R-wing extremists have killed 34 people in the U.S. since 9/11, al Qaeda only 21

Does anybody think the jihad Major Nadal was right wing or the Korean immigrant who shot up Va Tech in the worst shooting in history? How about that pink haired freakazoid who shot up the theater or the nut case in Arizona who shot the congresswoman. The dirty little secret is that every modern mass shooter was a left winger.
who are these supposed 34 people killed by rightwing extremists? the article mentions it, but doesn't cite any concrete examples.

i call bullshit on this entire article and thread. nothing more than leftwing fear mongering, something they whined about when bush was president.

It's their imagination, it's the fear a liberal feels all the time. I feel we need government to go in to their homes and diaper them.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

and frikken give them all Prozac..they like being led by the nose though..Dirty Harry comes out calling the people he represents, domestic terrorist, so in rolls that DNC lapdog poodle, Pmsnbc...and their sheep picks it up from there
Actually wanting poor children in rotten public ghetto (mostly Black and Latino) schools to have vouchers that get them into better public schools and gets good results is evil.

How about just getting rid of ghettoes?


The democrats haven't done that anywhere that they have had control in over 70 years, see Detroit! But getting rid of the ghetto's would be dissolving the very base of the minority Democratic voter...we can't have that now, can we?:eusa_clap:
CaféAuLait;8962690 said:
Kinda funny how they don't count Major Hassan and the Beltway shooters when they all spoke of Al Queda and or had contact with Al Queda, one the US felt they should kill by drone. Add at least 23 from them. There are more as well.

Funny how they forget or actually choose to forget. Then you look at Chicago, the death toll there since 9/11 is mind numbing, not one liberal cares about the minority deaths in that city.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

More than 30 gun deaths every day in the US.

Where are all the rw's posting about that?

Say one word about gun deaths and most rw's just start whining about banning cars.

Ask kid rocks, he is in fear for his life from extreme right-wingers, who have killed (according to unconfirmed sources) 34 people in 13 years. I can't imagine be that much in fear. But lefties seem to have mental issues. Hell, you are scared to death of people with Bibles.

You guys are a therapists dream.
On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

A 2006-2007 survey of state police agencies sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), for example, found that more states reported the presence of far-right anti-government, neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups than Islamic extremists. Since the time of that survey, our tracking shows that the number of far-right anti-government groups has exploded, and the number of neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups has remained at an extraordinarily high level.

Another DHS-sponsored study in 2011 found that criminal violence was associated with a significant percentage of hate groups. And a study last year by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point found that right-wing violence between 2000 and 2011 surpassed that of the 1990s by a factor of four.

Right wing extremists vs left wing extremists.

Now a level playing field. Now give me your totals. Include Hassan. Include Boston. You go girl.
Hassan is a Right-Wing terrorist, by definition. Islam is not a Liberal religion, it's a Conservative religion. Extremely so.
CaféAuLait;8962690 said:
Kinda funny how they don't count Major Hassan and the Beltway shooters when they all spoke of Al Queda and or had contact with Al Queda, one the US felt they should kill by drone. Add at least 23 from them. There are more as well.

Funny how they forget or actually choose to forget. Then you look at Chicago, the death toll there since 9/11 is mind numbing, not one liberal cares about the minority deaths in that city.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

More than 30 gun deaths every day in the US.

Where are all the rw's posting about that?

Say one word about gun deaths and most rw's just start whining about banning cars.

What you seem to be missing here, is that the government engaged in more violence than any of the militias or the protesters combined.

NOW you see why PMSnbc should be shunned folks

that article was so biased. Where was their stats on how many death were caused by left wing?

unfair and unbalanced is ok with the left as long as it fits their warped and twisted thinking

our lamestream media and it seems our fellow country men and women on the left have become our enemy's ...they pass around garbage such as this
We've talked about supposed RW extremist, but lets take a look at the people the left are enabling.

Representative Steve King of Iowa points out that 25 Americans, on average, are killed by illegal aliens every day (about evenly split between motor vehicle accidents and outright murder).

Government Accounting Office provided information in a population study of a sample of 55,322 illegal aliens in which researchers found that they were arrested at a total of 459,614 times, averaging about 8 arrests per illegal alien.

12 percent of these crimes were for violent offenses such as murder, robbery, assault, and sex-related crimes.

In Los Angeles, 95 percent of all outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) target illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are for illegal aliens.

Rep.Steve King: 25 Americans, Killed by Illegal Aliens Daily - ALIPAC

Tell me, who should we be most afraid of?
You worried?

The White Nationalist web forum Stormfront.org says it promotes values of “the embattled white minority,” and its users include Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in a 2011 massacre in Norway, and Wade Michael Page, who shot and killed six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012

The SPLC said ten murderers had links to Stormfront.

It’s pretty clear that websites like Stormfront are breeding grounds for people who are just enraged at their situation, it’s there that people find the reasons their lives aren’t as they had hoped and Stormfront helps them find the enemy that is standing in their way – whether it be Jews, African Americans, immigrants and so on,” Heidi Beirich, report author and a director at the SPLC’s Intelligence Project told the Guardian. “Unfortunately it’s not very surprising that people who live in this kind of stew of violent racism eventually pick up a gun and do something about it at some point.”

Almost 100 Hate Crime Killings Linked To One Website: Report
On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

Right wing extremists vs left wing extremists.

Now a level playing field. Now give me your totals. Include Hassan. Include Boston. You go girl.
Hassan is a Right-Wing terrorist, by definition. Islam is not a Liberal religion, it's a Conservative religion. Extremely so.

Funny how "homeland" seems to get everything back-assward. While the left wing administration was using every trick in it's bureaucratic bag including illegal surveillance and IRS tyranny to malign the "vast right wing conspiracy", a left wing democrat former Nazi KKK member was listening to Media Matters propaganda and planning to kill Jews.
On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

A 2006-2007 survey of state police agencies sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), for example, found that more states reported the presence of far-right anti-government, neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups than Islamic extremists. Since the time of that survey, our tracking shows that the number of far-right anti-government groups has exploded, and the number of neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups has remained at an extraordinarily high level.

Another DHS-sponsored study in 2011 found that criminal violence was associated with a significant percentage of hate groups. And a study last year by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point found that right-wing violence between 2000 and 2011 surpassed that of the 1990s by a factor of four.
I even made a speech about that, but maybe that's too serious for you:

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SPLC...a constant stream of lies...they act as a sort of House Un-American Activities Committee, only it's an anti-Communist Activities Committee...they lump people who want to change government lawfully into the "anti-government" group...mostly they just slander people...I am looking for their list of killers/where they got the number 34...
well, PMSnbc doing what it does best...stirring up hate and division in our country

and Reid calls people domestic terrorist for just protesting, and right on cue, PMSNBC comes out with this..

and right on cue, it's a LEFTIE who take this and spreads it to cause hate and division in our country

it's not the right tearing down this country folks...IT'S THE LEFT/progressives

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On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

Right wing extremists vs left wing extremists.

Now a level playing field. Now give me your totals. Include Hassan. Include Boston. You go girl.
Hassan is a Right-Wing terrorist, by definition. Islam is not a Liberal religion, it's a Conservative religion. Extremely so.

The religion of the Muslims, a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the Prophet of Allah.

Nothing there about Islam being a conservative or liberal religion.
On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

A 2006-2007 survey of state police agencies sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), for example, found that more states reported the presence of far-right anti-government, neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups than Islamic extremists. Since the time of that survey, our tracking shows that the number of far-right anti-government groups has exploded, and the number of neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups has remained at an extraordinarily high level.

Another DHS-sponsored study in 2011 found that criminal violence was associated with a significant percentage of hate groups. And a study last year by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point found that right-wing violence between 2000 and 2011 surpassed that of the 1990s by a factor of four.

Makes you wonder what the real danger is.
You worried?

The White Nationalist web forum Stormfront.org says it promotes values of “the embattled white minority,” and its users include Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in a 2011 massacre in Norway, and Wade Michael Page, who shot and killed six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012

The SPLC said ten murderers had links to Stormfront.

It’s pretty clear that websites like Stormfront are breeding grounds for people who are just enraged at their situation, it’s there that people find the reasons their lives aren’t as they had hoped and Stormfront helps them find the enemy that is standing in their way – whether it be Jews, African Americans, immigrants and so on,” Heidi Beirich, report author and a director at the SPLC’s Intelligence Project told the Guardian. “Unfortunately it’s not very surprising that people who live in this kind of stew of violent racism eventually pick up a gun and do something about it at some point.”

Almost 100 Hate Crime Killings Linked To One Website: Report

Niggas be killin Niggas at a far more accelerated rate girlfriend......we all know dat shit.
You worried?

The White Nationalist web forum Stormfront.org says it promotes values of “the embattled white minority,” and its users include Anders Behring Breivik, who killed 77 people in a 2011 massacre in Norway, and Wade Michael Page, who shot and killed six people at a Sikh temple in Wisconsin in 2012

The SPLC said ten murderers had links to Stormfront.

It’s pretty clear that websites like Stormfront are breeding grounds for people who are just enraged at their situation, it’s there that people find the reasons their lives aren’t as they had hoped and Stormfront helps them find the enemy that is standing in their way – whether it be Jews, African Americans, immigrants and so on,” Heidi Beirich, report author and a director at the SPLC’s Intelligence Project told the Guardian. “Unfortunately it’s not very surprising that people who live in this kind of stew of violent racism eventually pick up a gun and do something about it at some point.”

Almost 100 Hate Crime Killings Linked To One Website: Report

Niggas be killin Niggas at a far more accelerated rate girlfriend......we all know dat shit.

I figured the hufferpufferpost, Salon, mediamatters, dailykos, Slate, would all be in that list linked to hate crimes, they post enough hate at them...and jilly is their tool

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