Quid Pro Joe- Busted!!

Sorry Joe, you engaged in an illegal quid pro quo.

BREAKING: Audio Tape Released Between Corrupt Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko And Joe Biden Discussing Corrupt Activities. John Kerry Also On Tape.

Keep chasing your tail. At least it keeps you busy.
I totally believe this because it's on creativedestructionmedia.com and no place else
He is on tape here too- bragging about it...

you can choose to believe what you want. The man is corrupt.

He is bragging about forcing Ukraine to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor under orders from the President of the United States and the US Congress. What you showed was a first class statesman in action. You had damn well better hope that one doesn't show up to the Debates.

The US Congress does not get to decide anyway. That just proves your stupidity at making up excuses.

Congress can remove the funds. Even the President can't do that. Just proves that you are trying to rewrite the Constitution for your own ends.

I totally believe this because it's on creativedestructionmedia.com and no place else
He is on tape here too- bragging about it...

you can choose to believe what you want. The man is corrupt.

He is bragging about forcing Ukraine to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor under orders from the President of the United States and the US Congress. What you showed was a first class statesman in action. You had damn well better hope that one doesn't show up to the Debates.

Heard that leftbat blabbering point a hundred times....How are Ukrainian internal affairs any of the meat puppet faggot's business?

When we are funding their government, that’s when dumb ass.

Oh, so "quid pro quo".

Sound familiar?....Isn't that what you moonbats were shitting chickens about Trump doing just a few short months ago?

Key concept you continuously overlook - personal gain.
I totally believe this because it's on creativedestructionmedia.com and no place else
He is on tape here too- bragging about it...

you can choose to believe what you want. The man is corrupt.

He is bragging about forcing Ukraine to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor under orders from the President of the United States and the US Congress. What you showed was a first class statesman in action. You had damn well better hope that one doesn't show up to the Debates.

The US Congress does not get to decide anyway. That just proves your stupidity at making up excuses.

Congress can remove the funds. Even the President can't do that. Just proves that you are trying to rewrite the Constitution for your own ends.

I totally believe this because it's on creativedestructionmedia.com and no place else
He is on tape here too- bragging about it...

you can choose to believe what you want. The man is corrupt.

He is bragging about forcing Ukraine to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor under orders from the President of the United States and the US Congress. What you showed was a first class statesman in action. You had damn well better hope that one doesn't show up to the Debates.

Heard that leftbat blabbering point a hundred times....How are Ukrainian internal affairs any of the meat puppet faggot's business?

When we are funding their government, that’s when dumb ass.

Oh, so "quid pro quo".

Sound familiar?....Isn't that what you moonbats were shitting chickens about Trump doing just a few short months ago?

Trump was using a quid pro quo to attack his political rival. Corrupt.

Biden was using a quid pro quo to get a corrupt prosecutor removed from a country that badly needs justice reform. Good governance.

Y’all never seemed to grasp the difference.

Quid pro quo is frequently used in diplomatic negotiations. Where it gets you in trouble is when it's used to leverage personal gain. They don't seem to get that distinction.
I totally believe this because it's on creativedestructionmedia.com and no place else
He is on tape here too- bragging about it...

you can choose to believe what you want. The man is corrupt.

He is bragging about forcing Ukraine to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor under orders from the President of the United States and the US Congress. What you showed was a first class statesman in action. You had damn well better hope that one doesn't show up to the Debates.

The US Congress does not get to decide anyway. That just proves your stupidity at making up excuses.

Congress can remove the funds. Even the President can't do that. Just proves that you are trying to rewrite the Constitution for your own ends.

I totally believe this because it's on creativedestructionmedia.com and no place else
He is on tape here too- bragging about it...

you can choose to believe what you want. The man is corrupt.

He is bragging about forcing Ukraine to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor under orders from the President of the United States and the US Congress. What you showed was a first class statesman in action. You had damn well better hope that one doesn't show up to the Debates.

Heard that leftbat blabbering point a hundred times....How are Ukrainian internal affairs any of the meat puppet faggot's business?

When we are funding their government, that’s when dumb ass.

Oh, so "quid pro quo".

Sound familiar?....Isn't that what you moonbats were shitting chickens about Trump doing just a few short months ago?

Trump was using a quid pro quo to attack his political rival. Corrupt.

Biden was using a quid pro quo to get a corrupt prosecutor removed from a country that badly needs justice reform. Good governance.

Y’all never seemed to grasp the difference.

Quid pro quo is frequently used in diplomatic negotiations. Where it gets you in trouble is when it's used to leverage personal gain. They don't seem to get that distinction.

Yet you freaks shit chickens for weeks on end about Trump engaging in the "frequently used" behavior.

Were it not for double standards, you'd have no standards at all.

The tapes, which are yet to be authenticated, were released on Tuesday by Ukrainian lawmaker Andrii Derkach, who long has aired unsubstantiated corruption accusations against Biden and his son, who used to serve on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma.

The recordings don’t appear to contain anything that would incriminate Biden or his son and were seen by some observers as a political effort to help U.S. President Donald Trump’s reelection bid.

The Ukrainian investigation was opened on treason and abuse of office charges, indicating it was mostly directed against former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko. Poroshenko rejected the tapes as a fabrication by pro-Russian forces in Ukraine.

There was no immediate sign that the probe could be directed against Biden. The Prosecutor General’s Office gave no further details.
I totally believe this because it's on creativedestructionmedia.com and no place else
He is on tape here too- bragging about it...

you can choose to believe what you want. The man is corrupt.

He is bragging about forcing Ukraine to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor under orders from the President of the United States and the US Congress. What you showed was a first class statesman in action. You had damn well better hope that one doesn't show up to the Debates.

The US Congress does not get to decide anyway. That just proves your stupidity at making up excuses.

Congress can remove the funds. Even the President can't do that. Just proves that you are trying to rewrite the Constitution for your own ends.

I totally believe this because it's on creativedestructionmedia.com and no place else
He is on tape here too- bragging about it...

you can choose to believe what you want. The man is corrupt.

He is bragging about forcing Ukraine to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor under orders from the President of the United States and the US Congress. What you showed was a first class statesman in action. You had damn well better hope that one doesn't show up to the Debates.

Heard that leftbat blabbering point a hundred times....How are Ukrainian internal affairs any of the meat puppet faggot's business?

When we are funding their government, that’s when dumb ass.

Oh, so "quid pro quo".

Sound familiar?....Isn't that what you moonbats were shitting chickens about Trump doing just a few short months ago?

Trump was using a quid pro quo to attack his political rival. Corrupt.

Biden was using a quid pro quo to get a corrupt prosecutor removed from a country that badly needs justice reform. Good governance.

Y’all never seemed to grasp the difference.

Quid pro quo is frequently used in diplomatic negotiations. Where it gets you in trouble is when it's used to leverage personal gain. They don't seem to get that distinction.

Yet you freaks shit chickens for weeks on end about Trump engaging in the "frequently used" behavior.

Were it not for double standards, you'd have no standards at all.

Standards are pretty clear in this regard. Personal gain - ie - using the power of your office to leverage dirt on your personal political opponent vs. acting on behalf of US policy and interests.
All the more Reason for Joe to NOT do what he did. He followed his bosses direction to the letter for the good of the National Security. And now he's getting the fallout for it.

Nope, Joe doesn't get the "fallout". He is being subjected to a smear campaign, in all likelihood instigated by Trump, set in motion by Giuliani, and executed by Derkach. As usual, it has been promulgated by a retarded click-bait fount, much to the delight of our right-wing retards, and gobbled down like gospel. All that remains to be seen is whether or not it is being picked up by the likes of Breitbart and Fox, as these things usually go. Since the latest installment is more than usually benighted and transparently fraudulent, I wouldn't exactly bet on it, though.

Yeah...except if this was Trump on the recording you would be saying something very, very different

One huge problem. I listened to the tape and the Narrative doesn't fit the conversation. You are repeating, almost word for word, the same narrative from a Russian Controlled News Agency. Tell me again that Russia isn't trying to influence our 2020 election and you aren't cooperating with it. Ivan.
Nope, Joe doesn't get the "fallout". He is being subjected to a smear campaign, in all likelihood instigated by Trump, set in motion by Giuliani, and executed by Derkach. As usual, it has been promulgated by a retarded click-bait fount, much to the delight of our right-wing retards, and gobbled down like gospel. All that remains to be seen is whether or not it is being picked up by the likes of Breitbart and Fox, as these things usually go. Since the latest installment is more than usually benighted and transparently fraudulent, I wouldn't exactly bet on it, though.
Joe's a fucking crook, despite your eloquent babbling.
And Trump caught him.

Trump can't even catch the common cold. Maybe we can be lucky and he'll catch Covid 19.
The Lame Stream “News” outlets will not report anti-Biden news.
That's a given. They're already busy trying to avoid a debate with Trump, or figure out where they can squeeze it into a time slot for minimal viewers.

Since liberals are scared to watch Fox they'll probably let them have the debates.

Oh, because you said so. It must be a fact. I can't wait to see those debates and many, many others are in the same boat. Those debates will decide the election. And if the old Biden shows up (it's a good possibility) then Rump is in serious trouble.
Who is most likely to replace Biden?
Mitt Romney after the GOP kicks him out.
Never heard of us kicking a dissenter out of the Republican Party. We don't agree on everything. Mitt just took his angst a step further and alienated his political friends of yesteryear by being a loose cannon. The best case scenario about a loose cannon field is that a sparse few may get taken out, but most can avoid the cannon ball because it's small. Most of us are realists, and our credo is to do what is best for the most as best we can agree to. No system is perfect, but most Republicans are sweet people who work hard to make their communities a good place.

Yes, I agree but we aren't talking about Republicans. We are talking about the Party of the Rump which is petty, evil and (put any other nasty feature here). These aren't republicans.
Quid Pro Slow Joe is not going to be able to hide from this. The Ukraine government has launched an investigation.
The Democrats will blame President Trump for this and run another impeachment facade.

Why, because you said so? For one, there isn't enough time to November. For another, we just have to sit back and watch Rump self destruct some more.

on tape bragging before cameras about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired concerning his son's investigation at few years back.

Since he was following the wishes of the President of the United States and the United States Congress which at the time was Republican Controlled, are you going to investigate each and every one of those people? If you are, you and Barr are going to be too busy to do anything else for the next few months before you are kicked out of Washington DC out on your ear with zero indictments.

Trump did the exact same thing and was impeached by the libtards.

Like another person said, you keep leaving out the phrase "For Personal Gain" versus "National Security".

on tape bragging before cameras about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired concerning his son's investigation at few years back.

Since he was following the wishes of the President of the United States and the United States Congress which at the time was Republican Controlled, are you going to investigate each and every one of those people? If you are, you and Barr are going to be too busy to do anything else for the next few months before you are kicked out of Washington DC out on your ear with zero indictments.

Trump did the exact same thing and was impeached by the libtards.

Like another person said, you keep leaving out the phrase "For Personal Gain" versus "National Security".

Yes, Biden was guilty of doing it for personal gain.

on tape bragging before cameras about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired concerning his son's investigation at few years back.

Since he was following the wishes of the President of the United States and the United States Congress which at the time was Republican Controlled, are you going to investigate each and every one of those people? If you are, you and Barr are going to be too busy to do anything else for the next few months before you are kicked out of Washington DC out on your ear with zero indictments.

Trump did the exact same thing and was impeached by the libtards.

Like another person said, you keep leaving out the phrase "For Personal Gain" versus "National Security".

Right Biden fits the for personal gain being Hunter, and TRUMP National Security.
Even the extreme far left "Guardian" is now reporting the story.

Looks like "Quid Pro Corrupt Joe's" media "firewall" is starting to crumble.....when will the New York Toilet Paper Times report? :rofl:


on tape bragging before cameras about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired concerning his son's investigation at few years back.

Since he was following the wishes of the President of the United States and the United States Congress which at the time was Republican Controlled, are you going to investigate each and every one of those people? If you are, you and Barr are going to be too busy to do anything else for the next few months before you are kicked out of Washington DC out on your ear with zero indictments.

Trump did the exact same thing and was impeached by the libtards.

Like another person said, you keep leaving out the phrase "For Personal Gain" versus "National Security".

Yes, Biden was guilty of doing it for personal gain.

Sheesh, you go ahead and lie out your ass. I don't have time to listen. There are better Fictional Stories I like better.

You have nothing to say that I care to listen to. Time to clean out the gene pool, winky. Have a nice day. Discuss it with yourself.

on tape bragging before cameras about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired concerning his son's investigation at few years back.

Since he was following the wishes of the President of the United States and the United States Congress which at the time was Republican Controlled, are you going to investigate each and every one of those people? If you are, you and Barr are going to be too busy to do anything else for the next few months before you are kicked out of Washington DC out on your ear with zero indictments.

Trump did the exact same thing and was impeached by the libtards.

Like another person said, you keep leaving out the phrase "For Personal Gain" versus "National Security".

Right Biden fits the for personal gain being Hunter, and TRUMP National Security.

Keep drinking that Orange Drink or is it the Red Vodka?

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