Rabbis forced the Romans to crucify Jesus

Yes they would be fake Christians if they pushed the crap they do, and I have already said there are plenty of bad or fake Christians.
Please tell us what “ crap” the Jewish people push. Just admit you’re a Hateful Antisemitic Bigot
were they crucified -

those, the criminals - have not been brought to justice and wrote the false c-bible ... your religion is culpable, and you do nothing to vindicate yourselves than slanderous deceptions and lies for a crime committed inside your temple as that is where some say they were apprehended.
My religion is culpable for creating your “ savior?” Don’t “ Christians “ believe G-D deny his only son down to die for our sins? You should THANK US 👍
Even today many Christians blame the Jews. When asked why the HATE, why they were and still are called “ CHRIS KILLERS “ there is no response
It is more accurate to label Jews of today as anti-Christs or those that oppose or deny Christ.

Ever since Christ, Jews themselves really despise Christians. They really did not like their “their God” was being spread to gentiles. They found themselves no longer “special”.
Have you considered that perhaps the Scribes and lawmakers began a "new religion" when they began fiddling with the Ten Commandments? There are no laws in the Ten Commandments, those came later.

An early Christian summed it up by noting when we love God first (always) we can do as we like. Because...when we put love of God first and foremost, everything else falls into place. When we love God with our whole heart, our whole soul, our whole being, everything else springs from that love.

We see in the Gospels, Jesus had trouble, not with loving God and doing the will of God (he laid down his life for that), but with with Scribal Law...the counting of seeds, how far to walk on the Sabbath, how many letters that can be legally written and still be within the Law.

We see, absolutely, Jesus came to
.when we put love of God first and foremost, everything else falls into place.
change how the Law was being practiced, the burden that the law was placing on people, especially the poor. Love of God, love of one's fellow man was his theme. Yes. Absolutely, that is the theme of Judaism, but the Law Scribes were adding to "Love God" were muddying the waters.
roflmao @
.when we put love of God first and foremost, everything else falls into place.
yup----like genocides in the hundreds of
millions and perversions like the Inquisition
Christs death was preordained by God. Christs life and sacrifice were prophesied long before his birth. Israelites were only the tool carrying out Gods will, for man is inherently evil and is too easily swayed by personal greed and quest for power. Just look around you.
The Romans wanted him dead. They believed he was starting a rebellion against Rome, as did many of his followers. many followed him because they thought that the Messiah would lead them to rise up against the Romans. That is the reason why the Romans persecuted Christians as much as they did. Paul, for example, was a Roman agent who was tasked with finding and killing Christians, because the Romans feared that Christianity was a threat, just as they feared that Jesus' original movement was a threat.
The Romans wanted him dead. They believed he was starting a rebellion against Rome, as did many of his followers. many followed him because they thought that the Messiah would lead them to rise up against the Romans. That is the reason why the Romans persecuted Christians as much as they did. Paul, for example, was a Roman agent who was tasked with finding and killing Christians, because the Romans feared that Christianity was a threat, just as they feared that Jesus' original movement was a threat.
it was---Jesus was a Pharisee. SAINT Pontius Pilate
crucified thousands of Pharisees. John the Baptist
was a cousin of Jesus----another Pharisee---that
one killed by the roman shill HEROD
People who conclude genocides spring from love do not know love.
the "INQUISITION" sprang DIRECTLY from canon law. In fact---so did the NUREMBURG LAWS of 1935
that legalized DACHAU. Canon law was first elaborated by "SAINT" Constantine (remember him?) and codified by his descendant JUSTIN. Both emperors of the HOLEY MOLEY ROMAN EMPIRE
Well I am not “smacking” any Jews, merely discussing Jews from a religious standpoint. No hostility from my side, I can honestly say that.
Yes, “do unto others”, if I was lying or denying Christ I would like others to point it out.
That is a direct quote from the Bible, it is not hate speech.

there are forgeries and fallacies on nearly every page of the c-bible - you wrote ...

all three desert religions are strewn with selfserving and vindictive fabrications - "from a religious standpoint".
Christs death was preordained by God. Christs life and sacrifice were prophesied long before his birth. Israelites were only the tool carrying out Gods will, for man is inherently evil and is too easily swayed by personal greed and quest for power. Just look around you.

that's not -


you by chance than everyone else -

and your being inherently evil does give question for which other institution you belong in than your chosen - christianity.
My religion is culpable for creating your “ savior?” Don’t “ Christians “ believe G-D deny his only son down to die for our sins? You should THANK US 👍

no, the original religion of paradise instructs the outcome of humanity not that of the individual will be the final judgement and paramount for the individuals involved ... the crucifixion was a reversal of noah, those involved have yet to be brought to justice and rule the world - netanyahu, israel are those who offend the heavens and the usurpers of the present pope are complicit in the same crime as that of the 1st century.
the "INQUISITION" sprang DIRECTLY from canon law. In fact---so did the NUREMBURG LAWS of 1935
that legalized DACHAU. Canon law was first elaborated by "SAINT" Constantine (remember him?) and codified by his descendant JUSTIN. Both emperors of the HOLEY MOLEY ROMAN EMPIRE
I think you missed my point, or perhaps we are on different trains of thought.
It is more accurate to label Jews of today as anti-Christs or those that oppose or deny Christ.

Ever since Christ, Jews themselves really despise Christians. They really did not like their “their God” was being spread to gentiles. They found themselves no longer “special”.

Just a FEW examples. Keep rationalizing reasons for your Antisemitism. It's what " Christians" do best.

If you weren't so ignorant and Racist you would research on what it means when it's referred to the Jewish People as the " Chosen People "
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Anti-Christian values.

Like this? These are your " Values?" Not surprised

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Just a FEW examples. Keep rationalizing reasons for your Antisemitism. It's what " Christians" do best.

If you weren't so ignorant and Racist you would research on what it means when it's referred to the Jewish People as the " Chosen People "
Those are some great quotes!

What does race have to do with it? Choosing to reject Christ is a choice, a personal choice for all. If a Jew chooses to accept Jesus as the Savior, does that change their race? :cuckoo:
Those are some great quotes!

What does race have to do with it? Choosing to reject Christ is a choice, a personal choice for all. If a Jew chooses to accept Jesus as the Savior, does that change their race? :cuckoo:
Notice you avoid the subject RE; Antisemitism. My point is; Whether HATE is based on Religion or Race is doesn't matter. You have NOTHING to say about CHRISTIAN HATE THAT HAS BEEN AROUND FOR CENTURIES AND STILL PREVAIL? Here is your chance

" Christians" can't stand the fact that not everyone accepts " Jesus" as their savior. Keep making excuses for your Antisemitism
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