R-Wers' "logic" and, of course, hypocrisy

Everyone has a right to own a gun to defend themselves.

True....then everyone should also have a right to own a bazooka just in case the government sends a tank to knock down your door.........This mentality sets you back to Tombstone in the 1880s
No he was a religious and political social conservative. He was just a lot further right than you. Well hopefully.
That sounds more like an accusation than facts. Liberals typically lack any facts, so I understand your inability to bring any to a debate.
Omg. Are you not aware that hatred of gays, and placing your religious beliefs above common decency are conservative traits? That is so ラメ
You were saying?
A gay hating religious nutjob (social conservative traits) said he was a Democrat almost 10 years ago? You'd be surprised to know that there are a lot of socially conservative Democrats. For example a lot of black people, who vote overwhelmingly Democrat, hate teh gheys. Fortunately their socially conservative views have zero impact on the party. You republicans could swoop them up in a heartbeat if you wanted to.

The greatest party this country ever had were republicans prior to about 1967 or so. They were economically conservative (as they still are) and socially liberal (which they've now overwhelmingly rejected in dramatic fashion).
Sounds like more accusations and excuses to me. We're looking at a registered Democrat who gunned down a bar full of gay people, yet you're still claiming he's a Conservative. Ignoring facts is apparently REALLY common with you.
He gunned down gay people in the name of his religion. I think you are the one ignoring facts.
Sounds like more accusations and excuses to me. We're looking at a registered Democrat who gunned down a bar full of gay people, yet you're still claiming he's a Conservative. Ignoring facts is apparently REALLY common with you.

Actually, the maniac terrorist must dearly LOVE republicans who allowed him to purchase a very deadly weapon in just one week........I am sure that a thank you note from him to the GOP is in the mail.
It was in accordance with the Secret Service's demands. Funny how you can't debate without calling names.

Your stupidity DESERVES derision.......The RNC....that party of LESS or NO government, kneels to the wishes of the SS.....a government agency which they so thoroughly despise. Go figure
Big government nets us country structure like that of Russia and Germany. If the government expands too much, we lose the freedom that makes the country great in the first place. If you want a big government, move to Russia or Germany.
That sounds more like an accusation than facts. Liberals typically lack any facts, so I understand your inability to bring any to a debate.
Omg. Are you not aware that hatred of gays, and placing your religious beliefs above common decency are conservative traits? That is so ラメ
You were saying?
A gay hating religious nutjob (social conservative traits) said he was a Democrat almost 10 years ago? You'd be surprised to know that there are a lot of socially conservative Democrats. For example a lot of black people, who vote overwhelmingly Democrat, hate teh gheys. Fortunately their socially conservative views have zero impact on the party. You republicans could swoop them up in a heartbeat if you wanted to.

The greatest party this country ever had were republicans prior to about 1967 or so. They were economically conservative (as they still are) and socially liberal (which they've now overwhelmingly rejected in dramatic fashion).
Sounds like more accusations and excuses to me. We're looking at a registered Democrat who gunned down a bar full of gay people, yet you're still claiming he's a Conservative. Ignoring facts is apparently REALLY common with you.
He gunned down gay people in the name of his religion. I think you are the one ignoring facts.
He's a registered Democrat, you're ignoring facts.
They don't think the guns are not the problems. They factually demonstrate it. As a pro-science democrat, you should learn some.

If morons like you really think that the homicide rate has gone down BECAUSE there are MORE guns in everybody's hands (and not better police forces, etc.) ....THEN, there is no use debating with a cretin like you.....Go play with your gun in some corner and I'm sure you'll fund it sexually arousing..

Again, you seem to have real problems following science. That is what science says. Guns can be used to attack or DEFEND people.

You don't get to pull a regressive world view out of your ass and just claim it's true without evidence. For the most part, it's shit.
Again, you seem to have real problems following science. That is what science says. Guns can be used to attack or DEFEND people.

Moron....the incidences of LESS homicides and the availability of MORE guns is not a correlation....but I guess it is for idiots......It's like saying having MORE cars on the road results in LESS car accidents and deaths.
Pumpkin Row do support or oppose the right of gays to marry? Do you support or oppose the right of religious people to discriminate against gay people?
Marrying someone of the same gender isn't a right, you clearly have no idea what rights are. I DO agree, though, that homosexuals should be allowed to marry, though that should be up to states.

There's also no 'right' to discriminate against people, there's only a right to free speech, and right to practice your religion. I don't believe that it's right to 'discriminate' against people, but part of free speech is being allowed to speak to someone however you like.
Pumpkin Row do support or oppose the right of gays to marry? Do you support or oppose the right of religious people to discriminate against gay people?

Don't know about that. Pretty sure he opposes gunning down 50+ gay people, unlike some democrats.
Everyone opposes that you fucking asshole. Go fuck yourself.
Again, you seem to have real problems following science. That is what science says. Guns can be used to attack or DEFEND people.

Moron....the incidences of LESS homicides and the availability of MORE guns is not a correlation....but I guess it is for idiots......It's like saying having MORE cars on the road results in LESS car accidents and deaths.

Actually, that is the very definition of correlation. You must mean causation. But turns out, more guns = less homicides in the causal way as well. It's not just mere correlation.

You got nothing, you are a dumb, ignorant, fool. The car analogy is simply not the correct analogy, because you see, guns are used to cause crime and for the most part to DEFEND against crime.

It's up to you whether to accept the real world as it is, or blindly follow a dumb ideology.
Pumpkin Row do support or oppose the right of gays to marry? Do you support or oppose the right of religious people to discriminate against gay people?
Marrying someone of the same gender isn't a right, you clearly have no idea what rights are. I DO agree, though, that homosexuals should be allowed to marry, though that should be up to states.

There's also no 'right' to discriminate against people, there's only a right to free speech, and right to practice your religion. I don't believe that it's right to 'discriminate' against people, but part of free speech is being allowed to speak to someone however you like.
So you believe that gays should be able to marry, and that people shouldn't be able to discriminate against them. Congrats, you are a social liberal.
Pumpkin Row do support or oppose the right of gays to marry? Do you support or oppose the right of religious people to discriminate against gay people?
Marrying someone of the same gender isn't a right, you clearly have no idea what rights are. I DO agree, though, that homosexuals should be allowed to marry, though that should be up to states.

There's also no 'right' to discriminate against people, there's only a right to free speech, and right to practice your religion. I don't believe that it's right to 'discriminate' against people, but part of free speech is being allowed to speak to someone however you like.
So you believe that gays should be able to marry, and that people shouldn't be able to discriminate against them. Congrats, you are a social liberal.
That doesn't make me a social Liberal. MANY things factor into that status.
Pumpkin Row do support or oppose the right of gays to marry? Do you support or oppose the right of religious people to discriminate against gay people?
Marrying someone of the same gender isn't a right, you clearly have no idea what rights are. I DO agree, though, that homosexuals should be allowed to marry, though that should be up to states.

There's also no 'right' to discriminate against people, there's only a right to free speech, and right to practice your religion. I don't believe that it's right to 'discriminate' against people, but part of free speech is being allowed to speak to someone however you like.
So you believe that gays should be able to marry, and that people shouldn't be able to discriminate against them. Congrats, you are a social liberal.
That doesn't make me a social Liberal. MANY things factor into that status.

Up next: You believe in equality of sexes... you must be a feminist!

These people are pathetic... pathetic.
Omg. Are you not aware that hatred of gays, and placing your religious beliefs above common decency are conservative traits? That is so ラメ
You were saying?
A gay hating religious nutjob (social conservative traits) said he was a Democrat almost 10 years ago? You'd be surprised to know that there are a lot of socially conservative Democrats. For example a lot of black people, who vote overwhelmingly Democrat, hate teh gheys. Fortunately their socially conservative views have zero impact on the party. You republicans could swoop them up in a heartbeat if you wanted to.

The greatest party this country ever had were republicans prior to about 1967 or so. They were economically conservative (as they still are) and socially liberal (which they've now overwhelmingly rejected in dramatic fashion).
Sounds like more accusations and excuses to me. We're looking at a registered Democrat who gunned down a bar full of gay people, yet you're still claiming he's a Conservative. Ignoring facts is apparently REALLY common with you.
He gunned down gay people in the name of his religion. I think you are the one ignoring facts.
He's a registered Democrat, you're ignoring facts.


Oh my, he voted for Obama. His active status means that he participated in the previous election.
You're rich, why don't you buy a pre 1986 drop in sear for 25k then you can shoot 750 rounds a minute.
That's what it would take a lib to hit a target.

"Brilliant" response..........Funny....stupid, but funny nonetheless....

(But you did show your vast knowledge of guns....and gave yourself a sexual thrill, didn't it?)
Well, wifey took all the grand kids to football camp so I;m home alone
having free reign of the internet without supervision.
Pumpkin Row do support or oppose the right of gays to marry? Do you support or oppose the right of religious people to discriminate against gay people?
Marrying someone of the same gender isn't a right, you clearly have no idea what rights are. I DO agree, though, that homosexuals should be allowed to marry, though that should be up to states.

There's also no 'right' to discriminate against people, there's only a right to free speech, and right to practice your religion. I don't believe that it's right to 'discriminate' against people, but part of free speech is being allowed to speak to someone however you like.
So you believe that gays should be able to marry, and that people shouldn't be able to discriminate against them. Congrats, you are a social liberal.
That doesn't make me a social Liberal. MANY things factor into that status.
Maybe. But those 2 stances you admitted to are socially liberal.

What socially conservative beliefs do you think you have?
Most right wingers, especially Trump supporters, agree deep down with the actions of the murdering Islamic lunatic in Orlando.

I'm going to need you to provide evidence of your claim, boy.
What... you rubes endlessly accuse gay people of all kinds of heinous crimes. You say they are suffering from mental disease, want to normalize pedophilia, want to destroy your marriage, want to destroy America, want to rape little girls... and you actively campaign to deny them rights and discriminate against them. You condemn them to hell and say they are an abomination.

You and Mateen actually have a ton in common! You guys would have been pals if only he wasn't a murderous maniac.

That's what sets apart conservatives from liberals ... those on the right can disagree on certain issues without the need to show up in groups throwing rocks, burning and tossing articles of clothing, create riots, and starting an altercation with those who oppose their political views. Unfortunately the left can't see simply having a difference in opinion, without bringing their hatred and violence to the other party's camp.
What in the flying fuck are you talking about? Mateen was a conservative!
You clearly have no idea what a Conservative is. Go home, you're drunk.
Actually you don't know how close you the truth you might be.

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