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...Big D and Sweet William have so utterly de-humanized minorities in their own minds that they really don't see them as human beings. This is why they rely so heavily on pseudo-scientific studies and web-links. This "evidence" is how they attempt to convince others that the objects of their revulsion are less than human. It is classic propaganda.

We saw it in the South in the years between Reconstruction and the civil rights era. More recently it was used in Rwanda, and let's not forget how propaganda was used to dehumanize European Jews.

I pity them both...they will face judgement one day, either their own or that of whatever higher power they might believe in. I hope they are not judged too harshly. I will keep them in my prayers.
Well thats a good thing but maybe they will take a nice ass whipping from one of these inferiors they keep talking about. Can't say I wouldn't get a kick out of that.

Or in the case of Willie he gets a nice boss or some sort of superior in his life named Shlomo Glickstein.
BTW - are you serious about the draft comments? That bill died in Congress last February, and Bush has no plans to implement it.

Unfortunately, I am serious. I have many friends that are still in the Army from when I was in (they are getting close to retirement now), and they all state that the military is starting to hurt in terms of manpower.

During WWII, we had to send millions of men to fight the war so everybody felt a sense of duty. Today, our military is so advanced, that we can do so much more with so much less, therefore, many in the civilian world feel no sense of duty as millions are not marching off to war. That is why there are so many immigrants in the military. The majority of them (liberals will argue with you about this, but it is true), serve out of a sense of "owing" this country. Most American teenagers don't feel they owe this country anything (we all owe our forefathers for their past deeds, so in my opinion, we ALL owe this country something) and therefore, the thought of the military horrifies them.

I agree with rtw and I proffered the idea on a local radio talk show. Let the immigrants come if they want, but require them to serve to years in the military to "earn" their citizenship. Once they serve their term, we should give them automatic citizenship as in my opinion, they will have earned it.

Back to the thought about the draft....

If the war on terror spreads, lets say to Syria, Sudan, Iran or North Korea, there is NO way we can fight the war without the draft. The reenlistment rate is taking a beating right now and it might be the only way to shore up our military. Yes, we can do more with less these days, but at the same time, without a well trained military in reserve to protect the USA, we are a sitting duck.

Don't forget that we were not ready for two world wars and it took massive drafts and years of training for us to be ready to fight. If you look at WWII alone, you will see that it was many years after we entered the war before we really were able to put the boots on the ground to win the war. The main reason we didn't invade Europe until 1944 was because it took us three years to prepare our troops. I don't think we can take that chance in today's world as the weapons are different and the enemies are too!

One last point.... The Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, strictly limits the military’s ability to participate in domestic law enforcement (border patrol?). The Posse Comitatus—or “force of the country”—legislation was enacted at the end of the post-Civil War Reconstruction period, when the US military oversaw civil rule in states of the former Confederacy. The law has not been fundamentally amended since, and any changes would require Congressional approval.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
...Big D and Sweet William have so utterly de-humanized minorities in their own minds that they really don't see them as human beings. This is why they rely so heavily on pseudo-scientific studies and web-links. This "evidence" is how they attempt to convince others that the objects of their revulsion are less than human. It is classic propaganda.

We saw it in the South in the years between Reconstruction and the civil rights era. More recently it was used in Rwanda, and let's not forget how propaganda was used to dehumanize European Jews.

I pity them both...they will face judgement one day, either their own or that of whatever higher power they might believe in. I hope they are not judged too harshly. I will keep them in my prayers.

OOOO, the great words from the know it all buddist zen master.

I notice you compleatly ignored the facts about testosterone levels in blacks, after you said it was untrue.
(light insence)
But, thats OK, because you are the great know it all see it all buddist zen master, you are on a much higher plane then the rest of us.
I await your next great words:

Here's a flip on the script y'all. If we can suck it up and just compete with all these people rushing in, and start corporations of our own, utilizing the human capital in some profitable capacity, we will ensure American global dominance for the next millenium. europe is kicking them out from fear and the discomfort of the middle class, but if instead of fear we react with new visions for the future, it'll be all good, yo.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Problem: Mexicans in Mexico earn less money and benefits than mexicans in the US. Therefore, it is cheaper for Corps. to hire Mexicans in Mexico than to hire them in the US. The corporation that tries to make use of the potential labour force provided by immigrants to the US are at a disadvantage to corps that use the potential labour force in Mexico. What you suggest would require Corps. not to be singularly motivated by their bottom line: what you suggest is fundamentally SOCIALIST.

Don't worry, take a couple asprin and get plenty of rest. I expect you'll wake up tomorrow feeling more yourself.
Originally posted by Big D
I notice you compleatly ignored the facts about testosterone levels in blacks, after you said it was untrue.
(light insence)
But, thats OK, because you are the great know it all see it all buddist zen master, you are on a much higher plane then the rest of us.
I await your next great words:

No, I didn't ignore them...I examined them and dismissed them. Excess testosterone is also linked to male-pattern baldness.

Zen?...nah, Tibetan Buddhism. A master?...Not by a long shot. Just a bit more aware of my flaws than most.

You have my pity, I'll keep you in my prayers.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
No, I didn't ignore them...I examined them and dismissed them.[/B]

And what was your scientific reason for dismissing them?
Originally posted by Bry
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Problem: Mexicans in Mexico earn less money and benefits than mexicans in the US. Therefore, it is cheaper for Corps. to hire Mexicans in Mexico than to hire them in the US. The corporation that tries to make use of the potential labour force provided by immigrants to the US are at a disadvantage to corps that use the potential labour force in Mexico. What you suggest would require Corps. not to be singularly motivated by their bottom line: what you suggest is fundamentally SOCIALIST.

Don't worry, take a couple asprin and get plenty of rest. I expect you'll wake up tomorrow feeling more yourself.

Nope. I'm a globalization obsessed true neocon. Detested by the left and the right.

Utilizing mexicans IN MEXICO would require buildouts of new facilities. In the long term, for some business models, this makes sense. Their willingness to work for less is what the companies are looking for now. The bottom line judges men not for color or creed.
And he has said he will give back the money if it people want him too.

You know william, there are good honest, non racially motivated people of all races. And there are racists in all races.

And if the jews really are in charge of the new world order, they've already won and you might as well just get over it and kiss their hymie asses, like a good little caucasian mutt.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
You know william, there are good honest, non racially motivated people of all races.

Don't tell him that!! You'll shatter his world view!!! And what would he do if he couldn't spew his vile hatred of all things non-heterosexual white male?
You know william, what you do is the same thing that collectivisits liberals want to do. They look at groups only and ignore individuals. Quit acting like a liberal.

Oh, when I stepped out for lunch, jew miss me?
"they've already won and you might as well just get over it and kiss their hymie asses, like a good little caucasian mutt."

That's the most honest thing I have seen posted on this board since I've been here. If I knew what was good for me, I'd do exactly as you advise.

But, I guess I'd rather go down in flames.
Originally posted by William Joyce
"they've already won and you might as well just get over it and kiss their hymie asses, like a good little caucasian mutt."

That's the most honest thing I have seen posted on this board since I've been here. If I knew what was good for me, I'd do exactly as you advise.

But, I guess I'd rather go down in flames.

If it is true. They've already won the brass ring, But they'll always need butlers.

What is the best site for evidence of the zionist conspiracy? seriously. I want to check it out.
Willie even the hard core right in here is beginning to turn on you, WOW!

Also make that link to Zionist world domination from a disinterested 3rd party and not the Church Of The Creator or National Socialist Party Of America.
Most racialists don't believe in a "Zionist conspiracy," but rather a concerted effort on the part of Jews in America and elsewhere to support Israel. Can't say that's such an outrageous thing. Do you think otherwise? The problem is that while Jews support a racially exclusive Israel, they push for a multiracial U.S. --- both with a mind to the security of Jews. Well, that is natural for a group to pursue its own interests, but the big lie is that nobody else's interests are affected. Of course they are!

If you interested, there is a trilogy of books written by a University of California professor named Kevin MacDonald. The books are

1. "A People That Shall Dwell Alone"
2. "Separation and its Discontents"
3. "Culture of Critique"

They lay out that Jews and Judaism are an "evolutionary group strategy," meaning that they have evolved over the ages to survive by infiltrating and destabilizing host societies (Europe and the U.S.), that they practice significant deception, and that they are highly cohesive and cooperative. All of this has been tremendously successful. They have survived as a genetically distinct group for several thousand years. Other societies have risen and fallen and they have kept on going. The objection white nationalists have is that Jews operate as they do without regard to the welfare of the host populations.
You're right, many groups band together for their survival. But how exactly do jews destabilize society? From what I have seen, they're always law-abiding, civil, hardworking, and tend toward the various professions. Being competent, hardworking, and getting along with other, is the evolutionary group stategy we all should strive for, isnt it?
They are everything you say and more. That is why folks are shocked to hear the "MacDonald" analysis (his last book was reviewed by NR's John Derbyshire in The American Conservative, if you're interested in a quick rundown.)

But it remains that, acting as a group, they were THE force behind the 1965 Immigration Act, which changed America from being more than 90 percent white to coming up on less than 50 percent white. They did this, by their own admission, to prevent another "Nazi" uprising. But, how has it affected whites? We now have a country about to turn into a third world nation, and for their benefit? When America is ruined, they'll just leave it and find another project. They are also THE force behind trouble in the Middle East and U.S. involvement.

On a more academic level, Jews have, through academic and intellectual movements, succeeded in convincing us all that "race does not exist" (Franz Boas), that white behavior is inherently evil (Freud), and other mental toyings. These men did these things with a mind to Jewish interests. It is all documented.
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