Quid Pro Joe- Busted!!

Sorry Joe, you engaged in an illegal quid pro quo.

BREAKING: Audio Tape Released Between Corrupt Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko And Joe Biden Discussing Corrupt Activities. John Kerry Also On Tape.

it's another diabolical Trump plot

Actually, it's a plot released by the Russian controlled News Agency. If you are dumb enough to believe it without actually following up on it then you deserve what you get. Everyone else deserves better.

And I have given enough information as to the real conversation, the origin of the story to discredit this completely. But the Party of the Rumpers grab it like it's their last life preserver on the Titanic. The more they do this, the closer it just might be.
Sorry Joe, you engaged in an illegal quid pro quo.

BREAKING: Audio Tape Released Between Corrupt Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko And Joe Biden Discussing Corrupt Activities. John Kerry Also On Tape.

From "creative destruction media" no less.
Sorry Joe, you engaged in an illegal quid pro quo.

BREAKING: Audio Tape Released Between Corrupt Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko And Joe Biden Discussing Corrupt Activities. John Kerry Also On Tape.

Wow, and let the mud, trash and lies just get repeated over and over. Hate to break it to you but it's Rump that is in serious trouble over Urkraine. Your "Hey, look over there" isn't working.

The proven corruptness of Biden as VP with the Ukraine make any attacks or accusations of Trump feckless at best.

Proven? If you tell you lie enough does it make it the truth? Nope, it's still a lie. We ain't buying it and your deflection from Rumps criminal activity is noted.

You don’t think a sitting VP extorting another country to fire a prosecutor to save his son is not corrupt? Of course you don’t.

You ignore the time line. Hunter didn't go to work in Ukraine until AFTER Biden successfully threatened Ukraine at the direction of the President and Congress. Don't let that fact get in the way or a good lie.

If factual, still irrelevant and still corrupt.
Derkach, Putin stooge, formerly a student at a KGB school, son of the former head of the Ukrainian version of the KGB, conspiracy theorist extraordinaire, who cooked up with Giuliani that old bullshit - Ukraine, not Russia interfered in 2016 - is now warming up that old story about a billion in loan guarantees withheld unless that crook, Shokin, would be fired. That same Shokin who would rather be paid by Ukrainian kleptocrats than to investigate them. And the board's Trumpletons cannot possibly see through yet another Giuliani plot - or rather, the exact same old plot served up, again.

Derkach, Putin stooge, formerly a student at a KGB school, son of the former head of the Ukrainian version of the KGB, conspiracy theorist extraordinaire, who cooked up with Giuliani that old bullshit - Ukraine, not Russia interfered in 2016 - is now warming up that old story about a billion in loan guarantees withheld unless that crook, Shokin, would be fired. That same Shokin who would rather be paid by Ukrainian kleptocrats than to investigate them. And the board's Trumpletons cannot possibly see through yet another Giuliani plot - or rather, the exact same old plot served up, again.

You turds always post crap like this as if you knew exactly what happened when you don't know anything.
RT is also reporting this....

I'd take RT's word on it before anyone at ABCNBCCBSCNNNPR, that's for certain

Of course you would comrade. Russia government is trustworthy above all others.
Hello??? it is an audio tape. You know...a recording of a conversation? You are aware of what a recording is?
It matters not who leaked it, it matters we now have it.
I would assume you also know that RT is hardly a bastion of conservative thinking? They are as left as you can get.

Then let's hear it. It seems no one in here has presented the actual recording. Yah, you have presented right wing nutjob conspiracy site on the content but not the actual recording. You say you have it? Let's have it. Otherwise, it's just another Party of the Rump dirty play.
Then you prove, once again, you don't even take the time to look at what you rail on about.
The recording is on youtube in the article linked. I found it in the first 5 seconds.

Post it in here then. You made the claim. It's up to you to provide the link. I ain't your Mother. IF I were, you would have been drowned at birth.
Is that what happened to you? You were drowned at birth but managed to survive with an oxygen starved brain. Makes sense now!

I can tell when I hit a home run. You lose. Get over it and must move on.
I am glad you have the Special Olympics! Since I don't participate in that competition, I can't lose.

Just watch November. It's going to be a fun time for all of us. If Rump loses, you won't be able to come back to the Republican Party as we rebuild it after the damage you Party of the Rump has done to it. And we won't let you in. Enjoy the isolation. You are going to get a lot more of it regardless if it's in 2020 or 2024.
That'd be President Trump to you. And we're now the party of America since your leaders surrendered to the Russians and Chinese.
Sorry Joe, you engaged in an illegal quid pro quo.

BREAKING: Audio Tape Released Between Corrupt Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko And Joe Biden Discussing Corrupt Activities. John Kerry Also On Tape.

it's another diabolical Trump plot

Actually, it's a plot released by the Russian controlled News Agency. If you are dumb enough to believe it without actually following up on it then you deserve what you get. Everyone else deserves better.

And I have given enough information as to the real conversation, the origin of the story to discredit this completely. But the Party of the Rumpers grab it like it's their last life preserver on the Titanic. The more they do this, the closer it just might be.
we know that Joe Biden is a crook, and the truth always comes out
You ignore the time line. Hunter didn't go to work in Ukraine until AFTER Biden successfully threatened Ukraine at the direction of the President and Congress. Don't let that fact get in the way or a good lie.

That's not true, Daryl. Hunter went to work for Burisma in 2014. Joe got that crook, Ukraine’s prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, fired in 2016.

All the more Reason for Joe to NOT do what he did. He followed his bosses direction to the letter for the good of the National Security. And now he's getting the fallout for it. You just can't stand it when you see someone with integrity. Rump, on the other hand did far worse and did it for his own personal gain. One was for National Security while the other was for personal gain. Now, where are they alike? And Rumps minions have already figured that out. But you Rumpsters aren't too bright. It's another, Hey, look over there routine. Rump is as corrupt as one can get and still not be in prison where he should be but it's still early.

I suggest you look at Rump and deal with him and not point fingers at anyone else. We know that the Biden Ukraine scandal originated from the Russian Controlled Media. So, Ivan, tell me again the Russians are not playing around in our Presidential Politics? And you Ivans are buying it because it suits your lie. Fine. But don't expect everyone to not comment on it.
On topic:

This is an incredible story. I simply cannot wait to hear all about it tomorrow. It is a bombshell.

Other thoughts:

How in the fuck do some of you idiots live with yourselves after being duped so many fucking times by the same type of bullshit? Do you ever regret being so fucking gullible? Does the urge to self evaluate ever hit you?

It must.
On topic:

This is an incredible story. I simply cannot wait to hear all about it tomorrow. It is a bombshell.

Other thoughts:

How in the fuck do some of you idiots live with yourselves after being duped so many fucking times by the same type of bullshit? Do you ever regret being so fucking gullible? Does the urge to self evaluate ever hit you?

It must.

It'll be gone by tommarrow everywhere except where the party of the Rumpers are posting and then it will live on forever. Well until they send Rump to jail in NY no matter if it's 2021 or 2025.
Sorry Joe, you engaged in an illegal quid pro quo.

BREAKING: Audio Tape Released Between Corrupt Former Ukrainian President Poroshenko And Joe Biden Discussing Corrupt Activities. John Kerry Also On Tape.


I totally believe this because it's on creativedestructionmedia.com and no place else
He is on tape here too- bragging about it...

you can choose to believe what you want. The man is corrupt.

He was assigned a job to do by the entire free world, and he did it. Why wouldn't he brag about a job well done. The problem with your stupid story is that this is why he's bragging:

This is the the Ukraine Committee of Senate of the United States, both Republicans and Democratis, demanding the removal of the prosecutor, in 2016.
I totally believe this because it's on creativedestructionmedia.com and no place else
He is on tape here too- bragging about it...

you can choose to believe what you want. The man is corrupt.

Not only corrupt, but completely evil as well. The man will use anything as if the American electorate is the biggest bunch of idiots in the world to listen to him. I mean he'll exploit everything and every group out there to save his hide. The bad thing is that he might be successful with some of the cult that follows him, but thank God they don't make up the majority in this country.

It's time for Joe to be indicted. Enough of this freely slamming Trump for everything under the sun, when those doing the slamming are guilty of "crimes" themselves.
RT is also reporting this....

I'd take RT's word on it before anyone at ABCNBCCBSCNNNPR, that's for certain

Of course you would comrade. Russia government is trustworthy above all others.
Hello??? it is an audio tape. You know...a recording of a conversation? You are aware of what a recording is?
It matters not who leaked it, it matters we now have it.
I would assume you also know that RT is hardly a bastion of conservative thinking? They are as left as you can get.

RT’s reporting is less than stellar. They’re not left. They’re Russian, which means not credible.

We all knew that Biden used the billion dollars or loans as leverage to get a corrupt prosecutor fired. Why is this news?
Our people dabbling in other foreign governments affairs eh ?? Not legal, but whose keeping score these days ?? Joe is guilty, but he's Teflon Joe now, because the Democrats have an election to win, then after that Joe could die of natural causes, dementia, Alzheimer's, or whatever for all they care. They would then revel in their victory because their vice would even be worse than Joe probably.

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