Quit Funding Global Warming Science.

What the hell? Science doesn't want truth or facts or any of that old fashioned stuff. Nope, they follow political/financial constraints. I am here to tell ya kids, Global warming is real and it doesn't care if you are rich or white or a republican. I am neither brainwashed or liberal. I am a realist.
If the solution to global warming was not spending trillions of dollars on the bigger fraud, wind and solar plants then maybe more people would fall for unproven theories.

If Global Warming is so real, and the Science so settled, why is it still just a Theory?
So who told you the Farmers Almanac was good at predictions? And why didn't you check the facts before repeating such a crazy claim?

The Farmers Almanac does no better than coin-flipping with its predictions. It's a form of superstition, like astrology. Rational people don't embrace superstition.

Yea, I guess your right. What do Farmers working the earth know, its not like they are Scientists in a University Laboratory with a Super Computer.

2014 2015 Winter Weather Forecast Map U.S.

Winter is expected to be another cold one in the eastern half to two-thirds of the nation with above-normal temperatures, on average, in the West.


  • Snowfall will be above normal in most of the Northeast, although below normal in much of New England.
  • Florida will have above-normal rainfall, while most of the southeastern and central states will have below-normal precipitation.
  • We expect above-normal snowfall from eastern Arizona into the Big Bend of Texas and above-normal rainfall from parts of inland Washington into the northwest corner of Montana and just north of California's Bay region.
  • Other areas in the western third of the country, including most of California, should have below-normal precipitation
So who told you the Farmers Almanac was good at predictions? And why didn't you check the facts before repeating such a crazy claim?

The Farmers Almanac does no better than coin-flipping with its predictions. It's a form of superstition, like astrology. Rational people don't embrace superstition.

maMOOT is a good example of someone who has a shallow and superficial understanding of things, hence maMOOT believes in Global Warming, mamoot simply needs a headline to believe. Seriously, who would post something so stupid without at least checking to see if they are right.

Astrology is superstition mamooth! Astronomy is Science!

Robert B. Thomas is the founder of the Farmers Almanac, he studied Solar Activity, Astronomy Cycles, and Weather Patterns.

I bet if you looked at the Farmers Almanac site you might find there is even a bit more sophistication and technology behind the forecasts in the Farmers Almanac.

maMOOT is an activist, a poor one at that.
So who told you the Farmers Almanac was good at predictions? And why didn't you check the facts before repeating such a crazy claim?

The Farmers Almanac does no better than coin-flipping with its predictions. It's a form of superstition, like astrology. Rational people don't embrace superstition.

So coin flipping is more accurate than climate science....pretty much what us skeptics have been saying for decades.
The Farmer's Almanac is as irrelevant to this discussion as are the myths and legends of any other people on this planet.
The Farmer's Almanac is as irrelevant to this discussion as are the myths and legends of any other people on this planet.

So coin flipping and myths and legends are more accurate than climate science....again, pretty much what us skeptics have been saying for some time.
Once more, I'll show the FA's suckass prediction for Winter 2013-2014

Long-Range Weather Forecast 2014 United States and Canada


The FA prediced "Mild and dry" for Indiana. It was very cold and very snowy.

The FA predicted "Wet" for California. It was very dry.

They got some things right, but, like I said, coin flip.

Let's look at their predictions for summer 2014.

Will This Summer Be a Scorcher - Farmers Almanac


A total botch. It was a cool summer across most of the USA, but the FA declared it would be a scorcher.

This source discusses how the FA gets their "80% accuracy!" claims.

Probing Question Is the Farmers Almanac accurate Penn State University
"They say from November 5 thru 10, for that whole period: sunny/cool. If one day is sunny and cool, does that count? Does every day have to be sunny and cool? If you held them to every single word for the entire area and every word for the entire period, then I say they might not even be right one third of the time. In fact, they might be right 10 percent of the time." Acknowledges Knight, "I don't think they're holding themselves to that degree of accuracy, and I don't think other people are either."

"I could say things like October 8 to 15 in this area: generally dry, very cool weather expected; first frost and freezes in the valleys. And I would be right probably eight out of 10 years," says Knight. "I could say February 12 to 19: heavy snow along parts of the eastern seaboard. I'm going to be right seven out of 10 years. There is some relative frequency to these things, but to say that this is of great scientific accuracy would be a real misnomer."

And there are the studies showing how the FA does no better than a coin flip.

Dr. Jeff Masters WunderBlog Winter forecast part III the Old Farmer s Almanac Weather Underground
Studies by Jan Null
Jan Null, a meteorologist who founded the private weather consulting firm, Golden Gate Weather in California, has evaluated the Old Farmer's Almanac predictions for San Francisco for three separate years. His first study looked at the forecasts for 1999-2000. His conclusion: "Even trying to be objective and giving the benefit of the doubt to cases that were close, I found last year's forecast from the Old Farmer's 2000 Almanac for San Francisco to be laughable at best and abysmal at worst. The Old Farmer's Almanac was wrong on their monthly temperature forecast 8 out of the 12 months (67%) and wrong on their rainfall forecast 5 of the 8 months evaluated (63%)". His grade for the Old Farmer's Almanac winter forecast for San Francisco during 2006-2007 was a D+. He also evaluated the Old Farmer's Almanac for two separate summers and winters for all sixteen regions of the U.S., and found mostly poor results. For the summer of 2005, just one of the sixteen Old Farmer's Almanac regional forecasts got both the temperature and the precipitation correct. He plans to post a verification of their 2008 summer forecast sometime in the next week.

Weatherwise magazine study
In the October 1981 issue of Weatherwise magazine, pages 212-215, John E. Walsh and David Allen performed a check on the accuracy of 60 monthly forecasts of temperature and precipitation from the Old Farmer's Almanac at 32 stations in the U.S. They found that 50.7% of the monthly temperature forecasts and 51.9% of the precipitation forecasts verified with the correct sign. This compares with the 50% success rate expected by chance.

Naturally, none of this will matter to the true believers here. It's part of their religious beliefs that the FA has perfect accuracy, so no mere facts and data will convince them to let go of that superstition.
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And yet, they still beat climate science which didn't get anything right at all...
Yes, SSDD, we know denier cultists are required to scream that crazy lie at the top of their lungs. You'd get expelled from the cult if you don't, and to a brainless herdbeast like the average denier, banishment from the cult would be like a death sentence.

Back in the real world, the models have been remarkably accurate. If anyone says otherwise, they're either kook, liar, or just simply ignorant of the facts. In any case, it makes them not worth listening to. Except for their fellow cultists, who will lap it all up eagerly as an affirmation of their own cult emotionalism.
So who told you the Farmers Almanac was good at predictions? And why didn't you check the facts before repeating such a crazy claim?

The Farmers Almanac does no better than coin-flipping with its predictions. It's a form of superstition, like astrology. Rational people don't embrace superstition.

Yea, I guess your right. What do Farmers working the earth know, its not like they are Scientists in a University Laboratory with a Super Computer.

2014 2015 Winter Weather Forecast Map U.S.

Winter is expected to be another cold one in the eastern half to two-thirds of the nation with above-normal temperatures, on average, in the West.


  • Snowfall will be above normal in most of the Northeast, although below normal in much of New England.
  • Florida will have above-normal rainfall, while most of the southeastern and central states will have below-normal precipitation.
  • We expect above-normal snowfall from eastern Arizona into the Big Bend of Texas and above-normal rainfall from parts of inland Washington into the northwest corner of Montana and just north of California's Bay region.
  • Other areas in the western third of the country, including most of California, should have below-normal precipitation
I had already posted the real farmer almanac data for 2013-2014 and it was almost 100% accurate. How about that. See these goof balls just pull shit and stick in here. Makes for some more work for us since they are so disingenuious, but look at who they really are. LoSers.....

Link..2014 Long Range Winter Forecast
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Once more, I'll show the FA's suckass prediction for Winter 2013-2014

Long-Range Weather Forecast 2014 United States and Canada


The FA prediced "Mild and dry" for Indiana. It was very cold and very snowy.

The FA predicted "Wet" for California. It was very dry.

They got some things right, but, like I said, coin flip.

Let's look at their predictions for summer 2014.

Will This Summer Be a Scorcher - Farmers Almanac


A total botch. It was a cool summer across most of the USA, but the FA declared it would be a scorcher.

This source discusses how the FA gets their "80% accuracy!" claims.

Probing Question Is the Farmers Almanac accurate Penn State University
"They say from November 5 thru 10, for that whole period: sunny/cool. If one day is sunny and cool, does that count? Does every day have to be sunny and cool? If you held them to every single word for the entire area and every word for the entire period, then I say they might not even be right one third of the time. In fact, they might be right 10 percent of the time." Acknowledges Knight, "I don't think they're holding themselves to that degree of accuracy, and I don't think other people are either."

"I could say things like October 8 to 15 in this area: generally dry, very cool weather expected; first frost and freezes in the valleys. And I would be right probably eight out of 10 years," says Knight. "I could say February 12 to 19: heavy snow along parts of the eastern seaboard. I'm going to be right seven out of 10 years. There is some relative frequency to these things, but to say that this is of great scientific accuracy would be a real misnomer."

And there are the studies showing how the FA does no better than a coin flip.

Dr. Jeff Masters WunderBlog Winter forecast part III the Old Farmer s Almanac Weather Underground
Studies by Jan Null
Jan Null, a meteorologist who founded the private weather consulting firm, Golden Gate Weather in California, has evaluated the Old Farmer's Almanac predictions for San Francisco for three separate years. His first study looked at the forecasts for 1999-2000. His conclusion: "Even trying to be objective and giving the benefit of the doubt to cases that were close, I found last year's forecast from the Old Farmer's 2000 Almanac for San Francisco to be laughable at best and abysmal at worst. The Old Farmer's Almanac was wrong on their monthly temperature forecast 8 out of the 12 months (67%) and wrong on their rainfall forecast 5 of the 8 months evaluated (63%)". His grade for the Old Farmer's Almanac winter forecast for San Francisco during 2006-2007 was a D+. He also evaluated the Old Farmer's Almanac for two separate summers and winters for all sixteen regions of the U.S., and found mostly poor results. For the summer of 2005, just one of the sixteen Old Farmer's Almanac regional forecasts got both the temperature and the precipitation correct. He plans to post a verification of their 2008 summer forecast sometime in the next week.

Weatherwise magazine study
In the October 1981 issue of Weatherwise magazine, pages 212-215, John E. Walsh and David Allen performed a check on the accuracy of 60 monthly forecasts of temperature and precipitation from the Old Farmer's Almanac at 32 stations in the U.S. They found that 50.7% of the monthly temperature forecasts and 51.9% of the precipitation forecasts verified with the correct sign. This compares with the 50% success rate expected by chance.

Naturally, none of this will matter to the true believers here. It's part of their religious beliefs that the FA has perfect accuracy, so no mere facts and data will convince them to let go of that superstition.
Wrong link dude!!!!! see you're pulling the old farmer almanac, pull from the Farmers Almanac and you will find 100% accurate prediction. LOL you fool!

Here is the link fool....2014 Long Range Winter Forecast
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Oh, you're right, I did mix up the FA and OFA with the last winter forecast.

I did not, however, mix up the summer forecast. It was the FA -- and not the OFA -- which predicted a scorching hot summer across the USA in 2014. That may have been the wrongest prediction in the history of predictions.

And the links still stand, showing how historically, the FA does no better than coin flips.

Can you explain why, given the total botch of the FA's 2014 summer predictions, you still declare them to be perfect? A good winter prediction and failed summer prediction gives them 50%. That is, coin flip.
Oh, you're right, I did mix up the FA and OFA with the last winter forecast.

I did not, however, mix up the summer forecast. It was the FA -- and not the OFA -- which predicted a scorching hot summer across the USA in 2014. That may have been the wrongest prediction in the history of predictions.

And the links still stand, showing how historically, the FA does no better than coin flips.

Can you explain why, given the total botch of the FA's 2014 summer predictions, you still declare them to be perfect? A good winter prediction and failed summer prediction gives them 50%. That is, coin flip.
Based on what? You didn't even have the correct link. :wtf:the FA has stated they are 80% accurate, I request that you prove they aren't. Prove it:wtf::rolleyes:

BTW, I claimed 100% for the winter prediction you choose to post inaccurately. Yes they sometimes don't hit the prediction. Your point? You show me a model that is 100% accurate. Hah, that's right you can't even show me one 10% accurate. hahahahahahahaahahahhaha
believe that is less than a coin flip!!!!
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