Question to leftist Supporters, Did the medias misrepresentation of Trump's "Inject disinfectant" Comment Change your Opinion of them?

Are you tired of the medias lies yet

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After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?
Repeatedly until they tested it on veterans and found it to be dangerous and ineffective.

We've been using the stuff for over 50 years. Has had FDA approval all those years. Now that President Trump suggested we try it, all of a sudden it's dangerous and ineffective. Gee, a government entity padding a story for the MSM. Who would have thought that?

It's been successful in many cases, and that's why doctors all over the world are using it. You had a Democrat Michigan state rep have her ass torn out because she believed she was saved by those drugs, and thanked the President for discussing it.
Are you still defending the president's push to use this drug after the studies indicated it was useless crap and potentially dangeous? Now you know why people reacted with such alarm when he brought up the latest stupid bullshit.

The drug is already approved by FDA, and in wide use you moron.

You're the moron here, Norman. IT'S KILLING COVID19 PATIENTS.

The part where it's killing covid19 patients, is why intelligent people said he shouldn't be promoting an unproven drug as a cure, because it has some nasty side effects. You told us it wouldn't hurt anyone because it's already approved and in use for other things.

People are also dying from suicide because of the over hyping madia doing this to make Trump look bad. You people are despicable.

No you stupid dolt. There is no "over-hyping media". There are nearly 1 million confirmed cases and 55,000 deaths, so far and over 775,000 people sick. 36% of your confirmed cases are still dying which means you could be looking at over 300,000 deaths.

You have no protective equipment for medical staff despite "millions of masks" being on the way to hospital, medical staff are no demonstrating at the White House for protection.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?

It was pretty clear as soon as Trump and his supporters at Fox News started touting it. It didn't take a genius to guess that. And that was before we knew the story of the guy who was pushed out of his job for resisting...oh look, distributing the drug to the masses.
Top vaccine expert claims he was fired for resisting Trump on hydroxychloroquine

1) Distribute hydroxychloraquine to the masses.
2) Go on national TV and say "We have a cure".
3) Open economy back up (so Trump has something to campaign on).
4) Hold MAGA rallis so he can stand in front of the pigeons and say "It was all my idea". (This is what is really driving him. It kills him that he can't hold these).

That about covers it.

They wanted to get rid of that guy for most of Trump's first term.

What the President said is we should try it out, nothing more. He said repeatedly that's a decision between the individual and their doctor. You can't get either medication without a prescription.

He said, "What have you got to lose? Take it."

If you believe you are living your last hours on this earth, what do you have to lose? The President was absolutely correct given at the time, we had nothing else that worked on these people. We have lost over 50,000 Americans and growing because of this virus. If you were on your death bed, you mean to tell me with all hope lost, you wouldn't try it????


Doctors are prescribing the drug because it is effective. Stop lying.

Doctors have STOPPED using the drug because it's KILLING THEIR PATIENTS:

I am wondering if Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant changes your opinion of him? I am not asking if you would vote for Biden because of it, just wondering if a comment this incredibly stupid would have any meaning to you?

Clearly he is telling another lie when he says he was being sarcastic, he was being serious.

He said no such thing.

He said quite the opposite, emphatically.

Here is the transcript:

Bill Bryan: (34:16)
No, I’m here to talk about the finds that we had in the study. We don’t do that within that lab at our labs.

Donald Trump: (34:22)
[crosstalk 00:34:22] It wouldn’t be through injections, [inaudible 00:34:25] almost a cleaning and sterilization of an area. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn’t work, but it certainly has a big affect if it’s on a stationary object.
Donald Trump Coronavirus Press Conference Transcript April 23 - Rev

You’re trying to communicate with people with really low IQs

Don't provide them with that excuse.

Nope.....they've simply been taught that lying is acceptable.

It's the Democrat version of taqiyya.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?
Repeatedly until they tested it on veterans and found it to be dangerous and ineffective.

We've been using the stuff for over 50 years. Has had FDA approval all those years. Now that President Trump suggested we try it, all of a sudden it's dangerous and ineffective. Gee, a government entity padding a story for the MSM. Who would have thought that?

It's been successful in many cases, and that's why doctors all over the world are using it. You had a Democrat Michigan state rep have her ass torn out because she believed she was saved by those drugs, and thanked the President for discussing it.
Are you still defending the president's push to use this drug after the studies indicated it was useless crap and potentially dangeous? Now you know why people reacted with such alarm when he brought up the latest stupid bullshit.

The drug is already approved by FDA, and in wide use you moron.

You're the moron here, Norman. IT'S KILLING COVID19 PATIENTS.

The part where it's killing covid19 patients, is why intelligent people said he shouldn't be promoting an unproven drug as a cure, because it has some nasty side effects. You told us it wouldn't hurt anyone because it's already approved and in use for other things.


The drug is absolutely not killing covid patients, that's a lie. People who are more desperate take the drug is what you are seeing. It is effective if taken early enough.

There is no cure for stupid Norman.

This was not a peer-reviewed study.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Veterans Affairs issued a statement by email to Fox News which read, “This was not a clinical trial. It is simply an analysis of retrospective data regarding hospitalized patients. The findings should not be viewed as definitive because the analysis doesn’t adjust for patients’ clinical status and showed that hydroxychloroquine alone was provided to VA’s sickest COVID-19 patients, many times as a last resort.”

After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?

It was pretty clear as soon as Trump and his supporters at Fox News started touting it. It didn't take a genius to guess that. And that was before we knew the story of the guy who was pushed out of his job for resisting...oh look, distributing the drug to the masses.
Top vaccine expert claims he was fired for resisting Trump on hydroxychloroquine

1) Distribute hydroxychloraquine to the masses.
2) Go on national TV and say "We have a cure".
3) Open economy back up (so Trump has something to campaign on).
4) Hold MAGA rallis so he can stand in front of the pigeons and say "It was all my idea". (This is what is really driving him. It kills him that he can't hold these).

That about covers it.

They wanted to get rid of that guy for most of Trump's first term.

What the President said is we should try it out, nothing more. He said repeatedly that's a decision between the individual and their doctor. You can't get either medication without a prescription.

He said, "What have you got to lose? Take it."

If you believe you are living your last hours on this earth, what do you have to lose? The President was absolutely correct given at the time, we had nothing else that worked on these people. We have lost over 50,000 Americans and growing because of this virus. If you were on your death bed, you mean to tell me with all hope lost, you wouldn't try it????


Doctors are prescribing the drug because it is effective. Stop lying.

Doctors have STOPPED using the drug because it's KILLING THEIR PATIENTS:

Doctor Don can offer you a great deal on 29 million hits of hydroxychloroquine that no one wants.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?
Repeatedly until they tested it on veterans and found it to be dangerous and ineffective.

We've been using the stuff for over 50 years. Has had FDA approval all those years. Now that President Trump suggested we try it, all of a sudden it's dangerous and ineffective. Gee, a government entity padding a story for the MSM. Who would have thought that?

It's been successful in many cases, and that's why doctors all over the world are using it. You had a Democrat Michigan state rep have her ass torn out because she believed she was saved by those drugs, and thanked the President for discussing it.
Are you still defending the president's push to use this drug after the studies indicated it was useless crap and potentially dangeous? Now you know why people reacted with such alarm when he brought up the latest stupid bullshit.

The drug is already approved by FDA, and in wide use you moron.

You're the moron here, Norman. IT'S KILLING COVID19 PATIENTS.

The part where it's killing covid19 patients, is why intelligent people said he shouldn't be promoting an unproven drug as a cure, because it has some nasty side effects. You told us it wouldn't hurt anyone because it's already approved and in use for other things.


The drug is absolutely not killing covid patients, that's a lie. People who are more desperate take the drug is what you are seeing. It is effective if taken early enough.

There is no cure for stupid Norman.

This was not a peer-reviewed study.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Veterans Affairs issued a statement by email to Fox News which read, “This was not a clinical trial. It is simply an analysis of retrospective data regarding hospitalized patients. The findings should not be viewed as definitive because the analysis doesn’t adjust for patients’ clinical status and showed that hydroxychloroquine alone was provided to VA’s sickest COVID-19 patients, many times as a last resort.”

Yup, and this idiot is too stupid to understand that of course those who take the drug die more, because THEY ARE SICK. But, she is a Canadian moron with TDS, so she can't understand simple facts.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?

It was pretty clear as soon as Trump and his supporters at Fox News started touting it. It didn't take a genius to guess that. And that was before we knew the story of the guy who was pushed out of his job for resisting...oh look, distributing the drug to the masses.
Top vaccine expert claims he was fired for resisting Trump on hydroxychloroquine

1) Distribute hydroxychloraquine to the masses.
2) Go on national TV and say "We have a cure".
3) Open economy back up (so Trump has something to campaign on).
4) Hold MAGA rallis so he can stand in front of the pigeons and say "It was all my idea". (This is what is really driving him. It kills him that he can't hold these).

That about covers it.

They wanted to get rid of that guy for most of Trump's first term.

What the President said is we should try it out, nothing more. He said repeatedly that's a decision between the individual and their doctor. You can't get either medication without a prescription.

He said, "What have you got to lose? Take it."

If you believe you are living your last hours on this earth, what do you have to lose? The President was absolutely correct given at the time, we had nothing else that worked on these people. We have lost over 50,000 Americans and growing because of this virus. If you were on your death bed, you mean to tell me with all hope lost, you wouldn't try it????
You don't know much about medicine do you?

Probably about as much as you do. But if it's working on some people, what have you got to lose if your doctor thinks it's worth a try?
Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.
Loaded question. Not voting.

I am wondering if Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant changes your opinion of him? I am not asking if you would vote for Biden because of it, just wondering if a comment this incredibly stupid would have any meaning to you?

Clearly he is telling another lie when he says he was being sarcastic, he was being serious.

We Trump supporters were stupid enough to watch the whole thing and realize you're a lying asshole.

Yeah you pretty much have to be really really stupid to watch the whole thing, read the transcript and still think someones lying.

Look, uh, Honky hating asshole, watch the whole thing.

Why do I bother?

I did watch the whole thing. Then I went and read the transcript. Then I went back and watched it again. Its conclusive. Drumpfs a fucking major league idiot.

Then you know nothing about medicine and love quoting Honky out of context.

I know more about medicine than Drumpf. I would never tell anyone to test injecting Bleach into people. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest something like that on national TV in front of god and the entire planet?

Yo, superior Black Man, watch the whole thing, not just a pre-selected 1.6 seconds.
Then again, everyone here already knows what a lying asshole you are.

I already told you I watched it twice and read the transcript. The more I watched and read the more convinced I became that Drumpf was an inbred idiot.

Then you're a moron.
Trump's entire presentation was on target.
I'm not putting you on Ignore but I will probably never respond to you again because everyone here with a brain knows what a piece of shit you are.

if such ignorant nonsense...followed by Trump lying that he was just being “sarcastic” is on target then what the fuck does missing the target look like?

You calling some one a moron after saying something so ridiculous is pure irony.

I presume you don't have a science degree because you only paid attention to the video for the pre-selected 1,6 second sound-bite.
It's amazing how you worthless pieces of shit can hold down a job with no attention span.

You are totally fucking nuts.

Even Trump said he didn’t mean what he said, that he meant the opposite, that he was being sarcastic.

AND STILL you try to deny it.

I called Trump fans degenerates and boy do you fools work overtime to prove me exactly right.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?
Repeatedly until they tested it on veterans and found it to be dangerous and ineffective.

We've been using the stuff for over 50 years. Has had FDA approval all those years. Now that President Trump suggested we try it, all of a sudden it's dangerous and ineffective. Gee, a government entity padding a story for the MSM. Who would have thought that?

It's been successful in many cases, and that's why doctors all over the world are using it. You had a Democrat Michigan state rep have her ass torn out because she believed she was saved by those drugs, and thanked the President for discussing it.
Are you still defending the president's push to use this drug after the studies indicated it was useless crap and potentially dangeous? Now you know why people reacted with such alarm when he brought up the latest stupid bullshit.

The drug is already approved by FDA, and in wide use you moron.

You're the moron here, Norman. IT'S KILLING COVID19 PATIENTS.

The part where it's killing covid19 patients, is why intelligent people said he shouldn't be promoting an unproven drug as a cure, because it has some nasty side effects. You told us it wouldn't hurt anyone because it's already approved and in use for other things.


The drug is absolutely not killing covid patients, that's a lie. People who are more desperate take the drug is what you are seeing. It is effective if taken early enough.

There is no cure for stupid Norman.

This was not a peer-reviewed study.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Veterans Affairs issued a statement by email to Fox News which read, “This was not a clinical trial. It is simply an analysis of retrospective data regarding hospitalized patients. The findings should not be viewed as definitive because the analysis doesn’t adjust for patients’ clinical status and showed that hydroxychloroquine alone was provided to VA’s sickest COVID-19 patients, many times as a last resort.”

Yup, and this idiot is too stupid to understand that of course those who take the drug die more, because THEY ARE SICK. But, she is a Canadian moron with TDS, so she can't understand simple facts.

It's so funny when you think about it. If DumBama went out and suggested we give these drugs a try, they would be celebrating it's success. I mean for crying out loud, even at a time like this, the left can make prescriptions a political issue.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?
Repeatedly until they tested it on veterans and found it to be dangerous and ineffective.

We've been using the stuff for over 50 years. Has had FDA approval all those years. Now that President Trump suggested we try it, all of a sudden it's dangerous and ineffective. Gee, a government entity padding a story for the MSM. Who would have thought that?

It's been successful in many cases, and that's why doctors all over the world are using it. You had a Democrat Michigan state rep have her ass torn out because she believed she was saved by those drugs, and thanked the President for discussing it.
Are you still defending the president's push to use this drug after the studies indicated it was useless crap and potentially dangeous? Now you know why people reacted with such alarm when he brought up the latest stupid bullshit.

The drug is already approved by FDA, and in wide use you moron.

You're the moron here, Norman. IT'S KILLING COVID19 PATIENTS.

The part where it's killing covid19 patients, is why intelligent people said he shouldn't be promoting an unproven drug as a cure, because it has some nasty side effects. You told us it wouldn't hurt anyone because it's already approved and in use for other things.


The drug is absolutely not killing covid patients, that's a lie. People who are more desperate take the drug is what you are seeing. It is effective if taken early enough.

There is no cure for stupid Norman.

This was not a peer-reviewed study.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Veterans Affairs issued a statement by email to Fox News which read, “This was not a clinical trial. It is simply an analysis of retrospective data regarding hospitalized patients. The findings should not be viewed as definitive because the analysis doesn’t adjust for patients’ clinical status and showed that hydroxychloroquine alone was provided to VA’s sickest COVID-19 patients, many times as a last resort.”

Yup, and this idiot is too stupid to understand that of course those who take the drug die more, because THEY ARE SICK. But, she is a Canadian moron with TDS, so she can't understand simple facts.

It's so funny when you think about it. If DumBama went out and suggested we give these drugs a try, they would be celebrating it's success. I mean for crying out loud, even at a time like this, the left can make prescriptions a political issue.

Obama wouldn't have said anything that stupid.
I am wondering if Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant changes your opinion of him? I am not asking if you would vote for Biden because of it, just wondering if a comment this incredibly stupid would have any meaning to you?

Clearly he is telling another lie when he says he was being sarcastic, he was being serious.

We Trump supporters were stupid enough to watch the whole thing and realize you're a lying asshole.

Yeah you pretty much have to be really really stupid to watch the whole thing, read the transcript and still think someones lying.

Look, uh, Honky hating asshole, watch the whole thing.

Why do I bother?

I did watch the whole thing. Then I went and read the transcript. Then I went back and watched it again. Its conclusive. Drumpfs a fucking major league idiot.

Then you know nothing about medicine and love quoting Honky out of context.

I know more about medicine than Drumpf. I would never tell anyone to test injecting Bleach into people. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest something like that on national TV in front of god and the entire planet?

Yo, superior Black Man, watch the whole thing, not just a pre-selected 1.6 seconds.
Then again, everyone here already knows what a lying asshole you are.

I already told you I watched it twice and read the transcript. The more I watched and read the more convinced I became that Drumpf was an inbred idiot.

Then you're a moron.
Trump's entire presentation was on target.
I'm not putting you on Ignore but I will probably never respond to you again because everyone here with a brain knows what a piece of shit you are.

if such ignorant nonsense...followed by Trump lying that he was just being “sarcastic” is on target then what the fuck does missing the target look like?

You calling some one a moron after saying something so ridiculous is pure irony.

I presume you don't have a science degree because you only paid attention to the video for the pre-selected 1,6 second sound-bite.
It's amazing how you worthless pieces of shit can hold down a job with no attention span.

You are totally fucking nuts.

Even Trump said he didn’t mean what he said, that he meant the opposite, that he was being sarcastic.

AND STILL you try to deny it.

Why are you lefties worried about what Trump says? How many black people got shot this weekend in town you guys run? How in the world could you try to combat the greatest president in the history of the world when every town you run is shit holes
Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.

The media did not misrepresent his comments.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?
Repeatedly until they tested it on veterans and found it to be dangerous and ineffective.

We've been using the stuff for over 50 years. Has had FDA approval all those years. Now that President Trump suggested we try it, all of a sudden it's dangerous and ineffective. Gee, a government entity padding a story for the MSM. Who would have thought that?

It's been successful in many cases, and that's why doctors all over the world are using it. You had a Democrat Michigan state rep have her ass torn out because she believed she was saved by those drugs, and thanked the President for discussing it.
Are you still defending the president's push to use this drug after the studies indicated it was useless crap and potentially dangeous? Now you know why people reacted with such alarm when he brought up the latest stupid bullshit.

The drug is already approved by FDA, and in wide use you moron.

You're the moron here, Norman. IT'S KILLING COVID19 PATIENTS.

The part where it's killing covid19 patients, is why intelligent people said he shouldn't be promoting an unproven drug as a cure, because it has some nasty side effects. You told us it wouldn't hurt anyone because it's already approved and in use for other things.


The drug is absolutely not killing covid patients, that's a lie. People who are more desperate take the drug is what you are seeing. It is effective if taken early enough.

There is no cure for stupid Norman.

This was not a peer-reviewed study.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Veterans Affairs issued a statement by email to Fox News which read, “This was not a clinical trial. It is simply an analysis of retrospective data regarding hospitalized patients. The findings should not be viewed as definitive because the analysis doesn’t adjust for patients’ clinical status and showed that hydroxychloroquine alone was provided to VA’s sickest COVID-19 patients, many times as a last resort.”

Yup, and this idiot is too stupid to understand that of course those who take the drug die more, because THEY ARE SICK. But, she is a Canadian moron with TDS, so she can't understand simple facts.

It's so funny when you think about it. If DumBama went out and suggested we give these drugs a try, they would be celebrating it's success. I mean for crying out loud, even at a time like this, the left can make prescriptions a political issue.

Obama wouldn't have said anything that stupid.

I'm sure he wouldn't have.

Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.
It's clear as day, trump suggests/asks/comments on INJECTING disinfectant as a form of treatment. You have toi be the dumbest moron in US history to think that you could inject disinfectant.

Pretty much you people will defend anything Trump says no matter how embarrassingly stupid. You are a total partisan hack who cares more aboput party than country, this is proof. There is no defense for this.
I am wondering if Trump's comment about injecting disinfectant changes your opinion of him? I am not asking if you would vote for Biden because of it, just wondering if a comment this incredibly stupid would have any meaning to you?

Clearly he is telling another lie when he says he was being sarcastic, he was being serious.

We Trump supporters were stupid enough to watch the whole thing and realize you're a lying asshole.

Yeah you pretty much have to be really really stupid to watch the whole thing, read the transcript and still think someones lying.

Look, uh, Honky hating asshole, watch the whole thing.

Why do I bother?

I did watch the whole thing. Then I went and read the transcript. Then I went back and watched it again. Its conclusive. Drumpfs a fucking major league idiot.

Then you know nothing about medicine and love quoting Honky out of context.

I know more about medicine than Drumpf. I would never tell anyone to test injecting Bleach into people. What kind of fucking idiot would suggest something like that on national TV in front of god and the entire planet?

Yo, superior Black Man, watch the whole thing, not just a pre-selected 1.6 seconds.
Then again, everyone here already knows what a lying asshole you are.

I already told you I watched it twice and read the transcript. The more I watched and read the more convinced I became that Drumpf was an inbred idiot.

Then you're a moron.
Trump's entire presentation was on target.
I'm not putting you on Ignore but I will probably never respond to you again because everyone here with a brain knows what a piece of shit you are.

if such ignorant nonsense...followed by Trump lying that he was just being “sarcastic” is on target then what the fuck does missing the target look like?

You calling some one a moron after saying something so ridiculous is pure irony.

I presume you don't have a science degree because you only paid attention to the video for the pre-selected 1,6 second sound-bite.
It's amazing how you worthless pieces of shit can hold down a job with no attention span.

You are totally fucking nuts.

Even Trump said he didn’t mean what he said, that he meant the opposite, that he was being sarcastic.

AND STILL you try to deny it.

Why are you lefties worried about what Trump says? How many black people got shot this weekend in town you guys run? How in the world could you try to combat the greatest president in the history of the world when every town you run is shit holes

Because he is the President and what tells Americans and the world in the time of crisis matters. DUH?

Why are you deflecting instead of facing this honestly?

Because you are a degenerate unable to honestly deal with certain things is my explanation of it.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?
Repeatedly until they tested it on veterans and found it to be dangerous and ineffective.

We've been using the stuff for over 50 years. Has had FDA approval all those years. Now that President Trump suggested we try it, all of a sudden it's dangerous and ineffective. Gee, a government entity padding a story for the MSM. Who would have thought that?

It's been successful in many cases, and that's why doctors all over the world are using it. You had a Democrat Michigan state rep have her ass torn out because she believed she was saved by those drugs, and thanked the President for discussing it.
Are you still defending the president's push to use this drug after the studies indicated it was useless crap and potentially dangeous? Now you know why people reacted with such alarm when he brought up the latest stupid bullshit.

The drug is already approved by FDA, and in wide use you moron.

You're the moron here, Norman. IT'S KILLING COVID19 PATIENTS.

The part where it's killing covid19 patients, is why intelligent people said he shouldn't be promoting an unproven drug as a cure, because it has some nasty side effects. You told us it wouldn't hurt anyone because it's already approved and in use for other things.


The drug is absolutely not killing covid patients, that's a lie. People who are more desperate take the drug is what you are seeing. It is effective if taken early enough.

There is no cure for stupid Norman.

This was not a peer-reviewed study.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Veterans Affairs issued a statement by email to Fox News which read, “This was not a clinical trial. It is simply an analysis of retrospective data regarding hospitalized patients. The findings should not be viewed as definitive because the analysis doesn’t adjust for patients’ clinical status and showed that hydroxychloroquine alone was provided to VA’s sickest COVID-19 patients, many times as a last resort.”

Yup, and this idiot is too stupid to understand that of course those who take the drug die more, because THEY ARE SICK. But, she is a Canadian moron with TDS, so she can't understand simple facts.

It's so funny when you think about it. If DumBama went out and suggested we give these drugs a try, they would be celebrating it's success. I mean for crying out loud, even at a time like this, the left can make prescriptions a political issue.

Obama wouldn't have said anything that stupid.

I'm sure he wouldn't have.


That's as stupid as an ignorant shock-jock recommending medication? No, not in the same ball park. Not even in the same hemisphere.
Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.
It's clear as day, trump suggests/asks/comments on INJECTING disinfectant as a form of treatment. You have toi be the dumbest moron in US history to think that you could inject disinfectant.

Pretty much you people will defend anything Trump says no matter how embarrassingly stupid. You are a total partisan hack who cares more aboput party than country, this is proof. There is no defense for this.

It is clear as day that the media lied indeed.

Trump did NOT suggest people start injecting themselves with bleach. That is a fact no matter how much you whine and moan about the greatest president in US history.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?
Repeatedly until they tested it on veterans and found it to be dangerous and ineffective.

We've been using the stuff for over 50 years. Has had FDA approval all those years. Now that President Trump suggested we try it, all of a sudden it's dangerous and ineffective. Gee, a government entity padding a story for the MSM. Who would have thought that?

It's been successful in many cases, and that's why doctors all over the world are using it. You had a Democrat Michigan state rep have her ass torn out because she believed she was saved by those drugs, and thanked the President for discussing it.
Are you still defending the president's push to use this drug after the studies indicated it was useless crap and potentially dangeous? Now you know why people reacted with such alarm when he brought up the latest stupid bullshit.

The drug is already approved by FDA, and in wide use you moron.

You're the moron here, Norman. IT'S KILLING COVID19 PATIENTS.

The part where it's killing covid19 patients, is why intelligent people said he shouldn't be promoting an unproven drug as a cure, because it has some nasty side effects. You told us it wouldn't hurt anyone because it's already approved and in use for other things.


The drug is absolutely not killing covid patients, that's a lie. People who are more desperate take the drug is what you are seeing. It is effective if taken early enough.

There is no cure for stupid Norman.

This was not a peer-reviewed study.

A spokeswoman for the Department of Veterans Affairs issued a statement by email to Fox News which read, “This was not a clinical trial. It is simply an analysis of retrospective data regarding hospitalized patients. The findings should not be viewed as definitive because the analysis doesn’t adjust for patients’ clinical status and showed that hydroxychloroquine alone was provided to VA’s sickest COVID-19 patients, many times as a last resort.”

Yup, and this idiot is too stupid to understand that of course those who take the drug die more, because THEY ARE SICK. But, she is a Canadian moron with TDS, so she can't understand simple facts.

It's so funny when you think about it. If DumBama went out and suggested we give these drugs a try, they would be celebrating it's success. I mean for crying out loud, even at a time like this, the left can make prescriptions a political issue.
IF Obama pulled half the shit the trump moron has pulled you'd want him executed
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