R-wing extremists have killed 34 people in the U.S. since 9/11, al Qaeda only 21

CaféAuLait;8962690 said:
Kinda funny how they don't count Major Hassan and the Beltway shooters when they all spoke of Al Queda and or had contact with Al Queda, one the US felt they should kill by drone. Add at least 23 from them. There are more as well.

Funny how they forget or actually choose to forget. Then you look at Chicago, the death toll there since 9/11 is mind numbing, not one liberal cares about the minority deaths in that city.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

A 2006-2007 survey of state police agencies sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), for example, found that more states reported the presence of far-right anti-government, neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups than Islamic extremists. Since the time of that survey, our tracking shows that the number of far-right anti-government groups has exploded, and the number of neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups has remained at an extraordinarily high level.

Another DHS-sponsored study in 2011 found that criminal violence was associated with a significant percentage of hate groups. And a study last year by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point found that right-wing violence between 2000 and 2011 surpassed that of the 1990s by a factor of four.

These rightwing whack jobs already been infiltrated and are being monitored from the inside by the FBI and DHS and local and state police. if these rightwing kooks try anything whackoo, ruby ridge and waco will look like a Sunday school picinic

Sure it will, but only in your wet dreams. You loonies wanted to see blood out in Nevada, didn't you?
On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

Some background on the wing nuts
The American Right demeans racial minorities for playing the victim’s role, but today’s Tea Party is draped in “victimhood,” claiming to be the target of an African-American president and feeling threatened by the nation’s demographic shift. But racist fears have always had a home on the Right.

The anger of Southern whites was taken out primarily on the modern Democratic Party, which had led the fight for civil rights. Opportunistic Republicans, such as Richard Nixon, fashioned a “Southern strategy” using racial code words to appeal to Southern whites and turned the region from solidly Democratic to predominantly Republican as it is today.

Southern white anger was also reflected in the prevalence of the Confederate battle flag on pickup trucks and in store windows. Gradually, however, the American Right retreated from outright support of racial segregation. The growing public revulsion over the “Stars and Bars” as a symbol of racism also forced the Right to make a stylistic adjustment as well.

To this day, much of the American Right has refused to come to grips with the idea of non-whites holding U.S. citizenship. And, there is now a palpable fear that the demographics of democracy might finally eradicate white supremacy in the United States. It is that last-ditch fight for white dominance – as much as anything else – that is driving today’s Tea Party.

You couldn't possibly be that damned ignorant. Or, could you?

The South was a Democrat fiefdom for damned near a hundred years. Those racist Democrats turned the South into a group of third world nations. Nor, was the Democrat racism confined to the South. It was also very prevalent in Yankee land. The only difference, was the lact of total control in the Northern states.

The rest of your drivel is just as factless. The Southern strategy was a recognition of reality, not a racist move. Those so called "code words" were a fiction of left wing propaganda, just like they are today. Seems that only the left wing loonies have access to the code books.

Those "Democrats" were hard-core conservative extremists. With racist 'conservatives' being the keyword here. :D
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Blacks are not a domestic terrorism threat... American r-wing jihadist terrorism is.

Are you saying the Bloods and Crypts, and various other Black street gangs are not domestic terrorists? You not only have your wings screwed up, you have your definitions screwed up.

Clue, idiot! Terrorism is their mode of operation.

No, I'm saying radical r-wing extremists are the domestic threat here. You dittoheads (right on cue) are busy predictably playing the race-card as a distraction ploy as usual.

Blame it on the black guy is your standard comeback now days.

I'm not worried about left or right wing extremists. I don't worry about black on black violence. I am worried more about random violence, robberies and things.

People that sit around worrying about rare occurrences especially left or right wing nuts are left and right wing nuts.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
Are you saying the Bloods and Crypts, and various other Black street gangs are not domestic terrorists? You not only have your wings screwed up, you have your definitions screwed up.

Clue, idiot! Terrorism is their mode of operation.

No, I'm saying radical r-wing extremists are the domestic threat here. You dittoheads (right on cue) are busy predictably playing the race-card as a distraction ploy as usual.

Blame it on the black guy is your standard comeback now days.

I'm not worried about left or right wing extremists. I don't worry about black on black violence. I am worried more about random violence, robberies and things.

People that sit around worrying about rare occurrences especially left or right wing nuts are left and right wing nuts.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Then you are in the wrong forum. We're talking r-wing extremism as a domestic threat here. Pay attention please.
No, I'm saying radical r-wing extremists are the domestic threat here. You dittoheads (right on cue) are busy predictably playing the race-card as a distraction ploy as usual.

Blame it on the black guy is your standard comeback now days.

I'm not worried about left or right wing extremists. I don't worry about black on black violence. I am worried more about random violence, robberies and things.

People that sit around worrying about rare occurrences especially left or right wing nuts are left and right wing nuts.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Then you are in the wrong forum. We're talking r-wing extremism as a domestic threat here. Pay attention please.

You said you are afraid of right wing terrorism, I said I'm not. You are an nut for thinking you need to be afraid of right wing terrorism.

You have problems reading?
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well, PMSnbc doing what it does best...stirring up hate and division in our country

and Reid calls people domestic terrorist for just protesting, and right on cue, PMSNBC comes out with this..

and right on cue, it's a LEFTIE who take this and spreads it to cause hate and division in our country

it's not the right tearing down this country folks...IT'S THE LEFT/progressives
On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

Some background on the wing nuts
The American Right demeans racial minorities for playing the victim’s role, but today’s Tea Party is draped in “victimhood,” claiming to be the target of an African-American president and feeling threatened by the nation’s demographic shift. But racist fears have always had a home on the Right.

The anger of Southern whites was taken out primarily on the modern Democratic Party, which had led the fight for civil rights. Opportunistic Republicans, such as Richard Nixon, fashioned a “Southern strategy” using racial code words to appeal to Southern whites and turned the region from solidly Democratic to predominantly Republican as it is today.

Southern white anger was also reflected in the prevalence of the Confederate battle flag on pickup trucks and in store windows. Gradually, however, the American Right retreated from outright support of racial segregation. The growing public revulsion over the “Stars and Bars” as a symbol of racism also forced the Right to make a stylistic adjustment as well.

To this day, much of the American Right has refused to come to grips with the idea of non-whites holding U.S. citizenship. And, there is now a palpable fear that the demographics of democracy might finally eradicate white supremacy in the United States. It is that last-ditch fight for white dominance – as much as anything else – that is driving today’s Tea Party.

You couldn't possibly be that damned ignorant. Or, could you?

The South was a Democrat fiefdom for damned near a hundred years. Those racist Democrats turned the South into a group of third world nations. Nor, was the Democrat racism confined to the South. It was also very prevalent in Yankee land. The only difference, was the lact of total control in the Northern states.

The rest of your drivel is just as factless. The Southern strategy was a recognition of reality, not a racist move. Those so called "code words" were a fiction of left wing propaganda, just like they are today. Seems that only the left wing loonies have access to the code books.

Here Low IQ boy

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It looks like some kind of general uprising is inevitable. Those who want government oppression and those who fight against it.

Maybe the UN will send in Russian and Chinese peacekeepers.
Some background on the wing nuts
The American Right demeans racial minorities for playing the victim’s role, but today’s Tea Party is draped in “victimhood,” claiming to be the target of an African-American president and feeling threatened by the nation’s demographic shift. But racist fears have always had a home on the Right.

The anger of Southern whites was taken out primarily on the modern Democratic Party, which had led the fight for civil rights. Opportunistic Republicans, such as Richard Nixon, fashioned a “Southern strategy” using racial code words to appeal to Southern whites and turned the region from solidly Democratic to predominantly Republican as it is today.

Southern white anger was also reflected in the prevalence of the Confederate battle flag on pickup trucks and in store windows. Gradually, however, the American Right retreated from outright support of racial segregation. The growing public revulsion over the “Stars and Bars” as a symbol of racism also forced the Right to make a stylistic adjustment as well.

To this day, much of the American Right has refused to come to grips with the idea of non-whites holding U.S. citizenship. And, there is now a palpable fear that the demographics of democracy might finally eradicate white supremacy in the United States. It is that last-ditch fight for white dominance – as much as anything else – that is driving today’s Tea Party.

You couldn't possibly be that damned ignorant. Or, could you?

The South was a Democrat fiefdom for damned near a hundred years. Those racist Democrats turned the South into a group of third world nations. Nor, was the Democrat racism confined to the South. It was also very prevalent in Yankee land. The only difference, was the lact of total control in the Northern states.

The rest of your drivel is just as factless. The Southern strategy was a recognition of reality, not a racist move. Those so called "code words" were a fiction of left wing propaganda, just like they are today. Seems that only the left wing loonies have access to the code books.

Here Low IQ boy

More education for you crackerstanie

Many of the Republican operatives like to hide from the strategy they have decided to embark on. The Southern Strategy practiced by Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, and George W Bush was always done subliminally. They stay behind closed doors and ensure that their hate is promoted in an abstract manner.
Even today it continues even more fiercely with the attempt to make the President “the other” or “the foreign” in this election. While it is denied continuously, slowly but surely evidence of the evil perpetrated by these people are starting to see the light.

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You couldn't possibly be that damned ignorant. Or, could you?

The South was a Democrat fiefdom for damned near a hundred years. Those racist Democrats turned the South into a group of third world nations. Nor, was the Democrat racism confined to the South. It was also very prevalent in Yankee land. The only difference, was the lact of total control in the Northern states.

The rest of your drivel is just as factless. The Southern strategy was a recognition of reality, not a racist move. Those so called "code words" were a fiction of left wing propaganda, just like they are today. Seems that only the left wing loonies have access to the code books.

Here Low IQ boy

More education for you crackerstanie

Many of the Republican operatives like to hide from the strategy they have decided to embark on. The Southern Strategy practiced by Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, George HW Bush, and George W Bush was always done subliminally. They stay behind closed doors and ensure that their hate is promoted in an abstract manner.
Even today it continues even more fiercely with the attempt to make the President “the other” or “the foreign” in this election. While it is denied continuously, slowly but surely evidence of the evil perpetrated by these people are starting to see the light.


No wonder the white christian party mocks education and historical facts

America’s institutionalized racism was finally challenged by the civil rights movement, but that provoked another spasm of fury from Southern whites. Their anger against renewed federal intervention led them to spit on black school children, bomb churches and murder civil rights activists.

Again, the whites conjured up resentment over their victimhood, persecuted by the intrusive federal government once more. Eventually, this white backlash might have petered out except for the recognition among opportunistic Republicans that they could use Democratic support for civil rights as the wedge to pry loose the Southern states from their traditional orientation toward the pro-slavery Democratic Party, the old party of Thomas Jefferson.

So, Richard Nixon’s “Southern strategy” used racial code words to signal Republican sympathy for Southern whites, a technique that was even more ably applied by Ronald Reagan who launched his national presidential campaign in 1980 with a speech on states’ rights in Philadelphia, Mississippi, site of a notorious lynching of three civil rights workers. In his aw shucks style, Reagan also joked about “welfare queens” buying vodka with food stamps.

But mostly the Republicans sealed the deal with Southern whites by presenting the GOP as the party of “limited government,” i.e. the ones who would keep federal authorities out of the South’s “business,” particularly its race relations. In that way, “small government conservatism” and “libertarianism” became the new code words for the maintenance of white supremacy.
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Actually wanting poor children in rotten public ghetto (mostly Black and Latino) schools to have vouchers that get them into better public schools and gets good results is evil.
But mostly the Republicans sealed the deal with Southern whites by presenting the GOP as the party of “limited government,” i.e. the ones who would keep federal authorities out of the South’s “business,” particularly its race relations. In that way, “small government conservatism” and “libertarianism” became the new code words for the maintenance of white supremacy.

Rage on chile.
On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

A 2006-2007 survey of state police agencies sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), for example, found that more states reported the presence of far-right anti-government, neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups than Islamic extremists. Since the time of that survey, our tracking shows that the number of far-right anti-government groups has exploded, and the number of neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups has remained at an extraordinarily high level.

Another DHS-sponsored study in 2011 found that criminal violence was associated with a significant percentage of hate groups. And a study last year by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point found that right-wing violence between 2000 and 2011 surpassed that of the 1990s by a factor of four.

yea they will talk about that but gang violence in this country surpasses both of them groups by far.....and yet very little is done about that....those guys are the REAL domestic terrorist .....not the guy down the street who owns 5 guns ....one is all talk the other actually shoots and kills....
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The feds kept McVeigh so isolated and dropped the investigation so quickly that it's unclear which end of the spectrum McVeigh belonged to. The radical left is quick with easy labels but it seems that the peculiar "Elhoim" cult that McVaigh supported might have been left wing. Another factor is the nagging evidence that the ATF might have set up the sting and it backfired big time. According to reports nobody was in the OKC ATF office at the time of the explosion and a friendly judge was told not to hold court that day. ATF testimony is all over the place including the fake report of saving people in an elevator. For some reason the feds dropped the investigation soon after arresting a couple of characters who were associated with McVaigh but not present at the explosion. McVaigh could not have driven the truck and his getaway car and yet the feds never looked for "John Doe #2". Is it a coincidence that every crazy federal incident includes the ATF?
On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

A 2006-2007 survey of state police agencies sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), for example, found that more states reported the presence of far-right anti-government, neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups than Islamic extremists. Since the time of that survey, our tracking shows that the number of far-right anti-government groups has exploded, and the number of neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups has remained at an extraordinarily high level.

Another DHS-sponsored study in 2011 found that criminal violence was associated with a significant percentage of hate groups. And a study last year by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point found that right-wing violence between 2000 and 2011 surpassed that of the 1990s by a factor of four.

Some background on the wing nuts
The American Right demeans racial minorities for playing the victim’s role, but today’s Tea Party is draped in “victimhood,” claiming to be the target of an African-American president and feeling threatened by the nation’s demographic shift. But racist fears have always had a home on the Right.

The anger of Southern whites was taken out primarily on the modern Democratic Party, which had led the fight for civil rights. Opportunistic Republicans, such as Richard Nixon, fashioned a “Southern strategy” using racial code words to appeal to Southern whites and turned the region from solidly Democratic to predominantly Republican as it is today.

Southern white anger was also reflected in the prevalence of the Confederate battle flag on pickup trucks and in store windows. Gradually, however, the American Right retreated from outright support of racial segregation. The growing public revulsion over the “Stars and Bars” as a symbol of racism also forced the Right to make a stylistic adjustment as well.

To this day, much of the American Right has refused to come to grips with the idea of non-whites holding U.S. citizenship. And, there is now a palpable fear that the demographics of democracy might finally eradicate white supremacy in the United States. It is that last-ditch fight for white dominance – as much as anything else – that is driving today’s Tea Party.
Did you know that the democrat party started the KKK and implemented Jim Crowe laws because they lost the war to maintain slavery in the South? To get even, they built planned parenthood abortion clinics in mostly black neighborhoods. Everything democrats do and the laws they passed are designed to keep black people on the liberal plantation.
On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

A 2006-2007 survey of state police agencies sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), for example, found that more states reported the presence of far-right anti-government, neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups than Islamic extremists. Since the time of that survey, our tracking shows that the number of far-right anti-government groups has exploded, and the number of neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups has remained at an extraordinarily high level.

Another DHS-sponsored study in 2011 found that criminal violence was associated with a significant percentage of hate groups. And a study last year by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point found that right-wing violence between 2000 and 2011 surpassed that of the 1990s by a factor of four.

MSNBC?? that's where I stopped reading the garbage.

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