normally use and much, much worse.

It won't get the single largest block of voters in the GOP camp but intelligence isn't the "party of stupid's" strong suit.
Beside the illogical belief that you speak for ALL women, I find your position entirely illogical.

Trump did not call Hillary Cankles, but you think ALL women know he will.

I am sorry but you are out where the buses don't run.

Yeah, and I bet you really believe that the Bible is his favorite book....

I don't speak for all women but more and more women are shunning marriage to make it on their own, more women hold college degrees than men graduating these days, etc...

And even if you do not like Ms. Clinton's politics, you can still feel the sting when someone calls her such a vulgar name as you throw around. This is what made the Sandra Fluke incident so beneficial politically to the left;

And here you are repeating the same mistake and supporting the new TEA Party Messiah who is a poster child for parroting the baser instincts of his supporters.

I am a guy.

When I see someone call another guy a name, I do not feel that he has called me that name.

I am not that person, I am someone else.

Ms. Clinton is a evil bitch who have been an evil bitch to many people for a long time.

I think most women can understand that my calling HER an evil bitch is not an attack on ALL WOMEN, or on them personally, but on Ms. Clinton.

And many of them, looking at Ms. Clinton past actions, are likely to agree with me, that Hillary is an Evil BItch.

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