Rabbis: "It's Ok to Kill Goyim"

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Interesting article.

Here is an excerpt dated October 1973:

— “Dear Rabbi. In one of our group’s discussions there was a debate about the ‘purity of weapons.’ [From Talmud]. We discussed whether it is permitted to kill unarmed men or even women and children.

I could not arrive at a clear decision whether Arabs should be treated like the Amalekites, meaning that one is permitted to murder them until their remembrance is blotted out from under heaven. Or perhaps one should do as in a just war in which one kills only the soldiers?” —

Reply of Rabbi Shimon Weiser:

— “Dear Moshe. According to our sages, war for us is not a game but a vital necessity and only by this standard must we decide how to wage it. On the one hand we seem to learn that if a Jew murders a Gentile he is regarded as a murderer though no court has the right to punish him.

But we find in the very same authorities saying: ‘The best of Gentiles - kill him; the best of snakes - dash out its brains.’ According to Tosafot, though during peace time it is forbidden to kill Gentiles, in a case that occurs in wartime, it is a mitzvah [religious duty] to kill them.

According to Tractate Sanhedrin, all Gentiles during wartime are to be presumed to have evil intent. And thus the rule ‘Whoever comes to kill you, kill him first’ is to be applied. This is the rule of ‘purity of weapons’ according to Halakah. (Body of Jewish Law.)” —

Yes, Freeman, we all realize that your brethren have evil intent to us Infidels, and that is why Americans and other civilized people would rather be prepared against your murderous brethren. Freeman would like the Free World to roll over for his fellow Muslims and let them murder innocent people with wild abandon like they are doing right now in Iraq. However, Freeman has still not told us why during Ramadan, which is supposedly the holiest month in Islam, that his fellow Muslims rev up their killings so that more people are murdered during this month than the previous months. I think many of us are curious, and Freeman, whatever Muslim country he hails from, can give us some answer, as short as they might be.
Rabbis with bearded crows say it's kosher to kill goyim in religion!

Rabbis Say its OK to Kill Goyim - YouTube

Anyone will tell you that it is better to kill your enemy before they kill you, and we all know the Muslims want to kill all the Infidels. This old Rabbi comes from a Middle East country, and has seen what the Muslims are capable of doing to the Jews. Meanwhile, the good devout Muslim Freeman will never show you any of the videos where his own Muslim clergy are ranting and raving about killing the Infidels. Perhaps if there were no radical clergy in the Muslim world inciting their members to KILL, KILL, KILL, there would be a lull in murdering the Infidels in the Muslim world.


Initially it was a word to describe pagans..then to describe "Gentiles" or Christians.

It usually refers to those that eat pork.

Wrong. The word is used in the Bible, and simply means 'nations' - Isaiah 2 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre

ד וְשָׁפַט בֵּין הַגּוֹיִם, וְהוֹכִיחַ לְעַמִּים רַבִּים; וְכִתְּתוּ חַרְבוֹתָם לְאִתִּים, וַחֲנִיתוֹתֵיהֶם לְמַזְמֵרוֹת--לֹא-יִשָּׂא גוֹי אֶל-גּוֹי חֶרֶב, וְלֹא-יִלְמְדוּ עוֹד מִלְחָמָה. {פ} 4 And He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. {P}

There is nothing inherently negative in the word 'goi'.
Goyim is Yiddish and it means "cattle". THAT is what the JEWS call of all non-jews. The jews call all Gentile women 'shiksa', meaning "unclean, whore, dead meat".

sources: What is a ?Shiksa?? |
What does shiksa mean?

You're wrong. 'Goy' is Hebrew and means 'nation'. And the 'meaning' of words tends to depend on how they're defined by the people who use them - words change meaning through time.

As far as I've ever heard the word 'shikse' used, it means a tall, blonde female who's not 'zaftig' - and tends to eat small portions.
I speak Hebrew and I can translate it to you, I also fairly know about Judaism, but since you don't trust my translation I would probably not bother to do so or try to convince you otherwise [MENTION=21108]Freeman[/MENTION] , you are always hanging on small blood libels, never seen you apologizing nor admitting you were wrong - not once.
And same about you @wurwolf - of course in Muslim and European societies Jews were treated so well, your hate became the stupidity that devours you.
Interesting article.

Here is an excerpt dated October 1973:

— “Dear Rabbi. In one of our group’s discussions there was a debate about the ‘purity of weapons.’ [From Talmud]. We discussed whether it is permitted to kill unarmed men or even women and children.

I could not arrive at a clear decision whether Arabs should be treated like the Amalekites, meaning that one is permitted to murder them until their remembrance is blotted out from under heaven. Or perhaps one should do as in a just war in which one kills only the soldiers?” —

Reply of Rabbi Shimon Weiser:

— “Dear Moshe. According to our sages, war for us is not a game but a vital necessity and only by this standard must we decide how to wage it. On the one hand we seem to learn that if a Jew murders a Gentile he is regarded as a murderer though no court has the right to punish him.

But we find in the very same authorities saying: ‘The best of Gentiles - kill him; the best of snakes - dash out its brains.’ According to Tosafot, though during peace time it is forbidden to kill Gentiles, in a case that occurs in wartime, it is a mitzvah [religious duty] to kill them.

According to Tractate Sanhedrin, all Gentiles during wartime are to be presumed to have evil intent. And thus the rule ‘Whoever comes to kill you, kill him first’ is to be applied. This is the rule of ‘purity of weapons’ according to Halakah. (Body of Jewish Law.)” —

And where exactly did you find this?? Being the Talmudic scholar that you are --- go ahead and give us the chapter and verse of your allegations.. I'm not a Talmudic scholar -- but I once held one in my hands.. And BTW: 85% of Jews know less about the Talmud than they do about Islam..

I googled this part of your "article"

Dear Moshe. According to our sages, war for us is not a game but a vital necessity

And got a page-full of Nazi, Palestinian, and assorted hater websites.. Has a lot of miles to this one -- it does..
Interesting article.

Here is an excerpt dated October 1973:

— “Dear Rabbi. In one of our group’s discussions there was a debate about the ‘purity of weapons.’ [From Talmud]. We discussed whether it is permitted to kill unarmed men or even women and children.

I could not arrive at a clear decision whether Arabs should be treated like the Amalekites, meaning that one is permitted to murder them until their remembrance is blotted out from under heaven. Or perhaps one should do as in a just war in which one kills only the soldiers?” —

Reply of Rabbi Shimon Weiser:

— “Dear Moshe. According to our sages, war for us is not a game but a vital necessity and only by this standard must we decide how to wage it. On the one hand we seem to learn that if a Jew murders a Gentile he is regarded as a murderer though no court has the right to punish him.

But we find in the very same authorities saying: ‘The best of Gentiles - kill him; the best of snakes - dash out its brains.’ According to Tosafot, though during peace time it is forbidden to kill Gentiles, in a case that occurs in wartime, it is a mitzvah [religious duty] to kill them.

According to Tractate Sanhedrin, all Gentiles during wartime are to be presumed to have evil intent. And thus the rule ‘Whoever comes to kill you, kill him first’ is to be applied. This is the rule of ‘purity of weapons’ according to Halakah. (Body of Jewish Law.)” —

Yes, Freeman, we all realize that your brethren have evil intent to us Infidels, and that is why Americans and other civilized people would rather be prepared against your murderous brethren. Freeman would like the Free World to roll over for his fellow Muslims and let them murder innocent people with wild abandon like they are doing right now in Iraq. However, Freeman has still not told us why during Ramadan, which is supposedly the holiest month in Islam, that his fellow Muslims rev up their killings so that more people are murdered during this month than the previous months. I think many of us are curious, and Freeman, whatever Muslim country he hails from, can give us some answer, as short as they might be.

Have you a comment in the rabbi statement?
Interesting article.

Yes, Freeman, we all realize that your brethren have evil intent to us Infidels, and that is why Americans and other civilized people would rather be prepared against your murderous brethren. Freeman would like the Free World to roll over for his fellow Muslims and let them murder innocent people with wild abandon like they are doing right now in Iraq. However, Freeman has still not told us why during Ramadan, which is supposedly the holiest month in Islam, that his fellow Muslims rev up their killings so that more people are murdered during this month than the previous months. I think many of us are curious, and Freeman, whatever Muslim country he hails from, can give us some answer, as short as they might be.

Have you a comment in the rabbi statement?
the way it is 'Thus who come to kill you, Kill them first'
but the way you read it is 'Thus who come, Kill them first'
Freeman you are primitive.
Interesting article.

Yes, Freeman, we all realize that your brethren have evil intent to us Infidels, and that is why Americans and other civilized people would rather be prepared against your murderous brethren. Freeman would like the Free World to roll over for his fellow Muslims and let them murder innocent people with wild abandon like they are doing right now in Iraq. However, Freeman has still not told us why during Ramadan, which is supposedly the holiest month in Islam, that his fellow Muslims rev up their killings so that more people are murdered during this month than the previous months. I think many of us are curious, and Freeman, whatever Muslim country he hails from, can give us some answer, as short as they might be.

Have you a comment in the rabbi statement?

there is no rabbi shimon weiser in Israel-----there is one who is very audacious in
New York City------islamo Nazi pigs have distorted is already weird writings ----in
Talmudic discussion of war----the term "goy" is often used to mean
enemy-----ie the other side in a war---not just any non jew. What weiser
said----would be more like "if American soldiers are fighting Japanese
combatants in the hills and they run into one one who is not at that moment
engaged in shooting----can the soldiers kill him"? how long have you been so dim
Interesting quote from the Talmud which explain the war against Gaza.

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Interesting quote from the Talmud which explain the war against Gaza.


Where exactly that is written? Anyway - there is another matter you don't see, the punishment by God and punishment by Law, many topics in the Talmud discuss that.
Once a Jew killed a non-Jew he is a sinner and will be punished by God and by Law for that.
Interesting quote from the Talmud which explain the war against Gaza.


Where exactly that is written? Anyway - there is another matter you don't see, the punishment by God and punishment by Law, many topics in the Talmud discuss that.
Once a Jew killed a non-Jew he is a sinner and will be punished by God and by Law for that.

So it seems that your army will be punished by the religious law.

Freeman...I'm still waiting for the M'sechta (Volume) and Dahf (Page).
Apply some elbow grease.
Interesting quote from the Talmud which explain the war against Gaza.


Where exactly that is written? Anyway - there is another matter you don't see, the punishment by God and punishment by Law, many topics in the Talmud discuss that.
Once a Jew killed a non-Jew he is a sinner and will be punished by God and by Law for that.

So it seems that your army will be punished by the religious law.

Nope, not at all, since you miss the first part of "THUS WHO COME TO KILL YOU"
Interesting quote from the Talmud which explain the war against Gaza.


Where exactly that is written? Anyway - there is another matter you don't see, the punishment by God and punishment by Law, many topics in the Talmud discuss that.
Once a Jew killed a non-Jew he is a sinner and will be punished by God and by Law for that.

I hate when people miss quote the talmud when they can't read it and don't understand what it is speaking about.
This is what they resort to when they have run out of factual arguments. They try to slam text someone else has picked out without context and often without correct sources.
Frankly most jews do not read or study the talmud. not all jews are lawyers. not all jews are doctors. Not all jews study law or medicals books or even picked one up. It is not written is such a way that you can take a quote out of context and without a full explanation of how it relates to the torah.
What the fuck this topic has to do with 'Middle-East Forum' except the fact its all lie and provocative?
No Linkies -- No tinkies, Bullwinkle..
You can cut and paste from hate sites all day long. Disguise quotes from the Protocols of the Elder Zion all ya want --- but if you're too weak and devious to CITE SOURCES --- you are wasting time and space..
No Linkies -- No tinkies, Bullwinkle..
You can cut and paste from hate sites all day long. Disguise quotes from the Protocols of the Elder Zion all ya want --- but if you're too weak and devious to CITE SOURCES --- you are wasting time and space..

How to participate in mosque speech:
1.Allah wacbar, wallah rahim wala Allah iyla Allah wmohammad rasoul Allah.
2.Baisem Allah - Itbah yahud wkol ibanin el hanzeer walkaradin.
3.*more speech about peace and love for Muslims only*.
Welcome abroad sir!
Anyone will tell you that it is better to kill your enemy before they kill you, and we all know the Muslims want to kill all the Infidels. This old Rabbi comes from a Middle East country, and has seen what the Muslims are capable of doing to the Jews. Meanwhile, the good devout Muslim Freeman will never show you any of the videos where his own Muslim clergy are ranting and raving about killing the Infidels. Perhaps if there were no radical clergy in the Muslim world inciting their members to KILL, KILL, KILL, there would be a lull in murdering the Infidels in the Muslim world.


Initially it was a word to describe pagans..then to describe "Gentiles" or Christians.

It usually refers to those that eat pork.

Wrong. The word is used in the Bible, and simply means 'nations' - Isaiah 2 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre

ד וְשָׁפַט בֵּין הַגּוֹיִם, וְהוֹכִיחַ לְעַמִּים רַבִּים; וְכִתְּתוּ חַרְבוֹתָם לְאִתִּים, וַחֲנִיתוֹתֵיהֶם לְמַזְמֵרוֹת--לֹא-יִשָּׂא גוֹי אֶל-גּוֹי חֶרֶב, וְלֹא-יִלְמְדוּ עוֹד מִלְחָמָה. {פ} 4 And He shall judge between the nations, and shall decide for many peoples; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks; nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. {P}

There is nothing inherently negative in the word 'goi'.

Oh cool.

I need to find all the jews in my family to let them know they've been using the word wrongly.

Thank you anonymous internet person.

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