Race mixing


Feb 7, 2009
The Olympic results are proof that affirmative action doesn’t achieve “racial equality” by improving Negros, but rather that it drives down performance of Whites AND increases racial tensions, all in one fell swoop. This is why multicultural, mixed-race workforces in countries like the US and Israel can’t even begin to compete with racially pure workforces in countries like Germany, Japan, and now India and China. Race mixing is why Negros have several and Jews have 113 hereditary diseases which pure races don’t, and why residents of Washington, DC, are 350 TIMES more likely to be murdered than residents of racially pure North Dakota, or Mesa, Arizona.

Race mixing is why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and everyone in the world except Noah and his racially pure family. The problems caused by multiculturalism are why race mixing is the only sin in the Holy Bible which is referred to as both an abomination and blasphemy of the word of God.

Any comments to refute what I say???????
The Olympic results are proof that affirmative action doesn’t achieve “racial equality” by improving Negros, but rather that it drives down performance of Whites AND increases racial tensions, all in one fell swoop. This is why multicultural, mixed-race workforces in countries like the US and Israel can’t even begin to compete with racially pure workforces in countries like Germany, Japan, and now India and China. Race mixing is why Negros have several and Jews have 113 hereditary diseases which pure races don’t, and why residents of Washington, DC, are 350 TIMES more likely to be murdered than residents of racially pure North Dakota, or Mesa, Arizona.

Race mixing is why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and everyone in the world except Noah and his racially pure family. The problems caused by multiculturalism are why race mixing is the only sin in the Holy Bible which is referred to as both an abomination and blasphemy of the word of God.

Any comments to refute what I say???????

Noah and the ark happened BEFORE the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by a few generations. Sodom and Gomorrah was refuted by Abram, later refered to as Abraham, the father of Issac. So that part of your argument is dead.

Also God destroyed the world with a flood because the hearts of men were wicked, but to boot it was because of the marriage and mixing of blood between "The sons of God" and "The daughters of man". Go ahead and look up the passages yourself in Genesis then look up the creatures called Nephilim. That is the abomination he was destroying, not racial mixing. So again, your argument is invalidated by the bible itself hon.

If you are going to quote scripture read it first.

Now that aside, the reason we aren't advancing is because of restrictions inacted by the government. Cars, for instance.. did you know that we require over-seas manufacturers to lower the standards that their cars are built at so that our companies can compete? The failures in America are because the people have allowed their children to become uneducated, parents would rather party or let the schools deal with that. People have over all become lazy and want to blaim the rest of the nation, anyone else for their issues rather than take personal responsibility.

Race neither inhibits us or benefits us. Certain lines carry diseases yes, but that has more to do with people trying to keep lines pure so impurities are carried from generation to generation.

My personal opinion on the idea of dividing up the races in America is that if you want to live with only blacks and hate America you aren't chained to a plantation, go to Africa. If you want to live with only whites and you hate America, go back to England, you won't get the plague when you get there I promise. Same for any other race. America is supposed to be free of religious persecution, it was what the nation was founded on and since then we have fought for racial and sexual equality as well and won both of those battles.

If you are trying to imply that whites can't compete with blacks then say it. If you are trying to say blacks can't keep up with whites without affirmative action, say it. Don't just try to start a flame board based off of false hoods and inflamitory remarks that have nothing backing them. There is a flame board for that. Racial tensions are growing harsh enough without people purposely stoking the fire.
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Race mixing is why...Jews have 113 hereditary diseases which pure races don’t...

You've got it backwards.

Hereditary diseases occur from inbreeding within a population. The Jewish population has historically been breeding within it's own population, which is why Ashkenazi Jews have so many genetic disorders.

Same with French Canadians.
Trolling down the road
Trying not to implode
Got gasoline to throw on the fires.

I'll just keep attacking
Accusin' without backing,
Causing strive is to what I aspire

I keep Trooooooooo-lin'
But nobody's fa-a-a-alin--

....For malicious posts
....They're nothing but compost
....I'm talkin' tough but I'm milktoast
....think I find me a new board host...To troll elsewhere

Cause they don't care.
The Olympic results are proof that affirmative action doesn’t achieve “racial equality” by improving Negros, but rather that it drives down performance of Whites AND increases racial tensions, all in one fell swoop. This is why multicultural, mixed-race workforces in countries like the US and Israel can’t even begin to compete with racially pure workforces in countries like Germany, Japan, and now India and China. Race mixing is why Negros have several and Jews have 113 hereditary diseases which pure races don’t, and why residents of Washington, DC, are 350 TIMES more likely to be murdered than residents of racially pure North Dakota, or Mesa, Arizona.

Race mixing is why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and everyone in the world except Noah and his racially pure family. The problems caused by multiculturalism are why race mixing is the only sin in the Holy Bible which is referred to as both an abomination and blasphemy of the word of God.

Any comments to refute what I say???????

With regard to the Olympics, Blacks are just genetically, and physically better athletes than Whites, the Black male and female run faster, and longer than
many European Caucasian, it is not about "driving down anyones performance"!,Blacks just perform better than whites, it is in our genes to be faster,and stronger.
What about the over 289 degenerate defective genes the Caucasian races carries in their
gene pool?!. Please, I agree with your first point, I am black, I don't believe in mixing my
pure pristine Black race with Whites, or any other race for that matter. The Black race is
the most dominant race on the planet genetically.Blacks were here first, millions of years ago in Africa,Scientist have proved that fact, I feel Black genes should not be diluted
or mixed.I am not for interracial marriages. With regards to the murders in Wash D.C., I feel that would stem from more of a socio economic cause, as opposed to race.
God destroyed Sodom and Gommorah because they were indulging in Homosexuality,
not any kind of race mixing.
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Trolling down the road
Trying not to implode
Got gasoline to throw on the fires.

I'll just keep attacking
Accusin' without backing,
Causing strive is to what I aspire

I keep Trooooooooo-lin'
But nobody's fa-a-a-alin--

....For malicious posts
....They're nothing but compost
....I'm talkin' tough but I'm milktoast
....think I find me a new board host...To troll elsewhere

Cause they don't care.
Actually, the gasoline is for huffing. A popular past time in his parts.
Noah and the ark happened BEFORE the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by a few generations. Sodom and Gomorrah was refuted by Abram, later refered to as Abraham, the father of Issac. So that part of your argument is dead..

Good come back, well though out, very broad minded................
Please, I agree with your first point, I am black, I don't believe in mixing my
pure pristine Black race with Whites, or any other race for that matter.

Unless you live in Africa or came here recently, you almost certainly have a white slavemaster's blood flowing through your veins. Too late... the overwhelming majority of American blacks are racially mixed. Same with most American whites, albeit to a slightly lesser extent. What's wrong with that?
Please, I agree with your first point, I am black, I don't believe in mixing my
pure pristine Black race with Whites, or any other race for that matter.

Unless you live in Africa or came here recently, you almost certainly have a white slavemaster's blood flowing through your veins. Too late... the overwhelming majority of American blacks are racially mixed. Same with most American whites, albeit to a slightly lesser extent. What's wrong with that?

There are many black Americans with no traces of White genes or blood in them.There is
plenty wrong with having a White slave master rapist reference, in your heritage.!That is nothing to be proud of !!
There is plenty wrong with having a White slave master rapist reference, in your heritage.!That is nothing to be proud of !!

Are you saying that a black American that has a white ancestor should be ashamed of themselves?

Good way to destroy self-esteem!
The Olympic results are proof that affirmative action doesn’t achieve “racial equality” by improving Negros, but rather that it drives down performance of Whites AND increases racial tensions, all in one fell swoop. This is why multicultural, mixed-race workforces in countries like the US and Israel can’t even begin to compete with racially pure workforces in countries like Germany, Japan, and now India and China. Race mixing is why Negros have several and Jews have 113 hereditary diseases which pure races don’t, and why residents of Washington, DC, are 350 TIMES more likely to be murdered than residents of racially pure North Dakota, or Mesa, Arizona.

Race mixing is why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and everyone in the world except Noah and his racially pure family. The problems caused by multiculturalism are why race mixing is the only sin in the Holy Bible which is referred to as both an abomination and blasphemy of the word of God.

Any comments to refute what I say???????

end yourself........
The Olympic results are proof that affirmative action doesn’t achieve “racial equality” by improving Negros, but rather that it drives down performance of Whites AND increases racial tensions, all in one fell swoop. This is why multicultural, mixed-race workforces in countries like the US and Israel can’t even begin to compete with racially pure workforces in countries like Germany, Japan, and now India and China. Race mixing is why Negros have several and Jews have 113 hereditary diseases which pure races don’t, and why residents of Washington, DC, are 350 TIMES more likely to be murdered than residents of racially pure North Dakota, or Mesa, Arizona.

Race mixing is why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and everyone in the world except Noah and his racially pure family. The problems caused by multiculturalism are why race mixing is the only sin in the Holy Bible which is referred to as both an abomination and blasphemy of the word of God.

Any comments to refute what I say???????

With regard to the Olympics, Blacks are just genetically, and physically better athletes than Whites, the Black male and female run faster, and longer than
many European Caucasian, it is not about "driving down anyones performance"!,Blacks just perform better than whites, it is in our genes to be faster,and stronger.
What about the over 289 degenerate defective genes the Caucasian races carries in their
gene pool?!. Please, I agree with your first point, I am black, I don't believe in mixing my
pure pristine Black race with Whites, or any other race for that matter. The Black race is
the most dominant race on the planet genetically.Blacks were here first, millions of years ago in Africa,Scientist have proved that fact, I feel Black genes should not be diluted
or mixed.I am not for interracial marriages. With regards to the murders in Wash D.C., I feel that would stem from more of a socio economic cause, as opposed to race.
God destroyed Sodom and Gommorah because they were indulging in Homosexuality,
not any kind of race mixing.

I'm betting that if you compared the numbers of medals won by race, your "physically better athletes" argument would lost.
There are many black Americans with no traces of White genes or blood in them.
That may be, but I'd wager that most of them immigrated more recently and they certainly don't constitute a majority.

There is plenty wrong with having a White slave master rapist reference, in your heritage.!That is nothing to be proud of !!
No, you're right, it's not. Being proud of a superficiality like race is silly in general. My point was that there isn't anything wrong with being of mixed racial heritage; most people in the world are.
Please, I agree with your first point, I am black, I don't believe in mixing my
pure pristine Black race with Whites, or any other race for that matter.

Unless you live in Africa or came here recently, you almost certainly have a white slavemaster's blood flowing through your veins. Too late... the overwhelming majority of American blacks are racially mixed. Same with most American whites, albeit to a slightly lesser extent. What's wrong with that?

There are many black Americans with no traces of White genes or blood in them.There is
plenty wrong with having a White slave master rapist reference, in your heritage.!That is nothing to be proud of !!

How does it feel knowing that your ancestors sold your brothers and sisters into slavery?
Noah and the ark happened BEFORE the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by a few generations. Sodom and Gomorrah was refuted by Abram, later refered to as Abraham, the father of Issac. So that part of your argument is dead..

Good come back, well though out, very broad minded................

You don't need to be broad minded in a statement when you are bluntly pointing out a mistake. Honestly go ahead and look it up in Genesis. Or was that just your way of being annoyed with me for pointing out your errors?
Unless you live in Africa or came here recently, you almost certainly have a white slavemaster's blood flowing through your veins. Too late... the overwhelming majority of American blacks are racially mixed. Same with most American whites, albeit to a slightly lesser extent. What's wrong with that?

There are many black Americans with no traces of White genes or blood in them.There is
plenty wrong with having a White slave master rapist reference, in your heritage.!That is nothing to be proud of !!

How does it feel knowing that your ancestors sold your brothers and sisters into slavery?

Ours are the ones who created the demand in the first place. Don't blame blacks for one of our injustices that a few of them happened to be complicit in.
There are many black Americans with no traces of White genes or blood in them.There is
plenty wrong with having a White slave master rapist reference, in your heritage.!That is nothing to be proud of !!

How does it feel knowing that your ancestors sold your brothers and sisters into slavery?

Ours are the ones who created the demand in the first place. Don't blame blacks for one of our injustices that a few of them happened to be complicit in.

Remember that 80's song by Dead or Alive?

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