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All humans on earth are equally capable of becoming geniuses..

yep....even mentally defficient people...ever hear of Idiot-savaants?? very low IQ....genuis in one area...
Originally posted by William Joyce
"I believe that every single individual born on this earth has the capability to develop great intelligence."

OCA, nothing that followed this sentence was evidence in response to my question. You merely reiterated the environmental view of intelligence, which has been discredited by all the field as the sole source.

Now, you BELIEVE that every single individual "has the capability" to develop great intelligence. Really? All humans on earth are equally capable of becoming geniuses?

Again. What makes you think this is so?

Sweet William has, apparently, never had the opportunity to deal with the members of other racial or ethnic groups on a daily basis.

As a hospice nurse, I work with families representing many racial and ethnic groups. I am there when their loved one draws their last breath, I grieve with them, I attend the memorial services. I can tell you Sweet William...race and ethnicity are irrelevant.

So, dear sir, continue to live in your delusional little world. The rest of us will pass you by.
"All humans on earth are equally capable of becoming geniuses."

So what's holding you back, jon-forward?

Bully, I have the opportunity to deal with other races daily. Please check my location. Thank you!
"Their willingness to work for less is what the companies are looking for now."

Prostitutes' willingness to have sex for money is what johns are looking for now. Reduce humans to bottom lines and the bottom drops out. You lie when you say color and creed don't matter. Only the white fools believe this. The rest of the world knows otherwise, and too that whites don't get it, and they take full advantage. India is not America. The fact that third-worlders are "willing" to "work for less" is true, but that does not mean it's the moral choice. Corporate bosses get rich by giving jobs to Chinese and screw white families in the U.S. Tell me, avenger. If you made money off your sister being a whore, would that be right? After all, who cares? It's just two people performing a natural act. And it's just money. It's what the market calls for. It's the bottom line.
Jorge W. Bush's proposal is still floating, but it looks like Congress may just say no. Gee, wonder what got into them? Maybe the prospect of losing the ENTIRE DAMN CONGRESS to the Democrats, that's what. Here's my advice for Bush, Kerry, Edwards. Campaign on a promise to control immigration and keep American jobs here at home, and you'll win. Period. The War for Jews -- oops, I mean, the "War on Terror," is over. People are sick of it and want troops to come home.
In racially segregated territories, you wouldn't need white scholarships, black scholarships or anything like that. You'd just have "scholarships," which would go to people who worked hard and were smart and deserved them.

Gee. What a crazy idea. I must be a Nazi.
Segregated territories=Nazi or in the very least deranged racist. Willie thats never,ever going to happen in America, time to change boy.
Originally posted by William Joyce
Bully, I have the opportunity to deal with other races daily. Please check my location. Thank you!

Yes, but do you deal with everyone on so intimate a basis as I am called to do? Doubtful. If you did, you would understand how stupid, narrow and petty your understanding of the world really is.

You have my pity, you have my prayers.
That's funny. For the first hundred thousand years of racial existence, whites were segregated from blacks by the Sahara desert (or what became the Sahara desert). Whites were segregated from Asians by similar land stretches for lesser periods, but ones still lasting thousands of years.

Were pre-historic humans "racist"?
The next time you offer to pray for me, I will ask the One True God to strike the Bolt of Truth into your brain. Because pulp, sanctimoniousness is no substitute for thought. You Jesus freaks used to tell us that the Bible justified slavery. No you tell us that whites must die because Jesus said so. Excuse me if I disregard your nonsense.

Intimate. How's getting mugged? That was pretty fucking intimate. Shall we pray for the mugger? No. I think we should put a bullet in his brain.
Originally posted by William Joyce
The next time you offer to pray for me, I will ask the One True God to strike the Bolt of Truth into your brain. Because pulp, sanctimoniousness is no substitute for thought. You Jesus freaks used to tell us that the Bible justified slavery. No you tell us that whites must die because Jesus said so. Excuse me if I disregard your nonsense.

Intimate. How's getting mugged? That was pretty fucking intimate. Shall we pray for the mugger? No. I think we should put a bullet in his brain.

And which God might that be? Every religion throughout history has claimed their godhead to be the one and only...so who's right?

As for the mugging, I'm sorry you had to experience that. But to let that single encounter color your view of an entire race is irrational. It is called guilt by association, and is not a very sound basis for one's reasoning.

And, in case you hadn't realized it yet, I'm not a Christian. But I'll keep you in my prayers.
Originally posted by William Joyce
I see what's in front of my eyes. You choose not to. That makes you a fool.

I too see what's in front of my eyes, but we percieve very different things. You see mud-people...I see human beings.
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