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Originally posted by USA90210
Yes, it was only after I posted it that I read the first post in this thread. So, let me ask you how you feel about what I say?

If you read the untire thread you will know where most of us stand....BTW...welcome to the board..
What should be done is you should spout your racist filth elsewhere. That don't play here except with Adolph and David Duke. I really love the "I have black friends" but next "these people are animals", thats really beautiful and hypocritical as if other races don't commit crime. Also is 90210 your zip because if you live in Beverly Hills you don't know jack, you're just a blind racist.

"I don't know where all this came from?" Well Mr. Democrat its you and all you're pals' wonderful social experiments and programs that have gotten us to where we are today. Who was your favorite Demo? George Wallace?
Originally posted by OCA
Segregated territories=Nazi or in the very least deranged racist. Willie thats never,ever going to happen in America, time to change boy.

Of course it will never happen. People in America are too stubborn. They don't want to believe what many blacks are "really" about. I don't like being like this, but nevertheless, I don't call myself a racist becaus I can accept blacks who care, and who have respect (respect for themselves and others). Unfortunately, many, many blacks don't. These people cause nothing but problems...
Originally posted by OCA
What should be done is you should spout your racist filth elsewhere. That don't play here except with Adolph and David Duke. I really love the "I have black friends" but next "these people are animals", thats really beautiful and hypocritical as if other races don't commit crime. Also is 90210 your zip because if you live in Beverly Hills you don't know jack, you're just a blind racist.

"I don't know where all this came from?" Well Mr. Democrat its you and all you're pals' wonderful social experiments and programs that have gotten us to where we are today. Who was your favorite Demo? George Wallace?

Actually, I live over 2000 miles from Beverly Hills in a half-white/half-black community. I know what I'm talking about. I don't like to have to think the way I do, but it's only what I see...
By the way, I didn't mean the black friends I had were animals. I'm trying to describe two different kinds of blacks: to keep it simple, "the one's who care" and "the one's who don't". If they all acted like descent people, I would have no problem accepting them. It's not because they're black at all. I don't like white people that are thugs or criminals either. But, I know that their influence is corrupting a lot of people, especially young individuals.
Originally posted by USA90210
Of course it will never happen. People in America are too stubborn. They don't want to believe what many blacks are "really" about. I don't like being like this, but nevertheless, I don't call myself a racist becaus I can accept blacks who care, and who have respect (respect for themselves and others). Unfortunately, many, many blacks don't. These people cause nothing but problems...

"These people"...Having seen my fair share of white trash, <b>those</b> people cause nothing but problems. Sounds like you and Sweet William and Big D have enough for a good circle jerk...
Originally posted by USA90210
Of course it will never happen. People in America are too stubborn. They don't want to believe what many blacks are "really" about. I don't like being like this, but nevertheless, I don't call myself a racist becaus I can accept blacks who care, and who have respect (respect for themselves and others). Unfortunately, many, many blacks don't. These people cause nothing but problems...

Holy crap did the KKK give out this web address in a national memo?
You cannot say blacks because they are not the only ones who commit crime! Face it you hate bad people it sounds like, do yourself a favor and drop the black thing though.
Originally posted by USA90210
Actually, I live over 2000 miles from Beverly Hills in a half-white/half-black community. I know what I'm talking about. I don't like to have to think the way I do, but it's only what I see...

Do you believe that just in your area, lets say a circumfrence of 100 miles, that all crime is committed by blacks?
Originally posted by USA90210
Actually, I live over 2000 miles from Beverly Hills in a half-white/half-black community. I know what I'm talking about. I don't like to have to think the way I do, but it's only what I see...

Then you are blind...
Originally posted by USA90210
Actually, I live over 2000 miles from Beverly Hills in a half-white/half-black community. I know what I'm talking about. I don't like to have to think the way I do, but it's only what I see...
By the way, I didn't mean the black friends I had were animals. I'm trying to describe two different kinds of blacks: to keep it simple, "the one's who care" and "the one's who don't". If they all acted like descent people, I would have no problem accepting them. It's not because they're black at all. I don't like white people that are thugs or criminals either. But, I know that their influence is corrupting a lot of people, especially young individuals.

some people cant see for looking....
I know that not all crime is caused by blacks. You can't expect it to be. Everyone is corrupted by this twisted modern culture. Besides, blacks only make up about 12% of our nation's population. However, they take up over half of the space in federal and state prisons. My experience just gives me a look into the life this "garbage!" My father works with public defenders. Most of their clients are black. Many of them treat the attorney and investigators helping them like shit! They don't care that they committed a crime or that their act is clogging up the court system. They hardly care about them selves. They live in filth (mostly not because they're poor, but more becuase they are lazy) You would not believe the filth my father puts up with and the life threatening risks he takes trying to "help" these criminals. How do you want me to think. Furthermore, my school was half black. The blacks in general (most but not all) caused and unbelieveable amount of problems. They were always the ones involoved in fights and drugs. They were extremely ignorant, especially to white people. These kind black people are "the most" racist people I have ever seen. But it's okay for them to be like that huh? No one ever said anything to them. Everyone is scared--scared that they'll get shot. Well, that's not too far from the truth in many cases...
Originally posted by USA90210
I know that not all crime is caused by blacks. You can't expect it to be. Everyone is corrupted by this twisted modern culture. Besides, blacks only make up about 12% of our nation's population. However, they take up over half of the space in federal and state prisons. My experience just gives me a look into the life this "garbage!" My father works with public defenders. Most of their clients are black. Many of them treat the attorney and investigators helping them like shit! They don't care that they committed a crime or that their act is clogging up the court system. They hardly care about them selves. They live in filth (mostly not because they're poor, but more becuase they are lazy) You would not believe the filth my father puts up with and the life threatening risks he takes trying to "help" these criminals. How do you want me to think. Furthermore, my school was half black. The blacks in general (most but not all) caused and unbelieveable amount of problems. They were always the ones involoved in fights and drugs. They were extremely ignorant, especially to white people. These kind black people are "the most" racist people I have ever seen. But it's okay for them to be like that huh? No one ever said anything to them. Everyone is scared--scared that they'll get shot. Well, that's not too far from the truth in many cases...

Your posts seem eerily familiar. Are you related to Big D?
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Then you are blind...

That is just denial right there. You don't know what you're talking about. I've see this shit practically every day of my life, and I've seen good kids get turned into "wiggers" for lack of a better word. They are involved in crime and drugs like they never would have if they grew up in a good neighborhood. I worry about people like you that can't obviously see what's really right and wrong. I try to be as nice as I can and contain myself (believe me, I could get much more blunt with this) and everyone just jumps on me. People are so brain-washed these days into "treat everyone equally" "black people are god's gift". It's a bunch of crap. If blacks want to be equal with whites, then why don't they act like it? All of them. I know blacks who have accepted it all. They are good citizens and good people for it.
I don't want to be a hateful person! I really don't! But I am insulted by people that are so naive... I am also insulted that blacks get catered to because they're black. This country is supposed to be built on equality. That isn't equality at all. Also, though, if you in any way take others' rights away, some are your rights are subject to be removed in some way...
not jumping on you usa90210...you arec welcome to your views...just that most folks dont feel the same way as you do, there are good and bad everywhere...we see what we choose to see.
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