Question The Left Never Answers.What About All Of Those Waiting In Line To Get In The USA?

:argue: This has been going on at least since 2009. For those of us who are regular FOX news viewers, we have been watching this argument for quite some time,,especially since Obama became President. Every host has interviewed their share of angry/loony leftists fighting for the illegal aliens who just cross the border, and then Obama just lets them stay.
And when the host says,,,,well what about all of those waiting in line?,,the right/legal way?
And then they go off on how these millions of illegal aliens are contributing to society. Right?
And after these last 9/10 years of these arguments, they still wont give us a direct answer pertaining to those waiting in line.
We all know what they would say if they were ever honest,,,,,,"F Them!!!" F all of them white Europeans waiting in line !! they are all racist republicans and we dont need their votes",.......{pretty much something like that,,,right?}
:lalala: :iagree:
You are so far off base it is comical! I don’t think many on the left don’t want to see more illegal immigration but they do stand up for them in this country because they see the humanity because poor people trying to make a better life for their family and don’t want to treat them like criminal dirt. I think most on the left would like to see our legal immigration system work better and plug up illegal immigration. Illegal crossings hurt those in line, that’s true. Let’s make the entire system better

Not off base at all actually.
The U.S. is a nation founded on law, order, constitutional authority, sovereignty and precedent. These are things that make us a civil first world nation. Why are you so against these principles?

What’s next for the bleeding hearts...poor parents break in to a grocery store, steal food for their hungry children, do we not prosecute because they were just looking to better their life?
Poor parents rob a bank and give the stolen loot to their children. Do we let the children keep the cash? We wouldn’t want to “punish” the children...right?
Is that the precedent you’d like to set?
The truth is, illegals do seek a better quality of the expense of REAL Americans compromising theirs. How or why you people struggle to understand this is mind blowing.
What did I say that makes you think I’m against these principles? Be specific
how come democrats never keep us posted on how many illegal aliens have killed or traumatized legal americans over the last 15 to 20 years?
Oh look a thread full of people who are scared of brown people. Maybe if you all didn't make such shitty choices in your life you wouldn't feel so threatened by some brown kids from "shithole countries".
Oh look a thread full of people who are scared of brown people. Maybe if you all didn't make such shitty choices in your life you wouldn't feel so threatened by some brown kids from "shithole countries".

Blatant misrepresentation of the facts.
:argue: This has been going on at least since 2009. For those of us who are regular FOX news viewers, we have been watching this argument for quite some time,,especially since Obama became President. Every host has interviewed their share of angry/loony leftists fighting for the illegal aliens who just cross the border, and then Obama just lets them stay.
And when the host says,,,,well what about all of those waiting in line?,,the right/legal way?
And then they go off on how these millions of illegal aliens are contributing to society. Right?
And after these last 9/10 years of these arguments, they still wont give us a direct answer pertaining to those waiting in line.
We all know what they would say if they were ever honest,,,,,,"F Them!!!" F all of them white Europeans waiting in line !! they are all racist republicans and we dont need their votes",.......{pretty much something like that,,,right?}
:lalala: :iagree:
You are so far off base it is comical! I don’t think many on the left don’t want to see more illegal immigration but they do stand up for them in this country because they see the humanity because poor people trying to make a better life for their family and don’t want to treat them like criminal dirt. I think most on the left would like to see our legal immigration system work better and plug up illegal immigration. Illegal crossings hurt those in line, that’s true. Let’s make the entire system better

Not off base at all actually.
The U.S. is a nation founded on law, order, constitutional authority, sovereignty and precedent. These are things that make us a civil first world nation. Why are you so against these principles?

What’s next for the bleeding hearts...poor parents break in to a grocery store, steal food for their hungry children, do we not prosecute because they were just looking to better their life?
Poor parents rob a bank and give the stolen loot to their children. Do we let the children keep the cash? We wouldn’t want to “punish” the children...right?
Is that the precedent you’d like to set?
The truth is, illegals do seek a better quality of the expense of REAL Americans compromising theirs. How or why you people struggle to understand this is mind blowing.
What did I say that makes you think I’m against these principles? Be specific

Well, you framed it up nicely with some clever word play but I think we both know the Left does far more than “stand up” for illegals....most champion the shit and advocate for Amnesty....Just to be do realize that’s not being supportive of our founding principles....right?

but they do stand up for them in this country because they see the humanity because poor people trying to make a better life for their family and don’t want to treat them like criminal dirt.”
Dreamers didn't choose to cross the border illegally. They were children brought here without choice. They grew up as Americans and it's all they know.

You should focus your energy on fixing actual issues and not made up ones that only hurts real Americans.

Great, so their parents crossed illegally...send the parents back.
Dreamers didn't choose to cross the border illegally. They were children brought here without choice. They grew up as Americans and it's all they know.

You should focus your energy on fixing actual issues and not made up ones that only hurts real Americans.

Great, so their parents crossed illegally...send the parents back.

Fine, that's more reasonable than sending the Dreamers back.
Oh look a thread full of people who are scared of brown people. Maybe if you all didn't make such shitty choices in your life you wouldn't feel so threatened by some brown kids from "shithole countries".

Blatant misrepresentation of the facts.

I agree, which is why I called you fools out for it.

So tell me....
Why do dems want to flood America with uneducated immigrants?

Dreamers are educated and contributing to this country. Can't say the same for you on either account. Maybe we should send you back.
Oh look a thread full of people who are scared of brown people. Maybe if you all didn't make such shitty choices in your life you wouldn't feel so threatened by some brown kids from "shithole countries".

Blatant misrepresentation of the facts.

I agree, which is why I called you fools out for it.

So tell me....
Why do dems want to flood America with uneducated immigrants?

Dreamers are educated and contributing to this country. Can't say the same for you on either account. Maybe we should send you back.

I've paid more in taxes than any 100 dreamers.
And where exactly are you going to send me back too?
:argue: This has been going on at least since 2009. For those of us who are regular FOX news viewers, we have been watching this argument for quite some time,,especially since Obama became President. Every host has interviewed their share of angry/loony leftists fighting for the illegal aliens who just cross the border, and then Obama just lets them stay.
And when the host says,,,,well what about all of those waiting in line?,,the right/legal way?
And then they go off on how these millions of illegal aliens are contributing to society. Right?
And after these last 9/10 years of these arguments, they still wont give us a direct answer pertaining to those waiting in line.
We all know what they would say if they were ever honest,,,,,,"F Them!!!" F all of them white Europeans waiting in line !! they are all racist republicans and we dont need their votes",.......{pretty much something like that,,,right?}
:lalala: :iagree:
You are so far off base it is comical! I don’t think many on the left don’t want to see more illegal immigration but they do stand up for them in this country because they see the humanity because poor people trying to make a better life for their family and don’t want to treat them like criminal dirt. I think most on the left would like to see our legal immigration system work better and plug up illegal immigration. Illegal crossings hurt those in line, that’s true. Let’s make the entire system better

Not off base at all actually.
The U.S. is a nation founded on law, order, constitutional authority, sovereignty and precedent. These are things that make us a civil first world nation. Why are you so against these principles?

What’s next for the bleeding hearts...poor parents break in to a grocery store, steal food for their hungry children, do we not prosecute because they were just looking to better their life?
Poor parents rob a bank and give the stolen loot to their children. Do we let the children keep the cash? We wouldn’t want to “punish” the children...right?
Is that the precedent you’d like to set?
The truth is, illegals do seek a better quality of the expense of REAL Americans compromising theirs. How or why you people struggle to understand this is mind blowing.
What did I say that makes you think I’m against these principles? Be specific

Well, you framed it up nicely with some clever word play but I think we both know the Left does far more than “stand up” for illegals....most champion the shit and advocate for Amnesty....Just to be do realize that’s not being supportive of our founding principles....right?

but they do stand up for them in this country because they see the humanity because poor people trying to make a better life for their family and don’t want to treat them like criminal dirt.”
So now it’s not me it’s “the left” ok buddy.

Founding principles are always going to be rigid because they are defining the structure of our government and system. Of course they are important but you also have to consider our history, the laws developed within our system, ruling of our courts, the development of our country and the American spirit that has made us great. Since our founding, our nation has grown and prospered on the backs of immigrants and defined ourselves as a beacon of light and land of opportunity. Many people like myself take pride in that spirit. Many people like myself believe that laws should be followed and respected but also want to stay true to the American dream and spirit. If you could take out your partisan earplugs maybe you would recognize that your “opposition” shares many of your values and doesn’t necessarily represent what you project they do.
Oh look a thread full of people who are scared of brown people. Maybe if you all didn't make such shitty choices in your life you wouldn't feel so threatened by some brown kids from "shithole countries".

Blatant misrepresentation of the facts.

I agree, which is why I called you fools out for it.

So tell me....
Why do dems want to flood America with uneducated immigrants?

Dreamers are educated and contributing to this country. Can't say the same for you on either account. Maybe we should send you back.

Still doesn't address those that have been waiting to come in legally. Pick a number, 2 years, 5 years, 7 years. If they have been here for X number of years and have not been legalized...send em packing.
Oh look a thread full of people who are scared of brown people. Maybe if you all didn't make such shitty choices in your life you wouldn't feel so threatened by some brown kids from "shithole countries".

Blatant misrepresentation of the facts.

I agree, which is why I called you fools out for it.

So tell me....
Why do dems want to flood America with uneducated immigrants?

They don't. That was an easy one.
Oh look a thread full of people who are scared of brown people. Maybe if you all didn't make such shitty choices in your life you wouldn't feel so threatened by some brown kids from "shithole countries".

Blatant misrepresentation of the facts.

I agree, which is why I called you fools out for it.

So tell me....
Why do dems want to flood America with uneducated immigrants?

Dreamers are educated and contributing to this country. Can't say the same for you on either account. Maybe we should send you back.

I've paid more in taxes than any 100 dreamers.
And where exactly are you going to send me back too?

Whatever shithole your family originally came from.
Oh look a thread full of people who are scared of brown people. Maybe if you all didn't make such shitty choices in your life you wouldn't feel so threatened by some brown kids from "shithole countries".

Blatant misrepresentation of the facts.

I agree, which is why I called you fools out for it.

So tell me....
Why do dems want to flood America with uneducated immigrants?

They don't. That was an easy one.

Then why do dems continue to defend the practice?
Oh look a thread full of people who are scared of brown people. Maybe if you all didn't make such shitty choices in your life you wouldn't feel so threatened by some brown kids from "shithole countries".

Blatant misrepresentation of the facts.

I agree, which is why I called you fools out for it.

So tell me....
Why do dems want to flood America with uneducated immigrants?

Dreamers are educated and contributing to this country. Can't say the same for you on either account. Maybe we should send you back.

Still doesn't address those that have been waiting to come in legally. Pick a number, 2 years, 5 years, 7 years. If they have been here for X number of years and have not been legalized...send em packing.

Why does one impact the other? Different situations.

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