Racial Quotas.

Who is us?
The Collective????

What if "us" is the enterprise??? :eek::eek::eek:
Sorry I am referring to Americans. Racial quotas were set up to lower cases of institutional racism, but has this created a race based institutional infrastructure?
Sorry I am referring to Americans. Racial quotas were set up to lower cases of institutional racism, but has this created a race based institutional infrastructure?
There has always been a race based institutional infrastructure America. Why do you think whites own the majority of the resources here? They had a system based on race. It was worse than any quota system because it only catered to whites.
Sorry I am referring to Americans. Racial quotas were set up to lower cases of institutional racism, but has this created a race based institutional infrastructure?
There has always been a race based institutional infrastructure America. Why do you think whites own the majority of the resources here? They had a system based on race. It was worse than any quota system because it only catered to whites.

Do you think this may contribute to high unemployment rate with African Americans? What could we do to make it better?
"An employer can believe in equal opportunity, but still administer qualification test that penalize blacks". -Kenneth Prewitt

Does this statement hold water?
Sorry I am referring to Americans. Racial quotas were set up to lower cases of institutional racism, but has this created a race based institutional infrastructure?
There has always been a race based institutional infrastructure America. Why do you think whites own the majority of the resources here? They had a system based on race. It was worse than any quota system because it only catered to whites.

Do you think this may contribute to high unemployment rate with African Americans? What could we do to make it better?
Absolutely. Its not the entire reason but it is at the root of the problem. There are plenty of studies out there that show Blacks never get their foot in the door of opportunity for employment because whites and other races do not want to hire them. That doesnt mean they should stop looking but I know it gets discouraging. There is not much you can do but take advantage of every racial quota that falls your way and outperform everyone else.
Sorry I am referring to Americans. Racial quotas were set up to lower cases of institutional racism, but has this created a race based institutional infrastructure?
There has always been a race based institutional infrastructure America. Why do you think whites own the majority of the resources here? They had a system based on race. It was worse than any quota system because it only catered to whites.

Do you think this may contribute to high unemployment rate with African Americans? What could we do to make it better?

It will get better on its own. Remember we're barely 2 generations removed from black people being considered subhuman by law.
"An employer can believe in equal opportunity, but still administer qualification test that penalize blacks". -Kenneth Prewitt

Does this statement hold water?

Depends on what the test consists of. For instance. IQ tests. They dont test IQ as much as the test assimilation into a culture or accumulated knowledge.
They are a hindrance, There should be no quotas what so ever. Jobs, or scholarships should be given out by merit only.
Applications should be numbered with no way to denote gender or race.
Race can still be used as part of college admissions. Is it unfair?
No. Why would it be unfair?

some people would say because if a college excepts a less qualified student because they need a more diverse student body that would be unfair to the more qualified student.
Those that would say that dont know their history nor the rationale behind this. The person that the college picks is the most qualified student. They are not just trying to get the people with the highest GPA's. The colleges are trying to create an environment. Therefore GPA is only a part of the qualification..

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