Zone1 Racism is no longer a major problem in America

This has nothing to do with my life at all.
My point is, I know how you Republicans feel about black people. So don't try to pretend you are color blind on the job interview.

At least us racist liberals understand that bias exists within us. So we understand blacks aren't getting a fair shake when it comes to getting hired and/or promoted. That's why we need diversity programs. Because blacks who are more qualified and talented than you are not getting the jobs. Women too. Hispanics too. Even asians. What's up with that?
blacks aren't getting a fair shake when it comes to getting hired and/or promoted.

Oh ok. Hypothetical situatuon: Would you be more comfortable if you were starving to death, had no money, and no other options for employment competing against an equally qualified white guy or a lesser qualified black guy? Don't answer. Just think about it with an honest brain.
You didn't lie per second. You implied that the 11 year old shot was not in a gang and the cop that shot him wasn't in a gang. The only lying is you pretending that you know.
You assuming he's in a gang proves how racist America is. Thank you. Case closed.


One minute video. You think he's in a gang? You fucking racist bitch! LOL
You assuming he's in a gang proves how racist America is. Thank you. Case closed.


One minute video. You think he's in a gang? You fucking racist bitch! LOL

I didn't say he was. I'm saying crooked cops do kill people for illegal reasons and pretend it is in the line of duty. Just because I believe one in one hundred thousand cops murder people that interfere with their financial capacity doesn't mean I am anti cop. So don't even go there. One in one hundred thousand bad cops doesn't mean I hate all cops. Issues like this are handled in court not on USMessageBoard. Neither one of us know details yet you assert that you do. The cop could have killed the boy because his elbow was itching. Honestly, you or I will never know. That's for the courts to decide. It isn't for me and you to decide unless we end up on the jury. If I was on the jury I would be racist but the opposite kind of racist that you are implying. I used to be a school teacher with black and white students. I let black kids by with a whole lot more than I let white kids by with. So yes. I was racist but it was against white kids not black ones. If I was a cop and a white guy threatened my life I would shoot him faster than John Wayne in a western movie. If my life was threatened by a black guy there is no way in hell I would shoot him. I'd let him shoot me. So yes I am racist but it is the opposite kind of racism. You can't read my mind. You can't know the situation or the real reason this murder happened. Yes. It was murder. However it would have been much easier for the cop to go into a random seven eleven and shot some of the customers than to go to a specific house on a specific day for a specific reason. Implying that the cop shot him because he is black is stupid as hell and highly unlikely.
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