Racism is apparently over

I used to believe that racism existed. Oh, I never thought it was as bad as many people said. I simply believed that racism existed in many subtle forms in certain pockets around the country.

Are you suggesting that lynchings didn't occur or that a lynching was a subtle form of racism?

However, I'm beginning to wonder if I was mislead.
Recently, in the news, racism as been presented to us in these stories:
1. George Zimmerman is a murdering racist. Apparently I'm supposed to ignore what the police, jury and FBI said.

Apparently you have ignored what the jury said.

2. Billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, was denied the opportunity to look at an expensive purse. Granted, this happened outside the United States, however, this "incident" is also being used as a way to discuss the continual existence of racism in the world, and by extension, America. She has of course backed down afterwards as the shopkeeper accused her of lying. It has also been noted that this was a possible PR stunt in the wake of Oprah's upcoming movie about racism.

Do you know what happened in the store? I don't, but here's a version:

Swiss store: Oprah spat a 'misunderstanding' - The Local

3. A rodeo clown is banned for life for wearing an Obama mask. As others have pointed out, other rodeo clowns have warn masks of other presidents and there was no controversy.

The clown served at the pleasure of his employer. Do you know what motivated the employer to can the clown. Maybe not racism, maybe the employer is simply a patriot who believes the POTUS deserves a certain amount of respect and was pissed off at the lack of decorum.

The fact is though, I guess I still believe racism exists. If I were only to get my information from the main stream press however I would believe we have eradicated racism all together and all that is left are race baiting demagogues and yellow journalism.

Your last paragraph was rather odd, racism exists. It always has, not only here in America, and not only at this time in our history.

However, I don't get you comment about the main stream press. Are you a ditto head?

I have not ignored what the jury, police and FBI said in terms of the Zimmerman case. Apparently, I'm one of the few.

I never suggested lynchings never occurred. I am talking about what passes for racism today. I suspect a lynching would have stolen the headlines from Rodeo Obama and Oprah's civil rights purse movement.

No, I don't know what happened in the store between Oprah and the shopgirl. This is why I am hesitant to assume it is a racial incident. Oprah and the shop girl have two different stories on the matter and unlike many members of the press I did not ASSUME anything.

As for the rodeo clown, I wasn't talking about him being fired. I was talking about journalists and pundits insisting that the act of wearing an Obama mask in a rodeo was a racist act.

As for being a dittohead. It wouldn't surprise me if I were. He's on way to early for me to listen to but I have heard him say things I've agreed with. I'm also a Reaganhead, G.K. Chestertonhead, Edmund Burkehead and Spockhead (I love all things Star Trek). I hope this has helped you pigeonhole me into a category you can more easily understand.

Eclectic egoist? As for Limbaugh, "give enough monkey's enough typewriters ..."

I believe the elected President of the United States deserves respect. one can disagree with him (or her) and still be civil. I know GWB was treated poorly, but I always referred to him as President Bush or The President in my postings. I doubt I ever agreed with anything he did, and posted my reasons why without being disrespectful.
Why are 99% of threads on this site about racism started by a republican complaining that people are being racist against them and/or white people?

Try answering that question yourself. After you go back and research the many thousands of times your fellow liberal minions have labeled board conservatives as 'racist' with absolutely no basis for the name called whatsoever.
You have some set for even asking this question.
Or is this not a question at all, but just a backhanded way of labeling all conservatives as racist?

I don't know. I get into too many stupid arguments with posters here arguing that minorities are "intellectually inferior" or should be "paid not to have kids" and shit like that... and conservatives on here either pop in to support a part of the OP or ignore the thread entirely.

And then in contrast someone will post an Al Sharpton quote or something and every conservative poster ever jumps into the thread like their lives depend on it and are supremely outraged and claiming that all democrats think like that and that the country is dying from reverse racism and blah blah blah. When really Al Sharpton gets terrible ratings and everyone and their mother knows that he's a crazy old blowhard.

I'm just overly bitter I suppose.
You should have stopped at "I'don't know" and "ignored the thread"...
With the latter, you are in a way describing my typical reaction to race threads. I look them over and find them to be disguises as attacks on the conservative ideology. So I dismiss them out of hand.
Thanks for being civil in your response.
I will add to your rep for that.
How long will it take this thread to be moved to the race relations section?

I personally didn't want this thread to be specifically about race as opposed to how the press reports on race. My opinion was more of a rebuke about how the press and others use race as a way to substantiate a false narrative because the stories on bigotry are either weak or nonexistent.
I could have gone back further to the Duke LaCrosse rape case, Tawana Brawley, etc, but I wanted to focus on more recent stories.
Here is the point I'm really trying to make. The press is agenda driven and politically biased and doesn't mind stirring racial tension by using non racial events. This act lessens the real horrors of true racism and helps no one in the long run.

This is typical. No surprise here.
I used to believe that racism existed. Oh, I never thought it was as bad as many people said. I simply believed that racism existed in many subtle forms in certain pockets around the country. However, I'm beginning to wonder if I was mislead.
Recently, in the news, racism as been presented to us in these stories:
1. George Zimmerman is a murdering racist. Apparently I'm supposed to ignore what the police, jury and FBI said.
2. Billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, was denied the opportunity to look at an expensive purse. Granted, this happened outside the United States, however, this "incident" is also being used as a way to discuss the continual existence of racism in the world, and by extension, America. She has of course backed down afterwards as the shopkeeper accused her of lying. It has also been noted that this was a possible PR stunt in the wake of Oprah's upcoming movie about racism.
3. A rodeo clown is banned for life for wearing an Obama mask. As others have pointed out, other rodeo clowns have warn masks of other presidents and there was no controversy.

The fact is though, I guess I still believe racism exists. If I were only to get my information from the main stream press however I would believe we have eradicated racism all together and all that is left are race baiting demagogues and yellow journalism.

You’re entitled to your incorrect perceptions with regard to racism, and your ignorance of the subject over all, as the anecdotal incidents you cite have little to do with racism as it exists in America today.

And your incorrect perception is typical of most conservatives, who buy into the myth that racism is a contrivance of the left and ‘the media,’ oblivious to the various manifestations of racism that exist in this country.

The problem, however, is as a consequence to this, you close your minds to the reality of racism, and refuse to enter into good faith debate with African-Americans and other minorities as to their legitimate concerns with regard to race.
IMHO, when the media, Al & Jessie, etc. cry racism over issues that are ambiguously racist at best, they are in effect perpetuating racism.
I used to believe that racism existed. Oh, I never thought it was as bad as many people said. I simply believed that racism existed in many subtle forms in certain pockets around the country. However, I'm beginning to wonder if I was mislead.
Recently, in the news, racism as been presented to us in these stories:
1. George Zimmerman is a murdering racist. Apparently I'm supposed to ignore what the police, jury and FBI said.
2. Billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, was denied the opportunity to look at an expensive purse. Granted, this happened outside the United States, however, this "incident" is also being used as a way to discuss the continual existence of racism in the world, and by extension, America. She has of course backed down afterwards as the shopkeeper accused her of lying. It has also been noted that this was a possible PR stunt in the wake of Oprah's upcoming movie about racism.
3. A rodeo clown is banned for life for wearing an Obama mask. As others have pointed out, other rodeo clowns have warn masks of other presidents and there was no controversy.

The fact is though, I guess I still believe racism exists. If I were only to get my information from the main stream press however I would believe we have eradicated racism all together and all that is left are race baiting demagogues and yellow journalism.

You’re entitled to your incorrect perceptions with regard to racism, and your ignorance of the subject over all, as the anecdotal incidents you cite have little to do with racism as it exists in America today.

And your incorrect perception is typical of most conservatives, who buy into the myth that racism is a contrivance of the left and ‘the media,’ oblivious to the various manifestations of racism that exist in this country.

The problem, however, is as a consequence to this, you close your minds to the reality of racism, and refuse to enter into good faith debate with African-Americans and other minorities as to their legitimate concerns with regard to race.
Contrary to the beliefs of those on the political left, there is not a racist under every bed and not every Caucasian is a racist.
I used to believe that racism existed. Oh, I never thought it was as bad as many people said. I simply believed that racism existed in many subtle forms in certain pockets around the country. However, I'm beginning to wonder if I was mislead.
Recently, in the news, racism as been presented to us in these stories:
1. George Zimmerman is a murdering racist. Apparently I'm supposed to ignore what the police, jury and FBI said.
2. Billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, was denied the opportunity to look at an expensive purse. Granted, this happened outside the United States, however, this "incident" is also being used as a way to discuss the continual existence of racism in the world, and by extension, America. She has of course backed down afterwards as the shopkeeper accused her of lying. It has also been noted that this was a possible PR stunt in the wake of Oprah's upcoming movie about racism.
3. A rodeo clown is banned for life for wearing an Obama mask. As others have pointed out, other rodeo clowns have warn masks of other presidents and there was no controversy.

The fact is though, I guess I still believe racism exists. If I were only to get my information from the main stream press however I would believe we have eradicated racism all together and all that is left are race baiting demagogues and yellow journalism.

You’re entitled to your incorrect perceptions with regard to racism, and your ignorance of the subject over all, as the anecdotal incidents you cite have little to do with racism as it exists in America today.

And your incorrect perception is typical of most conservatives, who buy into the myth that racism is a contrivance of the left and ‘the media,’ oblivious to the various manifestations of racism that exist in this country.

The problem, however, is as a consequence to this, you close your minds to the reality of racism, and refuse to enter into good faith debate with African-Americans and other minorities as to their legitimate concerns with regard to race.

My contention is that ignorance of racism is often derived from the press. I also agree with you that the anecdotal incidents I cite have little to do with racism as it exists today. That was my point. Why do anecdotal incidences become headlines? Does this not lessen real charges of racism?

I also do not think racism is a contrivance of the left and "the media". I think the media ignores various manifestations of racism in order to follow a politically motivated narrative and of course, sell newspapers. A headline with Oprah in it is going to sell more papers than a headline involving somebody who has actually been victimized by racism but is not famous.

As for a good faith debate with African-Americans and other minorities. I'm all for it.
I used to believe that racism existed. Oh, I never thought it was as bad as many people said. I simply believed that racism existed in many subtle forms in certain pockets around the country. However, I'm beginning to wonder if I was mislead.
Recently, in the news, racism as been presented to us in these stories:
1. George Zimmerman is a murdering racist. Apparently I'm supposed to ignore what the police, jury and FBI said.
2. Billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, was denied the opportunity to look at an expensive purse. Granted, this happened outside the United States, however, this "incident" is also being used as a way to discuss the continual existence of racism in the world, and by extension, America. She has of course backed down afterwards as the shopkeeper accused her of lying. It has also been noted that this was a possible PR stunt in the wake of Oprah's upcoming movie about racism.
3. A rodeo clown is banned for life for wearing an Obama mask. As others have pointed out, other rodeo clowns have warn masks of other presidents and there was no controversy.

The fact is though, I guess I still believe racism exists. If I were only to get my information from the main stream press however I would believe we have eradicated racism all together and all that is left are race baiting demagogues and yellow journalism.

You’re entitled to your incorrect perceptions with regard to racism, and your ignorance of the subject over all, as the anecdotal incidents you cite have little to do with racism as it exists in America today.

And your incorrect perception is typical of most conservatives, who buy into the myth that racism is a contrivance of the left and ‘the media,’ oblivious to the various manifestations of racism that exist in this country.

The problem, however, is as a consequence to this, you close your minds to the reality of racism, and refuse to enter into good faith debate with African-Americans and other minorities as to their legitimate concerns with regard to race.

My contention is that ignorance of racism is often derived from the press. I also agree with you that the anecdotal incidents I cite have little to do with racism as it exists today. That was my point. Why do anecdotal incidences become headlines? Does this not lessen real charges of racism?

I also do not think racism is a contrivance of the left and "the media". I think the media ignores various manifestations of racism in order to follow a politically motivated narrative and of course, sell newspapers. A headline with Oprah in it is going to sell more papers than a headline involving somebody who has actually been victimized by racism but is not famous.

As for a good faith debate with African-Americans and other minorities. I'm all for it.

People are afraid to have an honest debate about race with "African-Americans" because if they disagree, they get hit with the race card.
Your last paragraph was rather odd, racism exists. It always has, not only here in America, and not only at this time in our history.

However, I don't get you comment about the main stream press. Are you a ditto head?

I have not ignored what the jury, police and FBI said in terms of the Zimmerman case. Apparently, I'm one of the few.

I never suggested lynchings never occurred. I am talking about what passes for racism today. I suspect a lynching would have stolen the headlines from Rodeo Obama and Oprah's civil rights purse movement.

No, I don't know what happened in the store between Oprah and the shopgirl. This is why I am hesitant to assume it is a racial incident. Oprah and the shop girl have two different stories on the matter and unlike many members of the press I did not ASSUME anything.

As for the rodeo clown, I wasn't talking about him being fired. I was talking about journalists and pundits insisting that the act of wearing an Obama mask in a rodeo was a racist act.

As for being a dittohead. It wouldn't surprise me if I were. He's on way to early for me to listen to but I have heard him say things I've agreed with. I'm also a Reaganhead, G.K. Chestertonhead, Edmund Burkehead and Spockhead (I love all things Star Trek). I hope this has helped you pigeonhole me into a category you can more easily understand.

Eclectic egoist? As for Limbaugh, "give enough monkey's enough typewriters ..."

I believe the elected President of the United States deserves respect. one can disagree with him (or her) and still be civil. I know GWB was treated poorly, but I always referred to him as President Bush or The President in my postings. I doubt I ever agreed with anything he did, and posted my reasons why without being disrespectful.

I prefer the term "eclectic genius" but whatever. Yea, you don't like Limbaugh, thanks for sharing. As for the rest of what you wrote, I agree with ya.
You’re entitled to your incorrect perceptions with regard to racism, and your ignorance of the subject over all, as the anecdotal incidents you cite have little to do with racism as it exists in America today.

And your incorrect perception is typical of most conservatives, who buy into the myth that racism is a contrivance of the left and ‘the media,’ oblivious to the various manifestations of racism that exist in this country.

The problem, however, is as a consequence to this, you close your minds to the reality of racism, and refuse to enter into good faith debate with African-Americans and other minorities as to their legitimate concerns with regard to race.

My contention is that ignorance of racism is often derived from the press. I also agree with you that the anecdotal incidents I cite have little to do with racism as it exists today. That was my point. Why do anecdotal incidences become headlines? Does this not lessen real charges of racism?

I also do not think racism is a contrivance of the left and "the media". I think the media ignores various manifestations of racism in order to follow a politically motivated narrative and of course, sell newspapers. A headline with Oprah in it is going to sell more papers than a headline involving somebody who has actually been victimized by racism but is not famous.

As for a good faith debate with African-Americans and other minorities. I'm all for it.

People are afraid to have an honest debate about race with "African-Americans" because if they disagree, they get hit with the race card.

I hope nobody is expecting an honest discussion on race from the press. I remember CNN having a race-a-thon where every race baiting African American liberal was reiterating what the person next to him had just said. It was quite the echo chamber. This idea that the press seems to have that all "real" African Americans think the same is part of the problem.
I used to believe that racism existed. Oh, I never thought it was as bad as many people said. I simply believed that racism existed in many subtle forms in certain pockets around the country.

Are you suggesting that lynchings didn't occur or that a lynching was a subtle form of racism?

However, I'm beginning to wonder if I was mislead.
Recently, in the news, racism as been presented to us in these stories:
1. George Zimmerman is a murdering racist. Apparently I'm supposed to ignore what the police, jury and FBI said.

Apparently you have ignored what the jury said.
the jury said not guilty due to self defense.
2. Billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, was denied the opportunity to look at an expensive purse. Granted, this happened outside the United States, however, this "incident" is also being used as a way to discuss the continual existence of racism in the world, and by extension, America. She has of course backed down afterwards as the shopkeeper accused her of lying. It has also been noted that this was a possible PR stunt in the wake of Oprah's upcoming movie about racism.

Do you know what happened in the store? I don't, but here's a version:

Swiss store: Oprah spat a 'misunderstanding' - The Local
Oprah backed down from her claim after it was challenged. Pretty much supports the claim she made it up
3. A rodeo clown is banned for life for wearing an Obama mask. As others have pointed out, other rodeo clowns have warn masks of other presidents and there was no controversy.

The clown served at the pleasure of his employer. Do you know what motivated the employer to can the clown. Maybe not racism, maybe the employer is simply a patriot who believes the POTUS deserves a certain amount of respect and was pissed off at the lack of decorum.
meanwhile kill Bush was all the rage for 8 years and you did not mind one bit
The fact is though, I guess I still believe racism exists. If I were only to get my information from the main stream press however I would believe we have eradicated racism all together and all that is left are race baiting demagogues and yellow journalism.

Your last paragraph was rather odd, racism exists. It always has, not only here in America, and not only at this time in our history.

However, I don't get you comment about the main stream press. Are you a ditto head?

You sir are retarded.
I used to believe that racism existed. Oh, I never thought it was as bad as many people said. I simply believed that racism existed in many subtle forms in certain pockets around the country. However, I'm beginning to wonder if I was mislead.
Recently, in the news, racism as been presented to us in these stories:
1. George Zimmerman is a murdering racist. Apparently I'm supposed to ignore what the police, jury and FBI said.
2. Billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, was denied the opportunity to look at an expensive purse. Granted, this happened outside the United States, however, this "incident" is also being used as a way to discuss the continual existence of racism in the world, and by extension, America. She has of course backed down afterwards as the shopkeeper accused her of lying. It has also been noted that this was a possible PR stunt in the wake of Oprah's upcoming movie about racism.
3. A rodeo clown is banned for life for wearing an Obama mask. As others have pointed out, other rodeo clowns have warn masks of other presidents and there was no controversy.

The fact is though, I guess I still believe racism exists. If I were only to get my information from the main stream press however I would believe we have eradicated racism all together and all that is left are race baiting demagogues and yellow journalism.

You’re entitled to your incorrect perceptions with regard to racism, and your ignorance of the subject over all, as the anecdotal incidents you cite have little to do with racism as it exists in America today.

And your incorrect perception is typical of most conservatives, who buy into the myth that racism is a contrivance of the left and ‘the media,’ oblivious to the various manifestations of racism that exist in this country.

The problem, however, is as a consequence to this, you close your minds to the reality of racism, and refuse to enter into good faith debate with African-Americans and other minorities as to their legitimate concerns with regard to race.

So, here's a random idea...
Instead of insulting and broad brushing, why don't you man up and begin educating?
I used to believe that racism existed. Oh, I never thought it was as bad as many people said. I simply believed that racism existed in many subtle forms in certain pockets around the country. However, I'm beginning to wonder if I was mislead.
Recently, in the news, racism as been presented to us in these stories:
1. George Zimmerman is a murdering racist. Apparently I'm supposed to ignore what the police, jury and FBI said.
2. Billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, was denied the opportunity to look at an expensive purse. Granted, this happened outside the United States, however, this "incident" is also being used as a way to discuss the continual existence of racism in the world, and by extension, America. She has of course backed down afterwards as the shopkeeper accused her of lying. It has also been noted that this was a possible PR stunt in the wake of Oprah's upcoming movie about racism.
3. A rodeo clown is banned for life for wearing an Obama mask. As others have pointed out, other rodeo clowns have warn masks of other presidents and there was no controversy.

The fact is though, I guess I still believe racism exists. If I were only to get my information from the main stream press however I would believe we have eradicated racism all together and all that is left are race baiting demagogues and yellow journalism.

Quick question..................when those rodeo clowns wore the masks of other American presidents, did the announcer make a whole bunch of crappy comments about the CIC?

If you can find one, post a link. I dare you, because it wasn't until Obama was elected that people started making really messed up remarks about him.

Like I said, find a link where another rodeo clown dressed up as another president and was berated by the announcer for being an idiot.

I'm guessing you'll never find one.
Dat's right...
... now we can do away with Affirmative Action...

... `cause now even a lil' black kid...

... can grow up to be President...

... if he's willin' to study an' work hard...

... instead o' hangin' onna street corner sellin' drugs...

... so's Uncle Ferd can get his job back...

... wringin' farts outta shirt-tails atta dry cleanery.
I used to believe that racism existed. Oh, I never thought it was as bad as many people said. I simply believed that racism existed in many subtle forms in certain pockets around the country. However, I'm beginning to wonder if I was mislead.
Recently, in the news, racism as been presented to us in these stories:
1. George Zimmerman is a murdering racist. Apparently I'm supposed to ignore what the police, jury and FBI said.
2. Billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, was denied the opportunity to look at an expensive purse. Granted, this happened outside the United States, however, this "incident" is also being used as a way to discuss the continual existence of racism in the world, and by extension, America. She has of course backed down afterwards as the shopkeeper accused her of lying. It has also been noted that this was a possible PR stunt in the wake of Oprah's upcoming movie about racism.
3. A rodeo clown is banned for life for wearing an Obama mask. As others have pointed out, other rodeo clowns have warn masks of other presidents and there was no controversy.

The fact is though, I guess I still believe racism exists. If I were only to get my information from the main stream press however I would believe we have eradicated racism all together and all that is left are race baiting demagogues and yellow journalism.

Quick question..................when those rodeo clowns wore the masks of other American presidents, did the announcer make a whole bunch of crappy comments about the CIC?

If you can find one, post a link. I dare you, because it wasn't until Obama was elected that people started making really messed up remarks about him.

Like I said, find a link where another rodeo clown dressed up as another president and was berated by the announcer for being an idiot.

I'm guessing you'll never find one.

I don't know if crappy comments were made about other mask wearing rodeo clowns or not, nor do I particularly care. The comments regarding "racism" and "black face" and "minstrel show" in regards to the rodeo clown in question only dilutes real racism. Being insulting to a president , though possibly tacky, is not racist in itself. It is my humble opinion that the press manufactures racial outrage for a political and monetary purpose as opposed to reporting actual news (including actual racism).
By the way, if you think making crappy comments about the president is wrong then I suggest you stay away from Jon Stewart, Jay Leno and Egypt. For that matter, stay away from Michelle Obama and her daughters who refer to the president as "stinky" and "snorey". Damned racists!
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