R.I.P. Andy Griffith

It's nice to see that conservative wingnuts no longer hate Andy Griffith's guts, like right before he died.

You know what scares the shit out of me? Andy Griffith slobbering on himself in those Obamacare hard-sell commercials us taxpayers funded.




No, it's bullshitual. Specifically a generalization fallacy based on a post hoc. Whether one heard or did not hear of Andy Griffith's passing has everything to do with what one was doing that day, and nothing to do with fantasies of "progressives". Only a partisan hack could contrive a way to connect the two. Pathetic.

That day? Surely you jest. It was worldwide news and there were at least three days of coverage on it. I will grant you that having such a small sample size limits the accuracy of the observation, but it was interesting that the progressives didn't know but the centrists and conservatives did.

That is a statement of fact. I then presented a hypothesis about why that might have occurred. Some of it was tongue in cheek, but there is an underlying truth to it as well. That is not partisan, that is simple fact.

Worldwide news? No. Especially not for 3 days. I have known a lot of people from the UK, for example, people I've known well personally and colleagues, while I've been overseas. These people don't even know who Andy Griffith was nor are they familiar with the program about Mayberry, NC. It wasn't 'worldwide' news because he was not a worldwide figure. Another instance of an American thinking the USA is the center of the world. I specifically remember mentioning the character Andy Griffith, from that program , to a man from the UK whom I was involved with, and he had no idea what I was talking about.

Again, being aware of world events is not being aware of American entertainment news. For example, I carpool everyday with a woman from Lebanon. Because of that, I know a lot about the ME, the Shia-Sunni conflict, Hamas, etc. But she also would have no idea who Andy Griffith is. He is not known much outside of the US.

As well, it wasn't just the left side who didn't know Mr. Griffith had died. There is at least one post in this thread by a person from the right which indicates that person also did not know this news was 2 years old.

Your hypothesis is total BS. Self serving nonsense.

Yeah it certainly wasn't "worldwide news" as there was nothing especially different about this obituary. When I first saw the thread my impression was "I thought he had already died, guess not, let's see how old he was".

So this is more bullshituousness from a partisan hack trying desperately to score his points on another dead body. Considering the source and his history I can't say I'm surprised.
I concede that Westwall is the absolute internet thread expert on Andy Griffith.

If it will explain anything, I will now reveal my ultimate secret. I got so disgusted with cable television 4 years ago that I canceled it, and have not watched TV news in over three years. I consider it mindless chatter. I watch Netflix. No, I don't need CNN OR Fox news feeding me their propaganda. I have not seen a decent news broadcast since Cronkite retired. I got a haircut today, and a couple of people were talking about Andy Griffith passing. I looked on my internet news page, but found nothing. I Googled it, and found the news story, but failed to read the date.

So have me shot as an under informed Progressive.

I might as well admit this, too. I have absolutely no idea of the title to a single song that was performed by the Ramones.

I don't even know who the fuck "Tommy Ramone" is. Nor do I care.

I am aware of the Ramones, but that's only because I know music. And I know they didn't. It certainly is not a factor of my politics.
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Darn. He was a good actor, and I really enjoyed him in Matlock. RIP, Andy Griffith.
In other news, the great inventor, Thomas Edison has died, and there are rumors that Marilyn Monroe is feeling under the weather.

Now I am hearing that somebody murdered President Lincoln, too.

R.I.P. Great Emancipator.

Mark Twain says he could pull through. :thup:

I concede that Westwall is the absolute internet thread expert on Andy Griffith.

If it will explain anything, I will now reveal my ultimate secret. I got so disgusted with cable television 4 years ago that I canceled it, and have not watched TV news in over three years. I consider it mindless chatter. I watch Netflix. No, I don't need CNN OR Fox news feeding me their propaganda. I have not seen a decent news broadcast since Cronkite retired. I got a haircut today, and a couple of people were talking about Andy Griffith passing. I looked on my internet news page, but found nothing. I Googled it, and found the news story, but failed to read the date.

So have me shot as an under informed Progressive.

I might as well admit this, too. I have absolutely no idea of the title to a single song that was performed by the Ramones.

I don't even know who the fuck "Tommy Ramone" is. Nor do I care.

I am aware of the Ramones, but that's only because I know music. And I know they didn't. It certainly is not a factor of my politics.

The Ramones are credited with the founding of Punk Rock music. I rest my case...
I concede that Westwall is the absolute internet thread expert on Andy Griffith.

If it will explain anything, I will now reveal my ultimate secret. I got so disgusted with cable television 4 years ago that I canceled it, and have not watched TV news in over three years. I consider it mindless chatter. I watch Netflix. No, I don't need CNN OR Fox news feeding me their propaganda. I have not seen a decent news broadcast since Cronkite retired. I got a haircut today, and a couple of people were talking about Andy Griffith passing. I looked on my internet news page, but found nothing. I Googled it, and found the news story, but failed to read the date.

So have me shot as an under informed Progressive.

I might as well admit this, too. I have absolutely no idea of the title to a single song that was performed by the Ramones.

I don't even know who the fuck "Tommy Ramone" is. Nor do I care.

I am aware of the Ramones, but that's only because I know music. And I know they didn't. It certainly is not a factor of my politics.

The Ramones are credited with the founding of Punk Rock music. I rest my case...

Finally we agree.

I'd rather listen to Aunt Bea's voice reading the entire telephone book of Kansas City than the Ramones.
I don't even know who the fuck "Tommy Ramone" is. Nor do I care.

I am aware of the Ramones, but that's only because I know music. And I know they didn't. It certainly is not a factor of my politics.

The Ramones are credited with the founding of Punk Rock music. I rest my case...

Finally we agree.

I'd rather listen to Aunt Bea's voice reading the entire telephone book of Kansas City than the Ramones.

What if someone named Ramone lives in Kans....just kidding.

Andy Griffith had class and style. I always liked those shows.

Do people ever think to check the facts out anymore? I heard this the other day and was like, you are out of your mind, Andy died in 2012.

Whoever started this must be in Denver, thin air, legalized pot smoking, having a beer or 24. And I don't mean the thread, I mean the 2 year behind news report, they just showed they have no idea what news is.

Do people ever think to check the facts out anymore? I heard this the other day and was like, you are out of your mind, Andy died in 2012.

Whoever started this must be in Denver, thin air, legalized pot smoking, having a beer or 24. And I don't mean the thread, I mean the 2 year behind news report, they just showed they have no idea what news is.

Liberals are like that.

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