R-Wers' "logic" and, of course, hypocrisy

Most gays are left leaning
Most Muslims are left leaning
Murderer was registered Dem

But this is all the rights fault. Hilario

NO, idiot....the fault is in readily selling and demanding that such weapons MUST be easily available.....Heck your GOP morons in DC just voted DOWN a bill to curtail the sale of assault weapons to KNOWN terrorist sympathizers........The NRA check is in the mail to them.
a dem shoots up a gay club and I'm the idiot. :rolleyes:
You're rich, why don't you buy a pre 1986 drop in sear for 25k then you can shoot 750 rounds a minute.
That's what it would take a lib to hit a target.

"Brilliant" response..........Funny....stupid, but funny nonetheless....

(But you did show your vast knowledge of guns....and gave yourself a sexual thrill, didn't it?)
Sure, there is a certain logic to the fact, if no one had guns, no one would get shot. But that is not the world we live in today. I'm sure your truely sorry for the 50 people who got killed and the others who were terribly injured as are most people on a human level. fact of the matter is though, I can see also the logic of the "right wingers" , if Hillary had her way and could create gun free zones everywhere, you would have more of these massacres. Its because Islamic extremists are ramping up and if anything its going to get worse no matter who the Pres is going to be. If we were dissarmed, there would be a weapons black market ready to fill the void, well, its already there. The same cartels who supply the drugs can easily supply weapons of any kind.

You see, although I partially agree with you what you end your post with drives me NUTS.....

NO ONE is saying "DISARM"...all that some of us are staing is that military=style weapons who can kill many in short amounts of time have NO place in a civilized society.....On a battle filed, YES......in deer hunting, NO !!!

(BTW, Hillary did not dictate a :gun free zone" at thevenue where republican will have their convention....Right wingers themselves have CHOSEN to host their convention in a gun free zone....Sure, they'll tell you its out of theirhands.....but that would make them hypocritical liars.)

Sure there is a truth to what your saying, but its all a little more complicated than that, especially in people trying to link safety to who we elect as president. It goes further than the guns themselves, with immigration and foreign policy . you can take away multiple round clips its true, and in this case i guess, fewer people would have died, though you cant rule out the guy wouldnt have used different tactics to kill more people. Guns are a tool, but the root causes will still persist. In many of these shooting cases its been people on psych meds, and in others its been people radicalized by islam. Now we hear there are "kill lists" on American citizens, clearly there is an organized effort here and thats not going away by itself. Only a matter of time and those people will find the weapons necessary to carry out their plans. They will be the ones with the multiple round weapons and the citizens will be the ones left with deer rifles and six shot revolvers.

projecting a bit here with that, but what a lot of conservatives see is the governments failure to do anything but say "the immigration system is broken" people feel the government has let them down and they need to protect themselves. I cannot totally disagree with that.
NRA, Republicans block proposed law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns in U.S.

A legal loophole allows suspected terrorists on the government’s no-fly list to legally buy guns, but a bill to fix that will likely wither on the vine. The federal Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act.........remains a long shot.

NRA blocks law to stop suspected terrorists from buying guns
Most right wingers, especially Trump supporters, agree deep down with the actions of the murdering Islamic lunatic in Orlando.
I love the way you leftwing douche bags make up stuff for right-wingers to believe.
Oh have you had a change of heart about your hatred of LGBT people?

I don't see bripat going after them as if it was an open season.

Lib democrats on the other hand.
Most gays are left leaning
Most Muslims are left leaning
Murderer was registered Dem

But this is all the rights fault. Hilario

NO, idiot....the fault is in readily selling and demanding that such weapons MUST be easily available.....Heck your GOP morons in DC just voted DOWN a bill to curtail the sale of assault weapons to KNOWN terrorist sympathizers........The NRA check is in the mail to them.

Apparently the gun just shot itself... so the right wingers are at fault for this. As they always are according to the liberal ideology.

And that is even though stricter gun rules only leads to more homicides and... the terrorism still exists the same as proven in France, where they mowed down even more defenseless people.

Perhaps the problem is radical Islamic terrorism.
I do this as well, you are expecting conservatives to operate via logic when they don't. They operate on emotion. Reasoning is a distant memory that was implanted way back in grade school that they have long since let fall by the wayside because thinking for them hurts. They operate on emotion and fear is the overwhelming driver of how they view all the world. To them, everything is out to get them.
Meanwhile Liberals are blaming inanimate objects for killings instead of the people using them to kill randoms. Operating by logic isn't the strong suit of Liberals. Conservatives are busy pointing out that looser gun laws yields lower crime rates. Of course, you'll ignore that.

More sheep bleating memes.

Explain how many people would have died had the shooter used a pistol, or a knife. Laws work. If they didn't work then there would be no need for laws. But your head swims in phoney con memes. Why have stop signs if only criminals will ignore them? Why are explosives illegal if those laws only work on the law abiding citizen and criminals can get them whenever they want?

You live in a phoney world, where if 2 or 3 of your friends agree with you then that makes something aboslutely true and irrefutable. But that is a fake world.
For you the real world is too scarwwy.
Wow, that's adorable, you're actually claiming that criminals would follow laws. That's so ignorant, it physically hurts me to realize that people other than Hillary, Bernie, and Obama think that. How about YOU explain how many people would have died if the people in the bar were actually armed? Banning guns entirely wouldn't have stopped the criminal, criminals don't mind breaking laws, he'd obtain them illegally. He picked a No Gun Zone because he knew none of them would be armed. YOU live in a phoney world where history is ignored and insanity is praise. Why insanity? Because you Liberals do the same thing repeatedly and expect different results.
Even though stricter gun rules only leads to more homicides

After typing the above.....WIPE, FLUSH and WASH your hands.

I would rather present some statistics:






Perhaps the problem here is radical Islamic terrorism... don't wash your hands from being complicit with it.
Even though stricter gun rules only leads to more homicides

After typing the above.....WIPE, FLUSH and WASH your hands.
Why? For pointing out the truth?


"* Based on survey data from a 2000 study published in the Journal of Quantitative Criminology,[17] U.S. civilians use guns to defend themselves and others from crime at least 989,883 times per year.[18]

* A 1993 nationwide survey of 4,977 households found that over the previous five years, at least 3.5% of households had members who had used a gun "for self-protection or for the protection of property at home, work, or elsewhere." Applied to the U.S. population, this amounts to 1,029,615 such incidents per year. This figure excludes all "military service, police work, or work as a security guard."[19]

* A 1994 survey conducted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Americans use guns to frighten away intruders who are breaking into their homes about 498,000 times per year.[20]

* A 1982 survey of male felons in 11 state prisons dispersed across the U.S. found:[21]

• 34% had been "scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim"
• 40% had decided not to commit a crime because they "knew or believed that the victim was carrying a gun"
• 69% personally knew other criminals who had been "scared off, shot at, wounded, or captured by an armed victim"[22]"
Copied the above quote from a member's post. All the screenshots are from the same post.
Wow, that's adorable, you're actually claiming that criminals would follow laws.

So, according to YOUR "logic"....laws are only for law-abiding people....Ergo, why have drug laws?
Why NOT allow the sale of nukes at Nuke-Shows?
Wow, that's adorable, you're actually claiming that criminals would follow laws.

So, according to YOUR "logic"....laws are only for law-abiding people....Ergo, why have drug laws?
Why NOT allow the sale of nukes at Nuke-Shows?

According to his logic, only law abiding people follow the laws.

Sounds fairly logical, if you aren't a regressive lib.
Perhaps the problem here is radical Islamic terrorism... don't wash your hands from being complicit with it.

You know why you're seriously fucked up???......You're fucked up because you and whoever the morons were who came up with those graphs actually "think" that we have LESS homicides because the NRA, their whores in DC and the gun manufacturers have been able to sell MORE assault rifles to idiots like you who worry that you must protect yourself from government troops who want your sorry ass.
Wow, that's adorable, you're actually claiming that criminals would follow laws.

So, according to YOUR "logic"....laws are only for law-abiding people....Ergo, why have drug laws?
Why NOT allow the sale of nukes at Nuke-Shows?
Leave it to a Liberal to completely miss the point. Criminals by definition do not follow the law. Laws prevent law-abiding citizens from doing things that would endanger/harm/kill or otherwise disrupt order. Criminals don't care, that's why they are criminals. They do things that are against the law, like buying a gun illegally and shooting a bar full of people. Which is what he would have done if guns were banned. However, guns were only unavailable to the victims, because the bar was a No Gun Zone. If guns were allowed, the people in the bar would have had weapons, too, and the shooter wouldn't have hurt more than a few people, rather than ALL OF THEM.
Most right wingers, especially Trump supporters, agree deep down with the actions of the murdering Islamic lunatic in Orlando.

I'm going to need you to provide evidence of your claim, boy.
What... you rubes endlessly accuse gay people of all kinds of heinous crimes. You say they are suffering from mental disease, want to normalize pedophilia, want to destroy your marriage, want to destroy America, want to rape little girls... and you actively campaign to deny them rights and discriminate against them. You condemn them to hell and say they are an abomination.

You and Mateen actually have a ton in common! You guys would have been pals if only he wasn't a murderous maniac.

That's what sets apart conservatives from liberals ... those on the right can disagree on certain issues without the need to show up in groups throwing rocks, burning and tossing articles of clothing, create riots, and starting an altercation with those who oppose their political views. Unfortunately the left can't see simply having a difference in opinion, without bringing their hatred and violence to the other party's camp. Why else would a liberal even THINK to suggest making an excuse to justify some sick extremist's view to condone violence?
According to his logic, only law abiding people follow the laws.

Moron.....THEN you wouldn't need laws.......(These right wingers are REALLY dumb.)

If laws are only to THREATEN wanna be criminals and somehow they don't give a shit anyway, then the laws are superfluous......
Perhaps the problem here is radical Islamic terrorism... don't wash your hands from being complicit with it.

You know why you're seriously fucked up???......You're fucked up because you and whoever the morons were who came up with those graphs actually "think" that we have LESS homicides because the NRA, their whores in DC and the gun manufacturers have been able to sell MORE assault rifles to idiots like you who worry that you must protect yourself from government troops who want your sorry ass.
Well, government troopers, and people that shoot up bars. Then there are the people who want to make guns unavailable, so every location ends up like the theater shooting, bar shooting, and school shooting.

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