R-wing extremists have killed 34 people in the U.S. since 9/11, al Qaeda only 21

On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

Some background on the wing nuts
The American Right demeans racial minorities for playing the victim’s role, but today’s Tea Party is draped in “victimhood,” claiming to be the target of an African-American president and feeling threatened by the nation’s demographic shift. But racist fears have always had a home on the Right.

The anger of Southern whites was taken out primarily on the modern Democratic Party, which had led the fight for civil rights. Opportunistic Republicans, such as Richard Nixon, fashioned a “Southern strategy” using racial code words to appeal to Southern whites and turned the region from solidly Democratic to predominantly Republican as it is today.

Southern white anger was also reflected in the prevalence of the Confederate battle flag on pickup trucks and in store windows. Gradually, however, the American Right retreated from outright support of racial segregation. The growing public revulsion over the “Stars and Bars” as a symbol of racism also forced the Right to make a stylistic adjustment as well.

To this day, much of the American Right has refused to come to grips with the idea of non-whites holding U.S. citizenship. And, there is now a palpable fear that the demographics of democracy might finally eradicate white supremacy in the United States. It is that last-ditch fight for white dominance – as much as anything else – that is driving today’s Tea Party.
Did you know that the democrat party started the KKK and implemented Jim Crowe laws because they lost the war to maintain slavery in the South? To get even, they built planned parenthood abortion clinics in mostly black neighborhoods. Everything democrats do and the laws they passed are designed to keep black people on the liberal plantation.

It's funny that you point out that the "Democrats" did all that, yet cling to the ideals of those "Democrats".

You don't see today's Democrats waving the stars and bars and yammering on and on about State's Rights.
You worried?

Very much. As minorities become the majority within the next few decades here in America, r-wing radical extremists will become emboldened to act upon their fears to the "change".

Hopefully in the future we will have a leader/president like Nelson Mandela who fostered reconciliation, If not I wouldn't want to be a right wing extremist in America as it won't turn out too well or them in the end :eusa_whistle:
Some background on the wing nuts
The American Right demeans racial minorities for playing the victim’s role, but today’s Tea Party is draped in “victimhood,” claiming to be the target of an African-American president and feeling threatened by the nation’s demographic shift. But racist fears have always had a home on the Right.

The anger of Southern whites was taken out primarily on the modern Democratic Party, which had led the fight for civil rights. Opportunistic Republicans, such as Richard Nixon, fashioned a “Southern strategy” using racial code words to appeal to Southern whites and turned the region from solidly Democratic to predominantly Republican as it is today.

Southern white anger was also reflected in the prevalence of the Confederate battle flag on pickup trucks and in store windows. Gradually, however, the American Right retreated from outright support of racial segregation. The growing public revulsion over the “Stars and Bars” as a symbol of racism also forced the Right to make a stylistic adjustment as well.

To this day, much of the American Right has refused to come to grips with the idea of non-whites holding U.S. citizenship. And, there is now a palpable fear that the demographics of democracy might finally eradicate white supremacy in the United States. It is that last-ditch fight for white dominance – as much as anything else – that is driving today’s Tea Party.
Did you know that the democrat party started the KKK and implemented Jim Crowe laws because they lost the war to maintain slavery in the South? To get even, they built planned parenthood abortion clinics in mostly black neighborhoods. Everything democrats do and the laws they passed are designed to keep black people on the liberal plantation.

It's funny that you point out that the "Democrats" did all that, yet cling to the ideals of those "Democrats".

You don't see today's Democrats waving the stars and bars and yammering on and on about State's Rights.

They have moved on to Marxism, but maintained the natural inclination for racism. Conservatives don't cling to any if the democrat's ideals.
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You worried?

Very much. As minorities become the majority within the next few decades here in America, r-wing radical extremists will become emboldened to act upon their fears to the "change".

Hopefully in the future we will have a leader/president like Nelson Mandela who fostered reconciliation, If not I wouldn't want to be a right wing extremist in America as it won't turn out too well or them in the end :eusa_whistle:

There is no such thing as a right wing extremist.
You worried?

Very much. As minorities become the majority within the next few decades here in America, r-wing radical extremists will become emboldened to act upon their fears to the "change".

Hopefully in the future we will have a leader/president like Nelson Mandela who fostered reconciliation, If not I wouldn't want to be a right wing extremist in America as it won't turn out too well or them in the end :eusa_whistle:

One communist leader is enough.
who are these supposed 34 people killed by rightwing extremists? the article mentions it, but doesn't cite any concrete examples.

i call bullshit on this entire article and thread. nothing more than leftwing fear mongering, something they whined about when bush was president.
who are these supposed 34 people killed by rightwing extremists? the article mentions it, but doesn't cite any concrete examples.

i call bullshit on this entire article and thread. nothing more than leftwing fear mongering, something they whined about when bush was president.

who are these supposed 34 people killed by rightwing extremists? the article mentions it, but doesn't cite any concrete examples.

i call bullshit on this entire article and thread. nothing more than leftwing fear mongering, something they whined about when bush was president.

It's their imagination, it's the fear a liberal feels all the time. I feel we need government to go in to their homes and diaper them.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
It's tough using actual logic and math where a lefty is concerned because reason is counter to their agenda. However, you need to divide those numbers by the number of those who qualify for each group.
21 murders by muslims into 1.6 million US muslims and 34 murders by RW extremists into 300 million non-lefties (the real target of the OP) and you get a more accurate assessment of the issue.
It makes muslims in the US over 100 times more likely to commit terrorism than people who don't identify with left wing ideas.
This obviously is an anti-muslim thread. The OP is an islamaphobe and probably didn't even know it.
who are these supposed 34 people killed by rightwing extremists? the article mentions it, but doesn't cite any concrete examples.

i call bullshit on this entire article and thread. nothing more than leftwing fear mongering, something they whined about when bush was president.

funny how liberals left the thread after this....i bet the OP creator never responds to it
Very much. As minorities become the majority within the next few decades here in America, r-wing radical extremists will become emboldened to act upon their fears to the "change".

Hopefully in the future we will have a leader/president like Nelson Mandela who fostered reconciliation, If not I wouldn't want to be a right wing extremist in America as it won't turn out too well or them in the end :eusa_whistle:

There is no such thing as a right wing extremist.

there sure are far right wing assholes though....
"Since 9/11"

Basically a liberal sets a parameters that ignores the recent 50 years of Islamic history and left-wing terrorism (Bill Ayers) and also ignores the registered Democrat Mass Shooters, and then claims victory over whatever point he was trying to make.

Do you mind if I also cheery pick the parameters to arrive at a fair and opposite conclusion?

Also, was Benghazi counted in this study? Or were these just the act of "angry demonstrators" ?????

How about all of our Soldiers killed overseas by Muslim extremists, do they count as Americans?
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"Since 9/11"

Basically a liberal sets a parameters that ignores the recent 50 years of Islamic history and left-wing terrorism (Bill Ayers) and also ignores the registered Democrat Mass Shooters, and then claims victory over whatever point he was trying to make.

Do you mind if I also cheery pick the parameters to arrive at a fair and opposite conclusion?

Also, was Benghazi counted in this study? Or were these just the act of "angry demonstrators" ?????

How about all of our Soldiers killed overseas by Muslim extremists, do they count as Americans?

There are extremists on the both sides of any issue I'm here to tell you.

The U.S. soldiers being killed overseas should be a clue. The muslims that killed them were probably executing their version of our 2nd amendment to kill invaders.
You worried?

Very much. As minorities become the majority within the next few decades here in America, r-wing radical extremists will become emboldened to act upon their fears to the "change".

Hopefully in the future we will have a leader/president like Nelson Mandela who fostered reconciliation, If not I wouldn't want to be a right wing extremist in America as it won't turn out too well or them in the end :eusa_whistle:

You can use the Mandela necklace in this country. Try it. See how it works out for you.
On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

Who in the hell doesn't take left wing terrorism seriously?

Hell your side has killed millions in your racist abortion mills so I guess you win.

Fact: About half the abortions in the U.S. are by performed by Republicans. What? You didn't know that? Well now you do.

Fact: 89% of internet statistics are pulled out of the posters @$$.
who are these supposed 34 people killed by rightwing extremists? the article mentions it, but doesn't cite any concrete examples.

i call bullshit on this entire article and thread. nothing more than leftwing fear mongering, something they whined about when bush was president.

funny how liberals left the thread after this....i bet the OP creator never responds to it

You are correct. Which is precisely why when I ask them to cite any right wing terrorism they have to go back to the Atlanta Olympic games to come up with anything. You would think if it was so widespread, they could come up with something more recent.
CaféAuLait;8962690 said:
Kinda funny how they don't count Major Hassan and the Beltway shooters when they all spoke of Al Queda and or had contact with Al Queda, one the US felt they should kill by drone. Add at least 23 from them. There are more as well.

Funny how they forget or actually choose to forget. Then you look at Chicago, the death toll there since 9/11 is mind numbing, not one liberal cares about the minority deaths in that city.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

More than 30 gun deaths every day in the US.

Where are all the rw's posting about that?

Say one word about gun deaths and most rw's just start whining about banning cars.

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