Quiz Of The Day!


You ignorant kkk froot loops should all be voted off the island we call the world.

You do know that the KKK supported and donated to Hitlery's campaign don't you?
Kissy Kissy. Hit has always had a thing for dragons..
View attachment 105446
The national KKK endorsed Trump and the KKK has thrown parades in honor of his victory.

And your photos are fake.

How is a candidate responsible for any who choose to endorse him or her???

Case in point:
"Communist Party USA Chairman Vows Cooperation With Democratic Party The chairman of the National Committee of the Communist Party USA has penned a 2,023-word manifesto making the critical point that American Communists are eager to work with the Democratic Party to advance the modern communist agenda and achieve communist goals.

Communist Party chairman John Bachtell published his essay last week at People’s World, a “daily news website of, for and by the 99% and the direct descendant of the Daily Worker.”
Communist Party USA Work With Democrats The Daily Caller
Why did you choose to quote me and not Irish Ram? No problem with her comment right?

Please articulate your point.

In doing so, you may find the explanation.
No sympathy for slaveowners and segregationists

Please articulate your point.
The Haitian colonists. If you don't want to suffer the consequences, don't commit the crime.

This post, of course, documents the coda of the OP....
"They not only all belong....but they are the only logical conclusion to the strategy of "Identity Politics," the strategy that has kept Democrats in office."

You aren't intelligent enough to realize that you've been a witness for my premise.

1. The beheading of every white person....children, too.....were slaughtered based on the color of their skin.

2. The over-emphasis on slavery injected by Liberals into contemporary thinking is obviated by this quote from Helen Keller:
"There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his."

3. Clearly you have learned the lessons well that make you a reliable Democrat voter.

4. I appreciate you articulating that view.
Yeah contemporary 21st century thinking, back in 1804


"...contemporary 21st century thinking, back in 1804"

This statement ....

2. The over-emphasis on slavery injected by Liberals into contemporary thinking is obviated by this quote from Helen Keller:
"There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and no slave who has not had a king among his."

...refers to the make-believe racism that the Democrats have the slow-witted believing TODAY!

There is no anti-black institutional racism in this country.

There is institutional anti-white racism.

You probably believe that there is 'white privilege' fueling success in this nation, huh?
You reap what you sow

Right...feeding the fucking animals was somehow a "crime"....I truly hope Trump deals you a shitload of pain for the next 8 years you punk.
The pain Trump deals out will hit us all equally. It's going to be a hard few years.

Anyways learn from history. Don't subjugate, enslave, and dehumanize people while stealing their home and be surprised if it comes back to bite you in the ass.

"The pain Trump deals out...."

Good thing the Republicans repudiated those Democrat slavers, huh?

Still have some work to do, Chicago comes to mind.
Too bad now republicans celebrate the slavers, wave their flag above our nation's flag, and demonize Lincoln. But we can keep talking about how things were 150 years ago if you want.

You ignorant kkk froot loops should all be voted off the island we call the world.

Did you say KKK?????

You must have mistake me for a Democrat, silly boy.

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…”
Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425


Again wh this misinformation about the klan and today's democrat party.

On top of that you cherry pick a single point of Haitis history . Bravo!

I believe my responses silenced you.

Does that mean you're learning?
The pseudocons' inner Nazis are coming out in the open more and more every day.

The more cowardly pseudocons are too chickenshit to stamp down the Nazis among them. And by their silence, they condone.
Anyways learn from history. Don't subjugate, enslave, and dehumanize people while stealing their home and be surprised if it comes back to bite you in the ass.

You know nothing about history....the whites carved that nation out of raw jungle while the blacks were chasing each other around in loin cloths speaking gibberish. You fancy yourself a spokesman for blacks everywhere but what you really are is a clueless loser who Mugabe would spit on and probably hang. The update is the Zims are now inviting white farmers to come back and save the country...but those days are long gone...let them starve.
You reap what you sow

Right...feeding the fucking animals was somehow a "crime"....I truly hope Trump deals you a shitload of pain for the next 8 years you punk.
The pain Trump deals out will hit us all equally. It's going to be a hard few years.

Anyways learn from history. Don't subjugate, enslave, and dehumanize people while stealing their home and be surprised if it comes back to bite you in the ass.

"The pain Trump deals out...."

Good thing the Republicans repudiated those Democrat slavers, huh?

Still have some work to do, Chicago comes to mind.
Too bad now republicans celebrate the slavers, wave their flag above our nation's flag, and demonize Lincoln. But we can keep talking about how things were 150 years ago if you want.

"....keep talking about how things were 150 years ago...."

This was from post #18.

Further, the most popular elected Democrat is Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....who has been a racist his entire political life.

You won't challenge me on that....will you.

The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

....to this very day.
Anyways learn from history. Don't subjugate, enslave, and dehumanize people while stealing their home and be surprised if it comes back to bite you in the ass.

You know nothing about history....the whites carved that nation out of raw jungle while the blacks were chasing each other around in loin cloths speaking gibberish. You fancy yourself a spokesman for blacks everywhere but what you really are is a clueless loser who Mugabe would spit on and probably hang. The update is the Zims are now inviting white farmers to come back and save the country...but those days are long gone...let them starve.
Give me a few thousand slaves and I can build something pretty awesome too you bastard
The pseudocons' inner Nazis are coming out in the open more and more every day.

The more cowardly pseudocons are too chickenshit to stamp down the Nazis among them. And by their silence, they condone.

Nazis are collectivists....that makes them kin to Liberals, Democrats.

In fact, their very name refers to socialism:

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
1. ".... Nazi Germany was a socialist state, not a capitalist one. And ... socialism, understood as an economic system based on government ownership of the means of production, positively requires a totalitarian dictatorship.

2. ... the word "Nazi" was an abbreviation for "der Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiters Partei — in English translation: the National Socialist German Workers' Party ... what should one expect the economic system of a country ruled by a party with "socialist" in its name to be but socialism?

3. It is far more common to believe that it represented a form of capitalism, which is what the Communists and all other Marxists have claimed. The basis of the claim that Nazi Germany was capitalist was the fact that most industries in Nazi Germany appeared to be left in private hands.

Seems you're so stupid you must be reminded of this every day:
Nazism, communism, socialism..Liberalism, Progressivism,.and fascism....
Peas in a pod.

You ignorant kkk froot loops should all be voted off the island we call the world.

You do know that the KKK supported and donated to Hitlery's campaign don't you?
Kissy Kissy. Hit has always had a thing for dragons..
View attachment 105446
The national KKK endorsed Trump and the KKK has thrown parades in honor of his victory.

And your photos are fake.

And the photos are not fake. I have his eulogy to prove it. Hillary loved him. Called him a great historian. :lmao: He started a KKK chapters all over W. Va.
You reap what you sow

Right...feeding the fucking animals was somehow a "crime"....I truly hope Trump deals you a shitload of pain for the next 8 years you punk.
The pain Trump deals out will hit us all equally. It's going to be a hard few years.

Anyways learn from history. Don't subjugate, enslave, and dehumanize people while stealing their home and be surprised if it comes back to bite you in the ass.

"The pain Trump deals out...."

Good thing the Republicans repudiated those Democrat slavers, huh?

Still have some work to do, Chicago comes to mind.
Too bad now republicans celebrate the slavers, wave their flag above our nation's flag, and demonize Lincoln. But we can keep talking about how things were 150 years ago if you want.

"....keep talking about how things were 150 years ago...."

This was from post #18.

Further, the most popular elected Democrat is Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....who has been a racist his entire political life.

You won't challenge me on that....will you.

The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

....to this very day.
You are thinking of social conservatism. Populism, the ideology of the pre-1964 Democrat party, is now Republican territory.
Give me a few thousand slaves and I can build something pretty awesome too you bastard

Afrikaans owned slaves? Thanks for confirming how little you know about Rhodesia or anything else. Hopefully one day blacks will show you how little they appreciate your blind support of their naive, stupid culture.

You ignorant kkk froot loops should all be voted off the island we call the world.

You do know that the KKK supported and donated to Hitlery's campaign don't you?
Kissy Kissy. Hit has always had a thing for dragons..
View attachment 105446
The national KKK endorsed Trump and the KKK has thrown parades in honor of his victory.

And your photos are fake.

And the photos are not fake. I have his eulogy to prove it. Hillary loved him. Called him a great historian. :lmao: He started a whole lot of KKK chapters in W. Va.

Oh I forgot if Trump doesn't tweet it it's not true to you rubes.
Anyways learn from history. Don't subjugate, enslave, and dehumanize people while stealing their home and be surprised if it comes back to bite you in the ass.

You know nothing about history....the whites carved that nation out of raw jungle while the blacks were chasing each other around in loin cloths speaking gibberish. You fancy yourself a spokesman for blacks everywhere but what you really are is a clueless loser who Mugabe would spit on and probably hang. The update is the Zims are now inviting white farmers to come back and save the country...but those days are long gone...let them starve.
Give me a few thousand slaves and I can build something pretty awesome too you bastard

See if you recognize yourself in this quote of Coulter's:

Thrilled with their role as ‘white friend-of-the-blacks,’ many found that they could actually make a living at it! The part requires sneering at nonexistent racists, and memorizing one line:
“Goddam it, this may cost me my career but I’m going to speak up for racial equality and let the chips fall where they may!”

Pretty funny, huh?

Remember...if you can't laugh at yourself, that's what I'm here for.

You ignorant kkk froot loops should all be voted off the island we call the world.

You do know that the KKK supported and donated to Hitlery's campaign don't you?
Kissy Kissy. Hit has always had a thing for dragons..
View attachment 105446
The national KKK endorsed Trump and the KKK has thrown parades in honor of his victory.

And your photos are fake.

And the photos are not fake. I have his eulogy to prove it. Hillary loved him. Called him a great historian. :lmao: He started a whole lot of KKK chapters in W. Va.

Oh I forgot if Trump doesn't tweet it it's not true to you rubes.

I forgot rube was the extent of your vocabulary...
Anyways learn from history. Don't subjugate, enslave, and dehumanize people while stealing their home and be surprised if it comes back to bite you in the ass.

You know nothing about history....the whites carved that nation out of raw jungle while the blacks were chasing each other around in loin cloths speaking gibberish. You fancy yourself a spokesman for blacks everywhere but what you really are is a clueless loser who Mugabe would spit on and probably hang. The update is the Zims are now inviting white farmers to come back and save the country...but those days are long gone...let them starve.
Give me a few thousand slaves and I can build something pretty awesome too you bastard

Soooo.....you're upset about slavery???


There is only one group that owns slaves today.....

Want a hint?
....the only 'religion' that Barack Hussein Obama has stood up for, shielded from criticism, defended and advanced.

Did you figure it out?
Now.....you didn't vote for Obama, did you???
Right...feeding the fucking animals was somehow a "crime"....I truly hope Trump deals you a shitload of pain for the next 8 years you punk.
The pain Trump deals out will hit us all equally. It's going to be a hard few years.

Anyways learn from history. Don't subjugate, enslave, and dehumanize people while stealing their home and be surprised if it comes back to bite you in the ass.

"The pain Trump deals out...."

Good thing the Republicans repudiated those Democrat slavers, huh?

Still have some work to do, Chicago comes to mind.
Too bad now republicans celebrate the slavers, wave their flag above our nation's flag, and demonize Lincoln. But we can keep talking about how things were 150 years ago if you want.

"....keep talking about how things were 150 years ago...."

This was from post #18.

Further, the most popular elected Democrat is Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....who has been a racist his entire political life.

You won't challenge me on that....will you.

The Democrat Party has always been the party of slavery, segregation, and second class citizenship.

....to this very day.
You are thinking of social conservatism. Populism, the ideology of the pre-1964 Democrat party, is now Republican territory.

I said this:

Further, the most popular elected Democrat is Bill 'the rapist' Clinton....who has been a racist his entire political life.

You won't challenge me on that....will you.

And you still won't challenge me to prove it.

And....Bill 'the rapist' Clinton is no Republican.

You ignorant kkk froot loops should all be voted off the island we call the world.

Did you say KKK?????

You must have mistake me for a Democrat, silly boy.

Liberal historian Eric Foner writes that the Klan was “…a military force serving the interests of the Democratic Party…”
Foner, “Reconstruction: America’s Unfinished Revolution, 1863-1877,” p. 425


Again wh this misinformation about the klan and today's democrat party.

On top of that you cherry pick a single point of Haitis history . Bravo!

I believe my responses silenced you.

Does that mean you're learning?

Learn from you? You are delusional!

Let me ask you. You see a confederate flag flying outside a house . Do you think the owner is a democrat ?

The Republican Party came into existence around Lincolns time . Did those like minded people not exist before then? What would you call those people ? Liberals maybe ???

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