Zone1 Racism is no longer a major problem in America

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Here's the longer video

Finally, some proof of what I've been saying all my political commentary life.......................
If you don't practice racism, and don't live your life being a racist or "victim" of racism..........
Then you can do anything.

Racists are the ones who preach racism, practice racism, and scream racism every second of their lives, while blaming everybody else for being a racist and holding them back.

The ONLY people holding these ignorant hypcrites back, are THEMSELVES!!!
Depends on who you ask. Ask this 11 year old black boy if racism is no longer a problem

Sgt. Greg Capers, the officer responding to the call, showed up at the house with his firearm already drawn and ordered all the occupants outside. The child was on his way outside when he was shot in the chest.
“I just tried to follow the police commands, but I guess that didn’t work,” he said.
Murry said Capers ordered everybody to come out with their hands up, and “then I remember I heard the big bang. Then I just remember holding my chest.”

Now, Murry is recovering from a collapsed lung, lacerated liver and fractured ribs from the shooting, and the family has filed a lawsuit against the Indianola Police Department and Capers, who has been suspended with pay, according to the boy’s attorney, Carlos Moore. The boy told CNN he wants the officer terminated from his job.
Depends on who you ask. Ask this 11 year old black boy if racism is no longer a problem

Sgt. Greg Capers, the officer responding to the call, showed up at the house with his firearm already drawn and ordered all the occupants outside. The child was on his way outside when he was shot in the chest.
“I just tried to follow the police commands, but I guess that didn’t work,” he said.
Murry said Capers ordered everybody to come out with their hands up, and “then I remember I heard the big bang. Then I just remember holding my chest.”

Now, Murry is recovering from a collapsed lung, lacerated liver and fractured ribs from the shooting, and the family has filed a lawsuit against the Indianola Police Department and Capers, who has been suspended with pay, according to the boy’s attorney, Carlos Moore. The boy told CNN he wants the officer terminated from his job.

What is his name and phone number? Was this cop in a gang? Was this 11 year old in a gang?

Yes. Racism is still young. I know a man living today that got whipped by his mother for drinking out of a black only water fountain. We got a couple of generations before we wipe all the residual racism attitudes that are left over. We probably won't ever get over racism until the United States of America is dissolved or reorganized and I believe I will live to see that happen.
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Yes. Racism is still young. I know a man living today that got whipped by his mother for drinking out of a black only water fountain. We got a couple of generations before we wipe all the residual racism attitudes that are left over. We probably won't ever get over racism until the United States of America is dissolved or reorganized and I believe I will live to see that happen.
^^^ THIS is alarming that a subset of Americans think that the only way to get over racism (to the extent it even exists) is to dissolve or completely dismantle America.
What is his name and phone number? Was this cop in a gang? Was this 11 year old in a gang?
If this isn't proof that white America is overly fearful of black men, nothing is. Cops show up to a 911 call guns drawn. They yell "if anyone is in the house come out now". An 11 year old unarmed little black boy walks out and a cop shots him.

No the little boy was not in a gang. But you saying that proves just how racist you and conservative white America is.

The family is now rich!!! Tax payers gotta pay for white racist cops.
Larry Elder? :laughing0301: :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

The posts by right wing whites in this forum show that white racism is a huge problem in America.
Check this out. In an attempt to repair their reputation as being a far right political group, the Supreme Court threw us liberals a bone.

Supreme Court Protects Voting Rights In Racial Gerrymandering Case​

The court sided with plaintiffs who argued that Alabama’s district maps were an unconstitutional racial gerrymander.

In a surprise decision, the Supreme Court agreed that Alabama violated the Voting Rights Act by diluting the Black vote when it drew new congressional maps following the 2020 census.
The 5-4 decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts found that Alabama Republicans improperly denied Black communities a second congressional district by packing them into one district and splitting them into other majority white districts. The decision was joined by liberal Justices Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor and Ketanji Brown Jackson and conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

So Republicans can't say racism is no longer a problem in America. Not when Republicans continue to do things like this to the black community. It's systemic. Housing, Jobs, Politics and Police Brutality.

The decision in Allen v. Milligan comes as a shock as the court’s conservatives have repeatedly gutted the Voting Rights Act in cases over the past decade

Alabama will now be required to redraw its congressional district map to provide for a second majority-Black district. The decision will have extended consequences too as both plaintiffs in Louisiana and Georgia claimed similar racial discrimination in redistricting in cases that were pending at the Supreme Court. This could lead to the creation of one new Black-majority district in each state.

...splitting the predominantly Black city of Montgomery into three majority-white congressional districts while packing the rest of the state’s Black community into the 7th District.

Since Black people make up 27% of the state’s population, this map diluted the Black vote by not drawing a second Black-majority district. Black Alabamians, the Alabama chapter of the NAACP and Greater Birmingham Ministries filed a lawsuit alleging that the map violated Section 2 of the 1965 Voting Rights Act by not creating a second district where Black voters could elect someone who represented their interests.

This is why Republicans pretend to be color blind. They are trying to say they did this Gerrymandering because they didn't consider color. BULLSHIT!

Here's the short video

Here's the longer video

Finally, some proof of what I've been saying all my political commentary life.......................
If you don't practice racism, and don't live your life being a racist or "victim" of racism..........
Then you can do anything.

Racists are the ones who preach racism, practice racism, and scream racism every second of their lives, while blaming everybody else for being a racist and holding them back.

The ONLY people holding these ignorant hypcrites back, are THEMSELVES!!!

Larry Elder is a dumb ass. The only people who listen to him are white racists.

Racists are people who believe in the inferiority or superiority of people based on race. Stop making up your own false definition of racism.

The Off-Mic Moment That Changed My View of Larry Elder​

Meeting Elder face to face at the KABC studio on La Cienega in Los Angeles, I was immediately caught off guard. He was low-key and civil, even amiable. Was this an act, a set-up? Once the show started, he sounded more like the Larry Elder I recognized: brash, self-righteous. Still, he didn’t ridicule or even challenge me or my story the way he had a few days before. It turns out he didn’t really need to — his callers did all the debating, with more than a few actually weighing in favorably about “The Butt.” It was off the air, during the commercial breaks, that Elder dropped a bomb. Between the small talk, he told me casually that he had understood my essay just fine and all of its main points. In other words, he got it. “But if you and I agreed, there’d be no show,” I recall him saying. “We wouldn’t have this!” He gestured to the lit-up phone lines with a kind of glee.

I was shocked. Not so much because he was admitting that his on-air personality was shtick, an act that required conflict with the left to stoke ratings. I was shocked that he was so willing to sacrifice his own philosophical alliances with Black people to do it. Elder was no closet liberal, but clearly his conservatism was complicated, not as black and white as he represented to the public, and as he had represented to me. What’s more, he had confessed the truth like it was no big deal, as if intellectually selling out your own people when convenient was simply the price Black Americans paid for success.

Letters to the Editor: Why Black listeners started a boycott of Larry Elder's advertisers​

To the editor: As columnist Jean Guerrero has stated, when Larry Elder was a local radio talk show host, he not only "repeatedly twisted crime statistics to portray Black people as more violent than whites," he also vilified African American political, religious and community leaders, as well as our organizations and institutions.

When Black guests appeared on his program to defend the African American community or to explain our challenges, Elder would interrupt or shout over them. By the mid-1990s, the Black community rose up and launched a successful boycott of the sponsors of his show.

Elder is not a benign conservative. He is a race-baiting opportunist who should not be elected governor of the state of California.

How recall candidate Larry Elder mentored Trumpism’s top acolytes​

Elder is a fast-talking, charismatic Black attorney with nearly 2 million followers between Twitter and Instagram. Since the 1990s, when he faced a Black-led boycott because of his racial views, the Los Angeles native has broadcast as the self-styled “Sage from South Central.” He says Black people are “more racist” than whites.

White grievance politics were once the purview of neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan, as when David Duke claimed “the white man” was the real “second class citizen in America today.” Now, thanks in no small part to Elder and his protégés, the delusion of rampant reverse racism is mainstream in Republican politics and Fox News.

I met Elder at his studio in 2019, while reporting my biography of Trump’s senior advisor Stephen Miller. Elder told me he believes his Blackness gives some listeners “confidence” to hold and share similar views. He has repeatedly twisted crime statistics to portray Black people as more violent than whites — a theme for white supremacists. He blames Black communities’ struggles on an alleged lack of self-determination. (A David Duke talking point)

So I'll say this to you, if what you claim is true, go boy some tan in a can or a lifelike black mask and hands, an afro wig and try living for a year or two. Because Larry Elder is mentally retarded. He has a mental condition called internalized racism. He's the one playing the victim. His mental condition has him accepting the racial heirarchy where whites are the ultimate authority.
Q: If the reason blacks fail is due to racism, why are there so many middle class and affluent blacks near where I live? Why didn’t racism hold THEM down?
^^^ THIS is alarming that a subset of Americans think that the only way to get over racism (to the extent it even exists) is to dissolve or completely dismantle America.

The United States of America as an organization was built on slavery but not just any slavery. At the time of the founding of the United States of America slavery was a morally acceptable practice but not the way it was practiced here. Slaves were defined as military combatants that surrendered. Many slaves were born into slavery which was immoral even in the 1700s and 1800s. Some slaves in the United States of America were not even soldiers who surrendered in combat. Many of them were kidnapped solely because of their skin color and passed off as slaves. The United States of America will never be forgiven of the crime of slavery even though other nations practicing slavery have already been forgiven. Racism was the foundation of this country. There is little history of people owning slaves from other parts of the world or with white skin tones. This baggage is heavy. The best way to deal with it is to peacefully transition power over to a brand new organization with no baggage.
No the little boy was not in a gang. But you saying that proves just how racist you and conservative white America is.

So there are no 11 year old gang members and there never has been a cop in a gang that killed a disloyal gang member to silence him and pretended it was in the line of duty? Never? Each case is different and not one time have I ever been given the details to high profile cases.

This stuff is tried in the courts instead of the court of public opinion. Honestly, neither you or I have all the details. That makes us both ignorant. For future reference calling me a racist doesn't win you any arguments with me. You can call me racist twelve times per day for the next twelve years. Saying that will never make me a racist so I don't care too much if you expose yourself for lacking an argument.

Honestly, neither you or I have all the details. Even the judge, lawyers, jury, and those actual involved in the case won't get all the details. It is quite arrogant for anyone to pretend to read the mind of the cops or to know the previous behaviors of that 11 year old boy. Cops are sometimes corrupt and kill their enemies or people that have information that could get the cop in trouble. If cops killed because they are racist then it would be easier for them just to go into random stores and houses to shoot black people for no reason at all. Why is there always an altercation before this racist shooting happens? It seems inconvenient. I see unarmed black people every day. It would be much easier for cops to shoot them rather than to wait for a crime to occur or for someone to resist arrest. This stuff is so dumb yet it never gets old. Americans have an odd hobby with these baseless race accusations.
So there are no 11 year old gang members and there never has been a cop in a gang that killed a disloyal gang member to silence him and pretended it was in the line of duty? Never? Each case is different and not one time have I ever been given the details to high profile cases.

This stuff is tried in the courts instead of the court of public opinion. Honestly, neither you or I have all the details. That makes us both ignorant. For future reference calling me a racist doesn't win you any arguments with me. You can call me racist twelve times per day for the next twelve years. Saying that will never make me a racist so I don't care too much if you expose yourself for lacking an argument.

Honestly, neither you or I have all the details. Even the judge, lawyers, jury, and those actual involved in the case won't get all the details. It is quite arrogant for anyone to pretend to read the mind of the cops or to know the previous behaviors of that 11 year old boy. Cops are sometimes corrupt and kill their enemies or people that have information that could get the cop in trouble. If cops killed because they are racist then it would be easier for them just to go into random stores and houses to shoot black people for no reason at all. Why is there always an altercation before this racist shooting happens? It seems inconvenient. I see unarmed black people every day. It would be much easier for cops to shoot them rather than to wait for a crime to occur or for someone to resist arrest. This stuff is so dumb yet it never gets old. Americans have an odd hobby with these baseless race accusations.
Why do you guys always go into this tirade every time an example of a bad police officer is exposed? If it was a white kid you’d feel differently. If the cop is that afraid of blacks he should quit. Does he have ptsd or something?
Why do you guys always go into this tirade every time an example of a bad police officer is exposed? If it was a white kid you’d feel differently. If the cop is that afraid of blacks he should quit. Does he have ptsd or something?

I said I don't know the situation. I also said you didn't know the situation. Both statements are 100% true. You know that. Calling someone a racist doesn't give you a license to lie. I mean you can lie but people may call you out on it. You can't avoid it just because you call someone a racist. That term is so overused some people have developed a tolerance and aren't phased by being called a racist. You need to come up with a more hypnotizing term to avoid being honest. Try calling them a stinky head or something. That may work. Find the right word and you can avoid honesty, discussion, and an obligation to defend your position. Try on me. See how I respond to being called a stinky head.
I said I don't know the situation. I also said you didn't know the situation. Both statements are 100% true. You know that. Calling someone a racist doesn't give you a license to lie. I mean you can lie but people may call you out on it. You can't avoid it just because you call someone a racist. That term is so overused some people have developed a tolerance and aren't phased by being called a racist. You need to come up with a more hypnotizing term to avoid being honest. Try calling them a stinky head or something. That may work. Find the right word and you can avoid honesty, discussion, and an obligation to defend your position. Try on me. See how I respond to being called a stinky head.

So you’ve grown to be desensitized to being called a racist. I suspect all racists feel that way.

Where did I lie stinky head?
I said I don't know the situation. I also said you didn't know the situation. Both statements are 100% true. You know that. Calling someone a racist doesn't give you a license to lie. I mean you can lie but people may call you out on it. You can't avoid it just because you call someone a racist. That term is so overused some people have developed a tolerance and aren't phased by being called a racist. You need to come up with a more hypnotizing term to avoid being honest. Try calling them a stinky head or something. That may work. Find the right word and you can avoid honesty, discussion, and an obligation to defend your position. Try on me. See how I respond to being called a stinky head.
I’ll even throw my Republican nephew under the bus. What a fucking racist. He is embracing his white privilege. Hates how liberal college is. Poor white boy whose daddy is paying his way through college. Who will get $5-10 million when daddy dies. He doesn’t like diversity programs. I don’t blame him but that doesn’t mean it’s not right to have diversity programs. He doesn’t understand institutional racism.
I’ll even throw my Republican nephew under the bus. What a fucking racist. He is embracing his white privilege. Hates how liberal college is. Poor white boy whose daddy is paying his way through college. Who will get $5-10 million when daddy dies. He doesn’t like diversity programs. I don’t blame him but that doesn’t mean it’s not right to have diversity programs. He doesn’t understand institutional racism.

This has nothing to do with my life at all.

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