Race relations better under Trump than Obama

There is nothing in that statement that proves your point. Your read it, and make assumptions about the person reading it.

Which by itself is bad enough.

But then you take the additional and insane step of imagining that the words you read, are an actual admission of the assumptions you made, and holding the person saying them,

accountable for the shit you just made up in your head.

That is you being a liberal. And by "liberal" I mean, "insane".

Uh, we also have a previous statement from the racist dirtbag known as gulfman. Did you miss this?

Race relations better under Trump than Obama

Fair enough. In this instance. The behavior I describe is common enough though.

And on this board, that fuckface's comment is as common as air. You can't swing your purse in this board without hitting a fucking racist asshole. It's also where there is a disproportionate number of Trump supporters. Hmmmm...could there be a connection? YES!!!

THe vast majority of accusations of racism, are bullshit.

YOu, as a lib, assume racism, all the time, at the slightest excuse. You have no credibility when it comes to such accusations or judgments and should not have any.

Your talk about Trump, is more akin to "fighting words" than a real point.

I, as a human being, see racist Trump supporters all over this board. You can pretend it's an anomaly, but statistics and studies say different.

Hate-Crime Violence Hits 16-Year High, F.B.I. Reports

Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety, Study Finds

The fbi report tracks accusations and reports. It is just as likely and more so based on what we have observed, that the increase is due to an increase in FALSE attacks and reports.

"Fear of losing status" is too vague to mean anything, let alone prove racism.

You are desperate to hold on to a belief, ie republicans are racist, that you are grasping at straws.

You ask me to show Left anti-white racism, and I can cite massive policies that call for discrimination against whites along racial lines. I can site studies that document massive and widespread discrimination. I can show videos of powerful people, saying very racist things.

If the GOP is not racist, you still don't have to support them. YOu can still be a socialist. or whatever you identify as.

You will just have to make your case based on the policies of the Dems. Instead of marginalizing the republicans....
Racist asshole checking in... Racists assholes tend to be in touch, aware of statistics and real world data...these racist assholes are courageous enough to say “FUCK PC” and smart enough to pay attention and create stereotypes that allow them to accurately forecast. The burden to shake these accurate stereotypes lies with the dark filth among us...they must change their behavior. I’d suggest you spend your time wisely, take to the streets of barrios and ghettos, lecture our pet humans, get the filthy fucks to act right and TA-DA!
Problem solved.
Here ya go, Correll, the stuff that doesn't exist any more.

Looking forward to you holding him accountable. Or not.

I'm looking forward to when you only call self admitted racists, racist.

Because with Big LIes like the Charlottesville Lie tearing this nation apart, the few actual racists, well the few actual WHITE racist, at this point in time, are not very relevant.
Wow, you really let him have it! You really showed your passion for holding your end accountable!

That was awesome! You really showed your intellectual honesty there!

He is not mine. He is not my responsibility. He is not very relevant. Such people have no place at the table and very little voice. HE is already marginalized.

YOU people, are the Deep State and Mainstream Media, and Hollywood, and The Teachers Union, and ect ect ect.

YOU want me to join in going after them, while you still support the witch hunt against people that you know are innocent of the charges.

THat is just a plan, to expedite the Death of the REpublcian Party, and the rise of the One Party State, here in the US.

I am not going to support you in that.
The only reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama is black.
You know it and I know it.

You don't know shit you faggot ass bitch.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's family said he was born in Kenya you ignorant cock gobbler.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's college said he was an exchange student from Kenya.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Kenya said Obama was born in Kenya

How fucking stupid are you!!

As far as I am concerned it STILL has not been proven that he was NOT born in Kenya. His family said he was, Kenya said he was... ....only some copy of a paper pulled out of some deep state bureaucrat's ass says he wasn't.

What a language?

This is a problem when people like you believed anything from conspiracies.

Trump admitted that Obama was born in US. Are you saying Trump is lying again?
What part of that don’t you understand?

After Promoting Birther Movement, Trump Admits Obama Was Born In U.S.

After years of promoting conspiracies that President Obama was not born in the U.S., GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump on Friday conceded that the president was born in this country.
Try actually reading what the OP posted. "Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat (it's Democratic, douchebags) Party and actually vote in their best interest" and then he posts a poll about how white people feel better about race relations. African Americans don't...


Ah, so you mean in the context of how many blacks leave the democratic party, whites don't count?

And normally they DO COUNT?

They are the only ones that do count...in their own minds, hence the uptick in numbers under Trump. For blacks they've gone down, which completely destroys the OPs premise don't you agree?

No, I do not agree. There are many other possible explanations for the trends shown.

That you can only see one, that paints whites in a bad light, is simply racism on your part.

Oh, well then by all means please give us these possible explanations. Why do white people think race relations are better under Trump and black people don't?

Some possible explanations off the top of my head.

1. Obama was racist and whites are happy to not see racism coming at them from the Oval Office.

2. Obama's supporters constantly and falsely smeared normal partisan and ideological opposition to the President as "Racism". This is now stopped.

3. Trump is putting the focus on the nation on trade and the economy, which are unifying themes.

4. Relations are better, but the main stream media, is a hissy fit, is lying to blacks, misleading them.

5. The media is spending more time attacking Trump rather than white America. This leads whites to think race relations are better.

Any and all of these are valid possible explanations, that you could not even conceive of, because it did not serve your partisan agenda.

That is my point there. YOu are unable to think of something, if it does not serve your partisan agenda.

Not, "you don't agree with it". You can't even imagine something, that does not serve your lib agenda.

That is not good. That is you being the one with closed mind. That is you being the one drinking the kool-aid.

Oh PLEASE. How many times I blasted you for being a racist? How many times I blasted you of your fantasy of white employees only? You are a racist and a liar.

1. Give me an example why you think Obama is a racist.
An I’ll it prove to you that this unfit POTUS is a racist.

2. Prove it.

3. Crap like what? What is he doing with the economy?
Trade? Like farmers being hit the hardest 20% files 2019 bankruptcies? Farmers loss farms that they had for generations. Made them welfare recipients. We are paying for the tariffs but Trump is lying.

4. No. That is not true. Relations is the worst we’ve seen under this administration.

5. Trump deserves to be attacked for being a hypocrite pathological liar. He lied ALL the time but die hard supporters like you don’t know the differences.

Facts matters. Truth matters.

For Trump supporters like you. Fuck the facts. Truth? what is that?

Trump made us a racist, bully, liars, incompetent and laughing stock around the world. If not for the good economy he inherited from Obama. Trump is nothing but a corrupted disgusting dishonest piece of shit president. That’s a fact.
The only reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama is black.
You know it and I know it.

You don't know shit you faggot ass bitch.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's family said he was born in Kenya you ignorant cock gobbler.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's college said he was an exchange student from Kenya.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Kenya said Obama was born in Kenya

How fucking stupid are you!!

As far as I am concerned it STILL has not been proven that he was NOT born in Kenya. His family said he was, Kenya said he was... ....only some copy of a paper pulled out of some deep state bureaucrat's ass says he wasn't.

What a language?

This is a problem when people like you believed anything from conspiracies.

Trump admitted that Obama was born in US. Are you saying Trump is lying again?
What part of that don’t you understand?

After Promoting Birther Movement, Trump Admits Obama Was Born In U.S.

After years of promoting conspiracies that President Obama was not born in the U.S., GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump on Friday conceded that the president was born in this country.

Another lefty who doesnt' understand the concept of linear time.

We all saw how you were unable to address the points raised in defense of the birther movement.
Race relations and ‘position’ of minorities better under Trump than Obama

Well now, this is awkward....

Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat Plantation and actually vote in their best interest for once?
The Washington Examiner ? Are you fucking serious??!!

Washington Examiner - RationalWiki

The Washington Examiner is a right-wing political journal that is heavy on psychological projection and denialism. It could be thought of as Townhall.com's more "respectable" cousin, but even then, the site looks like a tabloid desperately trying to pass itself off as real news. It is common to see it used as a source among more extreme right-wingers who seem to like how proper the site pretends to be, despite Media Bias Fact Check stating that their factual reporting quality is mixed after failing numerous fact checks.[1]
Ah, so you mean in the context of how many blacks leave the democratic party, whites don't count?

And normally they DO COUNT?

They are the only ones that do count...in their own minds, hence the uptick in numbers under Trump. For blacks they've gone down, which completely destroys the OPs premise don't you agree?

No, I do not agree. There are many other possible explanations for the trends shown.

That you can only see one, that paints whites in a bad light, is simply racism on your part.

Oh, well then by all means please give us these possible explanations. Why do white people think race relations are better under Trump and black people don't?

Some possible explanations off the top of my head.

1. Obama was racist and whites are happy to not see racism coming at them from the Oval Office.

2. Obama's supporters constantly and falsely smeared normal partisan and ideological opposition to the President as "Racism". This is now stopped.

3. Trump is putting the focus on the nation on trade and the economy, which are unifying themes.

4. Relations are better, but the main stream media, is a hissy fit, is lying to blacks, misleading them.

5. The media is spending more time attacking Trump rather than white America. This leads whites to think race relations are better.

Any and all of these are valid possible explanations, that you could not even conceive of, because it did not serve your partisan agenda.

That is my point there. YOu are unable to think of something, if it does not serve your partisan agenda.

Not, "you don't agree with it". You can't even imagine something, that does not serve your lib agenda.

That is not good. That is you being the one with closed mind. That is you being the one drinking the kool-aid.

Oh PLEASE. How many times I blasted you for being a racist? How many times I blasted you of your fantasy of white employees only? You are a racist and a liar.

1. Give me an example why you think Obama is a racist.
An I’ll it prove to you that this unfit POTUS is a racist.

2. Prove it.

3. Crap like what? What is he doing with the economy?
Trade? Like farmers being hit the hardest 20% files 2019 bankruptcies? Farmers loss farms that they had for generations. Made them welfare recipients. We are paying for the tariffs but Trump is lying.

4. No. That is not true. Relations is the worst we’ve seen under this administration.

5. Trump deserves to be attacked for being a hypocrite pathological liar. He lied ALL the time but die hard supporters like you don’t know the differences.

Facts matters. Truth matters.

For Trump supporters like you. Fuck the facts. Truth? what is that?

Trump made us a racist, bully, liars, incompetent and laughing stock around the world. If not for the good economy he inherited from Obama. Trump is nothing but a corrupted disgusting dishonest piece of shit president. That’s a fact.

The question I was answering, what about the possible perceptions and intentions of Whites.

The fact that you disagree with these perceived reasons, does not mean that other people might not sincerely hold them.


INdeed, that you need that explained, makes you look to be a fucking moron.

Also, the fact that you have often accused me of racism, is not a slur against me, but just you being a race baiting asshole.
The only reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama is black.
You know it and I know it.

You don't know shit you faggot ass bitch.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's family said he was born in Kenya you ignorant cock gobbler.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's college said he was an exchange student from Kenya.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Kenya said Obama was born in Kenya

How fucking stupid are you!!

As far as I am concerned it STILL has not been proven that he was NOT born in Kenya. His family said he was, Kenya said he was... ....only some copy of a paper pulled out of some deep state bureaucrat's ass says he wasn't.

What a language?

This is a problem when people like you believed anything from conspiracies.

Trump admitted that Obama was born in US. Are you saying Trump is lying again?
What part of that don’t you understand?

After Promoting Birther Movement, Trump Admits Obama Was Born In U.S.

After years of promoting conspiracies that President Obama was not born in the U.S., GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump on Friday conceded that the president was born in this country.

Another lefty who doesnt' understand the concept of linear time.

We all saw how you were unable to address the points raised in defense of the birther movement.

Yes I did 100%. Unless you are telling me that Trump is not lying.
They are the only ones that do count...in their own minds, hence the uptick in numbers under Trump. For blacks they've gone down, which completely destroys the OPs premise don't you agree?

No, I do not agree. There are many other possible explanations for the trends shown.

That you can only see one, that paints whites in a bad light, is simply racism on your part.

Oh, well then by all means please give us these possible explanations. Why do white people think race relations are better under Trump and black people don't?

Some possible explanations off the top of my head.

1. Obama was racist and whites are happy to not see racism coming at them from the Oval Office.

2. Obama's supporters constantly and falsely smeared normal partisan and ideological opposition to the President as "Racism". This is now stopped.

3. Trump is putting the focus on the nation on trade and the economy, which are unifying themes.

4. Relations are better, but the main stream media, is a hissy fit, is lying to blacks, misleading them.

5. The media is spending more time attacking Trump rather than white America. This leads whites to think race relations are better.

Any and all of these are valid possible explanations, that you could not even conceive of, because it did not serve your partisan agenda.

That is my point there. YOu are unable to think of something, if it does not serve your partisan agenda.

Not, "you don't agree with it". You can't even imagine something, that does not serve your lib agenda.

That is not good. That is you being the one with closed mind. That is you being the one drinking the kool-aid.

Oh PLEASE. How many times I blasted you for being a racist? How many times I blasted you of your fantasy of white employees only? You are a racist and a liar.

1. Give me an example why you think Obama is a racist.
An I’ll it prove to you that this unfit POTUS is a racist.

2. Prove it.

3. Crap like what? What is he doing with the economy?
Trade? Like farmers being hit the hardest 20% files 2019 bankruptcies? Farmers loss farms that they had for generations. Made them welfare recipients. We are paying for the tariffs but Trump is lying.

4. No. That is not true. Relations is the worst we’ve seen under this administration.

5. Trump deserves to be attacked for being a hypocrite pathological liar. He lied ALL the time but die hard supporters like you don’t know the differences.

Facts matters. Truth matters.

For Trump supporters like you. Fuck the facts. Truth? what is that?

Trump made us a racist, bully, liars, incompetent and laughing stock around the world. If not for the good economy he inherited from Obama. Trump is nothing but a corrupted disgusting dishonest piece of shit president. That’s a fact.

The question I was answering, what about the possible perceptions and intentions of Whites.

The fact that you disagree with these perceived reasons, does not mean that other people might not sincerely hold them.


INdeed, that you need that explained, makes you look to be a fucking moron.

Also, the fact that you have often accused me of racism, is not a slur against me, but just you being a race baiting asshole.

Yet you cannot answer my line items that I gave you.

I already proved it to you that you are a racist 100%. Of course you’ll deny it.

Race relations under this administration is the worst garbage we’ve seen.

Did you listen to some of his rallies when he only catered for people like you? It’s you against me. When he attacked the democrats like different Americans? When he hump his podium oh Lisa Lisa oh Lisa. When he attacked homeless people from different cities. When he lied about tariffs. When he invited racist right wing leaders to the White House.

Give me a fucking break.
The only reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama is black.
You know it and I know it.

You don't know shit you faggot ass bitch.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's family said he was born in Kenya you ignorant cock gobbler.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's college said he was an exchange student from Kenya.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Kenya said Obama was born in Kenya

How fucking stupid are you!!

As far as I am concerned it STILL has not been proven that he was NOT born in Kenya. His family said he was, Kenya said he was... ....only some copy of a paper pulled out of some deep state bureaucrat's ass says he wasn't.

What a language?

This is a problem when people like you believed anything from conspiracies.

Trump admitted that Obama was born in US. Are you saying Trump is lying again?
What part of that don’t you understand?

After Promoting Birther Movement, Trump Admits Obama Was Born In U.S.

After years of promoting conspiracies that President Obama was not born in the U.S., GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump on Friday conceded that the president was born in this country.

Another lefty who doesnt' understand the concept of linear time.

We all saw how you were unable to address the points raised in defense of the birther movement.

Yes I did 100%. Unless you are telling me that Trump is not lying.

The issue raised was that the only justification for the Birther Issue was that Obama was black.

A number of points were presented, that disproved that.

You ignored all of that and presented something from the END of the Birther Movement, when the topic was, the REASON(S), for the Birther Movement.

What Trump CONCLUDED, years later, has no relevance to the REASONS, people has questions about the issue, years earlier.

I don't know what part of this, is too complex for you to understand. It seems pretty simple to me.
They are the only ones that do count...in their own minds, hence the uptick in numbers under Trump. For blacks they've gone down, which completely destroys the OPs premise don't you agree?

No, I do not agree. There are many other possible explanations for the trends shown.

That you can only see one, that paints whites in a bad light, is simply racism on your part.

Oh, well then by all means please give us these possible explanations. Why do white people think race relations are better under Trump and black people don't?

Some possible explanations off the top of my head.

1. Obama was racist and whites are happy to not see racism coming at them from the Oval Office.

2. Obama's supporters constantly and falsely smeared normal partisan and ideological opposition to the President as "Racism". This is now stopped.

3. Trump is putting the focus on the nation on trade and the economy, which are unifying themes.

4. Relations are better, but the main stream media, is a hissy fit, is lying to blacks, misleading them.

5. The media is spending more time attacking Trump rather than white America. This leads whites to think race relations are better.

Any and all of these are valid possible explanations, that you could not even conceive of, because it did not serve your partisan agenda.

That is my point there. YOu are unable to think of something, if it does not serve your partisan agenda.

Not, "you don't agree with it". You can't even imagine something, that does not serve your lib agenda.

That is not good. That is you being the one with closed mind. That is you being the one drinking the kool-aid.

Oh PLEASE. How many times I blasted you for being a racist? How many times I blasted you of your fantasy of white employees only? You are a racist and a liar.

1. Give me an example why you think Obama is a racist.
An I’ll it prove to you that this unfit POTUS is a racist.

2. Prove it.

3. Crap like what? What is he doing with the economy?
Trade? Like farmers being hit the hardest 20% files 2019 bankruptcies? Farmers loss farms that they had for generations. Made them welfare recipients. We are paying for the tariffs but Trump is lying.

4. No. That is not true. Relations is the worst we’ve seen under this administration.

5. Trump deserves to be attacked for being a hypocrite pathological liar. He lied ALL the time but die hard supporters like you don’t know the differences.

Facts matters. Truth matters.

For Trump supporters like you. Fuck the facts. Truth? what is that?

Trump made us a racist, bully, liars, incompetent and laughing stock around the world. If not for the good economy he inherited from Obama. Trump is nothing but a corrupted disgusting dishonest piece of shit president. That’s a fact.

The question I was answering, what about the possible perceptions and intentions of Whites.

The fact that you disagree with these perceived reasons, does not mean that other people might not sincerely hold them.


INdeed, that you need that explained, makes you look to be a fucking moron.

Also, the fact that you have often accused me of racism, is not a slur against me, but just you being a race baiting asshole.

You think I’m pissed with this inept POTUS. Think again. Even military relations with Trump is also at worst in history from pardoning a war criminal Gallagher and abandoning an ally the Kurds.

Top Navy SEAL officer to resign after apparent disagreements with Trump - Business Insider

The officer responsible for US Navy special-operations forces will step down from his position in September, The Intercept reported over the weekend.
Rear Adm. Collin Green's retirement follows the controversial court-martial of Special Warfare Operator Chief Eddie Gallagher.
No, I do not agree. There are many other possible explanations for the trends shown.

That you can only see one, that paints whites in a bad light, is simply racism on your part.

Oh, well then by all means please give us these possible explanations. Why do white people think race relations are better under Trump and black people don't?

Some possible explanations off the top of my head.

1. Obama was racist and whites are happy to not see racism coming at them from the Oval Office.

2. Obama's supporters constantly and falsely smeared normal partisan and ideological opposition to the President as "Racism". This is now stopped.

3. Trump is putting the focus on the nation on trade and the economy, which are unifying themes.

4. Relations are better, but the main stream media, is a hissy fit, is lying to blacks, misleading them.

5. The media is spending more time attacking Trump rather than white America. This leads whites to think race relations are better.

Any and all of these are valid possible explanations, that you could not even conceive of, because it did not serve your partisan agenda.

That is my point there. YOu are unable to think of something, if it does not serve your partisan agenda.

Not, "you don't agree with it". You can't even imagine something, that does not serve your lib agenda.

That is not good. That is you being the one with closed mind. That is you being the one drinking the kool-aid.

Oh PLEASE. How many times I blasted you for being a racist? How many times I blasted you of your fantasy of white employees only? You are a racist and a liar.

1. Give me an example why you think Obama is a racist.
An I’ll it prove to you that this unfit POTUS is a racist.

2. Prove it.

3. Crap like what? What is he doing with the economy?
Trade? Like farmers being hit the hardest 20% files 2019 bankruptcies? Farmers loss farms that they had for generations. Made them welfare recipients. We are paying for the tariffs but Trump is lying.

4. No. That is not true. Relations is the worst we’ve seen under this administration.

5. Trump deserves to be attacked for being a hypocrite pathological liar. He lied ALL the time but die hard supporters like you don’t know the differences.

Facts matters. Truth matters.

For Trump supporters like you. Fuck the facts. Truth? what is that?

Trump made us a racist, bully, liars, incompetent and laughing stock around the world. If not for the good economy he inherited from Obama. Trump is nothing but a corrupted disgusting dishonest piece of shit president. That’s a fact.

The question I was answering, what about the possible perceptions and intentions of Whites.

The fact that you disagree with these perceived reasons, does not mean that other people might not sincerely hold them.


INdeed, that you need that explained, makes you look to be a fucking moron.

Also, the fact that you have often accused me of racism, is not a slur against me, but just you being a race baiting asshole.

Yet you cannot answer my line items that I gave you.

I already proved it to you that you are a racist 100%. Of course you’ll deny it.

Race relations under this administration is the worst garbage we’ve seen.

Did you listen to some of his rallies when he only catered for people like you? It’s you against me. When he attacked the democrats like different Americans? When he hump his podium oh Lisa Lisa oh Lisa. When he attacked homeless people from different cities. When he lied about tariffs. When he invited racist right wing leaders to the White House.

Give me a fucking break.

1. I could and will happily address any issue you feel you want to discuss. But the question I was answering, what about the REASONS whites could have for feeling differently on a subject than blacks. That you disagree with those reasons, does not mean that other people did not sincerely feel them.

Admit that, or fuck off.

2. You have proved that you are a race baiting asshole. That is all you have proved.

3. Trump attacks political players. It is people like you, who attack large portions of the population and turn people against each other. Trump attacked Hillary. Hillary attacked Trump supporters.
The only reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama is black.
You know it and I know it.

You don't know shit you faggot ass bitch.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's family said he was born in Kenya you ignorant cock gobbler.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's college said he was an exchange student from Kenya.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Kenya said Obama was born in Kenya

How fucking stupid are you!!

As far as I am concerned it STILL has not been proven that he was NOT born in Kenya. His family said he was, Kenya said he was... ....only some copy of a paper pulled out of some deep state bureaucrat's ass says he wasn't.

What a language?

This is a problem when people like you believed anything from conspiracies.

Trump admitted that Obama was born in US. Are you saying Trump is lying again?
What part of that don’t you understand?

After Promoting Birther Movement, Trump Admits Obama Was Born In U.S.

After years of promoting conspiracies that President Obama was not born in the U.S., GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump on Friday conceded that the president was born in this country.

Another lefty who doesnt' understand the concept of linear time.

We all saw how you were unable to address the points raised in defense of the birther movement.

Yes I did 100%. Unless you are telling me that Trump is not lying.

The issue raised was that the only justification for the Birther Issue was that Obama was black.

A number of points were presented, that disproved that.

You ignored all of that and presented something from the END of the Birther Movement, when the topic was, the REASON(S), for the Birther Movement.

What Trump CONCLUDED, years later, has no relevance to the REASONS, people has questions about the issue, years earlier.

I don't know what part of this, is too complex for you to understand. It seems pretty simple to me.

The birther issue only started because of Trump. And that’s a fact.

The birther issue should end with Trump. But snowflakes like you refused to believe it because he is black president. What that makes you?

So NOW Trump own admission is now not acceptable?

People like you question after the fact because of conspiracy and your proof of ignorance is WHERE?
No, I do not agree. There are many other possible explanations for the trends shown.

That you can only see one, that paints whites in a bad light, is simply racism on your part.

Oh, well then by all means please give us these possible explanations. Why do white people think race relations are better under Trump and black people don't?

Some possible explanations off the top of my head.

1. Obama was racist and whites are happy to not see racism coming at them from the Oval Office.

2. Obama's supporters constantly and falsely smeared normal partisan and ideological opposition to the President as "Racism". This is now stopped.

3. Trump is putting the focus on the nation on trade and the economy, which are unifying themes.

4. Relations are better, but the main stream media, is a hissy fit, is lying to blacks, misleading them.

5. The media is spending more time attacking Trump rather than white America. This leads whites to think race relations are better.

Any and all of these are valid possible explanations, that you could not even conceive of, because it did not serve your partisan agenda.

That is my point there. YOu are unable to think of something, if it does not serve your partisan agenda.

Not, "you don't agree with it". You can't even imagine something, that does not serve your lib agenda.

That is not good. That is you being the one with closed mind. That is you being the one drinking the kool-aid.

Oh PLEASE. How many times I blasted you for being a racist? How many times I blasted you of your fantasy of white employees only? You are a racist and a liar.

1. Give me an example why you think Obama is a racist.
An I’ll it prove to you that this unfit POTUS is a racist.

2. Prove it.

3. Crap like what? What is he doing with the economy?
Trade? Like farmers being hit the hardest 20% files 2019 bankruptcies? Farmers loss farms that they had for generations. Made them welfare recipients. We are paying for the tariffs but Trump is lying.

4. No. That is not true. Relations is the worst we’ve seen under this administration.

5. Trump deserves to be attacked for being a hypocrite pathological liar. He lied ALL the time but die hard supporters like you don’t know the differences.

Facts matters. Truth matters.

For Trump supporters like you. Fuck the facts. Truth? what is that?

Trump made us a racist, bully, liars, incompetent and laughing stock around the world. If not for the good economy he inherited from Obama. Trump is nothing but a corrupted disgusting dishonest piece of shit president. That’s a fact.

The question I was answering, what about the possible perceptions and intentions of Whites.

The fact that you disagree with these perceived reasons, does not mean that other people might not sincerely hold them.


INdeed, that you need that explained, makes you look to be a fucking moron.

Also, the fact that you have often accused me of racism, is not a slur against me, but just you being a race baiting asshole.

You think I’m pissed with this inept POTUS. Think again. Even military relations with ......

So, you are just like that dropping all that shit you were on about, and just throwing some new shit against the wall?

The TOPIC is race relations are better under Trump. Someone asked me, why whites might feel that relations are better while blacks disagree.

My listing was a list of possible reasons.

You don't know shit you faggot ass bitch.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's family said he was born in Kenya you ignorant cock gobbler.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama's college said he was an exchange student from Kenya.

The reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Kenya said Obama was born in Kenya

How fucking stupid are you!!

As far as I am concerned it STILL has not been proven that he was NOT born in Kenya. His family said he was, Kenya said he was... ....only some copy of a paper pulled out of some deep state bureaucrat's ass says he wasn't.

What a language?

This is a problem when people like you believed anything from conspiracies.

Trump admitted that Obama was born in US. Are you saying Trump is lying again?
What part of that don’t you understand?

After Promoting Birther Movement, Trump Admits Obama Was Born In U.S.

After years of promoting conspiracies that President Obama was not born in the U.S., GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump on Friday conceded that the president was born in this country.

Another lefty who doesnt' understand the concept of linear time.

We all saw how you were unable to address the points raised in defense of the birther movement.

Yes I did 100%. Unless you are telling me that Trump is not lying.

The issue raised was that the only justification for the Birther Issue was that Obama was black.

A number of points were presented, that disproved that.

You ignored all of that and presented something from the END of the Birther Movement, when the topic was, the REASON(S), for the Birther Movement.

What Trump CONCLUDED, years later, has no relevance to the REASONS, people has questions about the issue, years earlier.

I don't know what part of this, is too complex for you to understand. It seems pretty simple to me.

The birther issue only started because of Trump. And that’s a fact.

The birther issue should end with Trump. But snowflakes like you refused to believe it because he is black president. What that makes you?

So NOW Trump own admission is now not acceptable?

People like you question after the fact because of conspiracy and your proof of ignorance is WHERE?

Above terri mentioned three other reasons for the birther issue. You have responded to these posts, but you have utterly failed to address the points raised.

You are nothing but an asshole troll. FUCK OFF.

Also, that fact that you can't even grasp the concept of linear time,

seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Seek medical help.
Oh, well then by all means please give us these possible explanations. Why do white people think race relations are better under Trump and black people don't?

Some possible explanations off the top of my head.

1. Obama was racist and whites are happy to not see racism coming at them from the Oval Office.

2. Obama's supporters constantly and falsely smeared normal partisan and ideological opposition to the President as "Racism". This is now stopped.

3. Trump is putting the focus on the nation on trade and the economy, which are unifying themes.

4. Relations are better, but the main stream media, is a hissy fit, is lying to blacks, misleading them.

5. The media is spending more time attacking Trump rather than white America. This leads whites to think race relations are better.

Any and all of these are valid possible explanations, that you could not even conceive of, because it did not serve your partisan agenda.

That is my point there. YOu are unable to think of something, if it does not serve your partisan agenda.

Not, "you don't agree with it". You can't even imagine something, that does not serve your lib agenda.

That is not good. That is you being the one with closed mind. That is you being the one drinking the kool-aid.

Oh PLEASE. How many times I blasted you for being a racist? How many times I blasted you of your fantasy of white employees only? You are a racist and a liar.

1. Give me an example why you think Obama is a racist.
An I’ll it prove to you that this unfit POTUS is a racist.

2. Prove it.

3. Crap like what? What is he doing with the economy?
Trade? Like farmers being hit the hardest 20% files 2019 bankruptcies? Farmers loss farms that they had for generations. Made them welfare recipients. We are paying for the tariffs but Trump is lying.

4. No. That is not true. Relations is the worst we’ve seen under this administration.

5. Trump deserves to be attacked for being a hypocrite pathological liar. He lied ALL the time but die hard supporters like you don’t know the differences.

Facts matters. Truth matters.

For Trump supporters like you. Fuck the facts. Truth? what is that?

Trump made us a racist, bully, liars, incompetent and laughing stock around the world. If not for the good economy he inherited from Obama. Trump is nothing but a corrupted disgusting dishonest piece of shit president. That’s a fact.

The question I was answering, what about the possible perceptions and intentions of Whites.

The fact that you disagree with these perceived reasons, does not mean that other people might not sincerely hold them.


INdeed, that you need that explained, makes you look to be a fucking moron.

Also, the fact that you have often accused me of racism, is not a slur against me, but just you being a race baiting asshole.

Yet you cannot answer my line items that I gave you.

I already proved it to you that you are a racist 100%. Of course you’ll deny it.

Race relations under this administration is the worst garbage we’ve seen.

Did you listen to some of his rallies when he only catered for people like you? It’s you against me. When he attacked the democrats like different Americans? When he hump his podium oh Lisa Lisa oh Lisa. When he attacked homeless people from different cities. When he lied about tariffs. When he invited racist right wing leaders to the White House.

Give me a fucking break.

1. I could and will happily address any issue you feel you want to discuss. But the question I was answering, what about the REASONS whites could have for feeling differently on a subject than blacks. That you disagree with those reasons, does not mean that other people did not sincerely feel them.

Admit that, or fuck off.

2. You have proved that you are a race baiting asshole. That is all you have proved.

3. Trump attacks political players. It is people like you, who attack large portions of the population and turn people against each other. Trump attacked Hillary. Hillary attacked Trump supporters.

1. Wrong answer. I asked you to prove Obama is a racist. You gave me your dishonest ignorant answer. Try again.

2. I asked you to prove it. You came out nothing.

You skip #3 and 4. At you scared to talk about Trade and Economy?

5. Trump attacked anyone that doesn’t agree with his ego. He attacked a dead person or 16 yo girl because he did not get cover of time magazine.

He even attacked a Nobel peace prize winner that didn’t say anything against Trump because he is jealous.
He even attacked homeless people.

Dude you can defend Trump as long as you want but.... Fact Matters and Truth Matters.
Some possible explanations off the top of my head.

1. Obama was racist and whites are happy to not see racism coming at them from the Oval Office.

2. Obama's supporters constantly and falsely smeared normal partisan and ideological opposition to the President as "Racism". This is now stopped.

3. Trump is putting the focus on the nation on trade and the economy, which are unifying themes.

4. Relations are better, but the main stream media, is a hissy fit, is lying to blacks, misleading them.

5. The media is spending more time attacking Trump rather than white America. This leads whites to think race relations are better.

Any and all of these are valid possible explanations, that you could not even conceive of, because it did not serve your partisan agenda.

That is my point there. YOu are unable to think of something, if it does not serve your partisan agenda.

Not, "you don't agree with it". You can't even imagine something, that does not serve your lib agenda.

That is not good. That is you being the one with closed mind. That is you being the one drinking the kool-aid.

Oh PLEASE. How many times I blasted you for being a racist? How many times I blasted you of your fantasy of white employees only? You are a racist and a liar.

1. Give me an example why you think Obama is a racist.
An I’ll it prove to you that this unfit POTUS is a racist.

2. Prove it.

3. Crap like what? What is he doing with the economy?
Trade? Like farmers being hit the hardest 20% files 2019 bankruptcies? Farmers loss farms that they had for generations. Made them welfare recipients. We are paying for the tariffs but Trump is lying.

4. No. That is not true. Relations is the worst we’ve seen under this administration.

5. Trump deserves to be attacked for being a hypocrite pathological liar. He lied ALL the time but die hard supporters like you don’t know the differences.

Facts matters. Truth matters.

For Trump supporters like you. Fuck the facts. Truth? what is that?

Trump made us a racist, bully, liars, incompetent and laughing stock around the world. If not for the good economy he inherited from Obama. Trump is nothing but a corrupted disgusting dishonest piece of shit president. That’s a fact.

The question I was answering, what about the possible perceptions and intentions of Whites.

The fact that you disagree with these perceived reasons, does not mean that other people might not sincerely hold them.


INdeed, that you need that explained, makes you look to be a fucking moron.

Also, the fact that you have often accused me of racism, is not a slur against me, but just you being a race baiting asshole.

Yet you cannot answer my line items that I gave you.

I already proved it to you that you are a racist 100%. Of course you’ll deny it.

Race relations under this administration is the worst garbage we’ve seen.

Did you listen to some of his rallies when he only catered for people like you? It’s you against me. When he attacked the democrats like different Americans? When he hump his podium oh Lisa Lisa oh Lisa. When he attacked homeless people from different cities. When he lied about tariffs. When he invited racist right wing leaders to the White House.

Give me a fucking break.

1. I could and will happily address any issue you feel you want to discuss. But the question I was answering, what about the REASONS whites could have for feeling differently on a subject than blacks. That you disagree with those reasons, does not mean that other people did not sincerely feel them.

Admit that, or fuck off.

2. You have proved that you are a race baiting asshole. That is all you have proved.

3. Trump attacks political players. It is people like you, who attack large portions of the population and turn people against each other. Trump attacked Hillary. Hillary attacked Trump supporters.

1. Wrong answer. I asked you to prove Obama is a racist. You gave me your dishonest ignorant answer. Try again.

2. I asked you to prove it. You came out nothing.

You skip #3 and 4. At you scared to talk about Trade and Economy?

5. Trump attacked anyone that doesn’t agree with his ego. He attacked a dead person or 16 yo girl because he did not get cover of time magazine.

He even attacked a Nobel peace prize winner that didn’t say anything against Trump because he is jealous.
He even attacked homeless people.

Dude you can defend Trump as long as you want but.... Fact Matters and Truth Matters.

1. Someone else asked, what other reasons could there be. That is the question you jumped into the middle of, you race baiting asshole.

2. The question was not whether their reasons were TRUE, which you will never admit no matter what, but whether there were any reasons. I proved that there are plenty of reasons. That is the topic, you freaking moron.

3. Save your gish galloping for someone stupid enough to not see though your bullshit. Pick your strongest example and I will address it seriously and honest, or fuck off.

4. Until then my point stands, Trump attacks, or more often counter attacks, political players who choose to enter the ring. Hillary and fuckers like her, attack regular people.
Oh, well then by all means please give us these possible explanations. Why do white people think race relations are better under Trump and black people don't?

Some possible explanations off the top of my head.

1. Obama was racist and whites are happy to not see racism coming at them from the Oval Office.

2. Obama's supporters constantly and falsely smeared normal partisan and ideological opposition to the President as "Racism". This is now stopped.

3. Trump is putting the focus on the nation on trade and the economy, which are unifying themes.

4. Relations are better, but the main stream media, is a hissy fit, is lying to blacks, misleading them.

5. The media is spending more time attacking Trump rather than white America. This leads whites to think race relations are better.

Any and all of these are valid possible explanations, that you could not even conceive of, because it did not serve your partisan agenda.

That is my point there. YOu are unable to think of something, if it does not serve your partisan agenda.

Not, "you don't agree with it". You can't even imagine something, that does not serve your lib agenda.

That is not good. That is you being the one with closed mind. That is you being the one drinking the kool-aid.

Oh PLEASE. How many times I blasted you for being a racist? How many times I blasted you of your fantasy of white employees only? You are a racist and a liar.

1. Give me an example why you think Obama is a racist.
An I’ll it prove to you that this unfit POTUS is a racist.

2. Prove it.

3. Crap like what? What is he doing with the economy?
Trade? Like farmers being hit the hardest 20% files 2019 bankruptcies? Farmers loss farms that they had for generations. Made them welfare recipients. We are paying for the tariffs but Trump is lying.

4. No. That is not true. Relations is the worst we’ve seen under this administration.

5. Trump deserves to be attacked for being a hypocrite pathological liar. He lied ALL the time but die hard supporters like you don’t know the differences.

Facts matters. Truth matters.

For Trump supporters like you. Fuck the facts. Truth? what is that?

Trump made us a racist, bully, liars, incompetent and laughing stock around the world. If not for the good economy he inherited from Obama. Trump is nothing but a corrupted disgusting dishonest piece of shit president. That’s a fact.

The question I was answering, what about the possible perceptions and intentions of Whites.

The fact that you disagree with these perceived reasons, does not mean that other people might not sincerely hold them.


INdeed, that you need that explained, makes you look to be a fucking moron.

Also, the fact that you have often accused me of racism, is not a slur against me, but just you being a race baiting asshole.

You think I’m pissed with this inept POTUS. Think again. Even military relations with ......

So, you are just like that dropping all that shit you were on about, and just throwing some new shit against the wall?

The TOPIC is race relations are better under Trump. Someone asked me, why whites might feel that relations are better while blacks disagree.

My listing was a list of possible reasons.


Dude race relations is at worst under this administration. That’s a fact.

I gave you several hard examples and of course Trump supporters ignorant like you defend him like he is a good person. Trump is a bad person.

Like this Ukraine scandal conspiracy created by this asshole. Think what damages he has done to relations between republicans and democrats.

Like his supports and promotes QAnon conspiracies.

Like his invitations of right wing racist garbage group to the WH.

Like his latest tweet Obama climbing the Trump tower accusing Obama of spying the Trump Tower.

So fucking tell me if race relations are better in this administration.

Race baiting? You already proved it me that you are a racist dog.

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