Rabbis forced the Romans to crucify Jesus

This is exactly what I’ve been talking about!
There was a fierce uprising going on against the Roman occupation. The local rabbis agreed to end the rebellion if the Romans agreed to crucify Jesus. The Romans agreed, Jesus was crucified.

The truth will set you free

There was a fierce uprising going on against the Roman occupation. The local rabbis agreed to end the rebellion if the Romans agreed to crucify Jesus. The Romans agreed, Jesus was crucified.

The truth will set you free

I agree! “ Christians “ believe that G-D sent his only son down to die for our Sins yet they refer to Jesus as being “ crucified “ and Blame the Jews. What Hypocrisy!

The Truth will set you free. 👍✡️🇮🇱
the "local rabbis" ---can you name a few? one wonders why the local rabbis did not negotiate
for a cessation of crucifixions in order to save
thousands of pharisees
I think you missed my point, or perhaps we are on different trains of thought.
I did not miss anything----I read your "train of
train of thought" in post # 842------typical
" Christians" can't stand the fact that not everyone accepts " Jesus" as their savior. Keep making excuses for your Antisemitism
Not really. I don’t hate people that don’t accept Christ, I just know they are most likely going to embrace lies and propagate lies.
Notice you avoid the subject RE; Antisemitism. My point is; Whether HATE is based on Religion or Race is doesn't matter. You have NOTHING to say about CHRISTIAN HATE THAT HAS BEEN AROUND FOR CENTURIES AND STILL PREVAIL? Here is your chance
No, I did address it, you just didn’t like the answer.

It’s a forgone conclusion that Christians and anti-Christs would not get along in the long run. This is why nations should be separated by such differences. That is why I support the existence of Israel, a nation for only Jews. That is why I think the Middle East should be isolated and left for the Muslims. Christian countries should be Christian.
Not really. I don’t hate people that don’t accept Christ, I just know they are most likely going to embrace lies and propagate lies.

oh -

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

speaking of which - "they are most likely going to embrace lies and propagate lies" - christianity is literally if not the champion of false dissemination among the three desert religions by their scriptures that would only be the case the other two can hardly be outdone by their own outlandish false propaganda.

* no, those words were never spoken by jesus and are put their by the crucifiers that have since used their victim for their own purposes. t-hawk.
oh -

speaking of which - "they are most likely going to embrace lies and propagate lies" - christianity is literally if not the champion of false dissemination among the three desert religions by their scriptures that would only be the case the other two can hardly be outdone by their own outlandish false propaganda.

* no, those words were never spoken by jesus and are put their by the crucifiers that have since used their victim for their own purposes. t-hawk.
Sure. Because Biblical Scholar BreezeWood says so. :cuckoo:
I did not miss anything----I read your "train of
train of thought" in post # 842------typical
I speak of Jesus and what he was teaching in his time--that is where my thoughts were. You jump to Inquisitions over a thousand years later. Different trains of thought.
I speak of Jesus and what he was teaching in his time--that is where my thoughts were. You jump to Inquisitions over a thousand years later. Different trains of thought.
You seem to IMAGINE that Jesus taught the ROMAN CATHOLIC
POV. I must be mistaken----clearly you do not
No, I did address it, you just didn’t like the answer.

It’s a forgone conclusion that Christians and anti-Christs would not get along in the long run. This is why nations should be separated by such differences. That is why I support the existence of Israel, a nation for only Jews. That is why I think the Middle East should be isolated and left for the Muslims. Christian countries should be Christian.
Typical RACIST ( I mean Bigoted answer) Get ANYONE who isn’t a “ Christian “ out of the U.S
Not really. I don’t hate people that don’t accept Christ, I just know they are most likely going to embrace lies and propagate lies.
I don’t hate people that accept Christ and the lie of “ Immaculate Conception “ . I just know they are going to embrace lies and have intolerance for anyone who don’t “ think” the way they do
I don’t hate people that accept Christ and the lie of “ Immaculate Conception “ . I just know they are going to embrace lies and have intolerance for anyone who don’t “ think” the way they do
Thank you! These antisemites try to put us on the defensive with their claims that we hate people who “accept” Jesus. That’s to deflect from the hateful things he has said about those of us who do not. Did you read upthread where he said calling them ”Synagogues of Satan,” as they are in thr New Testament, was a correct description?

He is the one who absolutely despises those who follow the teachings of their own religion rather than submit to the teachings of his. I’ve run into these type of Evangelicals before, and they get more and more vicious the more you refuse.

How they think that demonstrating intolerance and hatred for those who don’t believe as they do is a ”good look” for a Christian is beyond me.
Thank you! These antisemites try to put us on the defensive with their claims that we hate people who “accept” Jesus. That’s to deflect from the hateful things he has said about those of us who do not. Did you read upthread where he said calling them ”Synagogues of Satan,” as they are in thr New Testament, was a correct description?

He is the one who absolutely despises those who follow the teachings of their own religion rather than submit to the teachings of his. I’ve run into these type of Evangelicals before, and they get more and more vicious the more you refuse.

How they think that demonstrating intolerance and hatred for those who don’t believe as they do is a ”good look” for a Christian is beyond me.
The “ Christian Religion “ has been teaching INTOLERANCE, HATE, and ANTISEMITISM for over 2,000 years !!🇮🇱🇮🇱✡️✡️✡️🇮🇱

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