R-Wers' "logic" and, of course, hypocrisy

Most right wingers, especially Trump supporters, agree deep down with the actions of the murdering Islamic lunatic in Orlando.

It's your policies that let it happen.
Yeah the left totally supports people being able to buy guns even if the FBI has flagged them or if they're on the no fly list

Fifty of our fellow Americans were killed in a senseless attack and you morons are acting out like 5 year olds on a playground name-calling and finger pointing.
Grow the fuck up!
Most right wingers, especially Trump supporters, agree deep down with the actions of the murdering Islamic lunatic in Orlando.
More accusations and no facts. Typical post by TheOldSchool.

OldSchool provided me with typical left wing talking points and called it evidence.
I guess you two have forgotten everything social conservatives have said and done in opposition of gay people over the decades. Oh well. At least you'll continue to be marginalized.
Blaming all Republicans for the actions of a small, specific group, while totally ignoring that Democrats do the same thing. Classic Liberal.
There are lots of republicans who aren't hateful social conservatives. Note that nowhere have I blamed republicans.
Usually Liberals use Conservative and Republican interchangeably, you're ignorant enough to do that, so I just assumed you were. My bad, I'll be more careful abut it.
So nobody is saying disarm... except... you.

Still thinking it was an assault rifle apparently.

You fuck heads can call the rifle ANYTHING you want to ease your conscience or show how manly you are......The FACT, however, is that this freaking rifle allowed this bastard to hit more than 100 people in minutes.....and for THAT you should be ashamed in allowing you morons to defend the sale of whatever you idiots want to call the weapon.

More accusations and no facts. Typical post by TheOldSchool.

OldSchool provided me with typical left wing talking points and called it evidence.
I guess you two have forgotten everything social conservatives have said and done in opposition of gay people over the decades. Oh well. At least you'll continue to be marginalized.
Blaming all Republicans for the actions of a small, specific group, while totally ignoring that Democrats do the same thing. Classic Liberal.
There are lots of republicans who aren't hateful social conservatives. Note that nowhere have I blamed republicans.
Usually Liberals use Conservative and Republican interchangeably, you're ignorant enough to do that, so I just assumed you were. My bad, I'll be more careful abut it.
Oh how kawaii of you
Those of us on the left are grieving......as most Americans are or should be over the carnage in Orlando.

The blame for such an atrocity rest SQUARELY on the shoulders of a sick mother who used Islam as his "vehicle" to justify his hatred of everything....and probably also self-hatred for his own failings or latent desires.

But, for us on the left, we are also blaming the ease of purchasing a military-style kind of weapon and ammunition whose only purpose is to kill,and kill, and kill as many people as possible.

Without doubt, the strongest supporters of this ease in easily getting these weapons legally, are our friends on the right of Attila the Hun.

So, what do right wingers do with their "logic" when challenged that such weapons' sales MUST be curtailed?

Well, they come up with threads that basically state that if one wants more Orlando-style massacres, that individual should vote for Hillary......

Logic? Hypocrisy?Madness? Bothersome consciences?.......or all of these combined

How about you blame yourself for the ease with which a radical Islamist can fly under the radar. Thanks to YOUR political correctness the employer was afraid of firing him after he began spewing his hatred. YOU have made this country one that TOLERATES hatred and made it easier for evil people to commit terrible crimes against innocent wonderful people.

Then, you add to your perfidy by ignoring the experiences of Norway and France where laws such as you desire here, already are in place, and the death tolls from those TWO mass shootings are greater than ALL of he mass shootings here in the USA over the last 20 years.

Then, you have the unmitigated gall to dance on the graves of these poor innocent people, who died in large part because of your ignorant policies and demand that tens of millions of LAWFUL Americans be denied their Constitutional Right to own whatever firearm they wish.

Fuck you and your bullshit political opportunism.
Your party supports the religion which declares killing gays pretty much a law. Game over...

If you had brain cells instead of shit pouredin there by FOX, you'd know that over 70 countries regard bein gay as a crime.....of those 70+, only 15 or so are Muslim........

BTW, fuck head, is Russia a Muslim country... check out how THAT country treats gays,

And this somehow is supposed to prove muslims treat gay people well?

Logic... not one of your strong suites. Thanks for admitting that you too see the problem in Islam. Now why you are still a democrat is beyond anyone.
I do this as well, you are expecting conservatives to operate via logic when they don't. They operate on emotion. Reasoning is a distant memory that was implanted way back in grade school that they have long since let fall by the wayside because thinking for them hurts. They operate on emotion and fear is the overwhelming driver of how they view all the world. To them, everything is out to get them.
Meanwhile Liberals are blaming inanimate objects for killings instead of the people using them to kill randoms. Operating by logic isn't the strong suit of Liberals. Conservatives are busy pointing out that looser gun laws yields lower crime rates. Of course, you'll ignore that.

More sheep bleating memes.

Explain how many people would have died had the shooter used a pistol, or a knife. Laws work. If they didn't work then there would be no need for laws. But your head swims in phoney con memes. Why have stop signs if only criminals will ignore them? Why are explosives illegal if those laws only work on the law abiding citizen and criminals can get them whenever they want?

You live in a phoney world, where if 2 or 3 of your friends agree with you then that makes something aboslutely true and irrefutable. But that is a fake world.
For you the real world is too scarwwy.
Most right wingers, especially Trump supporters, agree deep down with the actions of the murdering Islamic lunatic in Orlando.

It's your policies that let it happen.
Yeah the left totally supports people being able to buy guns even if the FBI has flagged them or if they're on the no fly list


He should have been locked up.
Or, at the least, not been able to walk in and out of a store in 10 minutes with the tools to murder and injure over 100 people.
Those of us on the left are grieving......as most Americans are or should be over the carnage in Orlando.

The blame for such an atrocity rest SQUARELY on the shoulders of a sick mother who used Islam as his "vehicle" to justify his hatred of everything....and probably also self-hatred for his own failings or latent desires.

But, for us on the left, we are also blaming the ease of purchasing a military-style kind of weapon and ammunition whose only purpose is to kill,and kill, and kill as many people as possible.

Without doubt, the strongest supporters of this ease in easily getting these weapons legally, are our friends on the right of Attila the Hun.

So, what do right wingers do with their "logic" when challenged that such weapons' sales MUST be curtailed?

Well, they come up with threads that basically state that if one wants more Orlando-style massacres, that individual should vote for Hillary......

Logic? Hypocrisy?Madness? Bothersome consciences?.......or all of these combined

This episode is about Obama and HIllary's complete failure at fighting terrorism. Those talking about gun control are trying to deflect from the real issue.
Most gays are left leaning
Most Muslims are left leaning
Murderer was registered Dem

But this is all the rights fault. Hilarious
Most right wingers, especially Trump supporters, agree deep down with the actions of the murdering Islamic lunatic in Orlando.

It's your policies that let it happen.
Yeah the left totally supports people being able to buy guns even if the FBI has flagged them or if they're on the no fly list


He should have been locked up.
Or, at the least, not been able to walk in and out of a store in 10 minutes with the tools to murder and injure over 100 people.

So he should have been locked up for his terrorist connections or not?
Most gays are left leaning
Most Muslims are left leaning
Murderer was registered Dem

But this is all the rights fault. Hilario

NO, idiot....the fault is in readily selling and demanding that such weapons MUST be easily available.....Heck your GOP morons in DC just voted DOWN a bill to curtail the sale of assault weapons to KNOWN terrorist sympathizers........The NRA check is in the mail to them.
Most right wingers, especially Trump supporters, agree deep down with the actions of the murdering Islamic lunatic in Orlando.

It's your policies that let it happen.
Yeah the left totally supports people being able to buy guns even if the FBI has flagged them or if they're on the no fly list


He should have been locked up.
Or, at the least, not been able to walk in and out of a store in 10 minutes with the tools to murder and injure over 100 people.

So he should have been locked up for his terrorist connections or not?
Sure. Or like I said, at the very least been PREVENTED FROM EASILY OBTAINING TOOLS TO MASSACRE 100+ PEOPLE

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