Questions to Trump supporters: are all negative stories about Trump fake news? If not...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
...which stories are true? Could you estimate a percentage of which stories are real to which are fake?
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Don't care anymore. Like the dog-whistle word "racist", it no longer has any meaning. So I'm not believing a single word from any news organization that's already proven themselves to be biased.
i can't estimate , If you have an accusation then take the good President Trump to Court and run the accusation of wrong doing through Court Billy .
Don't care anymore. Like the dog-whistle word "racist", it no longer has any meaning. So I'm not believing a single word from any news organization that's already proven themselves to be biased.
Um okay, so when you did care, which stories did you think were fake?
i can't estimate , If you have an accusation then take the good President Trump to Court and run the accusation of wrong doing through Court Billy .
So that means you admit some negative news stories about Trump are true?
Depends on the subject dimshit. Did he grab pussy yes. Did he ever commit any crimes. Probably! did he collude hell no. Is he an asshole? Probably especially to people that want to make this country into a communist state like all dimshits. Did he commit any article two violations? NO. Did he obstruct justice? NO. Did he do any of the shit liberal doggers day daily he did, yes if it was lawful in the interest of this country and needed even if the doggers didn’t like it. >>>>>>>>>>>You can’t make an argument that the media coverage has been anything but a bunch of lies and personal attacks on President Trump. The actual news does not get out in their deliberate character and political assassination. And you are lying out your ass if you even try to rebut that FACT.
Depends on the subject dimshit. Did he grab pussy yes. Did he ever commit any crimes. Probably! did he collude hell no. Is he an asshole? Probably especially to people that want to make this country onto a communist state like all dimshits. Did he commit any article two violations? NO. Did he obstruct justice? NO. Did he do any of the shit liberal doggers day daily he did, yes if it was lawful in the interest of this country and needed even if the doggers didn’t like it. >>>>>>>>>>>You can’t make an argument that the media coverage has been anything but a bunch of lies and personal attacks on President Trump. The actual news does not get out in their deliberate character and political assassination. And you are lying out your ass if you even try to rebut that FACT.
So just to be clear, Trump grabbed pussy without prior consent which is the implication Trump had made.
yeah , i admit that he happily fecks with YOU guys and messes with your heads Billy .
I would like to see the stories from the media that cover Trumps victories.
Them reporting on which EO's he added and EO's he subtracted that helped the economy get stronger.
Start giving an honest assessment of what he's doing and not doing would go a long ways in bringing
credibility back to the media. Until then, who cares
...which stories are true? Could you estimate a percentage of what stories are real to what are fake?

He’s done nothing but deliver on promises so I haven’t been paying attention to the shit that don’t matter....PLUS, I’m way too busy cashing checks, watching LefTards get bitch-slapped and wetbacks run scared.
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I ignore news.

The only certainty I have is that when libturds hate someone, they're probably at least half decent people.
...which stories are true? Could you estimate a percentage of what stories are real to what are fake?

He’s done nothing but deliver on promises so I haven’t been paying attention to the shit that don’t matter....PLUS, I’m way too busy cashing checks, watching LefTards get bitch-slapped and wetbacks run scared.
Oh is that so? So you think his core campaign promises have been fulfilled huh? I’m pretty sure none of them have. Granted he fulfilled some promises through executive order, but why anyone should be impressed by that is beyond me.
Pretty much all fake news.
Don’t you realize how insane that sounds?

I can practically guarantee they don't.
It’s just incredible to me. Overall, I liked Obama, but I have no problem admitting he made policy decisions as president. I just don’t understand why it is so hard to be at least a little objective.
That's all I ask of the media, a little objective. If they are objective at all they bury it in the 8th paragraph of an article on page 27.
...which stories are true? Could you estimate a percentage of which stories are real to which are fake?

Were all the stories about Jews told by Josef Goebbels "fake news?"

Just like their mentor, the modern demagogues of the Stalinist press corps use events, and then pervert them to attack the object of their hatred.

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