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Questions for liberals on this board.

Yes... He is getting a long with fixing the Trump mess

Let's see what he fixed.
Increased unemployment due to COVID was restore to pre-COVID level, no additional jobs created.
Funding to black colleges cut when Biden took over. Black unemployment increased.
Inflation hasn't been above 2% not even once during Trump, and since Biden took over, it increased every month, currently at 7.9%.
Oil and gas prices doubled, or more. Wheet prices doubled. Natural gas prices doubled.
Somehow controlled borders are now open.
What exactly Biden fixed?

Biden didn't start these wars... Din't blame Trump for a war in Africa too... Putin is having a war because he is not getting what he wantrs like he did when he had Trump there...

Biden gave green light to Putin to invade when he said something like "if he invade just a little we'll see if we gonna sanction him". Just as he and Obama gave him green light to annex Crimea.

Expected after a mishandled pandemic response...

What exactly Biden did different than Trump, except trying to impose unconstitutional mandates. If you giving him credit for "vaccines", you're ignoring that they're started under previous admin.

Well Trump did tell the Saudi's to stop producing Oil... Oil is a global commodity, Biden has signed more leases than Trump by this time in his Presidency.

You sure have proof for that Trump told Saudis to reduce production, right? How about link?
Signing leases have no meaning if you don't issue drilling license. Of course, you know that, right?

Oil companies deliberately reduced production, please expalin what Biden can do to get the to increase production... Keystone XL mean nothing..

Pumping oil in US cost 10 times more than pumping in Middle East. With price under $50, companies that are drilling shale making no profit, therefore they pump less.
What Biden can do to increase production? Grand licenses for drilling on land that he gave leases for. Do I need to point that those two are related?
Of course Keystone XL means a lot. With complete pipeline the output from Canada would increase, creating less dependency on foreign oil. With cancelling KXL, we had to import from people you lefties are claiming are our enemies, and beg Venezuela and Arabs for oil.

Proof of any infanticide?

If you are legally allowed to kill a baby after delivery, that is infanticide. Proof is in the laws of States that allows so.

Can you show with evidence of CRT being taught in school?

Teaching black kids that will not be successful in this country based on the color of their skin is a proof of it, and is not thought just in schools. It may not be called always CRT, but it's teaching the same theory, whatever name you call it.

What do you say when on kid has two daddies...

You leave it to those two daddies. It's not school job to tell them anything but to teach them math, science, arts, languages, etc.
If you are liberal, here are few questions for you, not rhetorical.

1. Is this, what we're seeing two years into Biden's presidency, really what you voted for?
2. Is war in Eastern Europe, and as a consequence, conflicts in Asia, and the Middle East, really what you voted for?
3. Is the highest inflation we've seen in almost 50 years what you voted for?
4. Are the highest average gas prices this country has ever seen really what you voted for?
5. Is the Democrat party continuing to attempt to legalize infanticide on a state by state basis really what you voted for?
6. Is teaching black kids through CRT, that they will never be successful in this country based on the color of their skin really what you voted for?
7. Is teaching kindergarteners about sex really what you voted for?

I have hard time believing liberals in this country can't admit that the Democrat party has left them behind.
I didn't vote for Biden. I'm a liberal. I dislike the Democratic Party.
I voted for the Dems and overall I'm satisfied with what they've done. I think your loaded questions come from a narrow ideological filter assembled by conservative media and quite divorced from reality.
i know your answer comes from a narrow ideological filter assembled by propaganda, lying, msm, and quite divorced from reality.
and embarrassment for what your vote has done for AMERICA
No one wants to fill out a questionnaire. Pick one thing and have a thread about that.
don't like it? leave....DUH
who the fuck do you think you are giving orders?....nobody, that's who!!!!!!
No. You just can't help insulting what you refuse to understand. A liberal is simply liberal. "Classic liberal" would likely better describe you.

Classic liberals were Democrats.
Those Democrats who are calling themselves liberals today, all turned into progressives, which are basically socialists.
There are no classic liberal in US politics today.
To describe me, the correct term would be libertarian, since "liberals" used to be Democrats.
Classic liberals were Democrats.
Those Democrats who are calling themselves liberals today, all turned into progressives, which are basically socialists.
There are no classic liberal in US politics today.
To describe me, the correct term would be libertarian, since "liberals" used to be Democrats.
I supply supported fact. I will respond further when you attempt the same.
I supply supported fact. I will respond further when you attempt the same.
According to you supplied fact...


... today's Democrats that are calling themselves "liberals" are not liberals, but quite opposite.

They reject all ideas opposed to their own, they censor everyone that is not agreeing with them, they prefer collectivism over individual rights, and they're using private enterprises to suppress democracy and individual liberties. INO, they're fascists.
Reason you find my questions "loaded" are because they're reflecting what Democrats have done since they got in power.
They have nothing to do with conservative media, or conservative ideology, they're are question addressed to you about your ideology.
You said you voted for Dems, and you're satisfied with what they've done, which ultimately answered every single question with "yes". This is what you voted for.
Sorry but I did not vote for YOUR straw men.
Europe imposed sanctions on Russia and sent weapons to Ukraine way before Biden did. Their cooperation has nothing to do with Biden, who was dragging every decisions until he had no choice but to do so.
After Trump, you're just not used to an American President who is also a world leader.

Biden lets European leaders take center stage on Ukraine

Biden administration officials say the latest steps against Russia simply reflect the culmination of what they describe as a months-long, behind-the-scenes strategy to fortify Western unity in the face of a Russian invasion of Ukraine. The result, they add, is a testament to the strength of the transatlantic alliance, with who takes the lead — and when — often determined by logistical and regulatory considerations.
i know your answer comes from a narrow ideological filter assembled by propaganda, lying, msm, and quite divorced from reality.
and embarrassment for what your vote has done for AMERICA
I think your signature block makes it obvious which of us is quite divorced from reality.
One of us is being lied to and I have every reason to believe it is you.
LoL you were lied to about he Steele dossier, the Clinton is innocent , you were lied to about the cause of Benghazi, you were lied to about the phone call you were lied to about the hunter lap top. You've been constantly lied to about guns ghost guns assault weapons yet this one time you think they aren't lying lol
According to you supplied fact...

Thanks for this golden opportunity to append the following:
In a general dictionary, each word may have multiple meanings. Some dictionaries include each separate meaning in the order of most common usage while others list definitions in historical order, with the oldest usage first.
Thankfully words have meaning. Also, though I try like hell to speak only for myself, I frequently slip up. So when I said "A liberal is simply liberal." I meant, in my opinion and for you to consider only the first definition, providing, by definition, the most common usage i.e. the most commonly implied and understood meaning. In this case (thanks again) liberal,
  1. "willing to accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas."
That as opposed to -- "conservative":
  1. "averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values."
And, since you insist, -- "libertarian":
  1. "advocating liberty or conforming to principles of liberty. maintaining the doctrine of free will."
IMO, more simply:
"liberal" = Meathead
"conservative" = Archie
"libertarian" = an even more childish version of Archie. One that apparently can't discuss the positions of others without loading the hell out of his inquiries or tilting at straw men of his own creation -or- (worse) borrowing foils from like-minded others who've preconstructed them for similar purposes.
1. He fixing this

Yes... He is getting a long with fixing the Trump mess

Biden didn't start these wars... Din't blame Trump for a war in Africa too... Putin is having a war because he is not getting what he wantrs like he did when he had Trump there...

Expected after a mishandled pandemic response...

Well Trump did tell the Saudi's to stop producing Oil... Oil is a global commodity, Biden has signed more leases than Trump by this time in his Presidency.
Oil companies deliberately reduced production, please expalin what Biden can do to get the to increase production... Keystone XL mean nothing..

Proof of any infanticide?

Can you show with evidence of CRT being taught in school?

What do you say when on kid has two daddies...
What Trump mess? Secure borders and energy independence?

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