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First of all I agree too, but I do take issue with one thing. Parents must have the right to choose whether or not their child can attend sex education classes in school. Parents must have the ultimate say in how children are raised (other than child abuse, obviously) !
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Parents don't even explain a man and a woman having sex to their children let alone same-gendered couples. And God (whichever you prefer) forbid the subject of sex should be broached in any sensible manner in the schools.

As for honesty...Are you even honest with yourself? No, you cannot even engage in honest self-examination. It's far too painful for you. For what its worth, you have my pity and my prayers.

when I tell my son that Uncle Willy is funny and to not be alone with him, he understands.Uncle Willy isnt a Clown. being gay is not the norm,
This is very true, but, again, there are a lot of parents that for some reason are too embarrassed or not comfortable in talking to their kids about sex or drugs, if they can't, then why not a school? maybe a parent should be aware of it, but I think it's still better than them going out on their own. Today, kids are starting not only sex early, but drugs as well. I have seen and talked to kids that have had their first drag of pot at the young age of 9, my Son is 9, and I will be damned if I am going to allow it. Parents today, NEED to talk to their children, as well as, listen!!! of course, this really has nothing to do with Racism, but it was brought up.
Janeen I agree with you. All I ask is that the school inform parents what is taught in their sex ed classes and let the parents decide if the child can attend.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Parents don't even explain a man and a woman having sex to their children let alone same-gendered couples. And God (whichever you prefer) forbid the subject of sex should be broached in any sensible manner in the schools.

So, there are NO parents talking to their kids about sex, and you think anal sex between two men should be taught in school.

Nice world you want.
Originally posted by Big D
So, there are NO parents talking to their kids about sex, and you think anal sex between two men should be taught in school.

Nice world you want.

Hmm...Don't think I ever mentioned that. How you draw your inferences is beyond me, but considering how misguided your views in general are, it really shouldn't surprise me
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Parents don't even explain a man and a woman having sex to their children let alone same-gendered couples. And God (whichever you prefer) forbid the subject of sex should be broached in any sensible manner in the schools.
This what you wrote, that parents don't talk to their kids about straight or homosexual sex, and that schools should teach it.

Hey have you seen OCA?
Originally posted by OCA
Again I repeat if you lump everybody together into races, of course there is going to be an order, just like in sports. Not everybody scores the exact same on the test just like if you have 16 game season not every team goes 8-8.

So show us what the score is,
Anything, anyway, anykind of test in anywhere in the world.

Lets take Asians and Blacks two minoritys in the USA, what is the score?

You show me any kind of educational test about anything SAT, IQ, goverment jobs, cooking, fireman, doctor, lawyer, carpet cleaning, math, spelling, african history, shoe shining, I don't care what it is any test of anykind about anything.
Show us a test that blacks out perfrom Asians in, no wait, a test that blacks score equal to Asians in, no wait, A test that blacks even score close to Asians. Ya, thats it, any test of anykind in anyway about anything where blacks score just even close to that of Asians.

Show us what the score is:
Anything, anyway anykind of crime that asians commit more than blacks?

I don't care what kind of crime it is, murder, rape to much MSG's, assult, bank robbery, riding a bike to fast, anything, anykind, anyway show us a crime that asians commit more then blacks, no wait, just show us a crime that Asians commit the same as blacks, no wait, just show us a crime of anykind, anywhere in anyway where Asians and blacks even come close to commiting at the same rate.

I tell you what, you find anything of anykind of whatever that shows blacks and Asians prefrom close to the same on anything and I mean anything.

I don't care what it is, raising a family, driving a car, eating, drinking, having the same pets, watching TV, I don't care, anything?
Again I repeat that tests and studies are not needed to prove common sense and rational thinking. Is it only you on this board that doesn't realize that as a human being you are a scumbag?

I really, when I stop and think about it, don't think you believe 1 word you say. You just do it to piss people off and have something to argue about, come on and tell the truth. In 2004 its not possible to have somebody so backward and gullible in what he reads and believes.
OCA....seems like the NUMBers may have got to him......I prefer to base decisions on a personal basis not as a group.....he just dont seem to get it..
Originally posted by Big D
This what you wrote, that parents don't talk to their kids about straight or homosexual sex, and that schools should teach it.

Yes, schools should teach children about sex in a sane and sensible manner. Schools should also be teaching children to think and reason rather than memorize and regurgitate. If they did teach kids how to reason soundly there would be fewer people harboring the nonsensical and half-baked notions you and your chums have about race.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Yes, schools should teach children about sex in a sane and sensible manner. Schools should also be teaching children to think and reason rather than memorize and regurgitate. If they did teach kids how to reason soundly there would be fewer people harboring the nonsensical and half-baked notions you and your chums have about race.

Is there a place that pays more attention to racial differences then the public school system?

Interacial busing, was in affect in hopes that the attitudes and character of white kids would somehow influence black kids behaviour and grades to improve.

Gifted programs, a IQ of 115 for blacks and a IQ of 130 for whites is required to be considered gifted in public schools.

Need I list all the classes, clubs, events and programs that are all based only on race in the public school system?

Do you know the teaching requirements public school teachers must have for black history this month?
Originally posted by Big D
Is there a place that pays more attention to racial differences then the public school system?

Interacial busing, was in affect in hopes that the attitudes and character of white kids would somehow influence black kids behaviour and grades to improve.

Gifted programs, a IQ of 115 for blacks and a IQ of 130 for whites is required to be considered gifted in public schools.

Need I list all the classes, clubs, events and programs that are all based only on race in the public school system?

Do you know the teaching requirements public school teachers must have for black history this month?

Why does it all boil down to race for you? Were you teased and tormented by a black children?...Or were you just teased and tormented by everyone?

Either way, racism is simply a means of hiding your own inadequacies and fears from yourself and others. You truly do have my pity...And I do pray for you each day. Go in peace.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
Why does it all boil down to race for you? Were you teased and tormented by a black children?...Or were you just teased and tormented by everyone?

Either way, racism is simply a means of hiding your own inadequacies and fears from yourself and others. You truly do have my pity...And I do pray for you each day. Go in peace.
And how about yourself? Were you teased by a bunch of republicans?

It is amazing that you think there is no differences in race,
but you really belive there is a difference between democrats and republicans.
Originally posted by Big D
And how about yourself? Were you teased by a bunch of republicans?

It is amazing that you think there is no differences in race,
but you really belive there is a difference between democrats and republicans.

Actually, there isn't any difference between Republicrats and Demopublicans. They're simply opposite sides of the same debased coin.
D you remind me of a fish when its boated flopping around trying to desperately get back in the water, only you are about the only fish swimming in your waters. Face it you are marginalized by just about everything you post here. For your info. the post about teaching anal sex is what finally did it, that was the ranting of a crazed mind and I don't even support sex ed in schools. WOW! :cuckoo:
"I believe that every single individual born on this earth has the capability to develop great intelligence."

OCA, nothing that followed this sentence was evidence in response to my question. You merely reiterated the environmental view of intelligence, which has been discredited by all the field as the sole source.

Now, you BELIEVE that every single individual "has the capability" to develop great intelligence. Really? All humans on earth are equally capable of becoming geniuses?

Again. What makes you think this is so?
It's time for you to be chained, period. Why shouldn't white gentile people direct their own destiny? Why should we have to house blacks, feed Hispanics and fight Jewish wars? None of these groups care about white people. They just want the quality of life we can provide. We're just an ATM for them to spit on after they take the cash out.

That's the big lie of "diversity." Other groups don't REALLY care about "diversity," they just want their own group to do well, and damn the rest. Whites, meanwhile, think it means we'll all sing along together. Whites are dead wrong about this, as more and more are discovering.
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