Quid Pro Joe- Busted!!

RT is also reporting this....

I'd take RT's word on it before anyone at ABCNBCCBSCNNNPR, that's for certain

Of course you would comrade. Russia government is trustworthy above all others.
Hello??? it is an audio tape. You know...a recording of a conversation? You are aware of what a recording is?
It matters not who leaked it, it matters we now have it.
I would assume you also know that RT is hardly a bastion of conservative thinking? They are as left as you can get.

RT’s reporting is less than stellar. They’re not left. They’re Russian, which means not credible.

We all knew that Biden used the billion dollars or loans as leverage to get a corrupt prosecutor fired. Why is this news?
Our people dabbling in other foreign governments affairs eh ?? Not legal, but whose keeping score these days ?? Joe is guilty, but he's Teflon Joe now, because the Democrats have an election to win, then after that Joe could die of natural causes, dementia, Alzheimer's, or whatever for all they care. They would then revel in their victory because their vice would even be worse than Joe probably.
Why do you guys pretend that trump is a young man? Biden did not do as claimed but you guys make shit up and keep repeating it too each other. Meanwhile we hear trump calling the virus a hoax and the same media suddenly is a bunch of lairs who took trump comments pout of context.

We must return the right wing to the irrelevant fringe of society.
So listening to a good part of this... ok so seriously... Biden is fucked.
This is either a very well done hoax, or real. And if this is real.... it opens up Pandora's Box for Biden.
By tomorrow afternoon - latest... as other legitimate sources vet it... we are talking the story of the decade here.
You are forgetting the media will cover it up like a cat covers shit.
Oh, trust me the Demmies don't mind picking up clumps with their bare fingers and licking them afterward. And they hate Trump because he stopped a lot of pain for a lot of people by doing all he could do about the Coronavirus while they rolled the dice against Trump every waking minute of every day for 3 years, neglecting their duties to the American people as those who were elected to make and refine laws. The egg hadn't dried on their naughty mushes before they started all the hate gobbledygook to cover their tracks over neglecting to pitch in to help get rid of coronavirus, and some of them even did exactly the opposite of what was the right thing to do because President Trump did all he could to get them on the prevention bandwagon. The Democrats are corrupt from the center of their hollow black hearts to the outer layer of their dead Pelosi skin.
I totally believe this because it's on creativedestructionmedia.com and no place else
You do realize that it was the National Enquirer that broke the John Edwards illegitimate child story and Drudge that broke the Lewinsky scandal, right?

We forget how the Lewinsky story actually came about. The media colluded to keep the story quiet and Drudge found out. He didn’t so much intend to break the Lewinsky story...his headline was that the media was spiking the story to protect Clinton. They still do it today.

RT is also reporting this....

I'd take RT's word on it before anyone at ABCNBCCBSCNNNPR, that's for certain

Of course you would comrade. Russia government is trustworthy above all others.
Hello??? it is an audio tape. You know...a recording of a conversation? You are aware of what a recording is?
It matters not who leaked it, it matters we now have it.
I would assume you also know that RT is hardly a bastion of conservative thinking? They are as left as you can get.

RT’s reporting is less than stellar. They’re not left. They’re Russian, which means not credible.

We all knew that Biden used the billion dollars or loans as leverage to get a corrupt prosecutor fired. Why is this news?
Our people dabbling in other foreign governments affairs eh ?? Not legal, but whose keeping score these days ?? Joe is guilty, but he's Teflon Joe now, because the Democrats have an election to win, then after that Joe could die of natural causes, dementia, Alzheimer's, or whatever for all they care. They would then revel in their victory because their vice would even be worse than Joe probably.
Why do you guys pretend that trump is a young man? Biden did not do as claimed but you guys make shit up and keep repeating it too each other. Meanwhile we hear trump calling the virus a hoax and the same media suddenly is a bunch of lairs who took trump comments pout of context.

We must return the right wing to the irrelevant fringe of society.
You of all people just committed age discrimination. All I can say is if you like living after 50, your day will come, and may your discriminatory words come back to you when you realize what an unpleasant thing discrimination is.
I totally believe this because it's on creativedestructionmedia.com and no place else
You do realize that it was the National Enquirer that broke the John Edwards illegitimate child story and Drudge that broke the Lewinsky scandal, right?

We forget how the Lewinsky story actually came about. The media colluded to keep the story quiet and Drudge found out. He didn’t so much intend to break the Lewinsky story...his headline was that the media was spiking the story to protect Clinton. They still do it today.

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Not only that but Linda Tripp sure pissed off the media barracudas. :biggrin:
RT is also reporting this....

I'd take RT's word on it before anyone at ABCNBCCBSCNNNPR, that's for certain

Of course you would comrade. Russia government is trustworthy above all others.
Hello??? it is an audio tape. You know...a recording of a conversation? You are aware of what a recording is?
It matters not who leaked it, it matters we now have it.
I would assume you also know that RT is hardly a bastion of conservative thinking? They are as left as you can get.

RT’s reporting is less than stellar. They’re not left. They’re Russian, which means not credible.

We all knew that Biden used the billion dollars or loans as leverage to get a corrupt prosecutor fired. Why is this news?
Our people dabbling in other foreign governments affairs eh ?? Not legal, but whose keeping score these days ?? Joe is guilty, but he's Teflon Joe now, because the Democrats have an election to win, then after that Joe could die of natural causes, dementia, Alzheimer's, or whatever for all they care. They would then revel in their victory because their vice would even be worse than Joe probably.
Its not illegal and never has been illegal. The very idea that someone could write a “law” and endorse that is idiotic.

on tape bragging before cameras about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired concerning his son's investigation at few years back.

Since he was following the wishes of the President of the United States and the United States Congress which at the time was Republican Controlled, are you going to investigate each and every one of those people? If you are, you and Barr are going to be too busy to do anything else for the next few months before you are kicked out of Washington DC out on your ear with zero indictments.

on tape bragging before cameras about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired concerning his son's investigation at few years back.

Since he was following the wishes of the President of the United States and the United States Congress which at the time was Republican Controlled, are you going to investigate each and every one of those people? If you are, you and Barr are going to be too busy to do anything else for the next few months before you are kicked out of Washington DC out on your ear with zero indictments.

Who was President again? Btw the President sets foreign policy, not Congress.
Since your thread is about law suits you wish to enter, I hope your generous offer to sue me hasn't been lost in the shuffle.
Yes, a videotaped confession is a prosecutor's wet dream. A 2nd-year law student could probably get a 30-year sentence without even trying. But we're inflicted with "too big to lock up", so don't get your hopes up.
All the more Reason for Joe to NOT do what he did. He followed his bosses direction to the letter for the good of the National Security. And now he's getting the fallout for it.

Nope, Joe doesn't get the "fallout". He is being subjected to a smear campaign, in all likelihood instigated by Trump, set in motion by Giuliani, and executed by Derkach. As usual, it has been promulgated by a retarded click-bait fount, much to the delight of our right-wing retards, and gobbled down like gospel. All that remains to be seen is whether or not it is being picked up by the likes of Breitbart and Fox, as these things usually go. Since the latest installment is more than usually benighted and transparently fraudulent, I wouldn't exactly bet on it, though.
All the more Reason for Joe to NOT do what he did. He followed his bosses direction to the letter for the good of the National Security. And now he's getting the fallout for it.

Nope, Joe doesn't get the "fallout". He is being subjected to a smear campaign, in all likelihood instigated by Trump, set in motion by Giuliani, and executed by Derkach. As usual, it has been promulgated by a retarded click-bait fount, much to the delight of our right-wing retards, and gobbled down like gospel. All that remains to be seen is whether or not it is being picked up by the likes of Breitbart and Fox, as these things usually go. Since the latest installment is more than usually benighted and transparently fraudulent, I wouldn't exactly bet on it, though.

Yeah...except if this was Trump on the recording you would be saying something very, very different
Sorry Joe, you engaged in an illegal quid pro quo.

BREAKING: Audio Tape Released Between Corrupt Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko And Joe Biden Discussing Corrupt Activities. John Kerry Also On Tape.

The plot thickens...

IF this tape can be verified by our NSA it would be a stunning development... Joe was interfering in the prosecutors case. Damn!

Trump has the power to ask the NSA for verification. The question is, will he?

on tape bragging before cameras about getting the Ukrainian prosecutor fired concerning his son's investigation at few years back.

Since he was following the wishes of the President of the United States and the United States Congress which at the time was Republican Controlled, are you going to investigate each and every one of those people? If you are, you and Barr are going to be too busy to do anything else for the next few months before you are kicked out of Washington DC out on your ear with zero indictments.

Trump did the exact same thing and was impeached by the libtards.
Somehow, no matter how guilty he is, the DOJ is going to find it a nothing burger.
Not sure how democrats ended up being Teflon.
Blackmail....this is why we need term limits....serve your term go home and leave your security clearance at the door....
Yeah...except if this was Trump on the recording you would be saying something very, very different

It would appear, you are exactly as stupid as you seem.

Biden, very publicly, executed President Obama's Ukraine policy, as supported by Congress, the EU, a whole array of public integrity organizations in Ukraine, the IMF, and the World Bank, that is, get that corrupt crook fired, or else...

Trump, in secret, pursued a smear campaign against a political rival, and desperately tried to cover his tracks, an effort that continues to this day. Were it not for an American of Ukrainian extraction and of the highest integrity, who recognized how dangerous that gamble is for both countries, Trump might have gotten away with this Mob Boss depravity.

If you truly cannot tell these apart, you are even more stupid than you seem.
Nope, Joe doesn't get the "fallout". He is being subjected to a smear campaign, in all likelihood instigated by Trump, set in motion by Giuliani, and executed by Derkach. As usual, it has been promulgated by a retarded click-bait fount, much to the delight of our right-wing retards, and gobbled down like gospel. All that remains to be seen is whether or not it is being picked up by the likes of Breitbart and Fox, as these things usually go. Since the latest installment is more than usually benighted and transparently fraudulent, I wouldn't exactly bet on it, though.
Joe's a fucking crook, despite your eloquent babbling.
And Trump caught him.

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