Quid Pro Joe- Busted!!

Yeah...except if this was Trump on the recording you would be saying something very, very different

It would appear, you are exactly as stupid as you seem.

Biden, very publicly, executed President Obama's Ukraine policy, as supported by Congress, the EU, a whole array of public integrity organizations in Ukraine, the IMF, and the World Bank, that is, get that corrupt crook fired, or else...

Trump, in secret, pursued a smear campaign against a political rival, and desperately tried to cover his tracks, an effort that continues to this day. Were it not for an American of Ukrainian extraction and of the highest integrity, who recognized how dangerous that gamble is for both countries, Trump might have gotten away with this Mob Boss depravity.

If you truly cannot tell these apart, you are even more stupid than you seem.

yeah and Hunter Biden's $50,000 per MONTH "job" on Burisma's executive board was just a mere coincidence!!! And as internal Burisma documents and depositions given by all other board members, Hunter never even went to a single board meeting, made no communication with a single person at the company in any way...email/phone...NOTHING. Signed no documents, took part in exactly zero decisions etc. etc.
BUT - Joe Biden says there was nothing unethical about it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
Joe's a fucking crook, despite your eloquent babbling.
And Trump caught him.

Very funny. Riddle me this: If Trump caught him - with evidence and all that - why isn't the FBI knocking on Joe's door to haul him away? Why on earth would Barr, upon being informed on the worst crime in the nation's history, react to requests for investigations and indictments with, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

You goofs are being played like the proverbial cheep fiddle. Next we see you demonstrating there's no harder job than to convince a man who's been had he's in fact been had. After years of lick-spittle subservience, one fine day, you'll get there. That's also going to be the day when you no longer remember ever having supported, much less voted for, Trump.
Joe's a fucking crook, despite your eloquent babbling.
And Trump caught him.

Very funny. Riddle me this: If Trump caught him - with evidence and all that - why isn't the FBI knocking on Joe's door to haul him away? Why on earth would Barr, upon being informed on the worst crime in the nation's history, react to requests for investigations and indictments with, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

You goofs are being played like the proverbial cheep fiddle. Next we see you demonstrating there's no harder job than to convince a man who's been had he's in fact been had. After years of lick-spittle subservience, one fine day, you'll get there. That's also going to be the day when you no longer remember ever having supported, much less voted for, Trump.
barr never said there wouldnt be any investigations,,,
Joe's a fucking crook, despite your eloquent babbling.
And Trump caught him.

Very funny. Riddle me this: If Trump caught him - with evidence and all that - why isn't the FBI knocking on Joe's door to haul him away? Why on earth would Barr, upon being informed on the worst crime in the nation's history, react to requests for investigations and indictments with, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

You goofs are being played like the proverbial cheep fiddle. Next we see you demonstrating there's no harder job than to convince a man who's been had he's in fact been had. After years of lick-spittle subservience, one fine day, you'll get there. That's also going to be the day when you no longer remember ever having supported, much less voted for, Trump.
I didn't vote for Trump.
I became a supporter after realizing how dirty the left has become.
And Trump is not a Republican either.
Joe's a fucking crook, despite your eloquent babbling.
And Trump caught him.

Very funny. Riddle me this: If Trump caught him - with evidence and all that - why isn't the FBI knocking on Joe's door to haul him away? Why on earth would Barr, upon being informed on the worst crime in the nation's history, react to requests for investigations and indictments with, "No, no, no, no, no, no, no!"

You goofs are being played like the proverbial cheep fiddle. Next we see you demonstrating there's no harder job than to convince a man who's been had he's in fact been had. After years of lick-spittle subservience, one fine day, you'll get there. That's also going to be the day when you no longer remember ever having supported, much less voted for, Trump.
barr never said there wouldnt be any investigations,,,
That's right. He said "as of now".

yeah and Hunter Biden's $50,000 per MONTH "job" on Burisma's executive board was just a mere coincidence!!! And as internal Burisma documents and depositions given by all other board members, Hunter never even went to a single board meeting, made no communication with a single person at the company in any way...email/phone...NOTHING. Signed no documents, took part in exactly zero decisions etc. etc.
BUT - Joe Biden says there was nothing unethical about it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

Setting aside your lies about Hunter's work, and your drooling giggles...

Did Hunter cash in on his dad's name? Yeah, that's very likely. Burisma obviously wanted to get rid of the stench of the owner's corruption and grace the corporation's board with a Biden, a former CIA official and a former Polish PM. That's what corporations do, pretty much around the world.

What you guys want - desperately need, actually - is anything unethical done by Joe. And, in order to get there, you fall for every scam offered up by whatever crook and goof and Giuliani willing to do that. So far, you got nothing whatsoever. Pity, isn't it? Still, it doesn't put a dent into your conviction there must - MUST - be something there there.

But hey, any day now...
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Ohhhhh............. looky there.... Ny Post reveals the same lawmaker that released this tape is going to show proof where Burisma also paid $900,000 to JOE BIDEN under "lobby fees".
But still nothing unethical here.... let's say something about Trump instead!!
In one of the audio clips, Derkach reportedly released, dated, Feb. 18, 2016, Poroshenko appears to tell Biden (emphasis added):
I have some positive and negative news. I will start with positive news. … Yesterday, I met with the General Prosecutor Shokin. And despite the fact that we didn’t have any corruption charges, we don’t have any information about him doing something wrong, I specifically asked him – no, it was a day before yesterday – I specifically asked him to resign … as his position as a state person. And despite of the fact that he has a support in the power and as a finish of meeting with him, he promised me to give me the statement on resignation. And one hour ago he bring me the written statement of his resignation. And this is my second step for keeping my promises.
- It Gets worse!!

As to the Joe Biden-Poroshenko phone calls, Donald Trump Jr. highlighted another portion of the audio in which the two men are discussing what certainly appears to be the suspected ‘quid pro quo’ — money in exchange for a fired prosecutor:

THEN-VICE PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: Hey Mr. President, Joe Biden. How are you?
THEN-UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT PETRO POROSHENKO: Very well indeed, as usual, when I hear your voice. Thank you very much.
BIDEN: Well you are doing very well, congratulations on getting the new Prosecutor General. I know there is a lot more that has to be done, but I really, I really think that’s, I think that’s good. And I understand you’re working with Rada in the coming days on a number of additional laws to secure the IMF. But congratulations on installing the new Prosecutor General, it’s going to be critical for him to work quickly to repair the damage Shokin did. And I’m a man of my word and now that the new Prosecutor General is in place, we’re ready to forward to signing that new $1 billion loan guarantee. And I don’t know how you want to go about that. I’m not going to be able to get to Kyiv anytime soon, I mean, next month or so. And, and I don’t know whether you could either sign it with our ambassador or if you came here, we could sign or if you want, we’re inviting Groysman here later. I’m going to be talking to him later this morning, not for that purpose, we’re inviting him to Washington and so I’ll leave it up to you as to how you want that done and when you want it done.
POROSHENKO: First of all, thank you very much indeed for these words of support. Believe me, that it was a very tough challenge and a very difficult job and Mrs. Tymoshenko and Mr. Lyashko fraction tried to break this because we not only voted for the new Prosecutor General, which we do in a very short period of time, within one day we changed the law. By the way, in this law we are presenting the set, the new structure of the General Prosecutor’s Office, including the General Inspection as we agreed with you. And the second thing, I immediately invited Lutsenko and said that he should contact your embassy and I would be very pleased if you will have certain person, who can come either from Washington or whatever. We have here – I don’t remember his name – the Ukrainian origin American prosecutor. He is a little bit old. I sent to the Jeffrey his name, and he was ready to come and to be assistant and adviser. He has a very good experience in the American system and he can be the person of trust within new prosecution system. I think this is exactly the right time to do that. And if he’s still ready to come and to cooperate from the very first step, from the very first minute of the new Prosecutor, that is exactly what I’m looking for.
BIDEN: Well, let me, let me get in contact with the Justice Department and pursue that. I’ll get his name and let me find out where that is, because it is in our interest, obviously, to provide professional assistance as quick as we can. So this gets up and started it in the right direction. So, I will move on that as soon as we hang up. I’ll put that in train and I’ll get back to you as to what we are, what I am able to do.
POROSHENKO: Absolutely. Second, thank you very much indeed, this is exactly what I am looking for. The second thing is that I want to thank you that you give me your word that immediately when we change the legislation and I appoint the new Prosecutor General, and it would be Yuriy Lutsenko as we agreed on our previous meeting in Washington and when it happen, we can have this loan guarantee and thank you very much…
Congratulations. You guys unearthed tapes of Biden doing exactly what we’ve been telling you he was doing all along.
Who is most likely to replace Biden?
Mitt Romney after the GOP kicks him out.
Never heard of us kicking a dissenter out of the Republican Party. We don't agree on everything. Mitt just took his angst a step further and alienated his political friends of yesteryear by being a loose cannon. The best case scenario about a loose cannon field is that a sparse few may get taken out, but most can avoid the cannon ball because it's small. Most of us are realists, and our credo is to do what is best for the most as best we can agree to. No system is perfect, but most Republicans are sweet people who work hard to make their communities a good place.

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