Racism is good:

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I'm white. I have lived with blacks. I loathe this liberal glorifying poor black culture, it is absolutely dehumanizing and vile. It represents the worst side of humanity. It's the worst thing we as humans want. But here we are...
At least for the democrats and BLM. They profit fighting racism, faux or fraudulent. The race hussle industry would be dead if it wasn't for this poor black psychoses "hate all whites" and rich white elites that have that Stockholm syndrome self hate syndrome that ties into that.

So they profit by it, so why do so many people (especially on the right) give them the ammunition (ie, they're fucking racists) then?
So they profit by it, so why do so many people (especially on the right) give them the ammunition (ie, they're fucking racists) then?
No one gives them ammunition---they will whine about everything and anything. Flags, commercials, words, math, and anything is all racist if they say it is.

It's people not handling their stupid whining and attacks correctly. As a group--everyone else needs to tell black racists to fuck off and that they are the ones out of line and racist.
No one gives them ammunition---they will whine about everything and anything. Flags, commercials, words, math, and anything is all racist if they say it is.

It's people not handling their stupid whining and attacks correctly. As a group--everyone else needs to tell black racists to fuck off and that they are the ones out of line and racist.

Right, people start making racist comments and then these people complain people are making racist comments.

Or are you suggesting there are no racists out there?
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So they profit by it, so why do so many people (especially on the right) give them the ammunition (ie, they're fucking racists)

So they profit by it, so why do so many people (especially on the right) give them the ammunition (ie, they're fucking racists) then?
Think about that. Only you and your ilk profit from racism. Bashing conservatives? Liberals profit off of "racism". Racism is dead and gone. Dead as the dinosaurs.
Think about that. Only you and your ilk profit from racism. Bashing conservatives? Liberals profit off of "racism". Racism is dead and gone. Dead as the dinosaurs.

Nonsense. The right have benefited for hundreds of years from racism. Slavery, massively profitable. Segregation, keeping blacks down and undereducated to keep them as cheap labor, massively profitable. Now they're still trying to keep black people poor so their own, white kids, can rise up better in society.

Racism is dead? What the fuck are you talking about? You're just down right LYING.
Nonsense. The right have benefited for hundreds of years from racism. Slavery, massively profitable. Segregation, keeping blacks down and undereducated to keep them as cheap labor, massively profitable. Now they're still trying to keep black people poor so their own, white kids, can rise up better in society.

Racism is dead? What the fuck are you talking about? You're just down right LYING.
Ok, how so? Liberals have this bad habit of asserting something with out proof, then DEMAND anyone that questions them need HUGE amounts of PROOF? We get BLM, NOW they are being investigated ...The entire entire anti white/anti cop thing pushed by the democrats...was just a money making scam? The democrats pushed racism because it was it was JUST another racket?
So they profit by it, so why do so many people (especially on the right) give them the ammunition (ie, they're fucking racists) then?
The right just believes in the principle of "everybody succeeding or failing on their own," not the government being a source for the gimmie, gimmie, gimmie mentality. That's not racist, just the belief in individuality.
Ok, how so? Liberals have this bad habit of asserting something with out proof, then DEMAND anyone that questions them need HUGE amounts of PROOF? We get BLM, NOW they are being investigated ...The entire entire anti white/anti cop thing pushed by the democrats...was just a money making scam? The democrats pushed racism because it was it was JUST another racket?

Okay how?

Well, you know? Police officers targeting people because of their race, estate agents targeting people because of their race and not letting blacks move into place, or politicians not giving poor and black communities the help they need to develop their bad areas, bosses not promoting black people, oh, I think I could go on for a LONG TIME.

"Proof"? The problem with "Proof" here is that I doubt anything will ever be "Proof" in your eyes. This is not like "1+1=2". There is nothing that is 100%.

It's about opinion a lot of times.

HOWEVER, look at poverty rates. There are different ways of showing poverty which give different results, however all come to the same conclusion, blacks are one of the most badly impacted groups.

19.5% black poverty, 17% Hispanic poverty, 8.2% white non-Hispanic poverty, more than half that of black poverty.

A black child growing up in the USA is more likely to be born into poverty.

And what do the politicians do about it? In the South, not much. Where racism is the worst.

Here's an opinion of which states are the worst for poverty.

1) Mississippi. It is also the state with the most poverty.11.7% for white people, 30.5% for black people. A difference of nearly 20%, one of the worst in the country. Mississippi has one of the lowest education fundings in the country. 10% of kids in Mississippi go to private school (as of 2013), probably because the state schools aren't very good.

2) Alabama.7th for poverty. 11.5% poverty for whites and 23.6% for blacks, 12% higher.

There are statistics that show the impact of slavery, segregation and racist policies, like keeping black people out of "good schools", defunding black schools etc etc.

This is a complex topic, and providing simple statistics is not going to prove anything. "Proof" is going to be a 20,000 word document, or more. I don't have the time for that, and you don't have the time (I would doubt) to write a 20,000 word document with lots of data that shows it isn't case.

Then again we can see old laws still on the books

"The racist 1890 law that’s still blocking thousands of Black Americans from voting"

We can see support for the Confederacy, which was pro-slavery. We can see people's opinions:


"Every Black Mississippi senator walked out as white colleagues voted to ban critical race theory"

We can see things like this.

We can see gerrymandering

They redrew the districts to make it easier for whiter, more Republicans areas to get the votes they need.

Happens in other states much more.

We can put together a lot of things that show that politics is corrupt, and it favors white people in the South.

Lots of EVIDENCE, but it'll never be "PROOF", but then there isn't any "PROOF" there is no racism either.
The right just believes in the principle of "everybody succeeding or failing on their own," not the government being a source for the gimmie, gimmie, gimmie mentality. That's not racist, just the belief in individuality.

Well... they're more of the view that they spread such things, and then do the "gimmie, gimmie, gimmie mentality" for their own, the rich are massively on the take.
Right, people start making racist comments and then these people complain people are making racist comments.

Or are you suggesting there are no racists out there?

Plenty of racists out there. Not as many as in the 60s or even 80s by orders of magnitude. Not many racists today have any POWER to harm minorities. Not to any threatening degree. Larger harm comes from the bias of "lower expectations" from leftist run schools and local leftist run govts in fact.

Racial reconciliation had almost destroyed racists in this country UNTIL we started to get CRaceTheory and BLM, wokeness and intersectional theory -- ALL OF WHICH EXIST to promote racial difference and strife. Some of these could not exist in racially harmonized society.

It's the NEW segregation -- especially CRT and BLM. Makes me sad and angry about the future of racial reconciliation.

So -- the bigger picture is -- "racists" are growing and EXPANDING in some places and dying out as a power and force in others. Not exactly the vision of the Civil Rights struggle is it?
Well... they're more of the view that they spread such things, and then do the "gimmie, gimmie, gimmie mentality" for their own, the rich are massively on the take.

The rich got rich by taking risks. Rich is relative. What has Bezos or or Musk or Bill Gates or Zuckerbird ever STOLEN FROM ANYBODY? Tell me how "they are on the take"? And dont tell me it's only righty rich that are the problem. Has Westinghouse or Boeing ever stolen anything from you?
Plenty of racists out there. Not as many as in the 60s or even 80s by orders of magnitude. Not many racists today have any POWER to harm minorities. Not to any threatening degree. Larger harm comes from the bias of "lower expectations" from leftist run schools and local leftist run govts in fact.

Racial reconciliation had almost destroyed racists in this country UNTIL we started to get CRaceTheory and BLM, wokeness and intersectional theory -- ALL OF WHICH EXIST to promote racial difference and strife. Some of these could not exist in racially harmonized society.

It's the NEW segregation -- especially CRT and BLM. Makes me sad and angry about the future of racial reconciliation.

So -- the bigger picture is -- "racists" are growing and EXPANDING in some places and dying out as a power and force in others. Not exactly the vision of the Civil Rights struggle is it?

The reality is people are trying to claim that everyone is happy.

Why would you be happy being born into poverty? having to deal with education finding policies that are bad for people in poverty? Little enthusiasm to deal with issues that lead to poverty and the like?

BLM exists for TWO reasons at the very least. Those people who oppose Civil Rights for such people will claim it's only one reason, but MOST PEOPLE who support BLM do so because they want equality, fairness and the like.
The rich got rich by taking risks. Rich is relative. What has Bezos or or Musk or Bill Gates or Zuckerbird ever STOLEN FROM ANYBODY? Tell me how "they are on the take"? And dont tell me it's only righty rich that are the problem. Has Westinghouse or Boeing ever stolen anything from you?

Taking risks or by fucking people over.

"stolen"? Now, I'm going to talk about the Walton family and why they STEAL from people.

Firstly Walmart turns up in a city/town/area for a reason, and it's usually because they're BRIBED their fucking way into a tax break.

"Walmart got a $2.2 billion tax cut. Now it's laying off workers"

I could post many different articles. Let's just say Walmart goes to the governments of the US and gets deals no one else can get, or should get. Then they move into an area and are uber-competitive because of it, destroy local businesses and move all profits out of the area.

For a country that's supposed to be a "democracy", where the people get a say in what happens, the people get little to now say in what happens and get fucked so far up the ass that Walmart's dick is about 400 miles above their mouth.

That's "stealing". They're BRIBING governments to get what they want, and then they're taking from the people and enriching themselves.

As for the people you mentioned, I don't know. Maybe you I could do some research, but I could point out that Facebook is a pile of crap and manipulates people to hell and causes loads of problems in society.

Bezos probably does what Walmart does. Musk is just fucking crazy. I kind of like what Bill Gates did.
The reality is people are trying to claim that everyone is happy.

Why would you be happy being born into poverty? having to deal with education finding policies that are bad for people in poverty? Little enthusiasm to deal with issues that lead to poverty and the like?

BLM exists for TWO reasons at the very least. Those people who oppose Civil Rights for such people will claim it's only one reason, but MOST PEOPLE who support BLM do so because they want equality, fairness and the like.

The only poverty BLM is preventing is of their non-responsible leadership who cant' find about $60Mill in donations but have new houses, cars, etc. They dont WANT better educated, more motivated to succeed black children -- they want EQUITY NOT EQUALITY. They want GOVT redistribution "to CURE poverty". Which will never work until they GET the broke-ass, tyrannical Marxist govt that they have TOLD US they love.

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