R-wing extremists have killed 34 people in the U.S. since 9/11, al Qaeda only 21

This thread started out that way, kid, guno and nutz would have you believe that ANY non guilt ridden white man is dangerous.
This thread started out that way, kid, guno and nutz would have you believe that ANY non guilt ridden white man is dangerous.

No, I firmly believe that white people should be able to appreciate their heritage with pride. I just think you are a pussy who spews nonsense in an effort to blame everyone else for your failures. You are a pussy. To make sure you understand completely, you are a p-u-s-s-y!

On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

A 2006-2007 survey of state police agencies sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), for example, found that more states reported the presence of far-right anti-government, neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups than Islamic extremists. Since the time of that survey, our tracking shows that the number of far-right anti-government groups has exploded, and the number of neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups has remained at an extraordinarily high level.

Another DHS-sponsored study in 2011 found that criminal violence was associated with a significant percentage of hate groups. And a study last year by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point found that right-wing violence between 2000 and 2011 surpassed that of the 1990s by a factor of four.

Who in the hell doesn't take left wing terrorism seriously?

Hell your side has killed millions in your racist abortion mills so I guess you win.

Fact: About half the abortions in the U.S. are by performed by Republicans. What? You didn't know that? Well now you do.
This thread started out that way, kid, guno and nutz would have you believe that ANY non guilt ridden white man is dangerous.

No, I firmly believe that white people should be able to appreciate their heritage with pride. I just think you are a pussy who spews nonsense in an effort to blame everyone else for your failures. You are a pussy. To make sure you understand completely, you are a p-u-s-s-y!



Uh huh....go stand on your corner kid.
On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

A 2006-2007 survey of state police agencies sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), for example, found that more states reported the presence of far-right anti-government, neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups than Islamic extremists. Since the time of that survey, our tracking shows that the number of far-right anti-government groups has exploded, and the number of neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups has remained at an extraordinarily high level.

Another DHS-sponsored study in 2011 found that criminal violence was associated with a significant percentage of hate groups. And a study last year by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point found that right-wing violence between 2000 and 2011 surpassed that of the 1990s by a factor of four.

Some background on the wing nuts
The American Right demeans racial minorities for playing the victim’s role, but today’s Tea Party is draped in “victimhood,” claiming to be the target of an African-American president and feeling threatened by the nation’s demographic shift. But racist fears have always had a home on the Right.

The anger of Southern whites was taken out primarily on the modern Democratic Party, which had led the fight for civil rights. Opportunistic Republicans, such as Richard Nixon, fashioned a “Southern strategy” using racial code words to appeal to Southern whites and turned the region from solidly Democratic to predominantly Republican as it is today.

Southern white anger was also reflected in the prevalence of the Confederate battle flag on pickup trucks and in store windows. Gradually, however, the American Right retreated from outright support of racial segregation. The growing public revulsion over the “Stars and Bars” as a symbol of racism also forced the Right to make a stylistic adjustment as well.

To this day, much of the American Right has refused to come to grips with the idea of non-whites holding U.S. citizenship. And, there is now a palpable fear that the demographics of democracy might finally eradicate white supremacy in the United States. It is that last-ditch fight for white dominance – as much as anything else – that is driving today’s Tea Party.
If you add the 13 people killed by Nidal Hassan at Fort Hood which the government still classify's as workplace violence not a terrorist attack which we all know is total B.S. that brings the Al-Qaeda number up to 34 add the Boston Marathon bombing that makes it 37 you are granted the.

Add ten more, don't forget the Beltway Snipers.

A series of trial exhibits suggested Malvo and Muhammad were motivated by an affinity for Islamicist Jihad.[34]
Exhibit 65-006: A self-portrait of Malvo in the cross hairs of a gun scope shouting, "ALLAH AKBAR!" The word "SALAAM" scrawled vertically. A lyric from Bob Marley's Natural Mystic "Many more will have to suffer. Many more will have to die. Don't ask me why."
Exhibit 65-016: A portrait of Saddam Hussein with the words "INSHALLAH" and "The Protector," surrounded by rockets labeled "chem" and "nuk".
Exhibit 65-043: Father and son portrait of Malvo and Muhammad. "We will kill them all. Jihad."
Exhibit 65-056: A self-portrait of Malvo as sniper, lying in wait, with his rifle. "JIHAD" written in bold letters.
Exhibit 65-067: A suicide bomber labeled "Hamas" walking into a McDonald's restaurant. Another drawing of the Twin Towers burning captioned: "85 percent chance Zionists did this." More scrawls: "ALLAH AKBAR," "JIHAD," and "Islam will explode."
Exhibit 65-103: A lion accompanies chapter and verse from the Quran (Sura 2:190): "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you and slay them wherever ye catch them."
Exhibit 65-109: Portrait of Osama bin Laden, captioned "Servant of Allah."
Exhibit 65-117: The White House drawn in crosshairs, surrounded by missiles, with a warning: "Sep. 11 we will ensure will look like a picnic to you" and "you will bleed to death little by little."
Exhibit 65-101: Malvo's thought for the day: "Islam the only true guidance, the way of peace."

Beltway sniper attacks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How about we start the count only one day earlier.

Liberals "Hey look, if we start counting the day after one of the largest terror attack in the history of the country..."

What a bunch of idiots.

That is the day that Bush started keeping us safe
This thread started out that way, kid, guno and nutz would have you believe that ANY non guilt ridden white man is dangerous.

No, I firmly believe that white people should be able to appreciate their heritage with pride. I just think you are a pussy who spews nonsense in an effort to blame everyone else for your failures. You are a pussy. To make sure you understand completely, you are a p-u-s-s-y!



Uh huh....go stand on your corner kid.

So pussy has nothing to say now, huh? Believe me, pussy, I in no way think you are dangerous. Quite the contrary, I find you to be an amusing little pussy getting ready for some race war as a way to justify your failures. You are truly a pussy, and I am certain if conflict ever broke out, you would be pissing your pants...PUSSY.
CaféAuLait;8962690 said:
Kinda funny how they don't count Major Hassan and the Beltway shooters when they all spoke of Al Queda and or had contact with Al Queda, one the US felt they should kill by drone. Add at least 23 from them. There are more as well.

There were six high profile honor killings not including the woman killed by her family in San Diego. No one was killed but how many did Muhammad Whittaker just shoot?
Despite the continuing threat, the resources devoted to combating non-Islamic domestic terrorism took another hit in 2009. That year, the DHS produced an intelligence assessment warning that right-wing extremists posed a mounting threat because of several factors that included the election of the nation’s first African-American president. The report, which said that some extremists could come from the ranks of “disgruntled, disillusioned” Army veterans, might have been describing men like Frazier Glenn Miller, the neo-Nazi and former Green Beret who has been charged in the Kansas killings. Like so many on the far, far right, he regularly ranted about President Obama.

The entire tapestry and trajectory of the conservative movement is dangerous. Historians now trace the roots of today's conservative movement to the 1920s. Indeed, modern conservatism was born out of post-World War I fears that secular, pluralistic, and cosmopolitan forces threatened America's national identity. Moreover, the tactics of conservatives have been used for generations to put their slant on policy and culture, to choke the growth of the liberal state from the New Deal era to the Great Society to the Clinton/Obama years, and to build the most powerful network of media, fundraising organizations in the history of representative government. Now with the demographic shift the right is more dangerous as they lash out like a cornered rabid /wounded beasts and they are becoming more violent. They Know their time is coming to an end. Like Lindsay Graham republican of SC said two years ago: "We're not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term"

McCarthyism anyone?

Republican Senator Joseph McCarthy: During his investigations, safeguards promised by the Constitution were trampled.
No, I firmly believe that white people should be able to appreciate their heritage with pride. I just think you are a pussy who spews nonsense in an effort to blame everyone else for your failures. You are a pussy. To make sure you understand completely, you are a p-u-s-s-y!



Uh huh....go stand on your corner kid.

So pussy has nothing to say now, huh? Believe me, pussy, I in no way think you are dangerous. Quite the contrary, I find you to be an amusing little pussy getting ready for some race war as a way to justify your failures. You are truly a pussy, and I am certain if conflict ever broke out, you would be pissing your pants...PUSSY.

Nigga ur free to think whatever you want.

Fact, your kind kill more of your own kind than any other group.

It just is what it and there is nothing you can do about it.

Now look, it's bad enough you need to go to the welfare office to get my money to pay for food for those you can't support.

You are right, I'm not dangerous....less I or someone close to me is threatened.

Until then I am milque toast white man.
How about we start the count only one day earlier.

Liberals "Hey look, if we start counting the day after one of the largest terror attack in the history of the country..."

What a bunch of idiots.

That is the day that Bush started keeping us safe

93 attack?

The only reason thousands were not killed was due to misplacement of huge bomb. More than 500 million in damage to the towers.

World Trade Center bombed

Only six people in the World Trade Center towers at the time of their collapse survived. Almost 10,000 other people were treated for injuries, many severe..

World Trade Center bombed ? History.com This Day in History ? 2/26/1993
On the anniversary of the OKC bombing.

Why it’s time to take domestic terrorism seriously

Why it's time to take domestic terrorism seriously | MSNBC

A 2006-2007 survey of state police agencies sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), for example, found that more states reported the presence of far-right anti-government, neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups than Islamic extremists. Since the time of that survey, our tracking shows that the number of far-right anti-government groups has exploded, and the number of neo-Nazi and racist skinhead groups has remained at an extraordinarily high level.

Another DHS-sponsored study in 2011 found that criminal violence was associated with a significant percentage of hate groups. And a study last year by the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point found that right-wing violence between 2000 and 2011 surpassed that of the 1990s by a factor of four.

34? How many have Black gangs killed in Chicago alone in one month? Usually 40 to 50 a month! Get your head out of your ass! And I am Jewish, my kids used to go to a JCC, so I should be more pissed about this, but I see the true threats!

Uh huh....go stand on your corner kid.

So pussy has nothing to say now, huh? Believe me, pussy, I in no way think you are dangerous. Quite the contrary, I find you to be an amusing little pussy getting ready for some race war as a way to justify your failures. You are truly a pussy, and I am certain if conflict ever broke out, you would be pissing your pants...PUSSY.

Nigga ur free to think whatever you want.

Fact, your kind kill more of your own kind than any other group.

It just is what it and there is nothing you can do about it.

Now look, it's bad enough you need to go to the welfare office to get my money to pay for food for those you can't support.

You are right, I'm not dangerous....less I or someone close to me is threatened.

Until then I am milque toast white man.
LOL, but you can post veiled threats on my message board. Pussy defined.
So pussy has nothing to say now, huh? Believe me, pussy, I in no way think you are dangerous. Quite the contrary, I find you to be an amusing little pussy getting ready for some race war as a way to justify your failures. You are truly a pussy, and I am certain if conflict ever broke out, you would be pissing your pants...PUSSY.

Nigga ur free to think whatever you want.

Fact, your kind kill more of your own kind than any other group.

It just is what it and there is nothing you can do about it.

Now look, it's bad enough you need to go to the welfare office to get my money to pay for food for those you can't support.

You are right, I'm not dangerous....less I or someone close to me is threatened.

Until then I am milque toast white man.
LOL, but you can post veiled threats on my message board. Pussy defined.

You know where I live Nigga.
Very much. As minorities become the majority within the next few decades here in America, r-wing radical extremists will become emboldened to act upon their fears to the "change".

Blacks kill more blacks than anyone else...stay away from your own kind.

Blacks are not a domestic terrorist threat to America... you are!

Whatever you say Nigga.

But the fact remains YOUR people KILL more of YOUR people than anyone else does.

That's a fact Boi.

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