Question to leftist Supporters, Did the medias misrepresentation of Trump's "Inject disinfectant" Comment Change your Opinion of them?

Are you tired of the medias lies yet

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    Votes: 13 50.0%
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    Votes: 13 50.0%

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On April 10, Trump said re-opening the economy would be, "by far, the biggest decision of my life".
On April 13, Trump said the decision would be left to the the governors of the States. (biggest decision of his life, mind you)
On April 19, he criticized Gov Whitmer for her stay-at-home decision.
On April 22, he criticized Gov Kemp for his open-up decision.

The only decision should be who will replace this feckless, irresponsible, perfidious excuse for a leader.
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside"

So I guess you just chose to live a lie. Reality and facts are just too much for you to handle so you block out all facts and live in a fantasy world.


And where does he say 'inject disinfectant' there? He says: is there a way we can do something like that. Do something like that.

Only after that does he mention injection.

He never mentioned injecting disinfectants. Stay safe my friend.

"is there a way we can do something like that by injection "

Exactly, is there a way we can do something like that. Get it, something like that.

He never said to inject disinfectants.

Stay safe at home, and stay away from scary stuff like the fake news that you keep swallowing.

"by injection inside"

So your response to the dumbest question/comment from a sitting US president in the entire history of the USA is to just ignore facts and reality... I guess it is easier for you to just live a lie. It must be nice to live in a fantasy land...
What derangement sounds like haha. Keep doing an amazing job Trump!The greatest president this country’s ever seen
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?
Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.
Loaded question. Not voting.

And now it repeats, the thread is about the media, not president Trump. Unfortunately the TDS has made these folks unable to read.

Democrats don't listen to Trump.

Only you TDS* afflicted do.

*Trump Devotional Syndrome

What in the hell are you talking about? Your life is DEVOTED to listening to president Trump, getting any quote that might look bad for him and then spreading it like wild fire.

These idiots spend far more time listening to Trump than I do, for me it's enough to get the general idea of where we are at, these fools are not satisfied until they get every word.

If you didn't listen to president Trump, your life would not be controlled by his words.
Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

Coming from the We Snack on TidePod Party that means a lot
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?
Repeatedly until they tested it on veterans and found it to be dangerous and ineffective.
Well? Did it?

I watched the presser live and while I can admit that Trumps innability to stop every random thought from coming out of his mouth is disappointing I completely understood the premise of his question.
Was it appropriate for public? Probably not since we have so many citizens that don't posess the common sense to understand where he was coming from. Despite their lack of intelligence it is Trumps job to protect them too and that means being cautious with his public statements.
Had the media taken THAT approach to his comments they would be acceptable but that's not what they did is it.... Their decision to purposely misrepresent him in order to turn the public against him is disgusting.

Let me ask you: Did it change their mind about the media when they lied to them about Trump saying all Mexicans are murderers and rapists?

Did they change their mind about the media when they lied to them reporting that Trump said white supremacists are good people?

Did it change their mind when they reported that Trump proclaimed himself to be a white nationalist?

Of course not. When it comes to the liberals and MSM, it's similar to a beaten wife situation. They don't leave to find a better life, and in fact, makes them want to come back all the more.
Was a time we could trust what a president said.
Those days are gone.
So afflicted with TDS you didn't even notice the question was about media coverage not Trump.
The title of this thread is 100% horse shit.
The media did not misrepresent what he said.
He suggested INJECTING A DISINFECTANT INTO A HUMAN BODY as a possible cure.
That is the issue and it is not even debatable.
After watching Trump supporters believe everything he says no matter how ludicrous, even mentioning that shit was terribly irresponsible. Perhaps he was not even aware that there was already a problem with dummies using household disinfectants to dose themselves for various health concerns. Whatever his actual intent was is irrelevant, a public briefing is a horrible place to be floating questionable bullshit he heard on the internet.
Did you eat a UV light bulb too?
No I'm not like you, I know stupid bullshit when I hear it. Did you look hopefully at the bleach bottle when he said that?

I don't follow POTUS as closely as you, I only watched that presser this morning.

He wasn't recommending snorting PineSol or eating UV bulbs, only CNN watchers think that's what was said
What I think is that it was a drowning man grasping at straws, just like he did with the "miracle" drug he had all you convinced was the answer to all this. Remember being absolutely certain cloroquine was going to cure the virus and have us back to work by now? After that it is clear Trump supporters are dangerously credulous of anything he says.

When did Trump promise us hydroxichloroquine was going to have everybody back to work by now? When did he say it was the solution to our problem?

It was pretty clear as soon as Trump and his supporters at Fox News started touting it. It didn't take a genius to guess that. And that was before we knew the story of the guy who was pushed out of his job for resisting...oh look, distributing the drug to the masses.
Top vaccine expert claims he was fired for resisting Trump on hydroxychloroquine

1) Distribute hydroxychloraquine to the masses.
2) Go on national TV and say "We have a cure".
3) Open economy back up (so Trump has something to campaign on).
4) Hold MAGA rallis so he can stand in front of the pigeons and say "It was all my idea". (This is what is really driving him. It kills him that he can't hold these).

That about covers it.
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