Racism is apparently over

I used to believe that racism existed. Oh, I never thought it was as bad as many people said. I simply believed that racism existed in many subtle forms in certain pockets around the country. However, I'm beginning to wonder if I was mislead.
Recently, in the news, racism as been presented to us in these stories:
1. George Zimmerman is a murdering racist. Apparently I'm supposed to ignore what the police, jury and FBI said.
2. Billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, was denied the opportunity to look at an expensive purse. Granted, this happened outside the United States, however, this "incident" is also being used as a way to discuss the continual existence of racism in the world, and by extension, America. She has of course backed down afterwards as the shopkeeper accused her of lying. It has also been noted that this was a possible PR stunt in the wake of Oprah's upcoming movie about racism.
3. A rodeo clown is banned for life for wearing an Obama mask. As others have pointed out, other rodeo clowns have warn masks of other presidents and there was no controversy.

The fact is though, I guess I still believe racism exists. If I were only to get my information from the main stream press however I would believe we have eradicated racism all together and all that is left are race baiting demagogues and yellow journalism.

Quick question..................when those rodeo clowns wore the masks of other American presidents, did the announcer make a whole bunch of crappy comments about the CIC?

If you can find one, post a link. I dare you, because it wasn't until Obama was elected that people started making really messed up remarks about him.

Like I said, find a link where another rodeo clown dressed up as another president and was berated by the announcer for being an idiot.

I'm guessing you'll never find one.

I don't know if crappy comments were made about other mask wearing rodeo clowns or not, nor do I particularly care. The comments regarding "racism" and "black face" and "minstrel show" in regards to the rodeo clown in question only dilutes real racism. Being insulting to a president , though possibly tacky, is not racist in itself. It is my humble opinion that the press manufactures racial outrage for a political and monetary purpose as opposed to reporting actual news (including actual racism).
By the way, if you think making crappy comments about the president is wrong then I suggest you stay away from Jon Stewart, Jay Leno and Egypt. For that matter, stay away from Michelle Obama and her daughters who refer to the president as "stinky" and "snorey". Damned racists!

Just what I thought......................you can't provide links, nor do you wish to, because they would end up exploding your point.

BTW..................Jon Stewart has made disparaging comments about ALL presidents because that's his job. Political satire..................have you heard of it? Same with Jay Leno.

Still wondering what Egypt has to do with anything............that's not satire, that's a tragedy.

Got links for Michelle and his daughters saying that Obama is "stinky" and "snorey"?
I used to believe that racism existed. Oh, I never thought it was as bad as many people said. I simply believed that racism existed in many subtle forms in certain pockets around the country. However, I'm beginning to wonder if I was mislead.
Recently, in the news, racism as been presented to us in these stories:
1. George Zimmerman is a murdering racist. Apparently I'm supposed to ignore what the police, jury and FBI said.
2. Billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, was denied the opportunity to look at an expensive purse. Granted, this happened outside the United States, however, this "incident" is also being used as a way to discuss the continual existence of racism in the world, and by extension, America. She has of course backed down afterwards as the shopkeeper accused her of lying. It has also been noted that this was a possible PR stunt in the wake of Oprah's upcoming movie about racism.
3. A rodeo clown is banned for life for wearing an Obama mask. As others have pointed out, other rodeo clowns have warn masks of other presidents and there was no controversy.

The fact is though, I guess I still believe racism exists. If I were only to get my information from the main stream press however I would believe we have eradicated racism all together and all that is left are race baiting demagogues and yellow journalism.
Racism has always existed and always will until the day we treat people as individuals, not blacks, not Latinos, not Muslims, but people. As long as we make collective judgement based on stereotypes, racism and all other forms of bigotry will thrive.

You are confusing racism with prejudice. The whole point of anti racism is to stop people from judging others as individuals and judge them according to what collective group they belong to. The whole point of racist labels is to create a group that by virtue of being in that group is immune from considering them as individuals.

Prejudice means to prejudge, will always exist. It must always exist and is an essential element of survival. Stereotypes exist because they are very often true. They don't get to be stereotypes unless they have been proven true time and time again.
ABikerSailor;7701397 Got links for Michelle and his daughters saying that Obama is "stinky" and "snorey"?[/QUOTE said:
Michelle Obama Gets Personal - ABC News

Michelle Obama, wife of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois disclosed that her two girls refuse to cuddle with her husband in the morning because he is too "snore-y and stinky."
The Obama Presidency has shown Americans what the Progressive definition of racism is.. "Anything contrary to what a liberal believes." Only in the Zombie mindset can an African American conservative be labeled a racist.. It has nothing to do with his culture, his intellect and yet everything to do with refusing to be whipped on the Leftist Plantation of segregated and institutionalized racism.
Quick question..................when those rodeo clowns wore the masks of other American presidents, did the announcer make a whole bunch of crappy comments about the CIC?

If you can find one, post a link. I dare you, because it wasn't until Obama was elected that people started making really messed up remarks about him.

Like I said, find a link where another rodeo clown dressed up as another president and was berated by the announcer for being an idiot.

I'm guessing you'll never find one.

I don't know if crappy comments were made about other mask wearing rodeo clowns or not, nor do I particularly care. The comments regarding "racism" and "black face" and "minstrel show" in regards to the rodeo clown in question only dilutes real racism. Being insulting to a president , though possibly tacky, is not racist in itself. It is my humble opinion that the press manufactures racial outrage for a political and monetary purpose as opposed to reporting actual news (including actual racism).
By the way, if you think making crappy comments about the president is wrong then I suggest you stay away from Jon Stewart, Jay Leno and Egypt. For that matter, stay away from Michelle Obama and her daughters who refer to the president as "stinky" and "snorey". Damned racists!

Just what I thought......................you can't provide links, nor do you wish to, because they would end up exploding your point.

BTW..................Jon Stewart has made disparaging comments about ALL presidents because that's his job. Political satire..................have you heard of it? Same with Jay Leno.

Still wondering what Egypt has to do with anything............that's not satire, that's a tragedy.

Got links for Michelle and his daughters saying that Obama is "stinky" and "snorey"?

Jon Stewart is a comedian. Jay Leno is a comedian. A rodeo clown is a clown. They are entertainers. Simply because you prefer one form of entertainment over the other form is irrelevant to my point that saying "crappy things" about president Obama is not racist in itself nor should a politically motivated press pretend it is. Especially sine there is real racism that exists which the press either finds politically unhelpful or too boring to report upon. As for Egypt, Egyptians are not happy with Obama and say "crappy things" about him. Again, I have no reason to believe these "crappy things" said about Obama is racially motivated.
I used to believe that racism existed. Oh, I never thought it was as bad as many people said. I simply believed that racism existed in many subtle forms in certain pockets around the country. However, I'm beginning to wonder if I was mislead.
Recently, in the news, racism as been presented to us in these stories:
1. George Zimmerman is a murdering racist. Apparently I'm supposed to ignore what the police, jury and FBI said.
2. Billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, was denied the opportunity to look at an expensive purse. Granted, this happened outside the United States, however, this "incident" is also being used as a way to discuss the continual existence of racism in the world, and by extension, America. She has of course backed down afterwards as the shopkeeper accused her of lying. It has also been noted that this was a possible PR stunt in the wake of Oprah's upcoming movie about racism.
3. A rodeo clown is banned for life for wearing an Obama mask. As others have pointed out, other rodeo clowns have warn masks of other presidents and there was no controversy.

The fact is though, I guess I still believe racism exists. If I were only to get my information from the main stream press however I would believe we have eradicated racism all together and all that is left are race baiting demagogues and yellow journalism.

If you were to believe the media, and the Obama acolytes? The water cannons, German Shepherds, police with batons and shields are out in force on the streets of America today.

These people are just not happy within their own skins...and disingenuous to boot.
I used to believe that racism existed. Oh, I never thought it was as bad as many people said. I simply believed that racism existed in many subtle forms in certain pockets around the country. However, I'm beginning to wonder if I was mislead.
Recently, in the news, racism as been presented to us in these stories:
1. George Zimmerman is a murdering racist. Apparently I'm supposed to ignore what the police, jury and FBI said.
2. Billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, was denied the opportunity to look at an expensive purse. Granted, this happened outside the United States, however, this "incident" is also being used as a way to discuss the continual existence of racism in the world, and by extension, America. She has of course backed down afterwards as the shopkeeper accused her of lying. It has also been noted that this was a possible PR stunt in the wake of Oprah's upcoming movie about racism.
3. A rodeo clown is banned for life for wearing an Obama mask. As others have pointed out, other rodeo clowns have warn masks of other presidents and there was no controversy.

The fact is though, I guess I still believe racism exists. If I were only to get my information from the main stream press however I would believe we have eradicated racism all together and all that is left are race baiting demagogues and yellow journalism.
Racism has always existed and always will until the day we treat people as individuals, not blacks, not Latinos, not Muslims, but people. As long as we make collective judgement based on stereotypes, racism and all other forms of bigotry will thrive.

Note how Whites and Christians are left out of the mix. Interesting...
I used to believe that racism existed. Oh, I never thought it was as bad as many people said. I simply believed that racism existed in many subtle forms in certain pockets around the country. However, I'm beginning to wonder if I was mislead.
Recently, in the news, racism as been presented to us in these stories:
1. George Zimmerman is a murdering racist. Apparently I'm supposed to ignore what the police, jury and FBI said.
2. Billionaire, Oprah Winfrey, was denied the opportunity to look at an expensive purse. Granted, this happened outside the United States, however, this "incident" is also being used as a way to discuss the continual existence of racism in the world, and by extension, America. She has of course backed down afterwards as the shopkeeper accused her of lying. It has also been noted that this was a possible PR stunt in the wake of Oprah's upcoming movie about racism.
3. A rodeo clown is banned for life for wearing an Obama mask. As others have pointed out, other rodeo clowns have warn masks of other presidents and there was no controversy.

The fact is though, I guess I still believe racism exists. If I were only to get my information from the main stream press however I would believe we have eradicated racism all together and all that is left are race baiting demagogues and yellow journalism.
Racism has always existed and always will until the day we treat people as individuals, not blacks, not Latinos, not Muslims, but people. As long as we make collective judgement based on stereotypes, racism and all other forms of bigotry will thrive.

Note how Whites and Christians are left out of the mix. Interesting...
No sure your comment makes any sense. Christianity is a religion not a race, therefore it can not be a victim of racial discrimination.

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