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I want to support Israel just to have a democratic ally in the region for our nation.

I think we should cut them a little slack considering what happened to them in WWII? Wouldn't you be paranoid too? Villainizing jews is the same as villainizing success, it's the m.o. of the fearful and insecure. Why do you think Hitler chose jews to villainize? Because they were successful. Envy is an easy emotion to whip up.

If jews want us to support israel why does it seem most of them are liberals? Liberals are against the support of israel. Right?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
And what was your scientific reason for dismissing them?

No definite causal relations have been found between levels of testosterone and aggressive behavior in humans. Studies suggest high testosterone levels are but one of many factors resulting in aggressive behavior, but they do nothing more than suggest.

Big D's assertions are, as I said earlier, pseudo-scientific B.S. spun by racists to dehumanize the targets of their hatred. I truly do pity Big D and others holding similar views. They live their lives afraid of the monster under the bed, but in the end it is they who are the monsters. I will keep Big D in my prayers.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
No definite causal relations have been found between levels of testosterone and aggressive behavior in humans. Studies suggest high testosterone levels are but one of many factors resulting in aggressive behavior, but they do nothing more than suggest.

Big D's assertions are, as I said earlier, pseudo-scientific B.S. spun by racists to dehumanize the targets of their hatred. I truly do pity Big D and others holding similar views. They live their lives afraid of the monster under the bed, but in the end it is they who are the monsters. I will keep Big D in my prayers.

But are there correlations?
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
You know william, what you do is the same thing that collectivisits liberals want to do. They look at groups only and ignore individuals. Quit acting like a liberal.

No sane, healthy society can exist with total disregard for the individuals who are its constitutents any more than individuals can meaningfully exist in total disregard of the society in which they live. To have any meaning or relevance at all, the rights and needs of both the individual and society must exist in a dynamic equilibrium, with neither sacrificed in the name of the other.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
But are there correlations?

A 1997 review of research literature shows no evidence of a relationship between testosterone and aggressive behavior.

<center><IMG src=http://vig-fp.prenhall.com/coverimage/0130974544.jpg></center>
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
A 1997 review of research literature shows no evidence of a relationship between testosterone and aggressive behavior.

The amount of evidence linking testosterone to violent behaviour is overwelming, why do you think men commit more violent crime then women?

There are thousands of medical links that support this:

"The key to this study is it shows testosterone is linked to dominance in both criminal behavior and behavior in prison," says Dr. James Dabbs, a professor of psychology at Georgia State University and lead researcher on the project.

The findings, by Dabbs and Marian Hargrove, are similar to those in studies of male prisoners. This indicates testosterone's effects on behavior are the same in women as in men, says Dabbs. Testosterone levels were highest among male inmates convicted of violent crimes such as rape, homicide and assault. These men also violated more prison rules. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/1997/09/970927110900.htm

One study, published in the 1993 issue of Criminology by Alan Booth and D. Wayne Osgood, showed clear evidence of a testosterone-crime link based on an analysis of 4,462 U.S. military personnel. Other studies have linked testosterone to an aggressive and impulsive personality, to a lack of empathy, and to sexual behavior. Testosterone levels explain why young men are disproportionately represented in crime statistics relative to young women, and why younger people are more trouble-prone than older people. Testosterone reliably differentiates the sexes and is known to decline with age.

Ethnic differences exist in average level of testosterone. Studies show 3 to 19 percent more testosterone in black college students and military veterans than in their white counterparts. Studies among the Japanese show a correspondingly lower amount of testosterone than among white Americans. Medical research has focused on cancer of the prostate, one determinant of which is testosterone. Black men have higher rates of prostate cancer than do white men who in turn have higher rates than do Oriental men.
Originally posted by OCA
So whats your point with all your bullshit statistics D? I mean what in your mind would be a viable and workable solution to race relations in this country? Now don't give me a white country in the north and everybody else in the south or we deport all non whites because YOU KNOW that will never, ever happen here. Enough of the crap, just give me solutions.

I guess I don't get an answer or is it that there really isn't a problem so no answer is needed?
...That report is about testosterone and aggression in female inmates in a maximum security prison. The results garnered from this sample population can in no way be generalized to the population as a whole. Nor can its results be used to draw causal links between testosterone levels and aggressive behavior in African-American, or any other, males. Your argument just fell flat on its face...Again.
I did not answer your question because you claim that the stats that I have produced were "bullshit" yet you have not been able to disprove any.

My point in all of this is to make people more aware. It has been getting old to say that all the problems that blacks have are because of whites. I belive there are other reasons, and these other reasons should be focused on more.
Originally posted by Big D
I did not answer your question because you claim that the stats that I have produced were "bullshit" yet you have not been able to disprove any.

My point in all of this is to make people more aware. It has been getting old to say that all the problems that blacks have are because of whites. I belive there are other reasons, and these other reasons should be focused on more.

The only thing you're making others aware of old son is your own ignorance. So just let it go...If you don't the fear will eat you alive. I will keep you in my prayers.
You don't have an answer is why you didn't put one. As for your stats, they all come from suspect sources. Listen, the reason a very small minority of Americans agre with you is simply because your ideas are outlandish and unrealistic. You lump ALL people of a race into one character trait and that simply is false and a sign of fear in rational thinking peoples books. You fear what is different and these crazy stats such as the ones from the fascist Rushton make you feel good because deep down you know you are wrong.

Where are the subjects by the way for the fascist rushton's studies? Who were they and what tests did he have access to? You know that he simply twists results to support his and his funders own racist views right?

You ask about studies to disprove these stats and I say when has a study been needed to prove common sense and rational thinking?

I'm going to give you one last ounce of credit although I don't know why, you do know that you are on the outer fringes of society politically and your views will never see the light of day right? :cof:
"You lump ALL people of a race into one character trait and that simply is false"


We are talking about generalities here. Does logic allow for them?

And, are you proposing that Rushton is incorrect? Please explain how, and what studies you cite in opposition, please.
Check his sources of funding which makes his results automatically suspect and rational thinking and common sense don't need studies. Come on Willie put down Mein Kampf and stay up with the rest of us.

Also the common statement between you and Dave Duke is that Blacks have a lower intellectual capacity than, well according to you guys everybody else. Thats not lumping all people of a race into one character trait? That they are less intelligent? You have never said a few blacks or some blacks and you are too smart to come out and say all although you know thats what you think.
I believe that every single individual born on this earth has the capability to develop great intelligence. Some of us are exposed to different opportunities and different levels of education growing up which allow our minds to expand more than somebody who doesn't have the same. Just like i've said before take this analogy: The whites of Appalachia,some of the poorest, most ignorant folks in this nation but they are white. Blacks who grow up in Beverly Hills with state of art education and live in mansions but they are black. According to you guys blacks are less intelligent than whites. Am I supposed to believe that Jimbo in the hills is more intelligent than Rodney from Beverly Hills just because he's white? Its all opportunity and access my friend but if you don't believe me take a little trip through the backwoods of West Virginia and Kentucky, I have and its frightening. Somewhere along the line you bought into this notion of race determines everything, its so bad that you can't discuss issues rationally without interjecting race into it, its making you irrelevant here.
"Why do you think Hitler chose jews to villainize? Because they were successful. Envy is an easy emotion to whip up."

I don't see it that way. I wouldn't say that a bank robber should be richer than I am because he's shown the initiative to buy a gun and stick it in the teller's face. Or that black slaves ought not worry about their situation because their white slavemasters were simply "more successful."

All I ask is that America return to white gentile, and not Jewish, control. Why shouldn't my people direct their own destiny?

back to the scholarship. if its for real, how far do you think it will get before there are lawsuits
I was in Clarksville Tn today beating the bushes for work....This city sets on the border of Kentucky. At the job shop this fellow walks in, walks right to the head of the line and in a loud voice[almost a yell] announced that he was there for his job. Poor bastard was from Kentucky...think Jethro from the beverly hillbillies and you are scary close... I had to fight back the laughter....I didnt know wether to feel sorry for him...or run. male caucasian, about 25ish....fresh from the hills
Originally posted by OCA
Again I repeat if you lump everybody together into races, of course there is going to be an order, just like in sports. Not everybody scores the exact same on the test just like if you have 16 game season not every team goes 8-8.

So show us what the score is,
Anything, anyway, anykind of test in anywhere in the world.

Lets take Asians and Blacks two minoritys in the USA, what is the score?

You show me any kind of educational test about anything SAT, IQ, goverment jobs, cooking, fireman, doctor, lawyer, carpet cleaning, math, spelling, african history, shoe shining, I don't care what it is any test of anykind about anything.
Show us a test that blacks out perfrom Asians in, no wait, a test that blacks score equal to Asians in, no wait, A test that blacks even score close to Asians. Ya, thats it, any test of anykind in anyway about anything where blacks score just even close to that of Asians.

Show us what the score is:
Anything, anyway anykind of crime that asians commit more than blacks?

I don't care what kind of crime it is, murder, rape to much MSG's, assult, bank robbery, riding a bike to fast, anything, anykind, anyway show us a crime that asians commit more then blacks, no wait, just show us a crime that Asians commit the same as blacks, no wait, just show us a crime of anykind, anywhere in anyway where Asians and blacks even come close to commiting at the same rate.

I tell you what, you find anything of anykind of whatever that shows blacks and Asians prefrom close to the same on anything and I mean anything.

I don't care what it is, raising a family, driving a car, eating, drinking, having the same pets, watching TV, I don't care, anything?
Originally posted by William Joyce
According to you, blacks are as smart as whites.

What makes you think so?

I work with minorities of all colors on a daily basis. Their nursing skills and knowledge are every bit as sharp as any other nurse I have ever worked with. The same applies to the minority physicians I work with. Now tell me...Sweet William...Are you going to tell the admissions clerk at your local hospital that you don't want a black, or some "dirty furriner" caring for you during your hospitalization? Good luck.

Your "evidence", as I keep saying, is pseudo-scientific bullshit. It cannot stand the light of scrutiny. Your views are harmful, they are wrong, they serve no real purpose. It is time to lay them aside as a child lays aside its toys, or its security blanket, as it grows to adulthood.

I will keep you in my prayers.
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