Question Regarding Ben Carson


Nov 2, 2015
When people say that Ben Carson left a sponge in a woman's brain, is there a reason why they don't talk about the outcome of the lawsuit?
Apparently Luddly doesn't read nor pay attention to the posts nor accusations made on this board.
The entire Internet at their disposal, and they expect someone else to do their homework for them...
When people say that Ben Carson left a sponge in a woman's brain, is there a reason why they don't talk about the outcome of the lawsuit?
That kind of thing is usually settled out-of-court with nondisclosure clauses included.
it was a sponge designed to be left in. micro-sponge between a nerve or something. almost not visible. A small percentage of patients have abnormal reactions. Get off of it! go read about it.


Or is this just a variation on "You do my homework for me"?
When people say that Ben Carson left a sponge in a woman's brain, is there a reason why they don't talk about the outcome of the lawsuit?

Carson is yesterdays news. Now that he has lost the lead no one cares.

Face it, Carson played them all. He sold record numbers of his books and made millions while the rest can't get people interested in buying their books.
CARSON: Well, you know, there is a certain type of operation that we do called a microvascular decompression. And we put these little micro- sponges in between the vessels and the nerve to keep the vessel from pounding on the nerve, and that generally alleviates the pain. Sometimes, people react to the sponges, very, very rare. In that particular case, there was a reaction to it. You know, there's nothing you can do about that except, obviously, if it's causing problems, to remove it. And you know...

HANNITY: All right -- yes. Go ahead.

CARSON: ... this is a desperate attempt, just a desperate attempt to find some dirt.
CARSON: Well, you know, there is a certain type of operation that we do called a microvascular decompression. And we put these little micro- sponges in between the vessels and the nerve to keep the vessel from pounding on the nerve, and that generally alleviates the pain. Sometimes, people react to the sponges, very, very rare. In that particular case, there was a reaction to it. You know, there's nothing you can do about that except, obviously, if it's causing problems, to remove it. And you know...

HANNITY: All right -- yes. Go ahead.

CARSON: ... this is a desperate attempt, just a desperate attempt to find some dirt.

The only half way decent candidate in the GOP and the left tarred and feathered him and lynched him.

The Left can destroy Carson because he is a decent man.

However, the Left will never be able to destroy Trump for the opposite reason.

The same can be said of Hillary.

Trump and Hillary deserve each other and America deserves them both
CARSON: Well, you know, there is a certain type of operation that we do called a microvascular decompression. And we put these little micro- sponges in between the vessels and the nerve to keep the vessel from pounding on the nerve, and that generally alleviates the pain. Sometimes, people react to the sponges, very, very rare. In that particular case, there was a reaction to it. You know, there's nothing you can do about that except, obviously, if it's causing problems, to remove it. And you know...

HANNITY: All right -- yes. Go ahead.

CARSON: ... this is a desperate attempt, just a desperate attempt to find some dirt.

Okay, so this is Carson refuting the claim on Hannity. Now if you could post the rigorous fact-checking on the part of Hannity's staff after the interview, that would put the claim to rest...if only it existed.
the RW's switched flavors of the month.

Chocolate back to Vanilla ..
Use your google.

Compare Carson's speech patterns and lucidity from ten years ago to today.

He is clearly suffering from some kind of neurological impairment. His speech has noticeably slowed down and he appears to be slurring his words and getting lost as he transitions from one thought to another.

This means that he can only repeat very simple talking points.

It also means he would only survive with voters without the analytical tools to recognize this stuff.

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