quick question for those claiming that because Trump isnt President anymore he couldnt declassify stuff in his possession

Trump didn’t steal anything. He can hold records for 5 years since they are not free for public view until that time Or he can petition to have them remain closed to the public for up to 12 years if he chooses to.
Do add a link to the above statement
Trump didn’t steal anything. He can hold records for 5 years since they are not free for public view until that time Or he can petition to have them remain closed to the public for up to 12 years if he chooses to.
They ARE NOT his records to hold....they are OUR documents and are suppose to be held securely by the National Archives.

If Trump wanted to take mementos or even other things, the procedure is for him to request copies of these documents from the ARCHIVES.

This isn't the WILD, WILD, WEST.
Do you think Trump snuck back into the white house after Biden was sworn in and took the stuff? If not then the simple fact remains that as President ANYTHING he wants can be declassified and all it takes is him to say so. No paper work no stamps just him saying it. So unless he snuck in after Biden was sworn in and took it then EVERYTHING he has and had was unclassified by the simple act of him taking it.

Stepping back from "if he could", I will assume you worked with classified material during your time in the Marine Corps.

So, let me ask you this...

Do you not see any problems at all in documents becoming declassified merely by being moved from one location to the other without the one doing the declassifying even knowing what they are?

Do you not see the problems that can arise from boxes of unknown documents being made declassified while the copies of those same documents were still considered classified since nobody even knows what documents had been declassified?

Do these two things seem like a good practice to you?
[ The Clintons returned what was asked of them, without being forced to do so. That is the difference. ]
The Clintons negotiated, which is why they werent forced to do so. By all reports, thats exactly what Trump was doing... negotiating, then they raided him in the middle of those negotiations. See the difference? When Clinton had Top Secret documents on her home fucking server, she was once again in negotiations with the authorities to return them. That time she decided to dump acid on the computers rather than return them once a subpoena was issued. No raid took place even AFTER she claimed that she destroyed them.
Take it up with the Supreme Court. It’s already been established. The president is the ultimate authority on declassifying records.
Right. Which 'news'?



bud, I didn't want Trump in the WH in the first place.

but after 2 bullshit impeachments, accusations of inciting an insurrection, (more bullshit, it started as a protest), and now this crap, I"m wondering just what the democrats are going to come up with next.

That aside, I've never voted for Trump, and never will.

Even to keep Hillary, Biden, or even Harris out of the WH
You may say that you did not vote for Trump but you are ardently defensive about it all and beyond hostile towards the Democratic Party.

Clearly you do not care what the laws of the country you live in say, are about, what they are for, regardless of who is in office.
They ARE NOT his records to hold....they are OUR documents and are suppose to be held securely by the National Archives.

If Trump wanted to take mementos or even other things, the procedure is for him to request copies of these documents from the ARCHIVES.

This isn't the WILD, WILD, WEST.
Top Secrets are held on a “Need to Know” basis

What need to know did Ex President Trump have?
Do you think Trump snuck back into the white house after Biden was sworn in and took the stuff? If not then the simple fact remains that as President ANYTHING he wants can be declassified and all it takes is him to say so. No paper work no stamps just him saying it. So unless he snuck in after Biden was sworn in and took it then EVERYTHING he has and had was unclassified by the simple act of him taking it.

The issue has nothing to do with whether documents were de-classified or not – even if all the documents were lawfully and properly de-classified, Trump is still in legal jeopardy.

None of the charges Trump could face have anything to do with being in unlawful possession of classified documents:

‘As the New York Times points out, none of the statutes cited in the warrant rely on whether the records were classified or not. The search warrant signed by the Florida magistrate judge entails items "illegally possessed in violation of 18 U.S.C. § § 793, 2071, or 1519."

That first code, Section 793, and more commonly known as the Espionage Act, applies to defense information. It applies, for instance, to material illegally removed "from its proper place of custody" or that is lost, stolen or destroyed.

The next statute, Section 2071, bans concealing, removing, mutilating or destroying records filed with U.S. courts. And the final one, Section 1519, prohibits concealing, destroying or mutilating records to obstruct or influence an investigation.’

This inane argument by conservatives about the documents being de-classified is nothing more than a red herring contrived by the dishonest right.
Again, I repeat....

The three alleged felonies listed on the search warrant,

being Top Secret classified, is not required....those listed in the warrant laws were allegedly broken, regardless of classification!

So y'all need to find other excuses to defend your god....
You may say that you did not vote for Trump but you are ardently defensive about it all and beyond hostile towards the Democratic Party.

Clearly you do not care what the laws of the country you live in say, are about, what they are for, regardless of who is in office.
“the PRA allows for public access to Presidential records through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) beginning five years after the end of the Administration, but allows the President to invoke as many as six specific restrictions to public access for up to twelve years.”

No laws were broken.
All those papers belong to the American people, and are not his personal property. Doesn't even matter what the papers are.
You really should stay up in the trees you stupid fucking simian.

All POTUS's have presidential libraries full of their unclassified papers.

Brandon's will have loaded diapers and various locks of hair he jacked off to.... but the principle is the same.

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