Race relations better under Trump than Obama

Wrong. You racist republicans couldn’t accept a black president.

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He would never have been president without white voter support so your statement is asinine, as well as false.
He would never have been President without that fake birth certificate

Thanks for proving my point.

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There is nothing in that statement that proves your point. Your read it, and make assumptions about the person reading it.

Which by itself is bad enough.

But then you take the additional and insane step of imagining that the words you read, are an actual admission of the assumptions you made, and holding the person saying them,

accountable for the shit you just made up in your head.

That is you being a liberal. And by "liberal" I mean, "insane".
The only reason the birth certificate was an issue is because Obama is black.
You know it and I know it.
The birth certificate was an issue for Ted Cruz, who is white
I did notice Obama's presidency bringing out racist comments in a few acquaintances I had previously presumed were above that. As far as this fall's election goes, I have my doubts that Trump will score significantly with blacks as the birther issue will haunt him.
Indeed, a lot of whites have a grudge about Trump needing to see Ted Cruz's birth certificate. It's like Trump has something against whites, right?
Race relations and ‘position’ of minorities better under Trump than Obama

Well now, this is awkward....

Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat Plantation and actually vote in their best interest for once?
The poll isn't broken down by race. White Trump supporters thinking race relations are better doesn't mean diddly.

Why not?
Only black Democrats can opine on race relations apparently

Because it doesn't seem to reflect any reality beyond what your political tribe tells you to think. This information relies on an unqualified poll. You're an old white Republican with old white guy values and opinions. A majority. Respectfully, you are the least qualified person to comment on current minority relations in this country. People will likely say 'ok Boomer' to you and dismiss your opinion on it's face, because it's quite apparent you've made no personal sacrifice to come to this conclusion.
I did notice Obama's presidency bringing out racist comments in a few acquaintances I had previously presumed were above that. As far as this fall's election goes, I have my doubts that Trump will score significantly with blacks as the birther issue will haunt him.
Indeed, a lot of whites have a grudge about Trump needing to see Ted Cruz's birth certificate. It's like Trump has something against whites, right?

Raphel Edward Cruz is a Cuban/American.
I did notice Obama's presidency bringing out racist comments in a few acquaintances I had previously presumed were above that. As far as this fall's election goes, I have my doubts that Trump will score significantly with blacks as the birther issue will haunt him.
Indeed, a lot of whites have a grudge about Trump needing to see Ted Cruz's birth certificate. It's like Trump has something against whites, right?

Raphel Edward Cruz is a Cuban/American.
Cuban American is not his race, nor is it one of the five races recognized by the US Census. He is white.
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Race relations and ‘position’ of minorities better under Trump than Obama

Well now, this is awkward....

Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat Plantation and actually vote in their best interest for once?
Lol, on what planet?
Plantation, not planet. Are you black?
Nope, just not a flaming racist like you guys.
We get that you're a racist, but my question was if you were black.
Race relations and ‘position’ of minorities better under Trump than Obama

Well now, this is awkward....

Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat Plantation and actually vote in their best interest for once?
Lol, on what planet?
Plantation, not planet. Are you black?
Nope, just not a flaming racist like you guys.
We get that you're a racist, but my question was if you were black.

Are you trying to be clever or are you really that stupid?
Russians. are pushing blacks - must be some negative reactions from them over the senate decision
He would never have been President without that fake birth certificate

Thanks for proving my point.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There is nothing in that statement that proves your point. Your read it, and make assumptions about the person reading it.

Which by itself is bad enough.

But then you take the additional and insane step of imagining that the words you read, are an actual admission of the assumptions you made, and holding the person saying them,

accountable for the shit you just made up in your head.

That is you being a liberal. And by "liberal" I mean, "insane".

Uh, we also have a previous statement from the racist dirtbag known as gulfman. Did you miss this?

Race relations better under Trump than Obama

Fair enough. In this instance. The behavior I describe is common enough though.

And on this board, that fuckface's comment is as common as air. You can't swing your purse in this board without hitting a fucking racist asshole. It's also where there is a disproportionate number of Trump supporters. Hmmmm...could there be a connection? YES!!!

THe vast majority of accusations of racism, are bullshit.

YOu, as a lib, assume racism, all the time, at the slightest excuse. You have no credibility when it comes to such accusations or judgments and should not have any.

Your talk about Trump, is more akin to "fighting words" than a real point.
Racist asshole checking in... Racists assholes tend to be in touch, aware of statistics and real world data...these racist assholes are courageous enough to say “FUCK PC” and smart enough to pay attention and create stereotypes that allow them to accurately forecast. The burden to shake these accurate stereotypes lies with the dark filth among us...they must change their behavior. I’d suggest you spend your time wisely, take to the streets of barrios and ghettos, lecture our pet humans, get the filthy fucks to act right and TA-DA!
Problem solved.
Here ya go, Correll, the stuff that doesn't exist any more.

Looking forward to you holding him accountable. Or not.

I'm looking forward to when you only call self admitted racists, racist.

Because with Big LIes like the Charlottesville Lie tearing this nation apart, the few actual racists, well the few actual WHITE racist, at this point in time, are not very relevant.
Race relations and ‘position’ of minorities better under Trump than Obama

Well now, this is awkward....

Wonder how many blacks will leave the Democrat Plantation and actually vote in their best interest for once?
The poll isn't broken down by race. White Trump supporters thinking race relations are better doesn't mean diddly.

Why not?
Only black Democrats can opine on race relations apparently

Because it doesn't seem to reflect any reality beyond what your political tribe tells you to think. This information relies on an unqualified poll. You're an old white Republican with old white guy values and opinions. A majority. Respectfully, you are the least qualified person to comment on current minority relations in this country. People will likely say 'ok Boomer' to you and dismiss your opinion on it's face, because it's quite apparent you've made no personal sacrifice to come to this conclusion.

This thread is about race relations, not minority relations.
Thanks for proving my point.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

There is nothing in that statement that proves your point. Your read it, and make assumptions about the person reading it.

Which by itself is bad enough.

But then you take the additional and insane step of imagining that the words you read, are an actual admission of the assumptions you made, and holding the person saying them,

accountable for the shit you just made up in your head.

That is you being a liberal. And by "liberal" I mean, "insane".

Uh, we also have a previous statement from the racist dirtbag known as gulfman. Did you miss this?

Race relations better under Trump than Obama

Fair enough. In this instance. The behavior I describe is common enough though.

And on this board, that fuckface's comment is as common as air. You can't swing your purse in this board without hitting a fucking racist asshole. It's also where there is a disproportionate number of Trump supporters. Hmmmm...could there be a connection? YES!!!

THe vast majority of accusations of racism, are bullshit.

YOu, as a lib, assume racism, all the time, at the slightest excuse. You have no credibility when it comes to such accusations or judgments and should not have any.

Your talk about Trump, is more akin to "fighting words" than a real point.

I, as a human being, see racist Trump supporters all over this board. You can pretend it's an anomaly, but statistics and studies say different.

Hate-Crime Violence Hits 16-Year High, F.B.I. Reports

Trump Voters Driven by Fear of Losing Status, Not Economic Anxiety, Study Finds
Racist asshole checking in... Racists assholes tend to be in touch, aware of statistics and real world data...these racist assholes are courageous enough to say “FUCK PC” and smart enough to pay attention and create stereotypes that allow them to accurately forecast. The burden to shake these accurate stereotypes lies with the dark filth among us...they must change their behavior. I’d suggest you spend your time wisely, take to the streets of barrios and ghettos, lecture our pet humans, get the filthy fucks to act right and TA-DA!
Problem solved.
Here ya go, Correll, the stuff that doesn't exist any more.

Looking forward to you holding him accountable. Or not.

I'm looking forward to when you only call self admitted racists, racist.

Because with Big LIes like the Charlottesville Lie tearing this nation apart, the few actual racists, well the few actual WHITE racist, at this point in time, are not very relevant.
Wow, you really let him have it! You really showed your passion for holding your end accountable!

That was awesome! You really showed your intellectual honesty there!
Racist asshole checking in... Racists assholes tend to be in touch, aware of statistics and real world data...these racist assholes are courageous enough to say “FUCK PC” and smart enough to pay attention and create stereotypes that allow them to accurately forecast. The burden to shake these accurate stereotypes lies with the dark filth among us...they must change their behavior. I’d suggest you spend your time wisely, take to the streets of barrios and ghettos, lecture our pet humans, get the filthy fucks to act right and TA-DA!
Problem solved.
Here ya go, Correll, the stuff that doesn't exist any more.

Looking forward to you holding him accountable. Or not.

I'm looking forward to when you only call self admitted racists, racist.

Because with Big LIes like the Charlottesville Lie tearing this nation apart, the few actual racists, well the few actual WHITE racist, at this point in time, are not very relevant.
Wow, you really let him have it! You really showed your passion for holding your end accountable!

That was awesome! You really showed your intellectual honesty there!

Is that what you do...let honest people “have it”?
How long will you expect people to play stupid and pretend the data doesn’t exist?

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