Question to leftist Supporters, Did the medias misrepresentation of Trump's "Inject disinfectant" Comment Change your Opinion of them?

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Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.

what in the fuck are you talking about? You may have missed it but your blob says that he was being sarcastic. I’m sure he appreciates you making a fool of yourself in trying to legitimize the recommendationo.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?
Repeatedly until they tested it on veterans and found it to be dangerous and ineffective.

We've been using the stuff for over 50 years. Has had FDA approval all those years. Now that President Trump suggested we try it, all of a sudden it's dangerous and ineffective. Gee, a government entity padding a story for the MSM. Who would have thought that?

It's been successful in many cases, and that's why doctors all over the world are using it. You had a Democrat Michigan state rep have her ass torn out because she believed she was saved by those drugs, and thanked the President for discussing it.
Was a time we could trust what a president said.
Those days are gone.
So afflicted with TDS you didn't even notice the question was about media coverage not Trump.
The title of this thread is 100% horse shit.
The media did not misrepresent what he said.
He suggested INJECTING A DISINFECTANT INTO A HUMAN BODY as a possible cure.
That is the issue and it is not even debatable.
No, he didn't. He ASKED a question. Albeit a dumb question but a question nonetheless.
Was a time we could trust what a president said.
Those days are gone.
So afflicted with TDS you didn't even notice the question was about media coverage not Trump.
Yeah...damn media. They keep reporting on the stupid, insane ramblings of the Dotard in Chief. I agree, it's all the medias fault. When Trump steps up to the microphone, they should all cut the feed.
Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.
Glad I was at a jammed packed garden center, then a jammed packed hardware store and then went to a jammed packed golf course before I once again seei the left having another conipcion fit
Nope...didn't change my opinion.

The media has been trash and the media is still trash.

There is 99.999 percent probability the media will continue to be trash.

But the silver lining is the mask is off now. The covert bias has become a blatant overt bias...and that is helping Trump tremendously.
What he says on national TV, he owns. His pulpit, his words. Don't blame "the media" for what exactly he says in front of the cameras. I have zero, nada, patience for this show. He is a demented childish nutjob who is totally out of our league, particularly in the middle of an international crisis.
Was a time we could trust what a president said.
Those days are gone.
So afflicted with TDS you didn't even notice the question was about media coverage not Trump.
The title of this thread is 100% horse shit.
The media did not misrepresent what he said.
He suggested INJECTING A DISINFECTANT INTO A HUMAN BODY as a possible cure.
That is the issue and it is not even debatable.
No, he didn't. He ASKED a question. Albeit a dumb question but a question nonetheless.
Which brings us back to the fact that you can't trust anything this lunatic says.
If you are going to have a discussion about a possible cure, you don't do it in front of the nation on television.
You do it in a private meeting with your medical team.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?

It was pretty clear as soon as Trump and his supporters at Fox News started touting it. It didn't take a genius to guess that. And that was before we knew the story of the guy who was pushed out of his job for resisting...oh look, distributing the drug to the masses.
Top vaccine expert claims he was fired for resisting Trump on hydroxychloroquine

1) Distribute hydroxychloraquine to the masses.
2) Go on national TV and say "We have a cure".
3) Open economy back up (so Trump has something to campaign on).
4) Hold MAGA rallis so he can stand in front of the pigeons and say "It was all my idea". (This is what is really driving him. It kills him that he can't hold these).

That about covers it.

They wanted to get rid of that guy for most of Trump's first term.

What the President said is we should try it out, nothing more. He said repeatedly that's a decision between the individual and their doctor. You can't get either medication without a prescription.
Was a time we could trust what a president said.
Those days are gone.
So afflicted with TDS you didn't even notice the question was about media coverage not Trump.
The title of this thread is 100% horse shit.
The media did not misrepresent what he said.
He suggested INJECTING A DISINFECTANT INTO A HUMAN BODY as a possible cure.
That is the issue and it is not even debatable.
The media did its job. Trump has failed miserably to do his.
Nothing that has happened during this whole mess has surprised me. Pretty much everyone has behaved as we could have predicted, given our current condition as a society.

You’re not surprised that 2 days after he said he was being sarcastic about injecting disinfectant, that threads like this trying to support the practice are still being made?
Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.

As President of the United States, it's his job to choose his words carefully when he steps behind that podium, ....

Mmm, yeah, he doesn't do that. It is a flaw of his. The way you libs keep pretending to not know that, is boring and stupid.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?
Repeatedly until they tested it on veterans and found it to be dangerous and ineffective.

We've been using the stuff for over 50 years. Has had FDA approval all those years. Now that President Trump suggested we try it, all of a sudden it's dangerous and ineffective. Gee, a government entity padding a story for the MSM. Who would have thought that?

It's been successful in many cases, and that's why doctors all over the world are using it. You had a Democrat Michigan state rep have her ass torn out because she believed she was saved by those drugs, and thanked the President for discussing it.
Are you still defending the president's push to use this drug after the studies indicated it was useless crap and potentially dangeous? Now you know why people reacted with such alarm when he brought up the latest stupid bullshit.
Was a time we could trust what a president said.
Those days are gone.
So afflicted with TDS you didn't even notice the question was about media coverage not Trump.
The title of this thread is 100% horse shit.
The media did not misrepresent what he said.
He suggested INJECTING A DISINFECTANT INTO A HUMAN BODY as a possible cure.
That is the issue and it is not even debatable.

Yes they did, they told us that president Trump suggested people inject bleach.

The media has also before stated that Trump suggested people eat aquarium cleaner - and some idiot leftist did.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?
Repeatedly until they tested it on veterans and found it to be dangerous and ineffective.

We've been using the stuff for over 50 years. Has had FDA approval all those years. Now that President Trump suggested we try it, all of a sudden it's dangerous and ineffective. Gee, a government entity padding a story for the MSM. Who would have thought that?

It's been successful in many cases, and that's why doctors all over the world are using it. You had a Democrat Michigan state rep have her ass torn out because she believed she was saved by those drugs, and thanked the President for discussing it.
Are you still defending the president's push to use this drug after the studies indicated it was useless crap and potentially dangeous? Now you know why people reacted with such alarm when he brought up the latest stupid bullshit.

It was never proven useless and infective. In fact, just the opposite. Will it work on everybody that takes it? No it won't. But it's worked on a lot of people who did have it prescribed to them.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?
Repeatedly until they tested it on veterans and found it to be dangerous and ineffective.

We've been using the stuff for over 50 years. Has had FDA approval all those years. Now that President Trump suggested we try it, all of a sudden it's dangerous and ineffective. Gee, a government entity padding a story for the MSM. Who would have thought that?

It's been successful in many cases, and that's why doctors all over the world are using it. You had a Democrat Michigan state rep have her ass torn out because she believed she was saved by those drugs, and thanked the President for discussing it.
Are you still defending the president's push to use this drug after the studies indicated it was useless crap and potentially dangeous? Now you know why people reacted with such alarm when he brought up the latest stupid bullshit.

The drug is already approved by FDA, and in wide use you moron.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?

It was pretty clear as soon as Trump and his supporters at Fox News started touting it. It didn't take a genius to guess that. And that was before we knew the story of the guy who was pushed out of his job for resisting...oh look, distributing the drug to the masses.
Top vaccine expert claims he was fired for resisting Trump on hydroxychloroquine

1) Distribute hydroxychloraquine to the masses.
2) Go on national TV and say "We have a cure".
3) Open economy back up (so Trump has something to campaign on).
4) Hold MAGA rallis so he can stand in front of the pigeons and say "It was all my idea". (This is what is really driving him. It kills him that he can't hold these).

That about covers it.

They wanted to get rid of that guy for most of Trump's first term.

What the President said is we should try it out, nothing more. He said repeatedly that's a decision between the individual and their doctor. You can't get either medication without a prescription.

He said, "What have you got to lose? Take it."
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Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.


After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?

It was pretty clear as soon as Trump and his supporters at Fox News started touting it. It didn't take a genius to guess that. And that was before we knew the story of the guy who was pushed out of his job for resisting...oh look, distributing the drug to the masses.
Top vaccine expert claims he was fired for resisting Trump on hydroxychloroquine

1) Distribute hydroxychloraquine to the masses.
2) Go on national TV and say "We have a cure".
3) Open economy back up (so Trump has something to campaign on).
4) Hold MAGA rallis so he can stand in front of the pigeons and say "It was all my idea". (This is what is really driving him. It kills him that he can't hold these).

That about covers it.

They wanted to get rid of that guy for most of Trump's first term.

What the President said is we should try it out, nothing more. He said repeatedly that's a decision between the individual and their doctor. You can't get either medication without a prescription.

He said, "What have you got to lose? Take it."

Yes, after you get the prescription. Indeed, there is not much to lose, the drug is safe.
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