Rabbis forced the Romans to crucify Jesus

I was curious as to what you THINK Jesus said. It helps me understand why so many Christians are antisemitic.
He said a lot LOL.

As I already stated, I don’t think so many are “anti-Semitic”. I just view Jews as being anti-Christs.
We don’t discriminate. Anyone can accept Jesus.

Can anyone be a Jew?
“ Christians “ have been discriminating against The Jewish people for over 2,000 years. You obviously have a reading comprehension problem . Don’t like or understand my prior threads Re; the Hate Christians have for the Jewish people? Too bad
“ Christians “ have been discriminating against The Jewish people for over 2,000 years. You obviously have a reading comprehension problem . Don’t like or understand my prior threads Re; the Hate Christians have for the Jewish people? Too bad
Do not Jews discriminate against Muslims in Israel?
He said a lot LOL.

As I already stated, I don’t think so many are “anti-Semitic”. I just view Jews as being anti-Christs.
“ Anti Christ” We don’t believe in “ Jesus” So what? Who said YOUR religion was “ correct and everyone else is “ wrong”?
OK---with some of your own reservations---HOWEVER your postings
recapitulate some of the BS that my little christian playmates in
DAYS OF YORE also learned in Jellybean school and which----IMLO
(in my laudable opinion), constitute ROMAN BS. ---an example---
'Jesus refused to wash his hands..." ---BS----in terms of simple
etiquette----he might just as well have spit in the salad bowl. As to his
"teachings" ----just a simple recap of Hillel
I have never said--and never would say--Jesus refused to wash his hands.

Jesus' teachings didn't just come from Rabbi Hillel. It seems he also had views in common with Rabbi Shammai. Nor did either Rabbi pull what they taught out of thin air. Most--if not all--had been said before.
Do not Jews discriminate against Muslims in Israel?
I realize it’s difficult for you to stay on the topic but Israel’s politics have nothing to do with the Antisemitism that has existed for over 2000 years or the “ teachings” of the “ Christian faith “
I realize it’s difficult for you to stay on the topic but Israel’s politics have nothing to do with the Antisemitism that has existed for over 2000 years or the “ teachings” of the “ Christian faith “
^^ See. “Do as I say, not as I do.“.
It is perfectly fine for Jews to discriminate against Muslims and “goy”, but if it is done to you, it gets a special word “anti-Semitic”.

Jesus warned us about hypocrites.
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^^ See. “Do as I say, not as I do.“.
It is perfectly fine for Jews to discriminate against Muslims and “goy”, but if it is done to you, it gets a special word “anti-Semitic”.

Jesus warned us about hypocrites.
Yes he did. Look in the mirror. It’s perfectly alright to discriminate against Jews, use the words “ Hymie” and other offensive language , tell people to their faces they will not be hired because of their religion, etc. etc. then go to church every Sunday. Repeat ; It’s been going on for over 2000 years
“ Do as I say, not as I do”
Yes he did. Look in the mirror. It’s perfectly alright to discriminate against Jews, use the words “ Hymie” and other offensive language , tell people to their faces they will not be hired because of their religion, etc. etc. then go to church every Sunday. Repeat ; It’s been going on for over 2000 years
“ Do as I say, not as I do”
So let me get this straight. You think Jews are discriminated against in the US? They are less than 2.5% of the population, yet are hugely over-represented in elected offices, judges, medical and pharmaceutical industries, and CEOs of the biggest companies in America. They also make up nearly a third of the 400 top richest people in America. Jewish median wealth is by far the largest compared to any other ethnic or religious group. But…you’re all being discriminated against and you are the victims.

You aren’t being discriminated against in America. You are a protected class, the most elite class there is.
So let me get this straight. You think Jews are discriminated against in the US? They are less than 2.5% of the population, yet are hugely over-represented in elected offices, judges, medical and pharmaceutical industries, and CEOs of the biggest companies in America. They also make up nearly a third of the 400 top richest people in America. Jewish median wealth is by far the largest compared to any other ethnic or religious group. But…you’re all being discriminated against and you are the victims.

You aren’t being discriminated against in America. You are a protected class, the most elite class there is.
It’s obvious that you are EXTREMELY resentful and bitter because of our Sucess IN SPiTE of the discrimination Jews have had to endure. You’re the one who claims Jews hate Christians . I have posted countless threads of “ Christian “ HATE and ANTISEMITISM for over 2,000 years and you ignore them because it can’t be justified.
I have never said--and never would say--Jesus refused to wash his hands.

Jesus' teachings didn't just come from Rabbi Hillel. It seems he also had views in common with Rabbi Shammai. Nor did either Rabbi pull what they taught out of thin air. Most--if not all--had been said before.
the PUTATIVE refusal of Jesus to WASH HIS HANDS in, IN FACT, a central issue in the abolishing of the kosher dietary laws (yanno---those nasty,
LEGALISTIC, pharisee forms DESIGNED to oppress DA POOR by nasty
exploitative ---fantastically RICH, rabbis)----be that as it may---I am
fascinated ----NOT DISPUTING---but fascinated----what is the
commonality between Rabbi Shammai and Jesus (as opposed to
rabbi Shammai and judge hawthorne of Salem?)
So let me get this straight. You think Jews are discriminated against in the US? They are less than 2.5% of the population, yet are hugely over-represented in elected offices, judges, medical and pharmaceutical industries, and CEOs of the biggest companies in America. They also make up nearly a third of the 400 top richest people in America. Jewish median wealth is by far the largest compared to any other ethnic or religious group. But…you’re all being discriminated against and you are the victims.

You aren’t being discriminated against in America. You are a protected class, the most elite class there is.
Because we value education. And the way we actually study Torah and Talmud gives us critical thinking and training for the law. And we achieve despite the obstacles we face. Did you ever wonder why most large cities have Jewish hospitals, schools, etc? Hint, it's because we could not go to yours.
Because we value education. And the way we actually study Torah and Talmud gives us critical thinking and training for the law. And we achieve despite the obstacles we face. Did you ever wonder why most large cities have Jewish hospitals, schools, etc? Hint, it's because we could not go to yours.

And that is the crux of the problem with those who view “equity” as a measure of discrimination (or lack thereof). There is no consideration for the behavior and traits of various groups, as a whole, that LEAD to greater success.

- Inner-city blacks who have the vast majority of their babies out of wedlock, commit violent crime at 5x the rate of whites, and thus do not achieve success: RACISM!

- Jews who value education (it‘s a Mitzvah to learn), have low OOW birthrate, graduate from college (and grad school), and thus go on to professional success: NO BIGOTRY!

The drive for “equity” - unearned equity - while overlooking the behavior and choices that lead to lower achievement will continue to cause the country’s decline.
We don’t discriminate. Anyone can accept Jesus.

Can anyone be a Jew?

just ask one of them ...

Abraham emerged as that man and was therefore chosen by God to be the father of a people that would be given that task. "You are the Lord God, who chose Abram... Finding his heart true to You, You made a covenant with him..."

on second thought that might not be the best idea, like asking a nazi who really is ...


the master race - kinda fits the two ... scenarios. not so different afterall. wwII.

- of course abraham was just another desert, sun baked - madman.

* the jews defy noah - the relligion of paradise - the heavens prescription for remission.
Because we value education. And the way we actually study Torah and Talmud gives us critical thinking and training for the law. And we achieve despite the obstacles we face. Did you ever wonder why most large cities have Jewish hospitals, schools, etc? Hint, it's because we could not go to yours.
So then how are Jews being “discriminated” against? If they are so successful then it proves there is no discrimination. In fact they are a protected class. Any criticism leads to being called “anti-Semitic”.

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